Chapter 130

“Yes sir. See you there.”

– Wait a minute!

I was about to hang up the phone, but when I heard a call for me, I brought the receiver back to my ear.


-… … .

“Tell me Mr. Winter.”

-No. see you there

After hanging up, I took a taxi and headed there.

The store was located near Hongdae.

After getting out of the taxi, I walked into a familiar alley and found a cute wooden signboard at a dead end inside.

[Lion and Fish]

It was a bar that I got to know her through the middle of winter, and I visited her several times after breaking up with her.

After the last visit in the winter of 2014 in a previous life, the store disappears.

As the neighborhood grew more and more prosperous, the store could not withstand the ever-rising Gagesse, and the store closed.

And our memories disappeared together.

Looking back at the store that existed in my memory in front of me, I was sad and happy.

Looking at the dimly lit interior, the middle of winter is sitting in the window seat where we always sat.

When I opened the door and entered, she looked a little startled.

It was a shop that only people I knew visited, so there were always not many customers.

The inside of the store was as I knew it.

The owner, with a beard that was bloated like a piece of equipment, greeted him with a hoarse voice.

President Choi Moo-Gyeok.

“welcome! Did you come alone?”

“I have a party.”

“Ah yes. Then sit down. I’ll go take my order in a little bit.”


After visiting this store, he becomes very close with President Choi Mu-gyeok.

Even when midwinter broke up with me and I stopped visiting her, I often stopped by because of my close acquaintance with President Choi Mu-Gyeok.

He has a good personality, listens to his worries well, and does not spare any advice for it, so he used to serve as a mentor in my life.

Even when President Choi Mu-gyeok closed the store and moved to a distant place, he would sometimes come here and stand for a while to see the store changed to another store and then return.

Just standing and looking at this place and reminiscing about it gave me a lot of comfort in my heart.

“He was already here.”

“Yeah. It’s close to my house here. By the way… … .”

She blurs the tip of her words.

“Oh, no.”

She speaks her words.

“Then why did you want to see me? I hope you apologized yesterday. But is kissing an apology?”


“Apologies again. I don’t understand why you have to apologize like this before you even start. I definitely thought we were both attracted.”

“… … .”

Midwinter has always been honest.

The words that popped into his head were not wrapped around them, but rather were spoken as they were.

I liked that, but this also became a reason for frequent fights later.

Isn’t that what love is?

Things that are good at the beginning often turn into bad points towards the end of a relationship.

“I am well aware of Mr. Midwinter.”

She decided to be honest with her.

Believe it or not.

Even if you thought I was crazy, I thought I couldn’t help it.

But she thought being honest was a courtesy to my first love.

“I thought so. I did. Your eyes are the eyes that know me inside and out. Since when did you stalk me?”

“I don’t know you that way.”

“… … ?”

“I loved you.”

Without hesitation I brought out the words I had been holding back for a long time.

Even after breaking up with Midwinter, regretting it like that, and marrying someone else.

I’ve always had the urge to run to say this.

“love… … did you? Why the past tense?”

As always, I open my eyes and stare.

He always caught my gaze with those intense eyes so that I could not turn my eyes away.

“If we start dating from today, we will love each other very passionately and hate each other that much, and then we will break up.”

“This time, it’s the future type again. Aren’t you sick somewhere?”

As I looked at my face reflected in the window without shaking, I continued what I had to say.

“If you feel uncomfortable, you can just get up and leave. I might not look normal to Mr. Midwinter’s eyes.”

“So! Why is it that the expression and appearance are fine, but the words are not?”

“I am here today to say a complete farewell to Mr. After today, I plan to erase Midwinter’s seeds from my mind.”

“When did we ever fall in love? Are you going to say goodbye?”

“I don’t think I will ever think of Ms. Mid-winter when we fall in love next time.”

“I can’t hear it anymore. It’s okay to make fun of people.”

Midwinter jumped up from his seat.

She thought it would be over if she broke up like this now, but she couldn’t hear her open her door and go out.

She turned around and saw her standing with her back to me.

“But how did you know? This store. I never gave you the location.”

“This is the place you taught me in a past life. It’s also a place that became our hiding place while we were dating.”

“I’m… … student… … Is it?”

“Yes, my previous life.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. hit it like that So how do we make love? How do you break up? Let’s listen to that absurd story.”

She came back to me and sat down.

No longer looking directly at my face, he was staring at my reflection in the window.

“Like you said, we’re crazy about each other the first time we meet. The first day we met, we kissed hot, and soon after, we spent our first night together.”

When I reached out and placed her hand on the windowpane, the images in my memory unfolded like a movie.

“Hey, what is this?”

He looked back at me with a slightly surprised expression, then looked back at the customer behind him and President Choi Mu-gyeok, who was taking orders.

Of course, they couldn’t see this video.

It was to be shown as a dream of my magic sunflower.

Midwinter turned his head back to the window.

Her images were gathered together as I looked at her through my eyes.

At first she looked at me with her most loving eyes, but as the video progressed, she became expressionless, and as the video progressed, her face filled with anger and hatred of me.

Because the video was so vivid, tears welled up in her eyes.

“Hey, I don’t know what this is. Are you telling me to believe this?”

“It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not.”

“Then what is important? Even if you say you know our future. You can ignore the love that will never come true anyway. You can skip me and meet the person who says you are going to marry me.”

“If we don’t do this, we will meet again. Something is going to keep pulling us.”

At my words, she stopped talking.

There was silence between us.

In the store, the sad piano prelude of Eddie Higgins’ trio ‘I’ll wait for you’ flows, but the tempo changes and it turns into a trio performance.

That music was the favorite music of President Mu-Gyeok Choi, whom you can listen to more than once a day when you come to this store, and we also fell in love with it.

After a long silence, she opened her mouth.

“Huhu. Maybe it is. I’ve been holding back from wanting to run to you since that day. I’ve never been like this before… … I went to the closing ceremony today as well, and I chose not to go at all because I thought I would not be able to stand it if I saw you. But when I got a call from you, I thought I couldn’t do it anymore. By the way… … .”

“… … Sorry.”

“It’s good though. I think the way you look at me in the future shows how much you loved me. I can see with your eyes that I am so beautiful and shining. Even when I’m mad at you.”

“I really loved it. And now it is a complete farewell.”

“Me too. Clearer than any word of refusal, more painful than stabbing, and yet ecstatic.”

After saying those words, Midwinter got up from his seat and looked around the store slowly.

When President Choi Mu-Gyeok made eye contact with her, he smiled lightly and greeted each other.

“I don’t think I’ll ever come to this store again. It has already faded into a memory.”

As she tried to walk towards her door, I opened my mouth again.

“You… … .”

A midwinter that stops walking.

“… … Meet other people and live happier than anyone else. Anyone who sees it will be jealous.”

In her previous life, she had seen from a distance walking with her husband and children, whom she later married.

“You… … It would be.”

In the middle of winter, you open the door and go outside.

As I entered the yard in front of the store, I stopped for a moment.

It wasn’t even looking back.

At that time, green buds began to appear one by one from the snow piled up in the yard, and in an instant, a green garden was formed.

After looking at the scene as if surprised, midwinter looked back at me.

I smile a little and walk out of the garden.

Have you seen this sight?

President Choi Mu-gyeok, who was serving, screams and runs outside.

“Uh, what is that? What is this in the middle of winter?”

Seeing that, I quickly shouted a retrieval spell, and the green garden vanished in an instant.

When President Choi Mu-gyeok opened the door, the garden had turned into a dreary winter.

“what? Did I get it wrong?”

Choi Mu-gyeok, who came in after closing the door again, approached me.

“Have you not seen it? I think it was just like the flowers blooming in the garden a while ago.”

“Oh, no.”

I peeled off the shichimi.(Read more @

“You really haven’t seen it?”


“Oh, that’s strange.”

President Choi Mu-gyeok tilted his head.

“Oh, did you order?”

“No, not yet. Is there any craft beer that the owner makes himself? Give me that.”

“Uh, how did you know that? It’s not for sale, it’s only given to friends.”

“I think we will become acquaintances soon.”

“Hey, without my permission? I don’t make acquaintances.”

“You’ll know when you see it.”

“Hmm, anyway, today is a special offer. It’s probably because I broke up with him earlier.”

“It was a complete breakup.”

“Isn’t parting all perfect?”

“It wasn’t perfect until now.”

“Hmm, you are a strange person. I am getting more and more curious.”

President Moo-Gyeok Choi was a collector of unusual people.

If he wanted to have unusual people among the guests, he would immediately start making acquaintances.

So, while I was here, I seem to have met all the unusual people in Korea.

‘Perhaps, if you meet Osara, Ariel, and Aides, you will be very happy.’

After a while, President Choi Mu-gyeok handed out a craft beer that he had made himself.

He looked at the place where the sips were lit and the midwinter had disappeared.

‘Sunflower Dream!’

When she casts a magic spell, she repeatedly sees her walking through the garden in the middle of winter.

Even the last smile you gave me.

Eddie Higgins’ ‘I’ll Wait for You’ started playing again.

“Do you know this song? It was in the movie The Umbrella of Cherbourg.”

President Choi Mu-gyeok brings him snacks and asks.

Even in his previous life, President Choi Mu-gyeok began to become close with me while talking about this song.

“Yes, I saw it.”

After that, we talked for a while.

In the yard, the midwinter still leaves me repeatedly.

How long does it have to be to leave me for a ‘complete breakup’?

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