Chapter 120

When he took out the sun gloves and stroked Ariel’s body, his hair quickly dried and swelled up.

“It dries up quickly. By the way, without Undine, I would have died.”

[Undine is really the best.]

“Is Undine dragging that demonic water earlier?”

“Yeah, I’m a water fairy.”

“Ohh… … .”

The storm passed, and when we came out, a forest swept away by the waters and messed up awaited us.

It was an uprooted tree, and the flowers looked miserable.

“Leave it to me!”

“I’ll help too.”

When I wake up, Osara also follows him, pounding his chest, and uses his telekinesis to lift the tree up and plant it right in the ground.

“Oh, come on. You have the ability.”

Osara showing thumbs up.

As I stretched out my arms as if to command, the fallen plants stood upright and took root again.

However, because the water is swept away, it grows better.

As we went to the river, I saw Undine returning after sending the Wetter away.

“Undine, you did a good job. Thanks.”

“I survived thanks to you.”

Oh Sara raises her thumb towards Undine, and Undine waves her hand in response, then dives into the river and disappears.

“By the way, where did the water go? You’re not coming back, are you?”

“No. Maybe go far and make the sea somewhere? Even the name of Poseidon, the god of the sea, means ‘wetter’.”

“Oh, isn’t that good? The sea is an essential part of the earth. Adversity is not necessarily a bad thing.”

“right. If we win, the forest will grow like this.”

When I got to the top of the wisteria and looked out over the horizon, the forest had grown so large that I could no longer see the mold forest.

Even the dark and dreary city had turned blue.

“Let’s plant camellias and go to the city today.”


Ariel approached her side and nodded her head.

We found a vacant lot and planted camellia seedlings.

As I stroked it with a sun glove, the camellia grew and bloomed, spreading the seeds, and quickly made a camellia flower garden.

“Oh, that’s really cool. In the magical forest, anything grows well. It’s like watching a videotape quickly.”

Osara is admiring all day long.

“Once upon a time, my owner, the apartment manager, used to watch a movie on video and watch it in double-deck when bored. I’m having fun watching it. Oh, I need to get revenge for Old Man Choi. Being in the magic forest, I keep forgetting about it. Annam-kun, when do you have time? You agreed to help.”

“Okay. just speak Vengeance is my strength.”

“So am I. But it’s weird. Isn’t it a little cold?”

Oh Sara trembled as she gathered her arms and stroked her forearm.

She’s already shivering with the exception of her dead body Ai Death and hairy Ariel.

My arm, which was wearing her short-sleeved t-shirt, also had chicken skin.

“It’s true. The temperature around here has dropped sharply. It’s like winter.”

[I’m just fine. Cool and nice.]

Ariel jumped in, and she walked around, admiring the beautiful camellia.

Clouds of rain come in, and when it rains, it turns into snow and scatters.

Then the letters are scrolled in front of you.

『The magic forest gives the camellia a characteristic.』

『Characteristic: Camellia in Midwinter』

『Description: When summoned, the surrounding temperature will cool down.』

“Oh, it’s because I planted camellias. Camellia flowers bloom in winter.”

“Why do flowers bloom when it’s so cold?”

“The camellias blooming in the white snow are really beautiful.”

“By the way, planting plants gives them magical properties, and it looks like Annam-kun can use them. That’s how I was able to use magic. oh oh All questions have been answered.”


For a while, we admired the camellias that bloomed covetously on the white snow.

And again, the text appears in front of you.

『The magic forest gives the camellia a characteristic.』

『Characteristic: Alternative of Camellia』

『Description: When summoned, you can duplicate as many as the number of camellia petals.』

“Body? Are you talking about an alter ego of self-immolation?”

“Symbolism? That’s great. Can’t I write some too?”

“Puppets that can’t even move in the eyes of humans… … What are you going to do with this alter ego?”

“Maybe ‘on the theme of dolls’… … were you trying to say?”


“Oh, no. what i Anyway, let’s try it. Camellia’s alter ego!”

When I shouted the summoning spell, a coveted crimson camellia flower appeared on the palm of my hand.

I plucked the petals one by one and flew away, and several clones that looked just like me appeared.

[Wow, there are many Nam-pyo Anna. Can you move?]

Ariel looked around and asked the numerous me around.

“Well, you should try.”

When he sees one of them and orders him to run, he starts running hard in place.

He internally orders the other to catch the raven, and he runs to catch the raven.

“Oh, I command it in my head, so it’s executed?”

I approached me, who was standing close to me, and took a closer look.

“You really look just like me.”

If you touch it with your hand, it will be touched.

“It’s not even an illusion. Do you think it would be perfect if you let the kids work? there is such a thing If you have a lot of work, you often think that it would be better if I had multiple bodies.”

“It is not.”

“I still had a lot of work to do in the forest, but if I do some work, it will be easier.”

“What are you going to do?”

[How about planting the apocalypse?]

Ariel said, looking at me with sharp eyes.

“That would be good.”

So I entrusted their respective tasks to clones that looked just like me.

“Wow, that’s a lot easier. Then we can go to the city now. Come on, let’s go!”

[It would be a long way to walk there.]

“It can be dangerous, so let’s only go with elite agents. Osara, Cosmos, Camilla and the whirlwind are here.”

“I want to go too.”

Osara came out.

“okay? If you make a mistake, you could endanger yourself.”

“It’s okay. you are there I will save you.”

“Osara, really!”

“What? Why? Isn’t it obvious?”

“Huh, okay. Then, keep an eye on Kami and the rest of my clones to make sure they are doing their job well.”



“Hwi-Yoong~ Hwi-Yoong~”

The children each said a word as if they knew.

“Let’s go Ariel.”

[Get on my back. Better than riding a wisteria.]

Ariel fell to the ground so I could ride.

“OK? I am heavy.”

[It’s a feather to me. And it’s better to stick together. You never know what will happen.]


She grabbed Ariel’s fur and climbed onto her back.

Osara also jumped up, grabbed Ariel’s fur, climbed it, and took the seat in front of me as if it was natural.

“Osara, get in the back!”

“Why are people so mean? Annam-kun doesn’t seem like that, but there are times when he does. If I ride in the back, I can’t see the front. Of course, it is right to ride in the front.”

“Are you saying you want to be held in my arms by the topic of a male doll that is not a woman?”

“A doll theme? I knew you would say that. I’m sorry. Anyway, I can’t go back. kill me.”


Aides whistles to summon the ghost horse.

Osara, the chatter who saw the white smoke rushing in, helps with another word.

“That skeleton must have turned into a ghost after the horse died.”

“Yeah, isn’t loyalty great? Even in death, you follow the master.”

“Hmm… … Can I die and follow you?”

“Well… … That’s a little scary.”

[There is a lot of talk about dolls.]

Ariel threw a word with a slightly uncomfortable expression.

Osara is furious at this.

“hemp… … talk a lot? on the topic of dolls? Is that what you mean to an adult?”

Ariel ignores him.

Come to think of it, it was Ariel who was always talking to me next to me, but the conversation diminished with the appearance of the chatty Osara.

As Ariel evolves, words may disappear.

[depart. Hold on tight!]

Ariel quickly ran towards the city at the same time as those words.

The first time I rode an animal in my life, it wasn’t too uncomfortable.

Ariel’s hair, which he held in his hand, kept slipping, but he got used to it.

When I looked behind Ariel’s back as she was running, the magic forest was getting farther and farther away.

After running for a while, Ariel met an obstacle and jumped high to pass through, but a flash of light appeared and disappeared.

Besides, isn’t the surrounding area turning into a pitch-black night all of a sudden?

“What? Is it night all of a sudden?”

Come to think of it, it’s been daytime since I came to the Magic Forest, and it never turned into night.

Ariel suddenly slowed him down, then he stopped and looked behind him.

When Aides, who was following us, passed the point we passed, it flashed and disappeared in a circle.(Read more @

“What is there? And why is it all of a sudden at night?”

And the magical forest we passed was no longer visible.

I was there a little while ago.

Instead, a plant with flowers resembling human eyes was growing there.

[We passed the ‘eye of the border’. When the flower of the eye on the border closes its eyes, the magic forest cannot be seen. You can see it when you open your eyes.]

“A vigilant eye?”

When the snowflakes of the boundary that had been closed opened their eyes, an invisible magical forest was revealed in bright light.

Close your eyes and disappear again.

“Why are you doing this? Is this the first time you’ve seen the snowflakes on that border?”

[Originally, the Fungal Forest created a border with the Magic Forest. But since there is no fungal forest, we need to be vigilant as a magical forest. The entire forest on Earth cannot be a magical forest.]

“Then, isn’t this a magical forest from now on?”

[Yes, this is an ordinary forest.]

“Why can’t the forest be seen when the flower of the border’s eye closes?”

[Because the magic forest is a secret forest. A forest that humans and other living things cannot see from the outside, a forest that no one can enter.]

“In my old knowledge, it’s like a barrier.”

“Barrier? But why?”

[I don’t know that either. It’s been like that since I was born in the magical forest.]

“Then there is night and day beyond the magical forest?”

Looking towards the city in the distance, I could feel the bluish dawn energy.

[Yeah, there’s another sun and moon outside the magic forest. But it’s the first time I’ve been outside. If it didn’t evolve like this, it wouldn’t have come out.

“Then this is an ordinary human world.”

[No, there are no humans. So it’s the natural world, not the human world. It was like that from the beginning.]

That was correct.

As humans took over the earth, they called themselves the human world, so now that you think about it, how human-centered life is.

“When you come back like this, will you not be able to find the forest?”

[You can always go back to the magical forest as long as you find the snowflakes on the border. So don’t worry. Then we start again!]

As Ariel started running, he started to increase his speed.

Oh Sara, who was looking ahead, turns her head and looks up at me.

“Where are you? Is this the Earth we live on? It has a different feel to it, like a magical forest.”

“This was originally a fungal forest. I don’t know the story, but everything was covered with mold except that magical forest.”

“mold? uh… … I hate mold. When I got stuck in the closet and forgot where the owner put me, rainwater came into the house and mold took over the closet. But didn’t those molds even spread to my body? There really was no hell back then.”

“It must have been difficult. A doll’s life isn’t easy either.”


After running for a while, the morning sun slowly began to rise over the destroyed city.

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