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Chapter 377 Acknowledging Godmother

Shirley Zhong nodded at this crazy little face, grinning every year, showing a happy giggle.

Shirley Zhong couldn't bear it anymore, so she picked her up, held her in her arms, kissed her passionately, and looked at Li Manjun with resentment:

"This little girl has long hair and lets you cut it into a man's hair. How can she perform beautifully on stage?"

Li Manjun was convinced. Ever since she took her daughter to have her hair cut, all the friends and family around her had complained about her.

"I'm scared of you, so next time I'll keep my hair long and not cut it, okay?" Li Manjun raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

My mother made me giggle every year because of this, but I still couldn't help but frequently raise my eyes to stare at Shirley Zhong's face so close at hand.

When the adults didn't react, he sneaked up and kissed Shirley Zhong.

Shirley Zhong looked at the little cutie in her arms in surprise. Her shy and embarrassed eyes made her heart melt.

"Li Manjun, let me trade my son for your daughter. Nian Nian is so cute that I want to take her home, make her a dress, buy her a doll, and let her be a princess!"

Li Manjun thought she was joking, and joked: "Okay, take it away quickly, or your family will be bankrupted!"

"I'm serious." Shirley Zhong raised the corners of her mouth, looking calculating.

"Be good Nian Nian." Shirley Zhong put Nian Nian down, squatted in front of her, grabbed her little hand and guided her: "In the future, don't call her aunt, but call her godmother, okay? As my godmother's daughter, my godmother is so beautiful. The clothes are from every year, so you can take whatever you want to wear every year.”

Li Manjun was shocked, seriously, Wucao!

While you are busy looking at your daughter's expression, don't be distracted by Shirley Zhong's beauty and 'wealth'.

Fortunately, the little girl's mother, who was confused and at a loss, looked over and seemed to realize that what Shirley Zhong said was not something she, a child, could decide.

Li Manjun took two steps forward and came to the two of them, and asked Shirley Zhong seriously: "Are you serious?"

Shirley Zhong nodded, "Li Manjun, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I have long wanted to be my goddaughter every year, but I just never found the opportunity to tell you."

Li Manjun was still surprised. This was no joke. If you call her godmother, she will be your godmother for life.

"Leader Lu agrees?" Li Manjun asked curiously.

Shirley Zhong nodded again, her eyes a little soft, "Just agree, I will be a good godmother. Trust me, I will be good to our daughter."

"Let me go, who is your daughter? I haven't even agreed yet!" Li Manjun was about to relax, but when Shirley Zhong said "our daughter", her hair instantly exploded.

He held his cute daughter in his arms, like a hen protecting her chicks, and pointed a warning finger at Shirley Zhong, telling her not to push her too far, took the clothes and gift bag, and ran away with her daughter in hand.

I am out of breath from running every year, and my little head is full of doubts, "Mom, why are we running?"

"Someone wants to take mom's baby away, so we have to get out of this scary place quickly!"

Nian Nian said "Huh?" and couldn't understand why her mother said, "Shirley's godmother is very good, not scary."

Li Manjun stopped abruptly, "Why did you call Shirley Zhong?"

"Fuck, godmother, can't you?" Nian Nian looked at her fingertips and whispered, "There are so many beautiful clothes."

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows, it was over, the child had been bribed.

Nian Nian looked up at her mother who was gnashing her teeth, "There are so many beautiful clothes."

Li Manjun: Yes

Li Manjun and his wife were not given much time to react. In the evening, Zhong Shirley came to the door with Lu Shengming and a gift, saying that he should not be too casual about accepting his godmother and godfather, and he would be cool no matter what.

Zhao Yong was confused the whole time and looked at his wife frequently. What's going on? who I am? Where am I?

Ever since, just like this, a pair of godmothers and godfathers have appeared every year.

"I remember that according to the custom here in Rongcheng, before you are eighteen years old, you have to pay New Year greetings to your godfather and godmother every New Year. Don't forget it." Shirley Zhong told Li Manjun and his wife.

After speaking to the adults, he said to Niannian, who was already stunned by the gift and had a godmother and godfather in his mouth:

"Godmother, let's go first. Come to godmother's house every year during the Chinese New Year. Godmother will prepare delicious food for you. Godmother's family hired a new nanny and asked her to make fruit pizza for Nian Nian."

Nian Nian nodded wildly and watched his godmother and godfather walk into the elevator. He immediately turned around and asked his parents excitedly: "What is pizza? Is it delicious?"

There is no Pizza Hut in Rongcheng yet, and few people in Rongcheng know about pizza, a foreign thing.

Zhao Yong cooperates with so many companies engaged in export trade and has no chance to taste it. He can only describe it to his daughter, "It's just a cake, a cake with holes."

"Mom, is this like this?" Nian Nian thought to herself, no matter what, it didn't taste particularly delicious.

Li Manjun gave Zhao Yong a thumbs up, which was a very down-to-earth description.

However, the taste of foreign cakes and domestic cakes is still very different.

Li Manjun explained to her daughter: "Dad is right. It is very similar to our pizza, but the fillings in the pizza are different and the taste is completely different."

Nian Nian only cares about whether it tastes good, and hurriedly asked: "Is that better than the red bean cake?"

"It should be more delicious." Li Manjun nodded and replied with a smile.

That’s delicious!

I look forward to the New Year every year. I can go to Aunt Zhou’s house to see the piglets, and I can also go to my godmother and godfather’s house to eat pizza. I really hope that the New Year will come soon.

The clock strikes midnight, and the new year has arrived.

1995 is over and 1996 is ushering in.

There is a performance in the kindergarten on New Year's Day, and the school invites parents to participate. Zhao Yong and Li Manjun must make time to attend their daughter's important moment even if they don't have time.

"Mom, have you brought your clothes?" On the way to school, I asked her again and again every year if she had brought her beautiful dress.

It's only ten minutes away. The temperature is very cold. The family of three is walking to the kindergarten. The family of three is wearing warm down jackets. Every year, the father protects his face with his big hands and covers it tightly.

Li Manjun wore gloves and carried a gift bag. In the bag were performance clothes and hand-held flower props from every year.

Hearing his daughter keep asking about clothes, Li Manjun, who had already answered several times, was too lazy to respond to her.

When a child is cute, her parents want to pick off the moon and give it to her.

But when her little mouth kept asking: "Mom, what is this? Mom, do you know why the Great Sage is called Sun Wukong? Mom, what do you think that is?", she just wished that she was born mute.

When I arrived at kindergarten, I became more well-behaved every second. I walked into the classroom and greeted the teacher politely. Then I listened to the teacher and led my parents to their seats.

This is completely different from how she is at home. She is obedient and sensible, doing whatever the teacher says, and her mood is extremely stable.

Zhao Yong and Li Manjun looked at each other and were amazed.

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