Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 337 Hidden Ambition

Li Manjun was almost laughing to death at Zhao Yong's reaction. She held it back, picked up her excited daughter, and asked her to say hello to the guests.

Nian Nian is very novel, and the child has no social fear at all. He stares at Joseph and Jack with his big dark eyes, and secretly said to his mother: "Their eyes are different from Nian Nian's."

Seeing Zhao Yong's request for help, Li Manjun attracted the attention of Joseph and Jack. Nian Nian raised his little hand and waved, "Hello."

The voice was small and a little embarrassed.

Jack and Joseph were surprised and touched the cute girl's little head, and praised her for being as beautiful as Li Manjun every year.

Zhao Yong listened to the words translated by the translator, smiled proudly, and hurriedly asked where she was, she was just as beautiful as usual.

Joseph and Jack didn't understand what he was saying either, so they smiled at him without waiting for the translator to translate.

Everyone briefly exchanged greetings and took their seats. Wang Dasheng went out to ask the waiter to serve the dishes. There were eight side dishes in total, all of which were relatively famous local snacks and dishes.

Joseph and Jack were very receptive and tasted every dish. They raised their thumbs and told the waiter that their dishes were delicious.

Zhao Yong also gradually adapted to the communication method of hand gestures and expressions, and with an interpreter by his side, he became more and more comfortable. He and Jack said something unknown, which made Jack laugh so hard that he almost fell off his chair.

Li Manjun secretly pinched her husband's thigh and asked in a low voice, "What did you say?"

Zhao Yong laughed and waved his hand, "It's nothing."

Li Manjun glanced at him suspiciously, and Zhao Yong whispered: "I said I farted, and he laughed like this. This foreigner's laughing point is too low, hahaha."

Li Manjun: "."

The dinner was enjoyed by both the guests and the host. As a young host, Niannian boldly introduced his preferences to the guests using the English taught by his mother.

Although they were jumping out word by word, the guests understood it and gave the child a thumbs up and praised her for being great.

This feeling of being praised for whatever you do makes Niannian very excited. She takes the initiative to ask her mother how to say a certain word in English. After eating a meal, Niannian, who originally had zero knowledge of English, actually learned several words. He has a common greeting and can also say several words such as rice, drink water, delicious and so on.

Li Manjun thought that her daughter might have forgotten it after tonight, but she did not expect that the first thing her daughter said when she rushed into the room in the morning was to gesture with her hands and say: "Jun is mine!"

Li Manjun didn't hear clearly the first time, so the little girl tried her best to say again, "drink water!"

Only then did she understand that the little girl was talking about drinking water.

"Zhao Yong, Zhao Yong, your daughter can speak English now!" Li Manjun excitedly pushed the sleeping man awake, very happy.

Zhao Yong made a vague sound, but Nian Nian couldn't wait any longer. He ran out of the room and said to Aunt Guo: "Water! Water! Water!"

Aunt Guo looked confused, "What do you want Nian Nian? Tell Auntie slowly and she will get it for you."

Nian Nian saw that her aunt couldn't understand what she was saying. She rolled her eyes and picked up the water glass to get the water, her little tail raised to the sky.

Aunt Guo was confused and could only smile helplessly and help her hold the cup to prevent it from breaking.

Zhao Yong and Li Manjun leaned against the door of the room, looking at their daughter's sullen appearance and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm just like you every year, very smart." Zhao Yong looked at Li Manjun and sighed.

Li Manjun reached out and brushed the messy hair from his forehead, and smiled softly, "I'm just like you, stinky and squeaky."

Zhao Yong thought she was also going to praise him for being smart, and fully expected her to say it, but in the end, this was it?

Of course, he didn't mind, but when he saw his daughter being so arrogant, he couldn't help walking over to tease him.

Even though he went to that English training class and spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, he still learned something and it was enough to amuse the children.

Li Manjun looked at the playful father and daughter, his eyes filled with soft light.

The family of three finished a warm breakfast together and then went about their business.

Every year, I take a small basket and go out with my aunts to buy vegetables.

Zhao Yong went to work, and Li Manjun returned to the company to sort the piles shipped yesterday according to quality.

Packing hundreds of kilograms of clothes took a lot of effort. Everyone was busy with their own work, so Li Manjun could only roll up his sleeves.

It took me a day to sort out these old clothes.

From the 521 kilograms of old clothes, we found 300 kilograms of high-grade clothes, 121 kilograms of medium-grade clothes, and 60 kilograms of defective clothes.

There are also forty kilograms of wastage. Even though she had carefully inspected it when it was collected yesterday, she still could not completely prevent residents from stuffing garbage inside. Occasionally, a few pieces were mixed in and had to be removed.

With all the goods ready, Li Manjun can safely ask Wang Dasheng to contact Joseph and the others to come and inspect the goods.

The next day, Joseph and Jack came to Li Manjun's company on time to view the goods. She had specially selected the high-quality goods. They felt that their friend should be able to accept them, and they estimated a price of one US dollar per kilogram on the spot.

After conversion, it’s almost four yuan per pound.

This price is much lower than the first transaction price between the two parties.

But it's reasonable. After all, old clothes of the quality from Shirley Zhong's studio are hard to find even with a lantern. It's worth the high price.

The two were a little hesitant about the medium-quality used clothes and said they would ask their friends.

As for the low-quality ones, the two of them shook their heads and could only say sorry to Li Manjun.

Li Manjun waved his hand, "It's okay. This result has exceeded my expectations."

Next is the issue of cargo volume. Joseph and Jack still need to communicate and let Li Manjun wait for the news.

Therefore, Li Manjun did not dare to be too happy too early.

"Okay, if you have any news, you must tell me immediately so that I can make arrangements." Li Manjun said with a smile.

Jack patted Li Manjun on the shoulder, "Li, you are a great partner. We will strive for the maximum order volume for you. Please trust us."

"Okay." Li Manjun raised his fist and bumped fists with the two of them, "Then I'll wait for your good news."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, hoping to facilitate this second-hand clothing transaction.

Not only because Li Manjun had helped them, but also because of the conditions given by Li Manjun, which allowed them to receive the goods first and settle later.

For Joseph and Jack, who had just suffered a huge fraud, this was an opportunity for them to make a comeback.

At Li Manjun, they learned an idiom: providing help in times of need.


Li Manjun sent the two of them to the station and waved his hands, hoping that they would bring good news to him when they returned this time.

Joseph and Jack held the specialties presented by Li Manjun in their hands, with red eyes, waving vigorously to say goodbye to her.

They hope to take away her goods the next time they come to Rongcheng.

Because it was not yet certain whether this matter would work out, Li Manjun didn't tell anyone, and only Wang Dasheng in the company knew a little bit about it.

Only Zhao Yong, the person beside her at home, knew about her hidden ambition.

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