Return To 1990

Chapter 225: Invite the uncle to come up

As soon as Jiang Xiaoyan came back downstairs, she was praised by several old women, and the young daughters-in-law in the next building looked at her with envy.

"You don't know how much luck you have cultivated in your last life to marry such a good man."

"Yeah, Mr. Lu is definitely a rich man, and he can bend down to do these things, tsk tsk tsk, the one in my family is like a pig."

"People say that beautiful women are the best, and people are also beautiful."

Jiang Xiaoyan was complimented like this downstairs, she herself was at a loss, she didn't know what was going on, and only after asking, did she know that Lu Feng opened the door of his house, mopping the floor, and doing laundry.

Looking upstairs and downstairs, a group of women stood there and praised, as if they became the standard of three good men in this building. When Jiang Xiaoyan entered the house, she saw the door open, and the smell of the food wafted. come out.

Lu Feng wrapped his apron and walked out with a plate of braised chicken wings. Seeing the mother and daughter standing at the door not to come in, he said, "Come in, this is your home, don't you know me?"

Jiang Xiaoyan was amused by his appearance, and said, "Your old man is making such a big noise, everyone in the building knows that you are a big boss who is mopping the floor and cooking. I heard that several houses are because of you. fight."

"There's no way, who made me excellent, hurry up, dinner is over, Duoduo, wash your hands." Lu Feng greeted.

Jiang Xiaoyan was sitting at the table, looking at the dishes on this table, her heart was unspeakably warm, what she wanted was such a simple life, but she also knew that Lu Feng could cook an occasional meal, and that would be cooking every day. cook.

"What's the fun?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered my wife's peerless face and wanted to cook a meal!"

Even knowing that he was a slick tongue, Jiang Xiaoyan still blushed, stood up and said, "Close the door."

"Don't tell me, I'll open the door for dinner today and let them take a look." Lu Feng put his hand on her and sat down.

Upstairs and downstairs pass by from time to time, the familiar standing at the door chatting for a while, watching Jiang Xiaoyan's face full of envy, Lu Feng pretended to be polite for a long time and asked people to come to dinner.

What is happiness?

Perhaps happiness has always been mixed with showing off. Today's Jiang Xiaoyan feels very happy.

The next morning, Lu Feng didn't go to the factory first, but went directly to the Tianyue Hotel and knocked on Su Yourong's door.

When the door opened, Su Yourong saw that Lu Feng was a little surprised, and said, "Are you looking for me?"

"Uh..." Lu Feng took a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders, looking very cramped, stared at her face and asked with a smile, "When are you going?"

"What are you rubbing your hands for?"

"It's nothing!" Lu Feng put his hands behind his back and said, "Aren't you asking me to come in and sit?"

An unexpected smile appeared on Su Yourong's face, and she said, "Aren't you afraid that something will happen? Come in, I have everything packed for my flight tomorrow morning."

"Really leave?" Lu Feng asked while standing in the living room.

"Are you kidding me here? It's interesting to pretend to say these things like this now?" Su Yourong sneered, sat down and lit a cigarette: "I'm not a little girl of eighteen or nine. "

"I didn't sleep last night."

"I see that you are in good spirits!"

"It's just a flashback!"

Su Yourong tilted her head and looked at him,

My head is full of question marks, I really can't think of it, which one is this?

"Have you encountered difficulties? Isn't the matter of the factory resolved? I heard Zhang Fengxia say there is no problem. If I can help you, I will try my best to help." Su Yourong said.

Lu Feng suddenly sat next to her, grabbed her hand, and said excitedly, "I don't want to talk about work, when you say you're leaving, I feel that there are intricate connections between me and you. Struggling, keeping me awake all night..."

"Why don't you check your brain!" Su Yourong's eyes widened, looking a little scared.

"There is a kind of love that I can get at any time on weekdays, and I even seem to care a little bit. When it is about to go away, I feel that it is as important to me as air." Lu Feng used his hand Holding his neck, he choked and said, "I can't breathe."

"If you have something to talk about, you..." Su Yourong took a puff of cigarette, threw it in the ashtray, and said, "You don't want me to go?"

Lu Feng nodded.

"Why didn't you say it yesterday? You've changed your face too quickly, haven't you?"

"How can you say that to me? Some people turn the world upside down overnight. I've never felt such a strong feeling, come on, take advantage of it now." Lu Feng started to take off his jacket as he spoke.

"Stop, stop!" Su Yourong stood up, took two steps back, and said, "Who do you take me for?"

"Didn't you always think about it before?"

"I...I quit!"

"Maybe I was abrupt and rushed over early in the morning. I thought too much last night. You should refund the ticket and have a meal together tonight." Lu Feng looked at her and said sincerely.

Su Yourong nodded and agreed, she really didn't understand what was going on for a while and needed time to slow down.

"Then I won't bother, I still have a meeting." Lu Feng stood up and prepared to go out.

When she walked to Su Yourong's side, she suddenly hugged her in his arms and looked at each other, she could feel the hot breath of the other party hitting her face, and that feeling made her a little flustered.

Lu Feng bowed his head and kissed him, then retreated with a touch of water.

When the door closed, Su Yourong felt her heartbeat speed up. Although it was only a slight click, it was so powerful. She took a deep breath and secretly told herself to calm down.

She didn't think that a person could change so much overnight, not to mention that he still has a wife, Su Yourong grabbed her hair with her hands. For a woman who has been floating for thirty years, just now, her The little heart was electrocuted.

If she hadn't suppressed it with her remaining rationality, she would have wanted to throw herself into her arms and be a little woman.

Yesterday's news about the conference had been passed on, and everyone in the factory was muttering about it. Mr. Liu couldn't find anyone, and I heard that the financing was completely gone.

Wang Youchao is still insisting. He contacted a lot of people yesterday. His request is to increase the salary of the management, and at the same time, the dividend must be doubled at the end of the year, or else they will leave together.

Many people murmured in their hearts, but they were all watching the wind. Who wouldn't like an increase in wages, not to mention that he was not alone. With so many people together, Lu Feng would not dare to fire him.

A warehouse was cleared out and used as a temporary meeting room. The tables, chairs, and benches were already set up. People came one after another, standing there in groups of threes and fives muttering about recent events.

After chatting for a long time, everyone felt that this matter can only be taken advantage of, and it is impossible to lose money. Let's take advantage of this wave of trouble, otherwise it will be difficult to organize in the future.

As for being fired, they didn't even think about it.

"Hey! Hey! Hurry up and be seated, the meeting is about to start, and President Lu has already arrived."

Wang Youchao stepped forward, followed by the other four people. He walked in and waved to everyone as a greeting, and the remaining four were somewhat lacking in confidence.

"Mr. Wang, aren't the demands we made too much? Would you like to reduce it a bit?"

"The five of us are all vice presidents, that's possible, but it's not enough to be a partner!"

"That Mr. Liu is really not a thing. The cowhide made a loud noise when he was making a statement. When he came back, he took care of it."

"I can't go back now, I tell you, these people must be tied to our warship, otherwise, that kid Lu Feng can clean up the five of us to death." Wang Youchao said solemnly.

The other four nodded one after another, things had reached such a point that they could only fight back.

Lu Feng sorted out the information at hand, met Gao Zhiwei on the way to the conference room, and asked, "Is President Li back?"

"Today, he went back to his hometown!"

"Where's the big head? Are you still there?"

"He's back to school. I should have called him for a meeting today. I called him and they said that his studies are more stressful!"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "The financing thing has to be hurry up, don't go to the Xiangjiang side, the fish and the dragon are mixed, and the average person can't play at all, so just find a few suitable ones in China!"

"Eating a lot of money grows wisdom. I will pay attention. Our equity is still very popular in the market. In the past two days, there have been calls from all over the country to inquire."

"Be sure to check carefully, don't let the bag company take advantage of it!" Lu Feng said and entered the conference room.

The scene was already full of people, looking like two or three hundred, with the HR manager taking the lead in applauding, there was a sparse applause from the scene.

Wang Youchao did not sit down, but stood in the first row, with a row of tables and microphones on top, and his position was placed in the first row below, which made him unhappy.

Since it represents more than 1,500 management members, they are all knocked out anyway, and this kind of thing is impossible to give in.

Lu Feng walked over and looked at Wang Youchao. He was very clear about his thoughts. Mr. Liu's capital had already left, and he had become a dehydrated fish. He had no choice but to fight the backwater.

What he was betting on was that Lu Feng would not dare to touch these 1,500 people.

"Okay, everyone is here. Next, let's welcome General Manager Gao to make the opening speech with warm applause."

Lu Feng sat down, pulled the microphone in front of him, and said, "Why don't you five sit down? The pestle is like a telephone pole, what are you doing?"

Wang Youchao said solemnly: "As the representatives of the management, we should be on an equal footing with you. We choose to stand and protest against your actions of ignoring the management."

Gao Zhiwei was a little unhappy and was about to speak, but Lu Feng said directly, "Come on, invite these five uncles up and take my seat!"

There were only five tables above. Lu Feng stood up and moved away. Gao Zhiwei was surprised to see Lu Feng. He knew Lu Feng quite well, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

According to Gao Zhiwei's idea, the management of these 1,500 people is divided into major factories. It cannot be hard. It needs to be gradually differentiated and then come out. Now he feels that Lu Feng is hard!

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