Return To 1990

Chapter 139 Market Explosion

one more bottle?

The marketing manager was a little surprised, but nodded, wondering secretly, it seemed that President Lu had already made a decision. They can execute it.

Lu Feng went back to the office and took out the 'one more bottle' plan. Looking at the plan, he felt a little emotional. Lu Feng made it available more than ten years ahead of schedule. Back then, several major beverage giants fought a price war, and they vomited after drinking one more bottle. .

Every time you open a bottle, there is a scratch-off feeling, like gambling, giving people an indescribable surprise. This marketing method is definitely the pinnacle of beverage history.

Zhang Fengxia sorted out Wahaha's marketing materials, walked in with a lot of folders, put them on the table and said, "Do you want to see these?"


"Some business marketing details of Wahaha collected."

"Don't look at it, it's useless."

"I think, your chances of winning are really low. They have prepared at least 40 million in cash, and even throwing money at you can kill you. Now you only want to be stable. No one can make you go bankrupt in three or five years. Conservative sometimes It is the best attack." Zhang Fengxia put her hands on the table and said, "This is what my teacher Pete told me. He said that 90% of the businessmen in this world kill themselves."

"That's why I taught students like you." Lu Feng stood up and said, "In my world, there is only attack. Always charge, go to the conference room."

Zhang Fengxia looked at the back of him leaving, and had an indescribable feeling in her heart. There were only two fates for Lu Feng. One was to become a legendary figure, and the other was to pass through this era like a shooting star.

In the conference room, the deputy director can no longer be seen. Gao Zhiwei introduced the situation, including the production situation of the factory in Zhengzhou. Manager Li talked about the fund mobilization situation. The marketing department made a report on the current situation in several provinces. In other words, several provinces between the north and the south were selected, which can be understood as a commercial competition centered on Huaihai.

"The latest products will be distributed to major factories the day after tomorrow, and they will be produced as soon as possible, and the goods will be shipped as soon as possible. This one more bottle activity is aimed at the provinces where Wahaha is doing activities to increase the winning rate. My request is that the winning rate of two bottles out of three bottles is the winning rate. , I calculated this profit, and it still looks like a dozen percent, and at the same time, advertising has to keep up."

"In the early stage, I made large banner advertisements and wall fonts, and painted the advertisements on the walls of the village to reduce the price of small cans. In the terminal sales, a buy-three-get-one-free campaign was implemented, and they were sent directly to the banquet table in the countryside. superior."

"14 million, I want you to spend 10 million within a month. He didn't choose Anhui, Hunan, and Shandong. He mainly attacked these three places." Lu Feng looked at the marketing manager and said: "If the market share of the three provinces is suppressed by the other side, all the marketing managers of the seven factories will get out of my way, and if the market share of the cities does not increase, they will go to the rural market. beat."

"A lot of our products have been copied recently. Caramel is going to be released recently, so be careful!" Lu Feng looked at Gao Zhiwei and said, "Don't be idle if you spend so many lawyers."

"I've been filing a complaint recently, but I'm still arguing about the place of ownership. The other party said it was going to be in Hangzhou, and we said we were going to be here. This matter will be gone for a while. The other party has sued us 37 times, and there are still some Few companies sued us, I chatted with the legal person yesterday, and it adds up to more than 100 cases." Gao Zhiwei's face was full of helplessness, it can be seen how the situation has reached, it is estimated that there is only one company like Jiamei Food in the whole country.

"Don't be afraid of biting if there are too many lice. Now the most important thing is the market. Another bottle of activity in the local market will lower the winning rate." Lu Feng took a deep breath, calculated silently in his heart, and said, "Keep it within 100 Forty percent or so, pay attention to the cost.”

Now the two have completely killed their eyes. According to some newspapers,

Both sides are fighting to the death. This time, both sides have used all the means at their disposal. Once they lose, one side will quickly acquire the market and form an absolute advantage, which can suppress the development of the other side for at least three to five years.

Jiamei Foods is a company that is called a lawsuit-ridden company. It is like a small tree in a storm. It is dangerous but it will not fall. Many newspapers even openly questioned what kind of people are standing behind Jiamei Foods.

Wahaha's marketing has been in operation for three days, and the response has been very good in the market. The sales volume has increased by 29% within three days. The announcement of this data has shocked everyone. Some people estimate that Wahaha will burn through the tens of millions of expenses. , not only can smash Jiamei Food, but also make Wahaha's market value reach a value of 500 to 1000 million.

Last year, Wahaha's sales data exceeded 100 million yuan, and the market valuation was 270 million yuan. If it is as predicted, it will achieve a five-fold increase in value this year, which is too fast.

There is no one in the past, it is absolute, and there is no one who will come later.

Some people who are interested in business are waiting for Jiamei Food, and even some professors who study business are waiting, but they are not optimistic about Jiamei Food at all, and even sneer.

Even Gao Zhiwei and Zhang Fengxia, who knew about Lu Feng's entire process, were a little skeptical. This routine was too simple.

When the first batch of products were sent to the market and appeared in various commissaries, supply and marketing cooperatives, and street supermarkets, at 9:00 in the morning, a young man walked into the supermarket and wanted to buy a few bottles of drinks.

"Buy this, this one has a prize."


"New products, activities, there is a chance to win the lottery, if you open the bottle cap and write another bottle, you can get a bottle for free."

"Give it for nothing?"

A few minutes later, the young man walked out of the supermarket with six bottles of uncapped drinks, his mouth was about to laugh crookedly.

This scene was staged in three provinces at the same time, but the probability of winning the lottery in the northern market was lower. This kind of gambling-like marketing method made everyone want to try it.

After ten o'clock in the morning, the market feedback was just two words, exploded!

Beverages under Jiamei Foods are on sale like crazy, some canteens with little stock have been sold out, and people can get several bottles for a bottle of money.

Seven telephones were set up in the marketing department's office, which rang non-stop all morning. The marketing department manager rushed out of the office, excited like a child, and wanted to open Gao Zhiwei's office door.

"Mr. Gao, the major factories responded, sales exploded, and the market exploded!"

"Really? How much did it sell?"

"They sold the usual three-day volume in the morning, and they are still growing. They have begun to increase production. The feedback from agents at all levels has exploded, and this morning, the factory's sales have also exploded."

There was an excited look on Gao Zhiwei's face. He was worried last night that the money would be thrown and there would be no response. He didn't expect the effect to be so obvious.

"It's a sales chart, it's a comparison."

"The market share has surpassed that of Wahaha." Gao Zhiwei laughed while looking at the form, and ran out of the office towards Lu Feng's office.

On the way, every office was surprised what happened, what kind of stimulation was Gao always got, was he crazy?

"Mr. Lu! President Lu, we have overtaken, overtaken, and overtaken the market share!" Gao Zhiwei shouted loudly.


"Our market share surpasses Wahaha?"

Everyone began to cheer, and excited voices came one after another in the corridor.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Fengxia opened the door with a puzzled face.

"Where's Mr. Lu?" Gao Zhiwei rushed into the office, almost slapped the desk with his hands, and shouted, "Our market share has surpassed!"

"What? Overtake?" Zhang Fengxia was shocked.

"Which province?"

"Just those three provinces!"

The first reaction in Zhang Fengxia's mind was that it was impossible, absolutely impossible. According to market research, the smallest gap between these three provinces is also around 3%. million products.


"How much?" Lu Feng asked with a smile while looking at him.

"0.12 percent, 0.05 percent, 0.01 percent."

"You don't need to get too excited, it's normal to overtake. If the other party doesn't learn our marketing methods, the gap will widen." Lu Feng took a sip from his teacup indifferently.

Zhang Fengxia was standing at the door. She felt that everything seemed to be under his control. He was not surprised at all, nor did he panic before.

A person who is not emotional makes people feel scary.

As the news came out, people all over the country who were paying attention to this matter were shocked and tied overnight, which was a blow to those professors and scholars.

In the meeting room of Wahaha, it was deadly silent, and many people had high blood pressure.


"Welcome to the noon news, the latest news, the market share of all products of Jiamei Foods exceeds that of Wahaha, and it has become the food company with the largest market share in the country. All of its beverages have participated in the one more bottle campaign, and the small can currently has a buy three get one free campaign."

The news swept the entire industry like a tornado. Such a marketing can definitely be recorded in the history of beverages. The scale and speed are so large that it is too late for people to react.

Wahaha is now faced with a choice, can they come up with the same marketing plan as this kind of activity? If they can't come up with it, the follow-up will be meaningless. There is another option, directly copy Lu Feng's plan!

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