Return To 1990

Chapter 1,297 Duoduo High School Entrance Examination

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"No one asked you to put it down, but put your personal rights in this family. If they make a mistake, you can kick her away. Did you make a mistake?" Su Yourong said in a deep voice: " It's for this reason that you make mistakes unscrupulously, think about it yourself, and talk about it after you think about it clearly."

The call was hung up, and Jiang Xiaoyan sighed helplessly. This was like a family negotiation, trying to get more chips from Lu Feng. Such a confrontation was really consuming.

Zhang Fengxia sat there blankly. In these days, she seemed to have overestimated her weight in Lu Feng's heart. She had always firmly believed that she could give everything for her children and Lu Feng. That kind of reckless dedication would make the other party also. You should be able to feel it.

But during this period of time, she felt that she had never been so lost, a kind of loss that she had sacrificed a lot, but the other party didn't care at all.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the phone rang at home. Lu Feng picked up the phone and asked, "Who is it?"

"Dad, it's me, Duoduo!" Duoduo's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Duoduo, prepare well for the exam. Dad and your mother don't have much trouble. They are just noisy. It won't take long. Didn't I promise you before that I would be an assistant to the idol? Dad has already been contacted about this matter. Okay." Lu Feng encouraged.

Duoduo hummed, and after a while he said: "Then can you come and see me when I take the exam?"

"When is your exam?"

"June 15th!"

"Okay, dad will definitely be there. When the time comes, you can tell him in the examination room who will be the puppy if he doesn't show up." Lu Feng said seriously.

"Then can you guys stop arguing?" Duoduo whispered, "I don't want you to argue. I don't want to be rich. Being rich is not good."

"Why is it bad to have money?" Lu Feng asked.

"Several of my classmates have rich families, and their families also quarrel or even fight. Some of their fathers are having affairs, and some of their mothers are having affairs. I recently met a few students from other schools. Their families are poor, but their parents We are at home every day and rarely quarrel." Duoduo said in a low mood: "That classmate told me that her mother told her that rich people are immoral, so they look for affairs outside."

"Child, you can't be fooled by their sophistry. Being unpopular doesn't mean you are morally noble!" Lu Feng sighed and said, "Don't worry, dad will take care of things. You can study with peace of mind. Is the tutor here these days?" Already?"

Lu Feng led the topic elsewhere. The world of adults is incomprehensible to children. Some problems are simple for her, but there are many concerns for adults.

During this period, Lu Feng couldn't sleep. He was always confused day and night. Some questions were stuck in his mind. He understood business very clearly, but he was very confused about life.

Li Chen's "Outside the Window" was playing on the TV. Lu Feng smoked silently. The TV was loud and the singing completely surrounded him.

“Goodbye my beloved dream girl….”

"I will go far away to find the future..."

"If one day I return to my hometown..."

"Come and tell your feelings outside your window..."

It's easy to give up on someone. When you don't love them, the other person's giving up is a relief for you, but when you really realize that this person is about to return to the vast sea of ​​people, you may never see him again in this life. Yes, this is a heartbreaking torture for a person.

Just like the line in that movie, your world is without me, it doesn't matter.

But when everything dissipated, the originally full soul was instantly hollowed out, as if it had lost all motivation. Standing on the same spot, looking around confusedly, life seemed to have no meaning at that moment.

Lu Feng likes money. He knows what kind of changes wealth can bring to a person. He also suffered from poverty in his previous life, so like Su Yourong, he firmly believes that money can change everything.

Human beings all have a common shortcoming, which is path dependence. When you believe in money and transform yourself into capital, you will laugh at the fragility and unbearability of emotions. Everything around you is reinforcing your point of view. Money can buy everything, including Love and affection.

People who believe in feelings tend to believe that man can conquer nature. They live a more practical, fulfilling and happy life. They believe that every smile around them is true.

Lu Feng used to sneer at the saying that the world is what you are. He believed that there was objectivity in the world and would not change it based on subjective wishes.

But now he feels that he believes in the world of emotions, whether it was brought to him by Jiang Xiaoyan at the beginning or Duoduo.

The most difficult thing in life is choice. Lu Feng faced the most difficult choice in his two lives. His nature told him to choose money, but the warmth of his family over the years made him unable to let it go.

Lu Feng understood that when he chose money, he would return to his previous life, where everything was glamorous and glamorous, and there would never be a shortage of women around him, but his heart was as dry as a desert.

It was a torment. Lu Feng handed over his work to Wei Yandan and locked himself at home alone.

A week later, Duoduo called again, telling Lu Feng his examination room and asking him to arrive early. There should be a lot of people at the school gate that day.

Lu Feng agreed, as if he had found his breakthrough, he ran out happily and bought himself a new set of clothes and got a haircut.

After putting on his clothes and standing in front of the mirror, Lu Feng suddenly realized that he was looking forward to this day extremely, even more than the day when Giti mobile phones were launched.

Looking at himself in the mirror, compared to ten years ago, the childishness on his face has long faded, and he is no longer as thin as before, and his whole person has become much more majestic.

Lu Feng seemed to be touched by something in his heart. He found a month card at home, found a nail and nailed it next to the mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror and then looked at the month card next to him. Today is June 8, 1999. Number.

"How did it become like this?" Lu Feng stared at himself and asked, "If you had known that today would be like this, would you have stayed in the first place?"

There is no answer to this question and there will never be an answer.

On June 15th, Lu Feng woke up at six o'clock in the morning, took a bath, put on new clothes, had a simple breakfast and rushed to school.

At around seven o'clock, a lot of people gathered at the school gate. Some people told their children over and over again to bring good things and counted them over and over again. Some parents also told their children to relax and take the exam.

This time it was the unified examination, and there were people from all schools. Lu Feng saw someone driving a farm truck, someone driving a truck, and even a donkey cart. These families had different backgrounds, but at this moment they were standing on the same starting line. superior.

Lu Feng looked around but didn't see Duoduo.

"Dad! I'm here!"

Lu Feng looked around, but still didn't see anyone. Before he could continue looking, a person fell into his arms.

"Where are you looking? We just arrived." Duoduo put his arms around Lu Feng's neck and shouted.

"Hey!" Lu Feng hugged her up. He was so excited at this moment. When the crowd called him "Daddy," Lu Feng even felt that it didn't matter if he died.

"Put me down, there are many people." Duoduo shouted.

Lu Feng looked around. It was obvious that parents nowadays were very restrained. There were still relatively few people as unrestrained as Lu Feng, and most of them were not good at words.

"My mother, Aunt Zhang and Aunt Su are all here to see me off." Duoduo said and looked at the three people standing aside.

Lu Feng looked aside. The three of them were dressed particularly exquisitely today. Zhang Fengxia stared at Lu Feng with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

"Have you had breakfast?" Lu Feng asked.

"Have eaten at home." Jiang Xiaoyan asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Have a bite." Lu Feng looked at Duoduo and asked, "Have you brought everything? Check it again. When you go in later and encounter a question you don't know, put it aside first, do what you know how to do, and write down the name. .”

"Know it!"

It's almost eight o'clock, and candidates are starting to enter the school one after another. Many parents are looking forward to the children entering the school. This exam is a hope for many families, as long as their children pass the exam. A key high school is a guaranteed undergraduate.

College students in this era can really turn a family around.

After a lot of encouragement and confirmation that the admission ticket, draft paper, pen and other things were all ready, Duoduo waved and walked inside. Lu Feng looked at her back, his heart was touched, his eyes were red and he was choked with sobs.

"Why are you crying?" Su Yourong asked.

"The child has grown up!" Lu Feng said while wiping away tears.

Jiang Xiaoyan's eyes were red as well. If you are not a parent, you will never understand the touching moment when your child grows up.

Students entered the examination room one after another, and there were only a lot of parents left at the school gate. As the sun rose, the heat began to spread, and various vendors at the school gate were selling various products.

"Just wait, there are two exams in the morning and one in the afternoon!" Su Yourong said, "Go sit in the car."

Lu Feng followed them into the car. Some things always had to be faced. Sitting in the car, Lu Feng saw a small lunch box and asked, "The child didn't eat in the morning?"

"That's what Fengxia brought for you. I'm afraid there will be no one to cook and you'll be hungry!" Su Yourong closed the car door and said, "It's good to have people feeling sorry for you, to be remembered."

Lu Feng sat in the passenger seat and looked back at Zhang Fengxia. She lowered her head and said nothing.

The car fell into silence. A couple were sitting on a donkey cart not far away. Their skin was tanned and they were fanning themselves with a broken fan in their hands.

"I also rode in a donkey cart when I was a child. I liked sitting at the back of the cart because my feet could hang on the ground." Jiang Xiaoyan looked at the donkey drive: "The happiest thing at that time was to cut a cart of grass for the donkeys to eat at night. , how happy I am sitting in the back of the car!"

"We don't have a donkey cart at home. Our place is full of mountains. We have to carry the pigs and grass back on our own." Su Yourong sighed and said, "Those two pigs are really good for eating. No matter how much I cut, there's not enough for them." For food, I only have about 100 kilograms after working hard for two years."

The car fell into silence again. After a while, Su Yourong said, "You must be tired after making such a fuss for so long. I have been thinking about how long the fuss will last. Don't you just think that I want to enter this house?" I don’t have to enter this house, but you can’t do this to them!”

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