Return of the demon

134 Blue lotus blooming

Bai Yun started to move about the poison valley, hoping to run into someone to understand what was happening. As he walked, Bai Yun found that the concentration of miasma in the air was quickly dropping. It was already weaker than the normal levels, but it seemed to be falling fast to an almost imperceptible level.

Bai Yun walked about poison valley for a while before he ran into someone else. The person Bai Yun saw was quickly running deeper into poison valley in a hurry. Bai Yun quickly went to him and stopped him.

"Hey brother, could you answer a few questions for me?" Bai Yun asked while taking out a low grade spirit stone and handing it over to him.

The man was irritated that someone stopped him, but quickly smiled when he saw the spirit stone in Bai Yun's hand. He quickly took it from Bai You and turned to Bai Yun with a smile.

"What do you want to know young master?" He asked.

"Why did the poisonous miasma suddenly increase last night?" Bai Yun asked.

"Young master, are you not from terracotta hill?" The man asked.

"No." Bai Yun replied.

"So you have no idea what is happening right now?" The man asked. Bai Yun shook his head in response.

"Alright, I will explain what is happening." The man explained the events that were happening.

The revolt of the miasma of poison valley is a rare event that appears around once a century or so. It is caused by a huge explosion of miasma that originated from the lake at the end of poison valley. No one knows why it occurs, or how to reliably predict it, except that it occurs about once a century. Once the explosion occurs for a while the amount of miasma in poison valley would drop precipitously and it would almost be as if there was no miasma at all.

But what everyone does know is what happens immediately after. In the lake, special lotuses will appear. There were two types of lotuses, blue and purple ones.

These blue and purple lotuses contain a huge amount of toxins. They were extremely toxic, that even ingesting a little bit would kill even ones with a good cultivation base.

But a few centuries ago the alchemy assassination found a way to transform these orchids into powerful medicines that could help in cultivation. Each blue orchids could help someone in the foundation establishment, or sometimes, if they were large enough, those in the core formation realm. The purple lotuses on the other hand were for people in the core formation and nascent soul stages.

So these lotuses were quite valuable. Many people were now heading towards the lake at the end of the poison valley to find them.

When Bai Yun arrived near the lake, he found that there were many people there who were looking for lotuses. From the man he met, Bai Yun knew that the lotuses would appear randomly, and all over the lake, so finding one was mostly up to luck. So Bai Yun quickly left the crowd and started to walk around the lake hoping to get lucky.

As he walked about, Bai Yun saw many others who were wandering around just like him. Some of them were making groups and trying to look for lotuses. This was because not only would other adventures attack you for the lotuses, but even some of the demonic beasts in poison valley would come here for them. Thus it was quite dangerous and was safer to go together.

Bai Yun found many people preparing to strike out for lotuses. There were some people who were making a boat and some people even just jumped into the lake to swim. Usually the lake would be too poisonous to swim, but for a short while after the miasma explosion, the water would turn normal.

Bai Yun knew nothing about making boats, and he did not want to join others either. So he simply wandered around by himself.

Bai Yun had nearly circled half of the lake when he found himself alone. At that point, Bai Yun saw that the lake water was bubbling slightly. Bai Yun stood on the shore for a while before a small blue lotus popped out of the water. Bai Yun looked around, but not seeing anyone else, he plucked the flower and put it away in his storage ring. He waited a while to see if anyone would come to fight him for the lotus, but nobody did. So Bai Yun walked away feeling quite lucky.

Bai Yun walked around the lake a couple more times. This time he did not get lucky and find any more lotuses.

Bai Yun stood there on the shores of the lake for a while before he decided to venture into the lake itself. Even though he already had one lotus, there was no harm in getting more. And the chances of finding a lotus on the shores were low.

Bai Yun did not know how to make a boat. So he took a very simple approach. Bai Yun cut down a large tree and dragged it to the water and simply sat on it. Then he used his soul tendrils like paddles to quickly move into the lake. As he moved on his makeshift boat, he got many weird looks, but Bai Yun simply ignored them and just went about his way.

Bai Yun soon found himself isolated. The lake was very large and there were not many people nearby. Only a few people who were in the vicinity of the poison valley had entered here to check out the lake by now. It would be a while before the people from terracotta hill arrived.

Bai Yun paddled randomly for a few minutes before he caught sight of another blue lotus in the distance. He rapidly paddled over to it before he saw that the lotus was surrounded by many fishes. They were fighting over the lotus while being careful not to damage it.

These fishes weren't very strong, they were all below the third circle level. Generally, such beasts would be of no problem to Bai Yun, even with their numbers, but the fact that they were fishes, while he was in the middle of a lake complicated things a bit. Bai Yun thought for a moment whether he should leave this lotus alone before deciding otherwise.

Bai Yun stopped his tree a god distance from the lotus, far enough that the fishes won't notice, but close enough to reach the lotus with his soul tendrils. After confirming that there was no one nearby, Bai Yun immediately picked the lotus with his soul tendrils and brought it over to himself, and put it away. Then he moved away as fast as he could before the fishes noticed.

Bai Yun only stopped after ten minutes. After confirming that he had indeed lost the fishes, Bai Yun started to head over in a new direction.

For the next hour, Bai Yun wandered around the lake. He saw a couple of lotuses in the distance. But before he could reach them, someone else had already taken them away. Since he already had two blue lotuses, Bai Yun did not feel like going and stealing lotuses from others.

It was at this point that Bai Yun saw another blue lotus. It was in the middle of a few groups of adventures. They were all standing around wary of each other. Bai Yun saw them and rapidly moved towards them.

When they saw Bai Yun approach, they turned to look at him. Seeing Bai Yun's age as well as his boat, many of them chuckled. "Little boy, leave now before you get hurt." One of the adventurers warned him.

Bai Yun looked around at them. The strongest of them was only at the mid foundation establishment realm. Bai Yun smiled when he realized this. He smiled, and his soul tendril went and wrapped around the lotus. With a wave of his hand, the lotus was plucked and it flew towards Bai Yun.

When the lotus fell into Bai Yun's hand, everyone around was stunned. Bai Yun put the lotus in his backpack, as he didn't want to let people know about his storage ring. After this, he smiled and waved to the adventures. "See you later." Bai Yun said as he left.

A moment later, the adventures woke from their stupor. They all turned around and charged towards Bai Yun. Seeing this Bai Yun frowned. Then he leaped off of his tree and landed on one of the boats.

Seeing that Bai Yun had landed on their bat, the adventures were happy. They picked up their weapons and turned towards Bai Yun. But Bai Yun simply cast soundless motion and disappeared from right before their eyes.

In an instant all but the mid foundation establishment leader found themselves disarmed. The leader roared and charged at Bai Yun. But due to the swaying of the bat, his steps were unsteady. But Bai Yun did not have such a problem. His soundless motion worked perfectly even on the boat. Otherwise, specter steps would not be a top class movement technique.

In an instant, Bai Yun arrived behind the mid foundation establishment leader and put his sword on his neck. On land, he might have to fight a lot to win, but on water Bai Yun's, victory was near instantaneous.

"This time I'm letting you go." Bai Yun said. "don't follow me anymore. Next time I won't be so gentle. And this goes to all of you." Saying so Bai Yun put away his sword, and got back on his tree, and left.

The adventures looked at each other for a moment, before turning away and leaving. After seeing Bai Yun's strength, they had no desire to fight him.

And Bai Yun put away the third lotus in his storage ring, and continued his search. But after a while, Bai Yun decided to head back. He had already found three lotuses. While it would be fine to find a few more lotuses, he could see that the number of people here was increasing. Obviously, the people from terracotta hill were starting to arrive. And Bai Yun did not want to get into any more fights. If he did not have any lotuses, he might have stayed, but with three lotuses, Bai Yun had enough for his own use.

And so Bai Yun headed back to the shore. He had barely landed when Bai Yun saw another lotus swaying in the water just a short distance from him. After looking around and seeing no one, Bai Yun went to pick it up.

Bai Yun had barely reached for the lotus when he saw a shadow beneath the water rapidly rising. Feeling a huge danger approaching, Bai Yun rapidly retreated. And then, right where he was standing, a huge three headed snake appeared.

The moment he saw the beast, Bai Yun retreated even faster. He knew that all the snakes with multiple heads were descendants of the great ten headed snake, the hydra. All venomous snakes were descended from the hydra. It had ten heads and each head had mastered a different element which included earth, fire, water, wood, metal, air, lightning, poison, light, and darkness. And all multiple headed snakes were like the hydra. Each of their heads had mastered a different element. And the worst part was that until each head used an element, it was difficult to tell what element that head had mastered.

And as the number of heads increased, so did the purity and power of the snake. A snake with three heads like the one in front of him was in the same league as the shadow leopard and lava spider that he had encountered. And the beast in front of him was at the fifth circle level. Its strength along with its bloodline made it an incredibly formidable opponent.

Bai Yun smiled wryly when he saw the snake. "I did not know that you wanted this lotus brother snake." Bai Yun said with a smile. "You can have it you know. I won't fight for it at all."

Saying so, Bai Yun turned around and ran away.

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