Return of the demon

117 Absorbing the hundred beast flame

"Are you sure about your choice." Elder San asked. "We don't know what this flame is. It could be quite weak. There are much better flames in the treasury."

"I am sure." Bai Yun said. "This is the one I want." He would have to be crazy not to take it. This was probably the most valuable item in the entire world.

For a moment Elder San stood there and wondered whether to let Bai Yun have the flame. This flame had a great importance to the clan. Even though it looked quite weak, it was also the very first transcendent element ever collected by the clan.

After a while Elder San finally gave in. "All right you can have it." He said. Rather than just put it here, it was better to give it to Bai Yun. Who knows Bai Yun might even find out about the secrets of the flame. "Then again, this flame is probably the only one you could actually absorb given your current cultivation. All the other beast flames might be too powerful for you."

Bai Yun rolled his eyes when he heard this. Not only would he have no trouble absorbing any of the flames here, but the hundred beast flame was also the strongest flame here. Due to its special properties, it was extremely difficult for it to show its true power before it was absorbed.

Elder San walked into the room and started to press at a secret point on the podium. Slowly the restrictions that were placed on the hundred beast flame started to come undone. Elder San then took out a small bottle and carefully transferred the flame into it. He then bottled it up and gave it to Bai Yun.

After he got the hundred beast flames Bai Yun and Bai Mu quickly left the treasury. Bai Mu took Ba Yun back to the mansion. When they reached the mansion, Bai Mu took Bai Yun to the library and sat down and stared at him.

"What?" Bai Yun asked after a while.

"Out with it." Bai Mu said. "Why did you choose that flame? You wouldn't have chosen that flame for no reason."

Bai Yun smiled when he heard his father. "There is no reason. Just an instinct that there is something special about that flame."

Bai Mu glanced deeply at Bai Yun. Then he nodded and said "Fine. Here is a book on how to absorb a transcendent flame, along with some techniques necessary to do it. Now go and absorb the flame."

Bai Yun quickly left the library and went back to his room. He then took out the small flame and held it in his hands.

The hundred beast flame was a powerful flame. It wasn't something Bai Yun could absorb with his current cultivation. Thankfully he had the god devil sense. Without it, Bai Yun would be burned to ashes by the hundred beast flame.

The process of absorbing transcendent elements was to take a transcendent element and transfer it into your dantian and then mark it with a special soul mark. There were two separate parts in this. The first part was to take the transcendent flame into the body and into the dantian. This required the help of a very strong body. Without it, your body could be destroyed by the transcendent element. There were also some special pills and materials as well as techniques that could reduce the burden on the body. Bai Yun had access to some of the most powerful pill recipes as well as techniques available to him. But thanks to the god devil sense, Bai Yun was sure that he did not need any of them.

The second part was to place your soul mark into the transcendent element. This required one to create a soul mark and place it on the transcendent element. This was a dangerous practice. The transcendent elements had their own spirituality. They would fight back against the soul mark. And this meant that there was a chance for the soul mark to fail. It was especially the case for beast flames which has a violent will.

There were different means to create the soul mark. Depending on the method used, they had differing chances of success. Bai Yun was currently studying a method created by the God of Alchemy that had a very high chance of success. Even with his great comprehension, it would take Bai Yun a while to completely comprehend the technique.

And the fact that all transcendent elements had to be stored in the dantian and they had spirituality meant that a person could only have one transcended element at a time. If you had two or more transcendent elements at the same time, they could clash against each other and the resulting collision could kill you. Of course, nothing was absolute. There were some special people with mutant dantians that could hold multiple transcendent elements at the same time.

And if you want to change your transcendent element, there were two ways that it could be done. The first to free the current transcendent element and to once again mark a new one.

The second method was to feed the current transcendent element to the new one. A free transcendent element had a small chance of feeding a much weaker transcendent element of the same type. This meant that a transcendent flame could only feed on a transcendent flame, and a transcendent earth could only feed on a transcendent earth, and so on. The powerful transcendent element would eat the weaker one and the soul mark would get transferred to the new one. This could only be achieved under some dangerous conditions and if the feeding method failed, you would be crippled at the very least. But some people still tried this method. This was because the new transcendent element also had a small chance of merging the abilities of the two original elements or even awakening some new abilities.

Bai Yun knew all this so he was very careful. Even with the god devil sense, if he was careless for a moment, the hundred beast flame would burn him up.

Bai Yun studied the soul marking method deep into the night. Once he was certain that the soul mark had been perfected, Bai Yun began the process of absorbing the transcendent flame.

Bai Yun took the flame out of the bottle and held it in his hand. Even now Bai Yun could not sense any power coming from the flame. If Bai Yun hadn't seen the billion beast flame before, he would not have been sure that this was the hundred beast flame.

Bai Yun then took a deep breath. He then opened his mouth and swallowed the hundred beast flame.

The next second the hundred beast flame followed Bai Yun digestive tract and ended up in his stomach. For a moment everything was silent. The next moment the flame erupted into a powerful force that started to ravage all over Bai Yun's body.

An indescribable pain assaulted Bai Yun. But he grit his teeth and started to operate his god devil sense. The next moment the ravaging flame was subdued. It was as if the flame was trapped in an indestructible cage.

Bai Yun then slowly started to control the flame. By now the flame had arrived at every single part of Bai Yun's body. There was even a weak gray flame burning on his skin. His clothes had all been burned away by now.

Bai Yun then slowly started to drag the hundred beast flame piece by piece into his dantian in a particular rhythm. At each step, it was as if his entire body was being burned alive. But Bai Yun simply ignored the pain and continued to bring the entire flame to his dantian.

Actually, Bai Yun had many other methods available to him that were much gentler and did not have to suffer through so much pain. But this method of absorbing the flame was created by the God of Alchemy and had a special advantage. This method allowed one to modify one's body to take on the properties of the flame being absorbed. This would increase one's affinity towards that flame, and also make it easier to control it. But there was no pro without con. And the con was the severe pain Bai Yun was suffering now. In order to make his body more in line with that of the flame, it was necessary to destroy it first. There was no creation without destruction after all.

Slowly Bai Yun brought the flame into his dantian. Then inside his dantian there was a small cluster of gray flames slowly burning.

Bai Yun then took a deep breath and slowly operated his soul power. Slowly a weird mark appeared in his sea of consciousness. Anyone who saw that mark would find themselves drawn into the beauty of it. But no matter how much they wanted, they would not even be able to describe it, much less copy it.

Bai Yun slowly brought his soul mark into his dantian. For Bai Yun, the upcoming part was the most dangerous. His god devil sense would be of little help here. He would have to depend on his soul and will power to complete the soul marking process.

Bai Yun took a deep breath and drove the soul mark into the flame cluster. The next moment a terrifying pain shot through Bai Yun's soul. The hundred beast flame was indeed a little too much for Bai Yun to try and tame for now.

Bai Yun clenched his teeth so hard that his gums started to bleed. He was soon doubled over and curled up on the floor. But no matter what, Bai Yun did not lose his objective even for a second. Bai Yun's soul power quickly covered the hundred beast flame. Slowly it was being tamed by Bai Yun's will.

Soon half an hour passed. Then a sound as if something broke was heard from Bai Yun's body. Along with it, a soothing power spread throughout his body, healing the wounds he had suffered. Bai Yun had succeeded in taming the hundred beast flame.

At that time a powerful perception that was covering that room, retreated with a sigh of relief.

Slowly a black impurity appeared all over Bai Yun's body. When he absorbed the hundred beast flame, Bai Yun had used its power to push out the various impurities in his body. This had increased the difficulty of absorption. But the gains were better than the losses. Now Bai Yun's cultivation would be smoother in the future.

Bai Yun slowly stood up and studied the flame in his dantian. There was a small cluster of gray flames floating and slowly rotating above his qi whirlpool. The process was also helpful in completely solidifying his cultivation. Bai Yun could feel that he was very close to a natural breakthrough. He would be able to breakthrough to foundation establishment very soon.

Bai Yun then saw that his entire body was covered with a thick black substance. He quickly jumped into the bath and scrubbed the black substance off. He then laid in the bath and slowly started to relax.

Bai Yun then raised his hand and held it outward. Suddenly a small gray flame appeared on his palm.

As he stared at the flame, Bai Yun slowly thought about the past few months since his awakening. Bai Yun had spent almost every day in a hurry cultivating, just to get this little flame. With this, the first phase of this cultivation plan had come to an end.

It was time to start phase two.

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