Li Ling is pretty sure that Cyr is a vampire.

If this guy is not a vampire, Li Ling’s name can be written backwards.

It’s just that Li Ling didn’t expect why Jiu Li Man Wang would recognize a vampire as a godson.

“Meet the Man King!”

The Lixian Tusi knelt down to the Man King first, and he was very nervous, for fear that there would be problems later.

The Nine Li Man King is quite happy.

“haha, don’t be so polite, we will be in-laws from now on, your son will marry my Sear in turn, and you will be the strongest of the nine toasts in the future!”

This honor was also wanted by the slang before.

But now he feels that this seems to be a pressure.

He really doesn’t know how to do well in front of him.

The King of Nine Li Man turned his head and said to Sil: “Look, this is your future wife.”

“I’ve seen it already, many thanks Adoptive Father gave me this very good marriage.”

Nasir looks polite, but the clothes he wears are those of the nine barbarians. It seems that he wants to pretend to be like the locals. Looks like.

At this time, Qiu Shuda looked at Li Ling nervously: “Third Brother, what should we… do?”

Li Ling motioned Qiu Shuda not to speak.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xie said: “Man King, maybe this time, his subordinates will disappoint you…”

“What do you mean?”

Upon hearing this, King Jiuli Man felt that something was not very good, his face instantly solidified, and his tattoos were also shining.

At the same time, Li Ling also felt something wrong through the tattoo of the Nine Li Man King.

“Why is it so weak?”

It is reasonable to say that King Jiuli Man is a cultivator, and he is impossible to have physical weakness in his entire life.

However, through his tattoo, Li Ling discovered that his essence seems to be less.

Something is wrong, it must be something wrong.

How can the dignified Jiuli Barbarian King be less refined when he has never had a fight with others?

With vampire next to him, Li Ling seems to understand a little bit.

At this moment, the Barbarian King roared: “What do you mean by Lixia!”

“Little girl, little girl sang in turn, there is already a marriage match, I am afraid it is worthy of you, not worthy of you Righteous son…”

The voice of Lixie became smaller and smaller, but the things he said became louder and louder.

When he finished saying this, the barbarian king suddenly smashed the armrest of his throne!

“What did you say!!”

The roar of the Barbarian King was really unbearable.

That Sill was also very angry: “Adoptive Father, the Tusi Lixian does not respect you, please execute the whole clan of Lixian! Destroy their stockade!”

“Man King !!!”

Lixie quickly began to persuade: “This is all to blame. I have no way to discipline the little girl. If you want to get angry, just come at me alone, clansman in my stockade. They are all innocent!”

The Lixia Tusi has already thought about it. If it is really a crisis, he would rather use his own life in exchange for the life of the entire village.

But how could King Jiuli Man agree?

He immediately said: “You humiliated me, do you still want to bargain with me?”

At this time, Qiu Shuda came forward.

“Man King! I do everything! If you want to punish me, please punish me!”

Qiu Shuda is also a man who can support both heaven and earth. He has nothing to blame other than his love to tease girls.

At this time, how can he not stand up?

Seeing Qiu Shuda stand up, that Sil was very angry.

“Sang in turn, is this what you call an existing marriage!”

Sang in turn is certainly not afraid, she stood directly and took Qiu Shuda’s arm:” Yes, I like Da Ge, Da Ge also likes me! I want to marry Da Ge!”

Say such a thing in Wangzhai, it is simply the greatest humiliation to the King of Jiuli Man.

Sill is his son. To humiliate his son is not to humiliate him himself.

How could he endure such a serious matter?

In an instant, his tattoo burst into light!

“Like! Do you dare to humiliate me here, I will destroy your whole family!”

With a boom, King Jiuli Man rushed over.

Just when Li Xia thought he was going to die, Shun Sang suddenly stood in front: “father!”

When Li Xia stood in front of him, Qiu Shuda Also anxious.

Qiu Shuda jumped over at once and stood in front of Sang Sang: “Sister Sang!”

So, if the palm of King Jiuli Man is hit, it will Will hurt Qiu Shuda first.

Although Qiu Shuda is usually more romantic, he will never hurt his woman.

He won’t hurt his woman even if he is dead!

Since the Jiuli Man King wants to kill, Qiu Shuda will go to die for his own woman.

Sill next to the throne watched this scene indifferently: “hmph, overestimate one’s capabilities.”


Just when the hand of King Jiuli Man was about to hit Qiu Shuda, he suddenly felt as if he had hit some iron plate.

I looked up and found a Central Plains man standing in front of him.

This is Li Ling!

Li Ling blocked the attack of King Jiuli Man with the palm of his hand. He stood there proudly, his eyes staring at everything!

“Flying eagle guard? There is someone who can block me from flying eagle guard!”

Under normal circumstances, the strongest person of flying eagle guard is Qiyu, and then It is the golden eagle envoys everywhere.

Although the cultivation base of Lizhou Golden Eagle Envoy Ying Huaisong is not as high as that of the Nine Li Man King, Ying Huaisong can control the Man King from the legal point of view.

However, as long as Qiyu is not there, King Jiuli Man thinks that no one can beat himself.

The person in front of him was able to resist oneself with a palm, which really surprised King Jiuli Man.

In fact, this so-called full palm is nothing more than an itching in Li Ling’s eyes, and I really don’t feel any strength.

This should not be the strength of a brute king.

This also confirmed Li Ling’s conjecture even more. The Nine Li Barbarian King was sucked into essence.

Just when Li Ling was facing the Nine Li Man King, Xi Er directly shouted: “Adoptive Father, someone dared to resist you, you should kill this person!”

King Jiuli Man was not stupid enough to dare to kill Feiyingwei without asking questions.

He asked: “Why did Feiyingwei come here!”

“Investigate the case.” Li Ling said.

“We nine barbarians are engaged in their own marriage, why do we let you fly the eagle guard to investigate!”

“Because my brother is involved, so I want to investigate the case.”


“So, do you Feiyingwei want to change the decision I made in Lizhou?”

Li Ling said: “It seems like this, but I hope you can bless one by one Sang and Qiu Shuda, they are the two love each other.”

Didn’t expect Jiuli Man Wang sneered twice.

“hehe, since you have decided to interfere with our nine barbarians, then I am not unreasonable to kill you.”

“Kill you now, even if you are pregnant There is no reason to say me if you let go!”

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