"Charizard, this is charred charcoal, you eat it, it will increase your strength and the power of your flames, it will be very good for you. Liuyun took out the charred charcoal from his backpack and handed it to Charizard.

......Although the charcoal looked black and a little ugly, Charizard sensed the rich fire energy in this charcoal charcoal, and Charizard directly took the charcoal with its claws, then closed its eyes and stuffed it into its mouth.

After swallowing the charred black charcoal into its stomach, about half a minute later, the flames on Charizard's tail suddenly increased in a circle, and the color became more deep, and the already strong body seemed to grow a little.

!!After a while, Charizard suddenly opened its eyes, and then a crimson jet of flame erupted into the sky!

At this moment, the jet flame seemed to be more profound than the previous color.

"Mile chirp!!" At this time, Charizard's big eyes looked at Liuyun fixedly, and he could increase his strength by eating something directly. This kind of thing is simply unheard of!

Looking at the appearance of Charizard 12 Dragons, Liuyun checked the Charizard system panel, and found that there was no change, thinking about it, with Charizard's current strength, it is very difficult to improve every time, it seems that this Charizard has also increased some strength and flame power, these things that cannot be seen on the system panel.

"Roaring ?!!"

After the tyrannosaurus on the side saw the change of the fire-breathing dragon, a pair of hideous big eyes showed a happy light, and twisted its body close to twelve meters in anticipation to rub against the flowing clouds.

Pokemon's perception is much more sensitive than that of humans, and feeling the growth of Charizard's strength, the tyrannosaurus thinks, this is terrible, eating something I don't know what to do, my own strength has increased, and it seems that the power of my own skills has increased a lot?

However, before its huge body could get closer, it was immediately controlled in place by Nazi's superpowers.

"I'm sorry, Tyrannosaurus, your body is too big, I subconsciously used superpowers, I'm sorry to ......" Nazi, who found that she was overreacting, hurriedly disarmed her superpowers, and explained to the Tyrannosaurus with a red face.

"Roar...... Woo ......" Hearing Nazi's explanation, the tyrannosaurus actually whimpered aggrievedly, which sounded very funny, and the tyrannosaurus said, my body is so big, is it my fault!!?

"Tyrannosaurus, don't get excited, this thing also has your share, otherwise it won't let you out. Liuyun also heard the Tyrannosaurus's comical-sounding whimper, and immediately comforted.

"Roar !!" After hearing Liuyun's words, the tyrannosaurus suddenly became energetic and energetic again, accompanied by a loud roar, the already huge mouth seemed to be even bigger, as if waiting for what Liuyun said to improve its strength.

"Tyrannosaurus, this is a mysterious water droplet, go down, it can improve your strength and the power of your water skills, which is very good for you. Liuyun rummaged through his backpack, picked up mysterious droplets of blue light, and handed them to the salivating Tyrannosaurus.

The Tyrannosaurus on one side opened its mouth wide, and the trainer of the main family threw things into it.

There's no way around it, although the tyrannosaurus also wants to eat it by itself, but first, it doesn't have claws like Charizard, and secondly, the tyrannosaurus is really afraid of swallowing the owner whole in one bite...... That's going to be a problem. I wonder if Miss Nazi or Charizard will hammer themselves into small pies......

Soon, Drift Cloud threw mysterious droplets of water that shimmered blue in the sunlight into the Tyrannosaurus's mouth.

Soon, the tyrannosaurus, which seemed to sense something, quietly closed its big hideous eyes. Immediately, its body suddenly thickened to a degree visible to the naked eye! Its length also seemed to grow a little, reaching a length of nearly thirteen meters! Compared to Charizard, which had already reached the level of a Heavenly King, the Tyrannosaurus that was still at the peak of the elite absorbed more comprehensively, and the improvement obtained was also greater than that of Charizard.

Looking at the energetic appearance of the tyrannosaurus, Liuyun opened the system and checked the current system panel of the tyrannosaurus, and sure enough, the strength of the tyrannosaurus had improved a lot.

Tyrannosaurus (Flash):

Attributes: Water, Flying

Potential Rating: Champion

Strength evaluation: Quasi-Heavenly King (Beginner)

Trait 1: Intimidation: Pokemon with the Intimidation trait can reduce the attack of all Pokemon on the opponent when they appear.

Trait 2: Overconfidence: Pokemon with the Overconfidence trait will increase their attack by one level every time they defeat a Pokemon.

Skills: Impact, Tornado, Dragon's Fury, Frozen Fang, One Hundred Thousand Volts, Thunder, Jet Flame, Steel Tail, Bite Crush, Water Tail, Dragon Dance, Pray for Rain, Destroy Ray, High Pressure Water Pump, Ultimate Impact.

System Comments: This is a talented red tyrannosaurus, after taking such a precious substance as a mysterious droplet, the potential has broken through the racial ceiling of the elf, reaching the champion level, as long as the host can be cultivated well, it can become a great help for the host in the future.

Unexpectedly, after the potential breakthrough of the Tyrannosaurus reached the champion level, he actually learned three skills: thunder, jet flame, steel tail, thunder and steel tail It's okay to say, after all, the 100,000 volts of the Tyrannosaurus make it still 027 quite slippery, and it is also very familiar with the steel tail, and there are signs of learning when he was in the Hualan Strait, so he learned these two skills, and Liuyun was not too surprised.

But what the hell is a jet of flames, although I have seen a tyrannosaurus learn to spray flames on the elf forum before, but I have only seen it once, so it can be seen that this skill is a difficult skill for a tyrannosaurus to learn, is this a champion-level potential to be strong?

Liuyun didn't delve into it anymore, and after giving Charizard and Tyrannosaurus to Charizard and Tyrannosaurus, there was one miracle seed left because Liuyun didn't have a grass-based Pokemon yet, so Liuyun planned to put it in the system warehouse later, and then make plans after getting the grass-based Pokemon he liked in the future.

At this time, Xiao Mao on the side stared straight at everything that was happening in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face, "Liuyun, this is ...... Could this be charred black charcoal and mysterious droplets??"

Liuyun nodded slightly, agreeing with Xiao Mao's conjecture......

Xingsheng caused a disaster, and cut it to eternal rule******************************

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