Just like the ultimate legion in the legend, it is the real ultimate legion under the witness of the real volume of the universe.Awarded the supreme honor by the universe.

But at this moment, a golden beam of light suddenly rose from the earth, rushed into the atmosphere between familiar ones, and fled in the cosmic starry sky.

This scene instantly shocked countless people who were depressed.

Countless residents of the ancient city, and even soldiers, their hearts jumped violently, as if they saw hope, and their eyes glowed.

"what is that?"

Some people exclaimed, and even started to get excited.

The picture of the real volume also began to get closer a little bit, fully showing the figure in the golden light.

It was a person, an extremely embarrassed person with broken skin.


It was extremely miserable, even the bones of both hands and feet were exposed, and the flesh and blood were washed clean. One face, clenched his teeth, half of his face was left with only bones, and only half of his eyes were intact, like broken glass. .

But the corners of the eyes that were left were full of eerie determination.

It was a terrifying will.

Can shake the world, is survival, but also hope, with glory.

He was actually Shi Ze.

He wasn't completely dead, only the only remaining thoughts remained.

With this idea, he fled frantically, and there was a constant roar that was almost insane in his throat.

rush rush..."

He roared and roared: "rush ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..."

The huge roar, even through the display of the real scroll, seemed to be resounding in the ears of countless people.

That kind of unyielding will has moved countless people.

"He survived! Survived!"

I don't know who it is (okay), and suddenly shouted with a hint of crying surprise, and the voice swept through everything like a frenzy.

"He survived, and he is buying time for their commander to come." This is a soldier, this is a soldier, a real iron and blood soldier."

Countless people shouted.

The numbers in the real scroll are passing little by little, a full minute has passed, and there are still nine minutes left.

Even Jiang Yuan, all eyes at this moment are on Size.

Silently clenched his fists, shouting silently in his heart: "Come on. Come on!"

It was as if he heard Jiang Yuan's cry.

Si Ze, who was on the run wildly, suddenly roared.

"Rush along with the roar, his speed soared again, and the whole person was burning.

The bones of his legs burned clean in an instant.

"And the fish that slipped through the net...

Chapter [-]: Last minute

Above the earth, a half-step god suddenly raised his head, watching Sze fleeing frantically, with a roar, his body moved violently, turning into a stream of light to chase after him.

Wherever he passed, his clever murderous aura drew a black torrent across the space.

In a short breath, he reached directly behind Si Ze, and a sharp blade appeared in his hand.The cold light of the sharp blade flickered, rapidly growing in the starry sky, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a length of [-] meters.

The long sword was raised little by little under his control.

The next second, his eyes became incomparably cold and severe, and after a while, the terrifying power exploded directly, and the big sword slashed in the air.

The space around Si Ze was completely condensed, and there was no way to escape.

His almost skeleton-like head turned and turned, looking at the sharp blade that was chopped down from the top of his head, the crazy look in his eyes was even more crazy.

He directly raised a relatively intact arm, turned his fist into a palm, and slashed at his own head.Tear.

Incomparably decisive, he cut himself apart from the beginning and turned him into two.

The first body continued to flee, but the first body was too late, and was cut down by the long sword in the air, burst directly, turned into countless fragments, and floated in the starry sky.

The other party's expression was slightly stunned, and even showed a look of astonishment. He has never seen such a crazy person who has seen himself cut himself in half.

At the moment when he was stunned, Si Ze had already rushed out for 230 light years.


Instead, he was even more crazy in his heart, completely disregarding everything, and burning his body crazily.



A roar erupted from Si Ze's mouth.

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