Five thousand points

Point eight

Nine thousand points

Integral nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine

In the end, the number of points above the cloud was fixed at nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, and it did not increase in the slightest.

And these points are the credentials for the promotion of the legion, and all information will be transmitted to the mysterious main city of Apocalypse in an instant.

, seen by the real high-level officials of the entire department.

After being recognized, you will receive the blessings of Qi Da Department all day long.

"More than nine thousand nine hundred

At the moment of seeing the points, countless people in the Wangshan Corps gasped, and their faces were stunned.

Even Yuyi and Size stood stupidly in the ruined city, raised their heads dumbly, and looked at the clouds in the sky.

The integral number on the end. "Am I dazzled?" Yuyi lowered her head stiffly, looked at Si Ze beside her, swallowed her saliva, dumbfounded.

look at each other.

"You. You Tong Ze didn't know what to say at this time, and stammered: "You, you read it right. "

The heartbeats of the two fell along with his voice, and beat violently again.

Scalp really explodes and tingles.

Yuyi's eyes were fixed on the number of points on the sky and the clouds for a moment, watching as his eyes gradually became rosy.

In the end, he yelled like crazy, venting his inner excitement.

" Nine thousand points, nine thousand points! Hahahahahahaha.

He was so excited, as excited as a child, he rushed in front of Si Ze in an instant, clutching his hands tightly.

Hold the other person's shoulder.

Looking at each other's eyes, he said with excitement: "Did you see it? Did you see it? Nine thousand points, this means

What? This means that our Wangshan Army is no longer a tenth-class army, and we are no longer a tenth-class army, haha

He roared excitedly: "We are the second-class army, we are the second-class army, we are the second-class army


Si Ze was also so excited that he could not speak, although he had already prepared in his heart, he knew that they would destroy all the other's troops alone.

The regiment even pushed their main city horizontally, and there were definitely a lot of points.

But he never thought that there would be so many points, and they would directly rush them to the height of the second-class army.

That's a second-class army!

In the entire Apocalypse system, it is no longer a trivial legion that can be sacrificed at will, but can have

The number of his own army can be ranked among the ranks of the entire major department.

This is the real glory.

When they return to their hometown, they will see their relatives, their family, their race.

When they heard that their legion was a second-class legion, how shocked their expressions would be.

And he is not only a member of the second-class legion, but also one of the lieutenants in the second-class legion.

This is even more glorious news that makes people's heart beat faster and it is difficult to breathe.

Standing outside the city, Jiang Yuan could clearly see the sluggish expressions of countless soldiers in the city, as well as Yuyi Si Ze.

People are almost hugging each other excitedly.

He couldn't help but put up a faint smile.

At this moment, a magnificent voice suddenly resounded, shaking in everyone's ears, as if shocked

Thunder general.

""The first round of the battlefield is over, all legion commanders are ready, and the evacuation time is counted down




a clip

When the grand voice said the last number, a golden light (of the good king) suddenly came from the sky

Up, straight down, shrouded Jiang Yuan in an instant, and his body was pulled by - an extremely strong pulling force -

A little bit of pulling begins to rise.

However, Jiang Yuan discovered that besides himself, there were also some legion commanders from his own faction who were also attacked by Jin Guangyi.

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