Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 907: 666 disguised

Although it ’s good to escape or Chang Huan ’s, it ’s hard to understand the evaluation of prostitute Gao Chuan on juvenile Gao Chuan. purpose. The previous consciousness test is only to determine whether there is a hidden danger in the contact between the two parties. If Chang Wyan's test, the consciousness state of the prosthetic Gaochuan does still have the possibility of being subject to the conscious walker, then for the contact of the two parties Changes that may occur afterwards must be evaluated more carefully. At this critical moment, the utilization rate of the manpower and resources of the network ball has been nearly maximized, and the remaining mobilizable power is hidden as insurance.

The actions of Juvenile Gao Chuan and the eyeballs of the cyber ball in London have already confirmed the abnormal movements of the doomsday truth religion. However, if the power that the cyber ball can still be used in this annihilation war, it may cause the cyber ball to The operation becomes stiff. Once the pressure caused by external changes is further increased, the network ball is likely to cause a series of cascading failures due to excessive load, which may affect the current most important goals.

In order to ensure this buffer room to deal with greater pressure, the network ball had to choose to observe some changes in the city of London. In the fire escape plan, they only need to persist for up to seven days to change their situation. At the beginning, he did not want to provoke a war with the Doomsday Truth. However, the appearance of the young Gaochuan has triggered this battle, and it will intensify in anticipation. The best solution today is to rely on the power of alliance organizations. Solve this battle as soon as possible.

For the network ball, the situation is controlled by itself. Undoubtedly, it is more able to prove the legality and necessity of its status to other mysterious organizations. However, since the situation has changed, the fire does not mind the request for support from the alliance organizations. However, which mysterious organizations should be requested for support also requires in-depth consideration. Now gathered in London, there are many mysterious organizations that have a covenant relationship with the online ball verbally or in writing, and even top-level mysterious organizations like Torchlight have reached an agreement. Furthermore, the United Nations has promised to appease Britain. The status of the Cyber ​​Ball has been very stable. However, since it is requesting external support, all support is needed before the meeting is completed and the world ’s joint organization is granted. Netball pays its own benefits.

This way. The mysterious organization, whether it is too strong or too weak, is not the best target, and the battle takes place in London, so it is not possible to choose shallow relations, and those with deep relations must also be retained. in case the emergency. And this chaos against the Doomsday Truth, there are also many people who fish in the muddy waters, and they ca n’t judge by fire. The number of people will be determined to destroy the Doomsday Truth. To participate in the protection of London ’s stability. Therefore, the manpower dispatched this time. It must have the possibility of co-opting and maximizing its value, and it also has the power to influence the overall situation.

Thinking about it, only the strongest person in front of the whisperer is the best choice to deal with the current situation. Fire escape stared at the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, thinking turned at a high speed, in Chang Huaiyan's induction, as if sparks splashed layer by layer. He repeatedly evaluated his decision to confirm whether the premise of this choice was negligent.

"If it is Mr. Gao Chuan, there must be no problem. We cannot mobilize staff here, so Ms. File's support is also very needed." Huo said, "We will provide a gift that everyone can be satisfied with."

"I will notify them of the files." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, replied without hesitation: "It's not too late. Fire, if you have no other supplements, we will act."

When the fire broke his finger, someone knocked on the door and asked to come in. Saki went up to open the door and saw a young man in formal attire carrying an office bag and walked in. After handing the office bag to the fire, he left without stopping. Open the b office bag on fire and take out two pairs of monocles-it looks like what the old British gentlemen used to wear. The round lenses are connected to a silver safety chain.

"This is the newly developed team combat auxiliary equipment, which has not yet been mass-produced, but it has reached a level that can be used in actual combat." Huohuo said: "Its communication and reconnaissance modules can resist a certain degree of mysterious interference, which in turn You can also observe part of the mystery. There are many specific capabilities. However, the use of basic functions is still very convenient and has a certain degree of intelligence. If we want to put them on the market, we will consider weakening and reducing some functions. In order to achieve greater popularity and adaptability, however, this batch of engineering samples has not undergone function reduction, and we have unlocked all the in-depth functions. The relevant instructions for use will appear after the certification is activated. "

Prostitutes Gao Chuan and Saki Ye took their monocles and put them on. After a series of not complicated but sufficiently safe verification, the left eye vision of the two immediately transformed into a data-style interface. The interface is already used to the prosthetic body Gaochuan. The function of this monocle is similar to the effect produced by the brain hardware in conjunction with the retina screen, but it is functionally not as complicated and convenient as the latter. For the prosthesis Gaochuan, the only useful place for this monocle is only Because of its communication method, it is more universal than brain hardware. When more people use such monocles, the convenience of the communication module will be reflected, and this cannot be done by brain hardware that cannot be popularized.

In the last world line, Jin Jiang once made similar equipment with reference to the "stargazer" device in the ruling bureau. Since this world line, Jin Jiang is working for the network ball, then the appearance of these monocles is not worth it Surprised things. Saki Ye on the previous world line used the "Stargazer" helmet made by Omi, but Saki Ye on this world line was indeed the first time he was exposed to this full-featured combat auxiliary equipment. The interest at this time was a bit high- —Through the left eye, it seems that the entire world has become a game. This experience gives people a dreamy feeling, and it is also a scene that only appeared in science fiction works.

The system in the monocle has built-in character level standards set by the network ball itself, which is different from the seven-level standard of "paper, union, strong, fierce, mad, god, and extraterritorial" used by the prosthetic Gaochuan. It is not a standard of Mageweave grade, but a more pure pure value. Observe the time of the fire escape and Chang Huien through the left eye. The values ​​labeled as "Combat Power Estimate" are: 1800 and 1400, respectively.

Prostitute Gao Chuan has a visual sense of this numerical expression form, which is not the impression brought by similar phantom works, but comes from the memory of Gao Chuan in the past-he suddenly remembered it, and there was such a in the past. Sometimes, when you see the fire, you will have a certain number of impressions in your mind.

In the gradually clear impression, the estimated combat effectiveness of the fire escape was ... 1500, the fire escape in this world line. Obviously stronger. Chang Huaien's 1400 is also worth paying attention to. This is not a low value in the sense of sight born from the prosthetic body Gao Chuan.

However, there is also a voice telling him that he should never rely on this value to judge the strength of the enemy, because this value is representative. Observing ordinary people and ordinary mysterious holders is quite accurate, but it is not suitable for some special and powerful characters. And this voice is also telling him that the ability to escape fire and Chang Waien is definitely not a simple 1800 and 1400 can be summarized.

Prostitutes Gao Chuan and Saki Ye looked at each other. From their unilateral glasses, they have confirmed each other's combat power estimates. For Misaki, even if this value is not accurate, it is still a fun function-just like astrology and divination games.

"2300." Sakuya said.

"500." Gao Chuan, the prostitute, couldn't help laughing. This is the valuation that Sakuya did when he did not enter the state of the Ashbringer. He was also a bit curious about what Sakuya could achieve after turning into the Ashbringer.

"It seems that the two like this gadget quite a bit." Fu Huo smiled slightly. Said: "This combat effectiveness evaluation standard is actually formulated for the wizarding system, including elite wizards, can make a relatively accurate valuation, but for other mysteries, there may be major mistakes. Therefore, when the opponent is not a wizard, or a special wizard, please use it with caution. "

"So that's the case, is it against the wizard?" Gao Chuan's mind suddenly felt a little bit.

"We have allocated a part of the intelligence manpower to take charge of this operation. The relevant intelligence will be transmitted to the 'glasses' one after another." The fire stood up and said to the two: "The specific action plan is also under your sole responsibility. We The online ball can no longer free up more energy. "

"We will do our best." Masao Gaochuan said: "I don't want this city to fall into war."

Nodded and nodded, and said seriously: "I wish you victory."

They watched the fire go away without stopping, and the prostitutes Takagawa and Sakuya looked at each other.

"That Gaochuan ..." Sakuya frowned, "Achuan, that person, is it really you?"

"Yes, that's another me." Takagawa nodded calmly and nodded.

"So, what should we do? I am at a loss, and my mind is in chaos. Why are there two Achuan? What happens next? If it happens ... What should I do?" Sakuya shouted holding his head It seemed very painful to get up. She didn't know the actual situation of the prostitutes Gaochuan and Juvenile Gaochuan, but she intuitively sensed something. There was a bad, but unclear premonition that made her feel like a knife. She did n’t want to clarify this premonition at all-if something happened ... what would happen ... she did n’t want to confirm or accept it at all.

Prostitute Gao Chuan stepped forward, holding Misaki tightly in his arms and saying, "Nothing will happen. Misaki, I promise. You do n’t need to think about Gao Chuan ’s problem, because that ’s just Gao Chuan ’s own problem, but That ’s not a problem for Gao Chuan. Maybe you do n’t understand, but it does n’t matter, you do n’t need to understand. As long as you understand, there will eventually be a Gao Chuan coming back to you. ”

"Achuan ..." Sakuya uttered a cat-like whimper, "Must come back to me. Remember, no matter what happens, no matter when and where, I will be by your side." This is so contradictory , But the prostitute Gao Chuan feels understandable.

"We will always be together, no matter what happens, no matter how far away." The body style Gao Chuan said quietly: "I am by your side, your consciousness. In your heart. Even if the world is destroyed, the personality is broken .. I will also be your shadow, wandering in your dreams. "

"Achuan Achuan Achuan Achuan Achuan—" Miye didn't know why she felt such a strong emotion without any color in her heart, such a surging emotion washed away her facial features and made her seem to fall into a silent darkness In addition to the man who embraces himself, he will never feel any other existence.

as. This hug is all she has.


On this night, many people who stayed on the street saw a twisted space and a twisted figure, like a phantom blooming all the way, with a neon color, rushing through the dark night sky into the distance. Then. There are more, seemingly shadowless shadows, and a series of creepy winds, following dark corners, from the corner of the field of vision, from your side. Passing through shops and seemingly unmanned shops.

If you have to describe it, it would be like a night walk of a hundred ghosts.

The white-haired priest walked past the passers-by who was surprised and frightened. No one noticed his presence. He was like a ghost, holding the huge Bible with one hand. There are words in my mouth. The direction of his advance is the same as the twisted space. But when turning around the street corner, he couldn't help but stop, his pious and drooping face finally lifted up, and looked at the other side of the cross street, where stood a middle-aged priest, and stood beside him Five people.

There are no newcomers to the pedestrian vehicles passing this intersection. In just one minute, the area fell into a quiet, sobbing night wind.

There is not much difference between the appearances of the two priests. The calm temperaments of the two are also very similar. They are like they were carved with the same mold.

"Xi Sen ..." Father White Hair Cang Cang pushed the old-fashioned reading glasses and sighed.

"Father Edward, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's a blessing to see that you are still so energetic." Father Sisen's smile seemed more hearty.

"Are you going to stop me? It's useless." Father Edward said calmly: "My life is already connected with 666 demons."

"Oh--" Father Sissen exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't expect you to actually do it. It's a big project to make up for the offering of 666 demon, but you can stay in London all the time. "

"This is because every time I summon and connect a demon, my appearance changes." Father Edward sighed. "I can't remember what I really looked like ... No, I think, in fact, six hundred and sixty The Six Disguise is what I really look like at this time. I do n’t know what you look like at this time, but that is only a 1 / 666th chance. "

"You don't seem to be happy." Father Sisen gently explained: "You completed your life's volunteering and research in the field of demons, and reached a peak."

Father Edward chuckled: "Maybe, but, I don't think this is the end. Sisen, my godson, you have always been so smart and brave, with ambitions that no one else has, I knew early on, You must have a good time. Seeing you now reminds me of the early morning in the church listening to prayers. What a beautiful and memorable time. Now you, will you still remember the past? I Poor Sissen, the descendant of Gail Belos, eventually ended up in the black nest. "

"No way, my dear godfather, someone has to insist on fundamentalism, and that is the ultimate truth." Father Sisson said in a low voice: "I always remember that I am a descendant of Galberos, What about you? Remember your identity? "

"My identity?" Father Edward held the demon call book disguised as a Bible on his chest, painted a cross, and said calmly: "I am the chaotic data of 666 demon, the closest to the original chaos. , Explore the disorder of the truth of this world. "

"It's such a great name ~ ~ Father Edward, do you really think that connecting six hundred and sixty-six demons equals invincibility?" The five people who had stood beside him, except for l, the other four seemed to ride the wind and wrapped around Father Edward's body and surrounded him.

Father Edward turned a blind eye to this, and the black missionary uniform on his body was blown out loud. He opened the demon call book in his hand and whispered: "You are one, you are ten thousand, and I am six hundred and sixty Sixth, looking for your own truth. Please listen to my statement, # $% ^ && *. "At the end, a series of indescribable pronunciations makes the air suddenly heavy, and even the whistling wind becomes difficult.

At the same time, the four people surrounding him: h, s, k, q, Qi Qi attacked him.

The twisted space is like an inflated balloon, constantly engulfing and cross-street buildings, and the concept of light seems to disappear at this moment. In the spherical field darker than the dark, it seems that there is something terrible life, it is creeping, supporting the black ball field irregularly convex. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.

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