Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 796: Formatting threshold

Tie color and Dorothy ... What on earth did you think? How is their perception different from Gao Chuan?

"Gao Chuan" 's desire is actually to create a serum against "viruses" and cure them. Although their condition is getting worse, even now the body and personality are fragmented, and they must not No further amendments are made, but for the true "Gaochuan" will, the core of action is still to fight against "viruses", not to "hospitals". Even, to fight against "viruses", it is possible to cure people of the same color, and to be able to deal with " "Hospital" reached a cooperative transaction.

However, the plans of Selas and Dorothy are more like the reality of "hospitals" and their own confinement by "hospitals", so that they do not hesitate to use the power of "virus".

Not to mention which one is more correct, just from the perspective of feasibility and the steps of feasibility, the virus should have priority over the other cases.

"Virus" is very powerful, but there is the same degree of confrontational existence of "Jiang", and the technical support of "hospital". Once the antibody is produced and the serum is made, it can be used as the basis for further action. Layer advancement. To "fight against reality", it is based on "grabbing the power of viruses" and "turning the theory of overrun into practicality." The help in "fighting against viruses" must be regarded as an enemy, and the resistance is actually greater than "fighting against viruses." Much more.

In theory, "Virus" and "Jiang" are both things that have been confirmed to exist, but "Super String Theory" and even further "Great Unity Theory" cannot be confirmed, and are closer to mathematical theory or even to physical theory In the category of philosophy, although based on "doom illusion", the high-dimensional theory can be partly verified, but super color and super Dorothy. Can we really understand the high-dimensional theory in this way and make it practical? This doomsday illusion is based on the personality consciousness of the patients with doomsday syndrome and their inherent cognition. It can also reflect the scientific trend and progress of the "real" level. However, the prosthetic Gaochuan cannot see any practical feasibility of high-dimensional theory.

However, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan also did not doubt the original intentions of Xie Se and Dorothy following these actions. It is even more impossible to see that the ultimate problem of this scientific theory is not seen by others, so it is completely thought that the ideas of super color and super Dorothy are just nonsense. The reason is probably because he didn't really know the super color system and super Dorothy, just from the clues, it is assumed that the form of existence may no longer belong to human category.

Compared to the current "Gao Chuan", Super Color and Super Doroth are even more "inhuman". "Gao Chuan" only has mysterious power in the illusion of doomsday. Its seemingly inhuman form is nothing but a mapping distortion. On the "realistic" level and psychological level, Gao Chuan can only be regarded as a mental patient at most. The super color system and super Dorothy seem to have the power to restrict the activity of "Jiang" within a certain limit, and can also be regarded as having the power to restrict the "virus" to a certain extent. This kind of description can be regarded as "mystery" at the "reality" level.

Science, at least, can be reasoned and understood with mathematical theory. The mystery is a step beyond the understanding. It works.

Super color and Super Dorothy seem to be standing at a critical point of science and mystery.

At any time, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan wanted to contact Super Color or Super Dorothy, not to question them, but to confirm their ideas. Want to confirm, do they really know the nature of the existence of young Gaochuan and Jiang. And how confident they are in their actions.

Teenager Gao Chuan. It may be the existence closest to the original will of Gao Chuan, and "Jiang" cannot simply be regarded as a variant of "virus". Their actions can already be confirmed as an option. In the case where both options are available, where it is on the edge of a cliff and cannot wait for more opportunities, how to judge which option to implement should be adopted than The milder form of battle.

In the case of conflicting plans between yourself and the other party, it is okay for the prostitute Gao Chuan to be persuaded, whether he is persuaded on his own side, whether the young Gao Chuan side is persuaded, or whether he can reach a consensus. It is important to conduct direct face-to-face communication first to convey each other's ideas and goals, rather than directly confront each other in action. And such an idea is also a judgment made by him driven by sensibility.

If the brain hardware can still forcefully interfere, such an idea might not come to mind? Prostitute Gao Chuan had to think this way, but he didn't blame the super color system and super Dorothy for it. He always believed that what they did was considered from their own perspective and followed their own will, as long as he did not feel that there should be nothing-on the contrary, based on his own perspective To think and execute with a strong self-will, even if the process and result are not perfect, but such behavior is itself a proof of "good".

The super color system and the super Dorothy live very well. They are thinking about themselves, reaching their goals in their own will, and taking every step practically and firmly, which is the proof of "living". No matter how their form of existence becomes, this kind of performance alone is enough to prove that they live better than all patients with doomsday syndrome, and better than Gao Chuan, who is just a sick teenager. This also proves that they really have hope.

With Zhen Jiang already dead, Saki Ye, Ba Jing, and Masuo's personality collapsed, and Gao Chuan would collapse into a pool of lcl at any time, the state of the super color and super Dorothy was much better than originally expected.

This is enough.

It ’s better than everyone to lose motivation, lose oneself, and see no hope stronger.

Therefore, there is no need to blame or fear. In such a difficult environment, there is no more joy than confirming that the person you love is alive with such a hot and strong will. It doesn't matter if they are based on their own pain, the basis for their execution of their will.

The young Gaochuan has his own ideas and actions, and the prostitute Gaochuan also has his own ideas and responsibilities.

Prostitute Gao Chuan did not feel regret and anger for the time when he was subject to brain hardware. Now I have found my emotions. He became more of a normal human being, and he did not plan to reject the plan of super color and super Dorothy with a tough attitude. Because, from the beginning, he has come to this world with the will to sacrifice himself. He only hopes for his own sacrifice. Can be more valuable.

Yes, I used to want to prove my worth, but now I do n’t need it anymore. The inner body of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan is more calm and transparent than when the emotions were restricted by the brain hardware in the past. My own value has long been recognized. All I need to do is to follow my own values ​​and outlook on life. According to your own ideas, go through the last road and strive for a more perfect curtain call.

No matter what the young Gaochuan and Jiang are planning, what they have done is no longer important. Even if they took away the mental integration device, there was nothing to be nervous about. Regardless of what Super Colors and Super Dorothy are planning, why it is so important is no longer important. Even their plans are full of unknowns. because. The most important thing is what the original intention of everyone is, these ideas have been generated, and these actions have been launched.

Prostitute Gao Chuan has never been so trusting in the bond between people as they are now. From a rational perspective, this trust does not exist on a sufficient basis. However, from the perspective of sensibility, even if you can't understand all the circumstances, you can make a judgment that allows you to approve-it is like, the mysterious power holders in the illusion of doom. Always believe in your feelings.

In a sense, this kind of judgment born of sensibility is a measure of the distance between people's hearts. Without this sensibility, you cannot make such a judgment, you cannot truly trust a person, you cannot narrow the distance between people's hearts, and you cannot experience the warmth hidden in this distance. Even if the body is transformed into lcl and united, without this emotional impulse, the personality will not be able to truly approach each other. Perhaps this sensibility is also the reason why the spiritual integration device and the personality preservation device are bred, and it is also the final spiritual will The possibility of so-called "oneness of all".

From this perspective, if the pathological outcome of the Doomsday Syndrome is to achieve "Oneness of All," if it is to eat "Oneness of All," it is a human being who has both cold reason and hot sensibility, contradictory and consistent, It is indeed the best carrier of "virus". And Dr. Ande's "Human Completion Plan" is also more feasible than imagined.

Not only is it the most precious thing, the most indispensable ingredient, but the hope for the future is also a fatal weakness, the possibility of falling into the abyss. Sensibility is really a complicated thing.

The prostitute Gao Chuan savored the deep bitterness, sweetness, hope and despair. At this time, he did not have any impatience, restlessness, anxiety and fear. Because this insight brought him a transcendent perspective. From the memory of Gaochuan in the past, he seems to be overlooking every moment of choice that the Gaochuans have passed, and every moment of choice that he once passed.

On the retina screen, the progress of the fusion of personality information has been quietly approaching 80%. At the same time, Miyake and Gregia had already finished their breakfast, and Huitong Tiechuan walked out of the hotel, just like the curious ordinary tourists, embarked on the road to Big Ben.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan did not fall into a state of distraction again because of the change of his heart. Many things have been confirmed no doubt at the moment when he had thoughts. If it is converted into data, it is of course great information. However, it does not rely on brain hardware for processing, but as a perceptual flash. This huge information is like being eaten by an invisible glutton. Into the deepest part of the soul.

In the retina screen, data is flowing, but the prosthetic body Gao Chuan no longer focuses on these data. In the dataized window, from time to time there are some dreamlike memory scenes covering the street scene, often at this moment, as if he himself is the protagonist of this memory-a Gaochuan. Every step he took seemed to step in and out of this memory illusion and normal street scene.

It is an indescribable feeling. If it is an ordinary person, it may be completely lost in a certain section of the road. However, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan was not lost, he was in a state of being on the scene, but living outside. Observing each segment, then, these segments, as if turned into pages, stacked together, bound into a book. Put it on the shelf deep inside.

Miyake and Gregia walked hand in hand in front of you. In the eyes of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, Gregia sometimes disappeared for a while, while Miyake was somewhere, or a street, or A mountain, or a house, or on the grass, or in flames. In each scene, she has different expressions and different poses. Sometimes it is very clear. She seems to be able to hear what she is saying. Sometimes, she is just like a black and white silhouette.

Not only Sakuya, but also Eight Scenery, Marceau, Tie Se and Dorothy. Even Zhenjiang Yinrong's smile flashed before the eyes of the prostitute Gao Chuan. Those place names that were originally unfamiliar become memorable. The unfamiliar face became very real, and those strangers became lifelike. The seemingly familiar but unfamiliar doomsday illusions, the "reality" that exists only in cognition, are all stained with a layer of "past". Memories that shouldn't exist emerged from my mind bit by bit.

——The progress of the fusion of Gaochuan's personality information reached 80%, which reached the minimum for further mandatory formatting. Do you want to format it?


If you format it now, maybe the boy Gaochuan will disappear with him? Prostitute Gao Chuan thinks so, because the young Gao Chuan is another personality consciousness based on his own personality consciousness. When you are forced to format, the other party cannot be unaffected. However, neither he nor he must want to disappear at this time. No matter whether it is Gaochuan or another Gaochuan, there is a reason to stay here and what you have to do.

So, wait, it will take a while, I have n’t confirmed the situation of Marceau, I ca n’t determine the safety of Misaki and Bajing, I have n’t found Omi, let her complete the configuration of the personality preservation device, even the personality preservation device Prepare enough quantity, the spiritual integration device has not got one. Taking a step back, it is still unknown whether Super Gaochuan can be formed without a mental integration device and a personality preservation device. The pre-conditions of this plan are too vague, at least, when you can talk to the super color system and super Dorothy ...

If you take action against the young Gaochuan just to eliminate the young Gaochuan, the hope that you have already seen may disappear. As a "Gaochuan", his own enemy has not been "Gaochuan" nor "Jiang" from the beginning. This time, he must not be mistaken again.

"Achuan, here and here!" Gregia waved at the shop window, and Miyuki was being dragged by her to enter the shop.

The prostitute Gao Chuan blinked, not knowing when those hallucinations from Gao Chuan's memory had disappeared, and the London street scene in front of him became real again. He suddenly had a feeling of nostalgia and nostalgia for the scene before him, as if he had a similar experience a long time ago. The voices of Gregia and Misaki, their movements, the shape of pedestrians, and even the outlines and decorations of the store all gave him a warm heart.

It was only about two months after it was born, but it seems that it has spent countless hours. The smile of the prostitute Gao Chuan was softer with a touch of vicissitudes.

"What's going on?" When gazing at the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, Sakuya keenly perceives the man in front of her, and his image becomes a little blurry for a moment. She blinked her eyes vigorously, but there was no more feeling, as if the momentary change was just her own illusion.

"This shop is very famous." Gregia said to herself, pointing to the shop full of underwear.

"Is this kind of shop necessary to call me here?" Takakawa, the prostitute, looked around, and many pedestrians were looking at Gregia's active side, even looking at himself. However, just now, several groups of men and women entered the store. I want to come to the attention, not because of the fact that the man is standing in front of the underwear store, but because of the shouting attitude of Gregia.

Gregia completely ignored the passers-by's eyes and said with some care: "I think that all expenses during this operation should be reimbursed by the headquarters. Since it is a public expense, you need to confirm it with the vice president when you use it."

"Is there anything to do with buying underwear?" Gao Chuan, the prostitute, asked back.

"Of course ~ ~ this is the prerequisite for cross-dressing and the exercise of beauty." Gregia looked around and whispered in the ear of the prostitute Gao Chuan: "Women will change because of the underwear style. Creatures. "

"Say this to Sakuya." Takagawa, the prostitute, grabbed Gregia's head and twisted her face to Sakuya's side.

"So, do you agree with Misaki?" Gregia quickly said to Misaki.

Miyaki smiled, pulled out a credit card from his pocket, and handed it to Gregia while saying: "If you are not interested in the things over Big Ben, you should go shopping in the city first. No It is also safer to go to the scene. "

Gregia was hesitant and took the credit card a little bit tangled. After a while, she seemed to make a decision and asked the prostitute Gao Chuan: "Is it really possible?"

"Go ahead." Yichuan Gaochuan responded, and Gregia immediately rushed into the shop.

"Really energetic." Miyaki laughed aside. (To be continued ...)

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