Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 297: Shuffle (1)

297 shuffle (1)

A few months before graduating from college, my friends and I have started to go through various procedures for leaving school. To be honest, this time is the most pleasant time of the entire college career, no work pressure, no study pressure, as long as you want, you can spend time every day without any sequelae.

Although some students still need to worry about finding a job, I have received an internship invitation from a car company. I don't know how the other party knows me. I didn't contact them personally, but on the phone, the other party repeatedly assured me that I would be admitted, as long as I reported it within the specified time.

In addition, the university tutor also hopes that I can continue to study as a graduate student. Because of my grades, the membership of the student union and the recommendation of the tutor, as long as I agree, the contract for the lecturer of the university will be in front of me. Professor, get an identity that everyone respects.

At this point, I can already believe that my future will be much smoother than most of my peers.

However, I am still hesitant about these two invitations. To be honest, no matter whether you continue to study, become a university lecturer, or enter a car company to do powertrain work, you have to say that the prospects are bright, but there is always a gap in my mind.

When did this gap begin? Recalling my dreams and my own experiences, I have not found any trace of this gap. My future seems destined to become a psychologist or power engineer, and this gap is trying to push me to uncertainty. And the future of fate.

I'm not sure if it's my whim, but if there are any clues, it must be a strange dream that I have been doing every day these days.

In psychology, it is said that the factors that produce dreams come from reality. However, as a high-level student in the Department of Psychology, I cannot interpret my strange dream. It's like being cut off from reality and appearing on me for no reason.

It was not born out of trouble, nor was it because of a physical problem, nor was it because of daydreaming.

My life so far has been stable, like walking on a smooth road. It cannot be said that there is no bumping, but it is like a small stumbling block that can easily kick away. Recently, I have no worries, I am in good health, and enjoy the last time of my good and wanton college career.

Unable to understand this sudden strange dream, maybe this has already become my trouble.

However, I don't hate this dream.

In my dreams, I was always spiraling up a staircase with no end in sight, and the man appeared on the way. He would say to me: "Hello, Gao Chuan, my name is Gao Chuan, I'm glad to see you." I can't see his face clearly, but I feel familiar with him. Every time, when I thought I had climbed to a very high place and had left him far behind, he would always appear higher up, like he was walking along when I did n’t know This stair climbs, so it always goes further than me. Whenever I saw him, he always faced me under the stairs as if waiting for me deliberately.

In every dream, I can't go further than him. When face to face, I never seem to shorten the distance between us.

I want to know who he is and why he calls himself "Gaochuan". I once assumed that he was the reflection of my subconscious mind in the dream, but I was not sure, because if the hypothesis is true, the case where this superficial consciousness and subconscious mind can meet in this way in the dream is the first time that In my perception.

I think he must be trying to tell me something, even though I only hear that greeting every time. If he is "subconscious", then what he has to say must be more important to me than anything.

Because, that must be the real me, the real thing to do.

Troubled by this dream, I tried to prove that this is the key to why he is still hesitating about future choices. I have used many methods, such as hypnotizing myself and consulting sympathetic psychology professors, but so far, the analysis of dreams is still in place.

Yes, I'm enjoying the rest of the university, but I don't waste time.

On this day, I received a call from a university club, they were going to hold a farewell party for graduates. To put it simply, a group of people spends nights eating, drinking and having fun with club funds. This kind of thing will happen to almost every graduate, and the number of views can even tell the person's social ability.

I have received such invitations since last month. Although I do n’t have to pay for it myself, I will be drunk every time, and there will always be a painful time afterwards. After a few times, I will not be grateful for this. I will try to find an excuse to refuse to pass. Most people do n’t have any intersection after graduation, do they?

At least, I think so. The so-called warmth and coldness are the result of the strict restriction of time and distance.

However, this time the gathering of the club had to go, because I had many interesting times in that club.

There are various clubs in universities, but not all clubs are formal. Even if they are recognized by the university, they can only be called "hobby clubs" until they get the funding from the university. Only those who are recorded in the roster of the Student Union and can receive a sum of money each year can be given the name "Some Societies". This name represents "regular", "more activity funds", "many members", "Public activities" and "Excellent action".

The presidents of each formal society have excellent social and coordination skills, and they have accumulated strong connections. These people often get a better starting point after graduation.

The society I value is not the above-mentioned large and formal society department. Applying the above classification, it is not only a "So-and-so Society", it can't even be called "Hobby Club". It was not established when I first entered school. It has only seven years of history so far. It is not in the files of the school and the student union and is not known by most students. When it was first founded, it had only one member and president. Today, it has also developed five full members in this university. We are privately known as the "secret association" full of shady sense.

Its name is "whisperer".

The founder and current chairman is called Bajing, a literary girl who looks quiet and has full practical action. She is a fan of occultism and founded this secret association in the first grade of high school. Now the high school she used to still circulate the legend of this association. Bajing even claimed that she had enveloped many "socialists" without our knowledge, and now the secret association "whisperer" "has spread all over the city."

Of course, because Bajing refused to produce valid evidence, we have always regarded such a bold and arrogant speech as a joke, at least I think so.

However, the girl of Bajing and other ordinary girls must have some kind of dividing line difference. That's not to say that she is smart, courageous, good at studying, and has strong social skills, but that she actually feels something unusual in the process of communication.

This particularity is the origin of this secret association, and the name "whisperer" is closely related to it.

Eight scenes can hear sounds that mortals cannot hear. Whether it is true or not, when you act with her, you can always feel that it is true. The "whisperer" is centered on this voice, and the eight scenes will interpret these voices that occasionally appear in the mind, and then operate things based on the interpreted information.

If you are not familiar with people who have not really experienced the scene, you will definitely regard this mode of action as a religious pyramid scheme, thinking that Bajing is just a liar in the name of "prophet", or even a mental patient. However, the members of the society are more or less able to perceive the unbelievable, which is simply unreasonable, without warning, cannot be analyzed, and cannot be explained with theory, common sense, and experience, but it is quite accurate. .

Bajing is a person who truly possesses extraordinary abilities-this kind of cognition is what really distinguishes Bajing from other girls.

I remember when I first met on the bus, a black long straight girl with glasses got in the car and sat directly on the seat next to me. I thought she was just a passerby, and she suddenly said something to me Words like "The end of the world is coming." I didn't know what to say for a while, what kind of expression should I show.

Then she seemed to see my embarrassment and said to me: "Just smile."

I did as I did, but regretted it afterwards, because when I thought back to that scene, I looked really bad at the time.

The second meeting was at the university. She suddenly broke into the classroom where I had just finished my class, and the famous surnames wanted to find me. Before I knew her traits, I thought she had investigated my information or kept watching me secretly. Although I didn't understand what she was looking for at the time, I was not preparing to apply for a student union position.

The Eight Scenery took me to a green belt with fewer pedestrians. It was very sudden, and I said straightforwardly: "I have formed a community. Come join me."

At that time, it was the peak period for recruiting members from school clubs and hobbies, so I was not surprised. I just understood the composition of her so-called "whisperer" club and immediately realized that this could not be called a "club" at all.

"That's a secret association, don't you think it's stylish?" Bajing said it all right. I can't remember what she said at the time, probably because of the association's future program of action and the reason why I want me The reasons for joining. In short, I certainly ca n’t agree immediately, and I ’m still trying to excuse this organization that “sounds dangerous”.

As for why I would join later, that is another story. It was such a thing that made me aware of the characteristics of Bajing and was curious about it, so I joined this secret association and became an important veteran of the "whisperer".

Afterwards, I experienced some wonderful, impulsive and embarrassing things. Misaki Miyuki, a girl of the same foreign language department, Misano ’s same-sex friend Morino, and Morino ’s boyfriend Shirai joined this association one after another. Until now, no new ones have been added. Full member.

Because all members are facing the situation of graduation, so this time, it is likely to be the last party, I can not help but go.

The headquarters of "Whisperer" is located in a bungalow behind a girl's dormitory. We have never understood what it used to be. During the four years of college, no one has used this room except us. The appearance of the room is a very old brick building. At first glance, it always makes people mistakenly think that it was a temporary building built by construction workers during the project, but according to Bajing, it is not the case. This house was found by Bajing's extraordinary ability to "listen to whispers". Its large area scared us at the beginning, and I feel that it will be recruited by people from other clubs or schools at some point. But as Bajing had "listened" to it, no one had hit this place in the past four years.

This room is our secret base, where we can do whatever we want. We can drink and smoke here, and we can try to make dangerous goods that are explicitly prohibited. We exchange information and deal with personal troubles ... This place has left me with many free and beautiful memories.

When I walked into the headquarters, there were only eight scenes sitting alone behind a black wooden table, dressed in black hooded robes purchased in a role-playing store, stroking the crystal ball like a medieval witch. Every time she enters the door, if she is the first to arrive, she can always be seen dressed like this. She has been playing this set for four years, and it's amazing that she is not bored.

"When did you come?" I habitually greeted and took off my coat and threw myself into the sofa. All the furnishings in this room were bought by us by collecting funds, including the second-hand air conditioner in the corner. It is worth mentioning that another male member, Shirai, is a top student in the electrical department, and it is as easy to play with electrical equipment. His talent saved us a lot of expenses.

"I saw that you will soon meet a woman who changes your destiny. Stupid man, give up undesirable thoughts, don't be fooled by beauty, otherwise you will encounter the most dangerous change in your life." The voice said to me.

"Is this what you saw, or did you hear?" I laughed. "If it is heard, it still makes people feel terrified."

"At noon on high sun, my strength will be increased several times. My Alaya consciousness, which has always been concerned about the fate of fate, is no longer just the ears, but the eyes." Bajing shivered with a suppressed emotion The tone cheered.

"How did your Alaya knowledge fall to a level comparable to the five senses?" I deliberately found fault.

"This is a metaphor, do you understand the analogy? I ask you to read more literature, only the sensibility of literature can explain the mystery!" Bajing took off his headgear, put on his glasses, and glared at me.

"I'm from the psychology department. I'm used to analyzing sensibility with reason." I said lazily.

"Huh, the unrepentant guy, if you don't listen to me, you will definitely die in the feces under the peony flower." Bajing cursed viciously.

"Then you have to tell me first, did you see it or did you hear it?" I said indifferently.

"Hear." Bajing quickly answered.

I froze for a moment, and then met her gaze again. The eyes of Bajing were very serious. I began to realize that she was serious.

I was silent for a long time in the eyes with Bajing before asking: "Is things going to be bad?" Because of past experience, I attach great importance to Bajing's extraordinary talents, even to the core basis for judging things. . The connection between her attitude and what I said before made me feel shocked and puzzled.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and two girls, one boy, and three people came together.

Misaki is a girl with short hair and shoulder-length hair. Although she is pure in dress, she feels that she is from a wealthy family. Vase. There was some deadly and explosive force lurking in her cowardice. In the past four years, she has shown extraordinary courage countless times. In Morino's words, it is like a spring. The more oppressed, the stronger the rebound. At the critical juncture of the crisis, she has a decision called breaking the ship.

Not everyone can desperately do something that seems almost impossible to succeed when facing a crisis. And people who can do this kind of action will always be called "British" or "Owl" in history and stories.

Morino is a tomboy who always likes to make jokes that are not small or big, but he has very few talents for making friends. This talent does not seem to be just due to personality and way of doing things, but a certain kind of natural affinity. It seems that as long as she wants, anyone will regard it as a friend and give him help in big things and small things. She is a "whisperer" foreign affairs liaison, and an expert in investigating social information in and around the school. And, although not as fanatical as the Eight Scenes, it is also strictly a mystery lover, focusing on "demon summoning", of course, never summoned successfully.

She was also the person who affirmed the extraordinary talents of the eight sceneries when she first met, based on only one, her intuition.

As for Morino's boyfriend Shirai ~ ~ The two were already in such a relationship when they were in high school, and they went to the same university. Shirai is an ordinary boy who can be seen everywhere. The only thing that can be regarded as outstanding is the knowledge of electrical engineering and the repair skills of home appliances. However, when he was concerned about Morino, he was able to show his courage as a man and boyfriend. I can feel that he is not really interested in the organization "Whisperer". He joined the organization and actively participated in the activities, just for Morino.

He gave me the most intuitive impression that this person, Shirai, is a man who exists specifically for Morino and can do anything for Morino.

It's a superficial, but really crazy guy.

As the only two male members, our relationship can't be said to be bad, but it's not as good as outsiders imagined. We use the "friendship of a gentleman" to describe just getting good.

As soon as the three entered the room, they felt a dignified atmosphere in the room.

"What's wrong?" Morino was puzzled. As an "old partner", Misaki realized what she was looking at me with a slightly worried look.

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