Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 271: Inter-Ceiling Death (5)

He nodded and shook his head again, "Unfortunately, there was a mistake in the first step. You jumped off the building and had some effect on the brain. No, maybe it is because of this effect that the treatment will make critical progress. I It ’s not clear whether the information is still valid, but let ’s take a look. ”

Dr. Ander picked up a form, glanced through the reading glasses, glanced at me, and said, "So, how much do you remember about yourself? For example, what is your name, where did you live before you came here, at home? What kind of people are there. Come, talk about it, and listen to what you remember, whether it is false or true. "

Of course I remember, my name is Gao Chuan, seventeen years old, a citizen of the Central Duchy, and a top student in colleges and universities. Parents, relatives, addresses, schools, friends I have made, and so on, all of which will not cause much trouble even if I say it, I repeat it one by one. Even including the end of the world is coming, the existence of the celestial being and the prophet, the huge three organizations "cyber ball", "doom doctrine" and "black nest" hidden in the dark, as well as their own "cyber ball" in the final battle Zhong was killed, and such a thing was not concealed by

I want to see what expression this Ander doctor treats my memory.

However, Dr. Ander ’s reaction was not in my guess. He didn't ignore these words as a mental patient's whisper, but he didn't have much interest in it, as if he had predicted what I said, although not all disapproval, but neither How serious I feel.

"Okay, let's take a look. Whether you believe it or not, this is your 'true' identity." Dr. Ande handed me a document.

I wanted to see the mood, but suddenly hesitated. Seeing that I didn't reach for Ranwen Novel Net to reach out, Dr. Ande handed the information forward again, and pouted: "Well, look, it's good for you."

I settled down and took the data. There is only one line of neat handwriting on the dark blue cover-"The Game of Ender-the first pseudo-dead sea document to make a related structure note".

Although a confusing and naive name appeared, the content after the cover was only a thin piece of paper.

No, it's not--

I used to look at the last line. First look at the ending, postscript and reference list, this is my habit of reading for many years, so I intuitively feel that the content of this piece of paper is probably not the whole of the data, or even the original of the data.

Most of the information is hidden.

"Don't give me complete information?" I looked at Dr. Ande, trying to dig out what he was hiding from his eyes.

Dr. Ander's elbows rested on the desk, crossing his fingers, covering the face under his nose, and the angle of the pair of reading glasses was reflecting the sunlight, perfectly hiding his eyes and expression.

"Ah ... a treatment plan is needed." He said so.

Even the person who saw him for the first time could perceive what he must be playing. At this time, Doctor Ande was so naked, but unshakable, as if to say silently- Letting you read this information is also part of my plan.

Even so, I still cannot refuse to view this information. No matter what the other party wants to do, even if the information is not completely true, it is also the information I need to know.

Acquire, filter, piece together, and find out the key. This is how I fight. Now that I have lost the ability of the chosen person, I am alone, weak, and still a crippled me. Isn't the rest only the mind and courage?

I didn't say more about Ranwen Fiction Net. I started to check this information repeatedly from the first line.

Gao Chuan, seventeen years old, this is no different from my cognition, but the "I" in the head picture is a boy with the same appearance but full of gloom, and his head is as messy as long-term unorganization, and Liu Hai almost wants to hide Keeping your eyes closed, your eyes dull and dull, is like a cloud of gray mist. Anyone who sees it for the first time can think of the term "psychotic disorder" and feel cold.

Afterwards, the experience was also very different. The parents were killed in the fire at the age of five, and then entered the orphanage. They were lonely, eccentric, and manic. They like burning and dissecting because they can always find decomposed animals and insects in the room. The body was thus feared and smoked by others. Hometown and the city where I did not make mistakes, but the names of elementary and middle schools have never been heard by In my memory, I can even be sure that there are no two schools in that city.

There is no online high school for burning novels, because shortly after entering junior high school, a murder case was involved. He was detained as a murderer suffering from a serious mental illness in a special prison established by a government agency, and then transferred to a special welfare institution affiliated with the United Nations organization. , Which is now the hospital-a shelter without the name of Ranwen Fiction Net, the specific source of funding is unknown, the origin is unknown, the purpose of the paper is for experimental research and treatment of various syndromes.

Gao Chuan, seventeen years old, arsonist, murderer, cannibal, voluntary experimenter who lost all civil rights-this is the "true identity" of "I".


After reading this document, I have repeatedly confirmed that this is indeed a serious report, not a set draft of the novel. What filled my mind was not the anger of being tampered with, but the absurdity that had no realism at all. In addition to the name and age, "Gao Chuan" in this document could not resonate with me at all. I was like seeing a twin who had the same name as me and experienced tragic and pathetic. And this twin is nothing more than a fictitious fake of others.

"What do you think?" Dr. Ander asked.

"You are framing me." I only got this conclusion. That's right, through this report, I'm more certain that the weirdness and sinisterness that this place has caused me in these days are not untargeted. They took away my power, took away my past, and now are more prepared to take away my present, and detain my future. However, I must be patient, because now I can do nothing.

All the people here are my enemies

"Uh, um, really thinking in this regard?" Dr. Ande was not annoyed, but showed a confident look. "Relax, relax, boy. I'm old, maybe even you can't beat it, in It ’s also troublesome to call guards in this office. We used to sign a contract. Do you remember what the contract is? I said it will cure you and let you go back to normal society, and you have to follow my treatment Plan to do it. "

He and I looked at each other for a long while, and my heart was very calm, and I conveyed this calm to him. Some of his words were right. The violent and fierce performance here does not have any advantage for me. I certainly don't believe his words, but one thing is very important, that is, he and I have an abnormal cooperation relationship. I need him to speak, and I need to pick out the most real and useful part of what he said. I want to convince myself that I will not be trapped here forever.

"Oh ... a good look. Believe me, you are much better now than before, which still proves that my treatment plan is correct. Although you have substituted yourself into a false identity, but yours Personality and way of thinking are trending towards normal people. Can you understand what I am saying? Yes, right? You are a smart kid. "Dr. Ander took the information back from me and then reloaded it with other materials and photos Back to the information bag.

"Don't you show me other things?" I said.

"Huh? These?" Dr. Ander glanced at the information bag and shook his head with a smile, said: "No, not yet, these things have too strong an effect on you. We have gambled before, although there is a point difference Chi, but at least we won. Now the situation is in our favor and we should adopt a more moderate treatment. "

"So, what's the next thing I want to read is this diary?" My gaze fell on the only black diary that didn't have the recovered pocket of

"Don't worry, let me think about it ..." Dr. Ander's index finger tapped on the diary cover and looked at me and said, "This is a very important item in the treatment process. You created it with me. Of course, You may not remember now, but we still have to cooperate in this area in the future, so you will definitely see it, the question is, should you let you watch now ... Well, you still take a break first, How about readjusting to life here? "

"I think I have adapted to the life here." I said firmly.

"Don't be so anxious, your heart hasn't come back." Dr. Ande's expression was held by Zhizhu, and he nodded his chest. "I promise, you will see this diary." Well, that ’s all for today. "

After all, Dr. Ende looked tired, and waved at me, beckoning me to leave. I didn't act immediately, but Dr. Ande no longer ignored me. After putting the diary in the drawer, he crawled on the desk and worked again, as if completely treating me like air.

After a while, I confirmed that I couldn't reverse his decision or take a more drastic approach, so I pushed the wheelchair to the door.

Just outside the door, Dr. Ander's voice suddenly sounded behind his head.

"You said the end of the world before, and there are things like the celestial being."

My heart jumped abruptly, looking over at him sideways.

Dr. Ande did not raise his head, but just said this: "I can tell you clearly that there is no such thing as the end of the world, and there is no war between the chosen and the ability. Of course. Now, it may be difficult for you to believe this. After all, it is located in the suburbs and lacks contact with the outside world. However, I think you can watch more TV and news. Then ... I will show you the diary . Remember to close the door. "

I watched him again for a long while, and took the door by words. I pushed the wheelchair through the secluded corridor, where I could see no netizens waiting for me. I feel lonely, I miss the outside world so much, so if this is my new battlefield, I will not give up on it.

"I am Gao Chuan, and now the battle has just begun." I said this to myself in the unmanned corridor.

I did not see Dr. Ruan again at I can see that she and Dr. Ander are out of line. This is the most valuable information to date. Perhaps I can start with the relationship between the two, but it is not the right time. . Simple murder does not have the meaning of Ranwen Fiction Net. Framed, provoked, and murdered are just means to achieve the goal. And my only final purpose is to escape from this hospital. But before that, it's better to regain strength, or even to find out the secrets hidden in this hospital.

When I thought that way, a trembling tremor rushed onto my back instantly. A more terrible idea came to my mind-I will think as above, because I have already admitted that this is reality? However, if this is not reality, it is just the illusion produced by taking the medicine "paradise" before death ...

The burning sky, the ashes of the goose feathers, and the black sunset.

I patted my cheek hard, and it hurts. The smell, touch, and everything in the field of vision are full of realism. However, even so, more information is still needed to judge whether it is a reality or a dream here.

I went back to my dormitory room and looked head-on towards the crow painting on the wall.

Really, is it really "quark"?

I clearly remember the scene I met with Quark, which is so similar to this oil painting-I was ten years old and I went to the nearby park alone to play. There were a group of children of the same age cheering and jumping under the big tree ten meters away from the sandpit. It was only after I went to know that they injured the wings of an unlucky crow with a slingshot. But we soon discovered that the fluttering crow was holding a round ball tightly. When we looked closely, it turned out to be an eyeball.

The clotted blood, atrophy of nerve tissue, still seems to be able to smell odors.

The white-faced children were scared away. I was not afraid of nausea, but I didn't feel like burning novels. After removing the eyeballs with branches, I brought the unlucky crow home to raise it, and named it "quark".

That night, the city ’s TV station broadcast a report on the murder of the corpse, located in that park, less than fifty meters from the current quark and eyeballs. However, at the time, I did not have a corpse at the scene. I do n’t even know who died in that place, how old the deceased was, boy or girl.

This oil painting is so vivid that it seems to fill every detail that I don't know for my memory-the deceased is a girl of the same size as me that year.

what is her name? What kind of past have you had? Why is it there? do we know each other?

I forced myself to stop thinking like this, because I clearly remember that I never told anyone about the experience of adopting quarks.

who is it? Who painted this oil painting? I took off the oil painting, carefully checked the corners of the paper and the frame, and even disassembled the frame. So, I have such a line of handwriting in the corner on the back of the oil painting-"g"

In an instant, my stomach seemed to stir up, and a burst of acid poured from my throat. I subconsciously covered my mouth, and when I recovered, the sweaty undershirt made my body cold.

This is a trap

Yes, it must be fake. Although it looks like my handwriting, I don't have the oil painting of Burning Novels. I'm not good at painting, and I can't draw such realistic paintings at all. Moreover, I will not tell anyone about this experience. This is the secret of me and quark.

why? Why does this painting appear in this place? Why does my body produce such a response?

Is it because of the drug paradise? Damn it-I rushed into the bathroom with my mouth covered and vomited in the sink until my stomach became sour and my body became weak. I would rather think that something is wrong with my body than I believe it is because after seeing the oil painting, because of psychological factors, it induces physical adverse reactions. I guess the reason why this painting will appear in this room. Although those people said that the original "I" painted and hung it myself, I believe that others did it on purpose to make me feel subconscious This oil painting implies a cruel "reality".

They moved on my body and used various details and hints to hypnotize me, trying to make me forget my past experience, trying to make me confess that false identity that does not exist at all-a young love, slow Murderer with severe mental illness.

No matter Dr. Ruan, Dr. Ande, or the patients in the same dormitory as me, every object in this room, even a passer-by who seems to pass by by accident, may be this evil plan. portion. This isolated hospital is a complete and meticulous puppet theater.

I do n’t want to admit ~ ~ but I have to say that their plan is not totally ineffective. My body and mind are greatly disturbed. I don't know when my will will be supported. Before that, I must leave this ghost place.

This hospital is very large, with many buildings and rooms of unknown purpose. The control of entry and exit is strict. Although it seems that there are not many guards in, if you look closely, you can see that the guards and plain clothes are patrolling all the time. A small number of them will appear when the hospital door is opened, but more Hidden in the shadow. These people may be staff members or patients. Under the guise of "mental illness", they can pretend to be anyone.

It made me unable to distinguish between maliciousness and good intentions, nor between friends and enemies, and thus collapsed in loneliness and tension. This may also be part of the enemy's plan. But that ’s fine. In this way, I do n’t need to distinguish between malicious, good intentions, friends, and enemies. The only thing that needs to be noted is that it is "special".

In psychological warfare, it is impossible for every enemy to maintain concentration, and a normal person can never pretend to be mentally ill. Although all signs of abnormality are not necessarily the feet of the enemy, they must be clues that can be captured.

This contest is a competition of care, will and patience. . ...

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