Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 165: Return home

165 Homecoming

Is Irene really alive? Marseille's attitude puzzled me. (Read novels) There is no corpse left for the people who died in the fire. Although it is common sense and legal that they can be determined to have died, there is not enough objective evidence for

"Can you ask?" I asked. "When did you last see your mother? Where?"

"At the dock by the lake." Marseille said without hesitation: "I saw her, although the hairstyle and dress are different from those of the past, but the temperament, voice, and appearance are exactly the same as those of my mother."

When he said this, I found some clues.

"You and her ... have been separated for ten years?" I said with discretion: "Have her appearance and voice not changed at all for ten years?"

Marseille listened to me say that his face suddenly turned pale, and the confidence in his eyes seemed to be a little shaky. He frowned and stopped speaking. I do n’t doubt what he sees, just that something unusual is happening in this town, and everything I see with my own eyes is not necessarily true. If Irene seen in Marseille was the product of the Tianmen Project, how did she appear in the normal world? But it may also be an illusion produced by Marseille.

"You are here to find your mother, and you are sure that she is still alive because you saw her at the pier by the lake in the town." I asked again: "So, before you see her, why do you doubt it?" She is still alive and returning to this town? "

The melancholy on Marseille's face became more obvious, as if he was absorbed by a trance thought in his brain, but after a while, his eyes gradually became brighter and brighter than before.

"I heard her voice." He whispered to himself, and then, staring at me with a stubborn eye, said aloud: "I saw her in my dream and heard her talking to me. This Never before, so I will return to this place anyway. This is my hometown, my father and mother are here "

His emotions were very excited, and blue blood vessels appeared on his forehead. Perhaps my doubt violated the sacred and soft place in his heart. This made me more certain that what was hidden under this thin body was a persistent and stubborn will. Recalling the description of Munch in the data and the impression of Irene, there is no doubt that the purest blood of this family flows in Marseille's body.

I have only seen pictures of Munch's adulthood, but at this time, his youthful figure is appearing in front of my eyes. Young, thin, not genius, full of fantasy, full of neurotic paranoia. Looking at Marseille, I feel that my soul has passed through more than ten years, and I met the person in charge of the Tianmen project.

This is interesting now. Although weird events are always accompanied by tragedies and casualties, I will feel sad and unbearable when I see someone suffering and dying in despair, but this kind of empathy does not extinguish the wonderful stimulation and excitement that comes with the grotesque. sense. It is like a flame swaying in the wind and rain, burning in the darkest and deepest place in my heart, making myself feel palpitations.

I do n’t want to admit it, and I try my best to restrain this pleasure, because I feel that the martial king of heaven and earth, the holy king, the sacred king will kill the god, the throne of the night, and the magic will be the most powerful. Ao Shijiu Zhongtian is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou Zhou Royal Martial Universe Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal Throne in the night to seek the magic The danger of a variation of the Dazhou royal family is like his own soul being twisted into another terrible look. I do n’t know if this is my true nature, or the erosion of the will of the magic lines, because this feeling makes me feel a sense of sight, as if at a moment, I have become a self in elementary school, and this is clearly It is the air of a foreign country, and it has the same taste as the air breathing at that time.

It is nostalgic and frightening. A voice asked me, who are you?

This is Gao Chuan. I answered so.

I still put the cigarette butts into the cup with a little and a half milk tea left.

"I admire you very much, Marseille." I began to say good things, and the slightly haggard look on Marseille's face became stunned.

"You are a very courageous person, regardless of the facts or illusions you have experienced, they are all painful things, but you know this but have not escaped. You come back to make a break with the past Right? It seems that you are mentally prepared for any outcome. "

"Yes, I have to figure out what happened in those days." Marseille said silently for a while. "It doesn't matter if I still don't understand at the end. At least I can tell myself that I have done my best."

"This small town gives a strange feeling that it is so calm during the day and scary at night. Was this the same way when you were a kid?"

"No ..." Marseille hesitated, not because he didn't want to say, but he didn't seem to know how to describe it. "The town has changed a lot. I'm not talking about its appearance, but there is a ... indescribable feeling. Somewhat weird and disturbing. I checked the history of this town and it was said that it was a sacred place a long time ago. Ah, look, I ’m talking strange things again, maybe what happened these days is too exhausting for me . "

Marseille grinned bitterly, picked up the paper towels and bags on the table one by one into the empty paper bag, and unscrewed the lid of the Coke bottle and sighed.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I have the same feeling. This atmosphere may be the selling point here, but people who are not used to it are still not used to it." I said, and took out four business cards from my pocket and handed him.

Marseille took it and glanced, his eyes full of doubt and surprise. So these business cards at a glance know that they are very different from ordinary business cards. In addition to the unique patterns that give people a strange feeling, there is no contact information of Ranwen Fiction Network, nor the name of the organization of Ranwen Fiction Network. The name is rather a code name: Locke, Dada, Shepherd Dog, Magician.

I gave him a member's business card specially prepared for the cover operation.

"This is a few friends I met not too long ago. They are also interested in the things in this town ... well, they are all weird guys who adore Allan Poe and Sherlock Holmes and like to pursue some weird things." Marseille explained: "They have a lot of experience, I think maybe they can give you some help. They live in a hilltop apartment now."

"Ah, I live there too," Marseille said in surprise.

"I think so too, anyone who wants to explore the secrets of this town will live there." I said to him: "They just set up a private investigative agency to deal with those somewhat mysterious cases. As friends, I want to give them a Single case. "

"You, are you talking about me?" Marseille was surprised and hesitant and vigilant. "I'm still a student, but I don't have much money."

"It doesn't matter, they are guys with a little bit of money. In my opinion, this private detective agency is more like a hobby. Have you ever seen a detective who specializes in this type of case? If you live by this life, you can only sleep on the road. Right. "

Marseille nodded consciously.

"Although what you do is a bit ridiculous, but you are interested and have some experience, so it is still very capable. You say that I introduced it, they will not charge you too much money, your experience is just one for them Great gain. "I made up my way.

Marseilles thought for a moment and tucked his business card into his shirt pocket.

"Thank you so much, I will check it out."

"Trust me, you won't be disappointed." I think it's enough to talk about this, let Locke do the rest, think of it, stand up and say goodbye to him, "Thank you for making me have a good time In the morning, I think we will meet again. "

Marseille hurriedly stood up and was about to say some polite words, and a loud noise came suddenly from a short distance away. The sudden storm carried hot air and staggered us, and other guests gave out short exclamations. I saw that the table and umbrellas were blown down, and I hadn't turned my head to see what was going on. The wood, aluminum and burnt paper scraps and cloth fell like rain.

The whole scene is as if the end of the world is coming. When we recover, the sounds around us suddenly boil. Everyone I saw was shouting, yelling, running, rambling, and everything was chaotic.

Marseille stared at the sound, his eyes seemed to fall out, his body was stiff, and his face was blue and white. I looked over there, and I was at a loss for a while.

The top of the fast food restaurant was opened with a big hole. The wooden walls and glass seemed to be broken from the inside. The black smoke continued to drill out of the gap. From time to time, red flames could be seen jumping inside, making a crackling burning sound. My head is a bit stiff, and there is only one thought wandering in my head repeatedly-what the **** is going on?

Some people stumbled out of the door of the fast food restaurant, and immediately fell to the ground. People close to the fast food restaurant spread their feet and fled outwards, while others who were originally in the distance, gathered at the moment. The women screamed and cried at the fast food restaurant and were stopped by the men. Some men ran to the door of the fast food restaurant and picked up the wounded who fell to the ground and asked aloud what was happening in the store, but no one could say clearly, so they could only run around with a safe periphery.

Not far away, another fierce explosion. This time almost the entire ceiling was lifted and the wall collapsed by half. When the hot air with dangerous splashes swept through, everyone curled up in fear, protecting themselves and their loved ones. Marseilles and I were just standing there, all the debris fell beside us, making a loud noise, and some flames were still burning at our feet.

Marseille was completely stunned, not knowing what to do. I was trying to find Jung's figure. When I last saw him, he was still in a fast food restaurant.

There were no signs of life activity in the burning fast food restaurant. Is everyone dead? The fire was so fierce that people dared not rush in.

I think I should do something, but in this case, what can I do? I stepped forward, Marseille shook his head behind him and shouted, "Gosh, what the **** is going on? Hey, Crow, where are you going?"

"I'm going to check it out." I answered.

"In the past? Don't be kidding, what can you do?" Marseille shouted: "The police and the fire truck will be here soon."

The sirens sounded not far away, the fast food restaurant was only 20 meters away from the police station, and soon someone came to organize the evacuation of the crowd. Police hurriedly pulled up the yellow belt, half tried to pull people too close to the fast food restaurant, and half handed a fire extinguisher to spray white foam around the store.

I finally did n’t enter the fast food restaurant without burning text novels, and walked to the periphery under the pull of a policeman. At this time, no one in the store had a literary novel network.

In other words, the seemingly violent explosion did not seem to kill anyone.

Soon, fire trucks and ambulances also arrived. The police tried their best to drive a road out of the crowd, but the more people gathered, the more the car entered the inner circle, as if it were a separate sea wave. Soon, a stream of water rushed into the store, and white steam and black smoke continued to erupt.

At this point I was separated from Marseille and was heading towards the wounded who received rapid treatment at the back door of the ambulance.

There are five uniforms wearing fast food restaurants. They should be clerk. They were not seriously injured. They were mainly scared out of their bodies. They were pale as if they were cold, and their palms holding the hot water cup were stiff and trembling slightly. The three women looked at the bombed fast-food restaurant with dignified eyes, and only two men could answer the police officer's questions.

The police's questions are probably "what happened", "why did it explode", "can you remember the situation at that time", "how many people are there in the store", etc., but the clerk himself was at a loss, most of the questions were answered Not coming out, in their view, this is completely an accident, and can not understand the cause of the accident.

"Is it a gas explosion?" The policewoman in charge said.

"No, absolutely not. If the gas stove is behind the counter, if the gas explodes, we can't live." The clerk shook his head and was afraid. "There were six guests in the shop, but nothing happened, so everyone gathered at the counter. Chat there. Then it exploded, and in the blink of an eye, everything flew around, we did n’t dare to move. ”

"Can you think of the location of the explosion?"

"It seems to be on the right side near the door."

"Remember the guests at that time?"

"If you can meet, you should recognize it."

At this time, a male police officer walked over to the policewoman and whispered a few words. The store clerk was not attentive and did not care about, but I heard it clearly.

"Only three people were confirmed."

"But he said there are six." The policewoman said in a deep voice, "Go and look around."

I immediately understood that they were referring to being fashion guests in the store. Before I looked around all the people who were treated and comforted, I did not find Jung in the novel. However, according to the clerk's statement, the guests were dining at the time, so the clerk could take a break. Jung would not stay in the store after buying breakfast. In other words, did Jung leave the fast food restaurant at that time?

The moment I talked with Marseille seemed to be short, but in fact more than ten minutes have passed, maybe I really thought it was wrong. I overheard the police for a while, without getting more information from Ranwen Fiction Net, I walked away and wanted to find my car.

But at this time, the surroundings were surrounded by water, and maybe the car had already been driven away by Jung and Fujiang in advance, lest the local police station would interrogate it. Although there are identity documents, one more thing is worse than one less, so as not to expose the action.

Sure enough, I didn't see the off-road vehicle in the original parking place. Just about to call Fu Jiang, his shoulder was patted on the back. I turned back reflectively, but no one saw it.

"Where are you looking?" The voice came from before me.

When I turned my head back, a fist suddenly zoomed in the field of vision.

Quick sweep

The high-speed channel bypasses the fist and reaches directly in front of the comer. In the accelerated world, the fist became slow, and I could see clearly what the other party looked like.

A black woman in a police uniform has a sturdy complexion, not a bad person at all. Her lips are a little thick, but when combined with other facial features, she has a charming charm. She was carrying a pistol around her waist, but she punched her fist with her right hand and pressed her left hand against the handle. Was she left-handed? She did give the police a strong feeling, but she was not a local policewoman.

Cui Di, 28 years old, is an inspector, and his weapon is a revolver. Evaluation: Class C.

This guy is the Mageweaver. The question is, she doesn't look like a doomsday sect or a local. Why did she suddenly attack me?

I grabbed her right arm and swung into her arms. When the high-speed effect disappeared, I had stepped on her left foot. Her reaction was extremely fast, and she was about to draw her gun immediately. I held her left hand faster than she did, preventing her from pulling out the gun. Her left foot was stepped on, unable to back away, so she attacked my crotch with her right knee.

This is terrible. My left leg and her right leg touched hard, as if hitting the steel, and it was almost painful.

I didn't want to take the trouble, but now I can't help myself. I took a step back, and the black policewoman immediately urged me up. As a result, I grabbed my right arm and fell over the shoulder.

With a bang, the ground trembles slightly, and it doesn't feel like it's hitting the ground.

I reached for my gun and felt empty. The black policewoman climbed up slowly, aiming at me with the revolver in her hand. At such a short distance, she can't be missed, but I think I shoot faster than her, so I'm not nervous. The key is that the revolver is mine

This thing is clearly on ~ ~ She just seemed to have fallen in the confrontation just now, but she stole my gun.

What a shameless disgrace on the face.

"Quark." I said softly.

The gray fog drilled out of the left hand magic pattern and turned into a dagger in his hand. Unexpectedly, the skills discovered in dreams can be used in reality.

I picked up the dagger, and the weight and touch were perfect. The weapon that turns the devil must have the quality and sharpness beyond the normal limit weapons?

"Who are you?" I relaxed and pushed my eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

The serious expression of the policewoman suddenly collapsed, and a smile appeared.

"Long time no see, Gao Chuan."

I couldn't help but opened my eyes and knew my real name. There was only one black policewoman named Tracy in my memory. That was recorded in the diary of Doomsday Realm, the one who returned with me and Fu Jiang.

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