Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1293: Overseas

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Doomsday illusion.

——The Nazis launched an offensive against the whole of Europe and the United States. In less than a month, except for the London area of ​​Britain and the Las Vegas area of ​​the United States, the resistance situation of all parties was in jeopardy.

——Reinforcement in Asia stays in Australia, the local wars are caught in a strange stalemate, and the governments of major European and American countries have upheld the division of military lines of defense and geopolitics.

——The most powerful country in Asia, the national ideology and social ideology of the Central Duchy have diverged, and the instigators established underground organizations in Asia and exchanged most of the materials used for guerrillas and white terror from unknown channels.

-Japan Island, Hong Kong Island and Taiwan Island have been confirmed to have been secretly transformed by the Central Principality Government into a mobile superbase weapon "Sanxian Island". On the way to the Australian front the day before yesterday, internal riots broke out, and the situation has not yet completely calmed down.

——The Nazis have more than 3 million troops in the army. As in the past, they have been brutal and ruthless. The accumulation of military technology throughout the year has allowed them to show their technical strength above the level of major powers and to each Nazi soldier. Reflected in the body. However, it is not a mysterious thing, but only a high-tech application in biology and physics.

-People all over the world are in dire straits. This is a sacred, just and compelled war, calling on everyone with flesh and blood to stand up and say "No" to the evil Nazi!

——The moon's nuclear strike plan is breaking out again. Members of the data calculation related team are under investigation. The world environment is still deteriorating. Experts estimate that it will be within the next ten years. The whole world will face an artificially advanced ice age. Relevant aftercare work has been filed in the UN Parliament, but in view of the harsh external implementation environment, it may be shelved for a year.

Similar content is played repeatedly on working networks, radio stations and televisions. The news is not stale, but it does not involve any parts that must be kept secret. The world in the eyes of ordinary people is as outlined in the information. This is the beginning of the war. And people believe that this war will definitely not end to such an extent.

Even ordinary people have such a concept. The Third World War was a long-term struggle against the Nazis. The worst possibility will lead to the destruction of the world, but it will not appear when both sides have not run out of fuel. Based on the experience of the previous two world wars and recent technological developments. The war will last for about five years before it will usher in an end. What needs to be worried about the most is not the problem five years later, but how to survive for five years in a world where the living environment continues to deteriorate.

There are many dead people, and more people are about to die.

This is an evil and should not appear. But in the worst case, the war. However, everyone must face it directly. Take it and pray that you will not be abandoned.

The overall atmosphere of the world is constantly accumulating negative factors. Therefore, when broadcasting information, there will always be warm music. And the government did not report any good news or no good news, although in most parts of Europe and America. People have moved to relatively closed and safe places, such as underground shelters, work or entertainment, and they will never appear when they enter. Few people have experienced the severe control stage, but in terms of intelligence control and information dissemination, they have not shrunk too tightly. Some content that is at peace time, and even the information that can obviously make people feel that they are scratching the ball, can still be publicly broadcast.

This looks like a normal room.

In addition to a bed and a set of tables and chairs, it is a variety of display screens and mechanical equipment to receive content. The air conditioner has stopped working, and only the fan blades are still whining and spinning. The light leaking from the outside is stirred by the fan blades, and the light rotates on the ground in a dark and clear way. Gao Chuan, who was sitting on the bed, opened his eyes and suddenly sat up from the bed. It was like having a nightmare. However, because of the relationship between prostheticization and brain hardware, although emotions have been recovered, it still does not There will be too strong mood swings.

But as long as you can generate emotions, you can feel your freshness.

Gao Chuan moved his joints and recalled the things in his nightmare. However, the brain hardware that should be able to record all the data has no memory at all. Compared with the original brain, the impression in the original brain seems clearer. Even so, the specific plot can no longer be recalled. However, it should be related to Jiang and the young man Gao Chuan. The other party is operating in Las Vegas, Gao Chuan thought, maybe it won't be long before he comes back.

He knew that for himself, and for Dorothy and her, when the young Gao Gaochuan, who shouldn't exist, would return again, it would be the time to plan to enter the last few key stages. And your own time, the world's time, will truly face an end. Conversely, although the current state of affairs and development can be called erosion from a worldwide perspective, and the footsteps of the end are clear and audible, but before the young man Gao Chuan returns, the end will not really come. Not because the young Gaochuan is the cause of the end of the world, but only because the will of the young Gaochuan and the monsters who care for him will probably make him one step earlier than the arrival of the end.

Our original intention is the same! Gao Chuan thinks about this more than once, but there are some personal differences in the way of thinking and the rules of action. Although in his own understanding, no matter which Gaochuan is Gaochuan, the teenager who is operating in Las Vegas is the same person who joined the front line against the Nazis.

However, this understanding is completely incomprehensible to others. Those subtle differences always make those people relish.

Anyway, in the end it will be restored to one. At that time, although neither you nor a teenager could be said to be "death," the individual differences would not be saved. Gao Chuan asked himself over and over again, did he care? If you don't care. Why has it been delayed until now and has not actively completed the final formatting of my personality? If the formatting is done in advance, will the young Gaochuan still appear again, and will the super Gaochuan be the same as the color and Dorothy expected?

Then he was sure again. Although his hesitation was indirectly responsible for the recovery of the young Gaochuan. However, even if the formatting is completed by yourself, it is still very likely that it will appear again under the prompt of "Jiang" or "Virus". Even if the color and Dorothy made countless preparations to find the most favorable time, but there is no theory or fact that can prove that their calculations are absolutely correct. Their knowledge of "Virus" and "Jiang" is sufficiently comprehensive, and of course there is no guarantee that "Super Gaochuan" will be born as they expected.

Tie color and Dorothy, in the case of absolutely no way, pull out a way. But Gao Chuan, who also has no way to do so, is in love with reason, and there is no way to let them ignore. Whether they are right or wrong, in front of the emotions and reality of both sides. In fact, it is not very important.

Gao Chuan hopes that Seise and Dorothy can realize their plan. Whether for them, for others. It ’s for yourself, a plan that can succeed and anticipate success is too important.

Therefore, they deliberately lead a "prostitute Gaochuan" as a lubricating oil for the plan. The executor and the vacant target, is not it? Gao Chuan thought so, could not help but smile. Probably many people will care about this kind of thing-it exists as a patch, and it can be disposed of when it seems useless. However, Gao Chuan didn't really care. On the contrary, if this is effective, he feels that it will be the most fulfilling period of time when he exists as an "ego".

Many people insist that life is blank, and the meaning must be found in later life.

However, there are other people who insist that the birth of a person is inherently together, and the life of a person, whether it is known or not, is already in the fate of this meaning.

Gao Chuan feels that his ideas are closer to the latter, and perhaps even more extreme-I was born in this world with a task that must be me, and only I can complete it, and it is the same when I die. As described in a mystic classic:

Walking alone in the world, my heart is self-cleaning, without desire and desire, like the image in the forest.

What's interesting is that although the text is elegant and looks like a clean aesthetic, the content of that mystic classic does not describe such a thing.

People will tremble at the grandeur and peace of this sentence, just like seeing the saints marching together in the forest, and no foreign objects can block the paradise he can't reach. However, when it was his turn, he felt that this was just a "beautiful simplicity" and "philosophy not suitable for social life." In this regard, Gao Chuan has a completely different understanding.

Only when it is born as a certain mission, alive, and died for it, can it be said that "I am self-cleaning, without desire and without desire". It's not what you long for, but what you have to do, but this is the meaning of your birth and survival. And his own ideas are just overlapping with this meaning.

Gao Chuan walked into the bathroom and cleaned his body. This kind of mentality is probably in the expectation of the color and Dorothy. He wiped the water on his body, thinking about it. At least ten cameras are listed on his retina screen, and he records his indoor life without any omission, and he does not care at all, because he is very clear who the person observing on the other side of the camera-Jin Jiang and Dorothy, apart from the two, no one is so boring in this place.

Even when he was alone, Gao Chuan knew that he was never alone. Even if Jin Jiang and Dorothy are absent, there is still "Jiang" watching him from an unimaginable depth. Even after the birth of juvenile Gao Chuan, this feeling seems to be very weak. For a while, it even seemed to disappear, but it never disappeared. Even at this time, "Jiang" never gave up any Gao Chuan . This idea, Gao Chuan did not know whether to be happy or depressed.

Being watched by "Jiang" is equivalent to being watched by "viruses". The disadvantages are naturally not small, but if you can be watched, you will also feel a sense of fullness. Of course, this kind of emotion is just as plain as the boiled water now. Even so, Gao Chuan still can't tell Dorothy and Omi. Because, would such words speak like traitors?

Gao Chuan does not want to be blamed by the other party for judgment. Of course, when they live together, if they move their feet because of this displeasure, even if they become prostitutes, their lives will be uncomfortable.

As time passed, Dorothy used the network ball to restart the recovery of the final weapon plan. As well as the life after recovery, the freshness brought to people is gradually smoothed out by the harsh fighting. Just as Dorothy was confident, she soon became an integral part of the online ball, and the research of Omi ’s “time jump device” also entered a new stage.

After several updates of Omi ’s worldline theory, it seems to have entered a realm that mortals cannot understand, and it is also quite different from the original description. The concept of the popular science in the past can be understood at this time. There are most errors. However, the things that are closest to the right, the most feasible, and the most theoretical seem to be understood by only one person so far. Those formulas, truths, models and thinking shifts, even if the native brain and brain hardware are used together, can't keep up. From the perspective of "uncognizable and incomprehensible", to understand the current Jin Jiang and her development theory. Even if it is described as "mysterious", it is definitely not exaggerated. And this is not the idea of ​​Gao Chuan alone. It is the perception of all people who have contacted Omi at this time.

When he walked out of the bathroom, a screen that was still playing the advertisement of the gas mask in a loop jumped to Dorothy's face, and it was only at this time that he realized that these displays were all "virtual imaging". They are very realistic, but they are not real. Dorothy's face, body and clothes were outlined in the air one by one, which is a phenomenon that can be completed by controlling the core "Masuo" with the help of a repeater. After all. This is not a high-tech virtual imaging, but a "mysterious" virtual imaging. Even, it is not just an imaging. Just like Marceau, turning images into objects is also easy to do.

Dorothy is the same as Omi. They do not live here in Gaochuan, but if they need to rest, they will come to Gaochuan. But basically, even if they don't work in the same place, there is no time, space and emotional gap between the three. Because Dorothy and Omi have become commonly known as "stalkers" and "voyeurs." As many hidden cameras are installed in the room, even when Gao Chuan is out, all parts of the prosthesis, from the surface to the inside of the monitoring device, can also send images and data to Dorothy and Jinjiang in a complete and instant manner there.

Gao Chuan feels that he has no privacy at all times, which is absolutely correct.

Recently, he left the area blocked by the Nazis and finally contacted the whisperers across Asia. Regarding his "photo", Dorothy has been sent there many times. Gao Chuan did not say it, but he knew it all in his heart.

During this time, his main job was not to attack the front lines of the Nazis, but to break through the blockade and secretly place relay points for intercontinental communications. This is not an easy job. First of all, it is necessary to have the ability to protect the materials under the attack of the Nazis. Second, to be able to observe and kill all Nazis who have noticed their own actions to maintain the secret of the establishment of relay points. No matter how you look at it, Gao Chuan with chain judgment and quick swept is the best candidate for this task.

Gao Chuan believes that he has not yet failed on the battlefield, but the current situation has proved that even if he can continue to hit the front line of the Nazis, he even goes deep into the enemy-occupied area to execute the beheading plan. In other words, it is not the most decisive person and behavior. The Nazi headquarters was located on the moon and was in a temporary data hedge space formed by a repeater. Even if they fired rockets and arrived on the moon, they would be the same.

The fact that the Nazis can continue to put in troops is also proof that they have the ability to mass-produce soldiers. I am afraid, as described in science fiction, there is a whole set of theory, technology and devices for human mass production. Assuming that this is done through "mystery", then its efficiency may be higher than the high-tech in science fiction stories, and the resources consumed are more unique and extensive, and it must be assumed that they have enough resources to come Complete this ongoing war.

To truly break the Nazis, you must find a way to crack the protection of the repeater in the remaining time, so that you can execute the counterattack plan.

All organizations with repeaters are key figures in this link.

For this series of plans that have been gradually developed, there is an informal name inside: "World Tree Project"

According to the knowledge of Gao Chuan, the "World Tree Project" currently considered to be the most viable, its content is to form a "trinity" form with three repeaters in a "mysterious" way. Use the collective consciousness sea as a springboard to directly strike the moon repeater. Because this plan does not need to consider the "distance" factor, and the offensive channel is also very unique, so there is no need to start a large number of ordinary people's army during the decisive battle. Let ordinary people take cover on the ground battlefield. It is a relatively acceptable solution for governments of various countries to let troops composed of mysterious experts, with the attack of the Trinity Repeater, drop into the enemy's base camp for sabotage activities.

In this plan, the needs and performance of both parties can be met to a limited extent. There will definitely be sacrifices, and they have been considered clearly. As for the mysterious expert into the army, right. It is also something that must be tried whether or not this plan is in place. When it is proposed at this time, even if the United Nations is unwilling, it must give an opportunity on the bright side.

However, whether this seemingly the most reliable plan has been implemented, it still seems to be a secret, if you have to understand it. Gao Chuan certainly has his own way, however. When we look at this war and the end, the current war and the future war are not so important. After the arrival of Dorothy, Gao Chuan realized that he had a misunderstanding about this war-he regarded the Third World War as a manifestation of the end of the world. However, this perception is wrong.

The third world war. Although it is a link in the "script", it is also inseparable from the end of the world. However, before the adjustment of color and Dorothy, World War III and the end of the world did not have such a strong causal relationship. Moreover, all the foreshadowings buried before adjusting the script. Nor is it for the purpose of "interfering with the end of the world through the Third World War".

Dorothy once said this: "The world war evoked terrible technology, and then let human beings kill each other to despair, and then lead to the destruction of the world. This is not a manifestation of the end of the world. Any doomsday illusion observed in the past There is no such organized end in the end of the world. "

It seems that the past doomsday illusions were destroyed in an abrupt and interrupted manner, and before that, although there was a taste of the doomsday process, it seems that those factors are not the cause or the cause of the final result. . Describe it as "the apple is not moldy and has not been eaten by borers. It was destroyed because it fell down the stairs by mistake".

There is a strong sense of external factors. But Dorothy and the color system can be sure that this external cause is definitely not the hospital. The "script" that seems to have been executed has never arrived at the ending it was scheduled for. It is this kind of deviation that allows the hospital to always affirm the existence and role of "virus" and try to use this deviation to recognize the "virus" activity.

In the reality of the hospital, all the research of UU reading, strictly calculated, is based on the difference of different states such as "expected state, ideal state, setting state and actual state". It is extremely complicated and cumbersome, and the results need to be compared many times. They must have a fixed reference object closest to the ideal value, and this reference object is "Gaochuan" himself.

Everything in Gaochuan, whether it is physiological, emotional fluctuations, psychological changes or whatever, as long as it is the qualities that constitute the existence of Gaochuan, can be confirmed by existing methods and theories and be the object of reference .

Therefore, the significance of "Gaochuan" in the hospital is so important, and now that "Gaochuan" collapses, the hospital still cannot find a qualified substitute, and "Gaochuan" has also been placed and continues to undertake in another way. The role of "reference object".

It sounds cruel, but staying in this doomsday illusion does not have much sense of reality about what is happening in the hospital. (A good event to drop a pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ dot / public number (WeChat add friends-add public number-enter it), join now! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to the WeChat public immediately No.!) (To be continued ...)

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