Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1256: custom

For the time being, no matter what kind of customs this town has, the old portable lamps that are almost equivalent to cultural relics are still used today. √∟ 顶 √∟ 点 √∟ 小 √∟ said that such behavior can be said to be out of the daily life of urban people, and exudes a ceremonial atmosphere, so that other outsiders are not paying attention, whispering, and there are novelties on their faces Looking, unconsciously looking for insiders. If it ’s not really a taboo, the locals should know the reason. In some places where tourism is developed, this custom will be used as a part of the attraction, and some places will deliberately fabricate some local mysteries and customs. In fact, when actually investigating local historical data, they will be disappointed.

However, locals have maintained an attitude towards such issues and do not intend to talk too much, but for them, is it a taboo of local customs or commercial needs? We outsiders can't see the truth from here, but some people think that because the upstream villa development plan has decided to cooperate with this town, people in the town also intend to try to use tourism to drive the local economy.

However, although the scenery here is pleasant, it is not much different from other less prosperous places. This kind of mountains and rivers should be commonplace for people who like to travel. Therefore, it is necessary to show something with local characteristics. On this basis, it is deeply suspected that the old and old of these portable lamps may of course be faked. The attitude of the locals, these ritualized actions, and even the style of the hand-held lamp are all scheduled for "characteristic tourism projects" in the near future, and it is not that there is no such possibility.

However, mysterious experts have a keen intuition on whether such things are true or false, whether they are commercial pretentiousness, or are actually inherited customs. Even if I haven't studied occultism and customology in detail-since I have grown to this degree in mysterious events, I really don't know anything about it. There are very few such people-and they will delve into relevant information because of personal experience. Basically, although it is said that once a "mystery" is encountered, the "mystery" will come one after another, just as if it has become a magnet with strong attraction to those things. Moreover, if you want to survive repeated incidents, your own ability is very important, and luck is the key, but sure enough, humans are more inclined to delve into what they can grasp, that is, the mysterious power and knowledge that can become their own strength. .

Humane world and business knowledge, various science and technology technologies, are not useful in most mysterious events. Luck is not sure, but with mysterious power and related knowledge, how to collect intelligence, you can make divergent associations and logical inferences about unknown situations as much as possible. These qualities can make people face mysterious events. Maintain a good attitude-even luck is still more important than this attitude. As long as you have luck, it doesn't matter if you have a mentality. But sure enough, something like luck ... before the end of the incident, no one can be sure of their own good.

For those who constantly need to withstand the test of "mystery", trying to tap all the intelligence related to "mystery" is no longer a hobby, but a life need. Even if there is no experience at first. But forced by life, constantly learning and using, and occasionally turning back one day, I found myself already a mystic and custom scholar. Such examples abound in the people I know, under extreme pressure. Once it breaks out, you will realize your potential.

The same is true for me. In the past doomsday illusion, it was only less than a year, but the things I touched, the events I experienced, and even the desperation of learning are like compressing the events of 20 or 30 years to that. In just one year. When I realized that it was only a short time relative to others, I had already surpassed college graduates in mystics, customs and psychology. As for how it compares with professional graduate students, I have n’t really compared it. Anyway, I did n’t study it just to show off or compare it with others. This amount of knowledge is in the mysterious circle, and it ’s just a lower-middle level People who have more knowledge and higher skills than me are everywhere in the Internet.

However, compared with those people, I also have some excellent things, that is, intuition-"Jiang" is in my body, so that my whole person is different. Just use my existing eyes to look at my appearance and analyze my spiritual world. I probably do n’t think there is any abnormality. Even if there is an abnormality, it is just an abnormality of the degree of "mental patient". However, I am very Find out that there are more places where you are abnormal than others. These abnormalities that cannot be judged with normal knowledge and vision are brought by Jiang, and because of these, I have a more keen intuition than others.

In particular, in incidents involving "mysterious" factors, other mysterious experts are still half-trusted, and need to find the doubtful points in order to sort out the general context and find specific solutions. My instincts are already telling me that this is a mysterious event, or that it will develop into a mysterious event, there are doubts here, or someone is worth noting, and even if there is no clue, I want to achieve a certain For this purpose, what needs to be done. These answers are hidden in my intuition and implemented in my own actions. Indeed, I often think, and think that the power of thinking is powerful, necessary, and beautiful, but I do not deny that most of the thinking in mysterious events is stupid. My actions seem to come from thinking. Is based on the answer, but it is more practical. In fact, before thinking about the conclusion, it has been intuitively used to decide how to do it. Later thinking tends to find a "reasonable reason" for such an action. The relationship between intuition and thinking is often very compact, and even a little vague. Even I sometimes feel that it is through thinking that I decide my behavior, but when I think about it afterwards, it is still an intuition that determines the direction of action. , And even determines the result of thinking.

Because of this, when my thoughts diverged and I began to associate, the clues were messed up and seemed to have been hesitating, but there was no slight interference in my actions. I sometimes think, maybe. Those hesitations at the time were only due to intuition telling themselves that it was not the time to act, so they were delayed in thinking until the opportunity came.

I attach great importance to my thinking, but probably, to intuition. The proportion is larger. Isn't it a combination of sensibility and intuition? Relatively, reason and thinking are also a pair. When human beings decide to act, if they have both, they will appear mediocre and hesitant.

My appearance seems to use the combination of "rationality and thinking". When I was a top student in school, I didn't hear people praise it in this respect. but. My essence should actually be a type of "sensibility plus intuition". It is not surprising that this is the case. The memory of my first exposure to cigarettes is very deep in my mind. Whether it is the situation of exposure to cigarettes at that time or the memory of this situation, I have already explained my personality.

Because I am such a person, I do not reject the atmosphere that I feel intuitively. And doubtful points leaked from the atmosphere.

No matter what other people think, I can understand why they think so. However, I personally feel that this small town is still full of some mysterious flavor, just like the rest points I have reached before.

During the first break on our journey, few people noticed the anomaly because it was too obvious. Even if I say it, it will be regarded as the illusion of a mental patient. However, at the second break, there was a huge anomaly like temporary data hedging space, and everyone at that time was immersive. But he still tried to return to common sense afterwards. So, even if I think that the behavior of the townspeople at this dock is also problematic, other people probably just think it is a "weird style" situation.

What's more, after the identification of my mental patient, the people around me have always analyzed my mentality and behavior based on this identity premise. If I really did something, other people would feel nervous too, and of course Dr. Ruan Li was inevitably held accountable. After all, I am the dangerous dangerous mental patient she is responsible for. My actions at the last break were inevitably taken out for research afterwards, and the severity of the aggressiveness and mental hallucinations has been roughly determined.

Therefore, it is better not to hear anything, it is better to be silent.

I do n’t mind what I ’m said, but Dr. Ruan Li does n’t plan to say too much good things about my condition. It is understandable that she did this, because she needed help, so she participated in this seminar and traded with the mysterious big businessman in Dallas, did n’t she? And all she did was undoubtedly with sincere emotion.

Even if I am so constrained in my behavior, I do not intend to blame her for it.

I focused my attention on the surface of the river. The portable lights on the poles were continuously shaken in circles, and the hull that appeared at the end of the night quickly became clear. When the boat approached the dock, all the people who were still in the shop came out. Some locals are telling tourists small stories that look old but interesting, but there are too many flaws, let me understand at a glance that it is absolutely fabricated with commercial purposes, not what he said "since ancient times" Legends spread. " Whether the person listening to the story is clear or not, I do n’t know. After all, the other party looks like a very talented scholar and expert. Can he find out the doubt, or just listen to the story to pass the time, completely unable to confirm.

Compared with the atmosphere created by the old lantern at the dock, although the ship also appeared a mysterious smell when it appeared in the distance, when the shape became clear, there was no such feeling immediately.

This is the ferry boat that our participants will take. It can be used for two or thirty people inside, but in order to sit comfortably, it will not carry the maximum number of people. The appearance is also old, as if it can be pulled in one year. The waste recycling bin is in. The person in charge of the seminar specially hired an extra boat for this purpose to ensure that everyone can arrive at the villa area at the same time, but whether it will be the same as this one, I do n’t know.

When the ferry docked, there was a hint of smell in the wind. When the crew who came out of the cabin put the hemp rope on the pier of the pier, two ferry boats appeared one after another in Hanoi. Soon, the smaller vessel No. 1 also docked one after another, crowded on the other side of the dock. It seemed that the townspeople had dinner after work, and they added loud voices and laughter, which soon made the bustling of the pier rise to a new level.

"It is nine o'clock on board, please tell each other." The heads of the three teams said to the people present: "Please also do not leave the dock without permission during this time, we will check the list next time. Please Go to the person in charge of each team to sign. "The balding middle-aged man in charge of our bus is also among them, the person in charge of the other two buses. They are all middle-aged people, and the difference lies in hairstyles and no hairstyles. The people next to me said that they all seemed to be slightly famous in psychology.

Although the people of the other two teams did not encounter an unexpected life-and-death crisis like ours, those people also listened carefully to the safety reminders. I think. The person in charge should know the "mystery", but he did not mention the situation of super common sense at all. All instructions are the popularization of daily safety common sense. And others did as they ordered.

While queuing up for registration, I carefully read all the words above, but I didn't feel anything wrong.

The person in charge needs to verify the name of this registration against the previous information. During this time, the people on the ferry have packed all the food that can be eaten.

In the old days, these townsmen would probably take a job. Or maybe stay and drink with friends. I just hope that the person responsible for carrying us will not be drunk, but at this time, I can't see which ship and who is responsible for our affairs.

I tried to understand the local situation, and I didn't get much in the end, so I let go of this for the time being. Go and observe these lanterns. Of course, Dr. Ruan Li and others will not let me run around, anyway, there is nothing to do after dinner. So they all follow me, they are actually interested in these lanterns. There are many people who are similar to our thoughts, and the people in the town do not refuse. However, we strictly act to damage these lanterns.

"Sure enough, it was fraudulent." When carefully watching the lantern, Mitsui Tsukazu suddenly said so.

When our eyes are on him. He carefully looked around, then stretched out his hand and vigorously rubbed it a few times at the edge of the lamp. There was fading, like rubbing a layer of oily pigment.

"If it's a custom, it should be done frequently. These lanterns should also be frequently used props. For this reason, they need to be carefully maintained. If they are still a bit of chronological value, they should also do some restoration work." Mitsui Tsukazu said "But I'm pretty sure that this layer of paint is definitely not for restoration."

"Falsification?" The fitness coach didn't quite understand why it was possible to draw this conclusion just by frustrating the paint.

"Probably." Mitsui Tsukazu's words are not so sure, but the tone is very certain. "The trick is different, but these lanterns look so old, probably because of the painting."

"Draw up?" The fortune-teller seems to understand what he said. "You mean, the lantern itself is cheap and has no history, but people who use it will not be too clever to make old methods, so use paint along the surface. The upper layer of color to show the charm he needs under the light? "

Mitsui Tsukazu nodded and said, "Not only is it so simple to apply color, they also used a method similar to painting, adding some textures, and even the paint is special." He put the scraps off Under the light, say: "Look, you can turn around." Sure enough, these should be the debris of the solidification of the pigment, showing an ancient color under the light.

"If there is no such light, it may look like a real bargain, so you don't need to worry about being stolen." Mitsui Tsukazu said: "My interest is eccentric. I often study antiquities, especially using ancient methods. Achieve modern photoacoustic effects. In fact, in history, humans have understood many phenomena very early, and can use simple structures and simple chemical reactions to add mysterious colors to some ideal situations. These lanterns are basically applied like this You will feel that even the light emitted by the lamp has no charm, but in fact, it is a simple method to achieve the filter effect inside the lamp. "

"This ... sounds like a very skilled job." The fitness coach laughed in surprise.

"I do n’t know if it ’s complicated, but someone who knows what to do can easily do it. The so-called ancient technology is mostly like this, so confidentiality is very strict." Mitsui Tsukazu laughed, "Here is probably Anyone who knows the relevant technology. We also do n’t have professional tools to study the authenticity of these lanterns, but in my experience, it is just antique, not real artifacts passed down through the ages. And the scene just now seems to be formal Let ’s talk about the rehearsal before the business. It will be developed as a tourism resource soon. "

His statement fits a possibility that I thought of before. But the problem is that although he can prove that these lanterns are not real antiquities, but commercial imitations, there is no way to verify whether these lanterns are related to "mystery". It is true that in terms of occultism and customology, people and objects that truly possess "historical heritage" will show an unusual aspect under certain circumstances. However, in the illusion of doomsday, "mystery" is not mysterious To study what is defined by science and customs, to study mystics and customs, and to use the knowledge and concepts in it to look at the "mystery" is just no way. The unrecognizable and dangerous nature of "mystery" is affirmed, but human beings will not recognize it because they are absolutely unrecognizable, and forcefully apply the mystical and customary methods of cognition, even if they cannot reach it. To the effect, it can also make people feel acceptable when using this knowledge.

Even if the situation here has nothing to do with occultism, customs, and archaeology, it is completely a commercial behavior directed by others. However, since this commercialization involves people with mysterious power, their human behavior is also full of The mysterious taste, then, behind these commercial behaviors, there is a mysterious purpose hidden, and there is some mysterious force interfering, which is also conceivable.

I must maintain such caution, because only I have experience in this area.

"Although it's a little unimaginable, after Mr. Mitsui said that, I felt that I could enjoy it with a happy heart." The fortune teller smiled.

"However, if the truth is like this, it is still a bit regretful." The fitness coach said: "If it is a custom that has been handed down from ancient times, isn't it more interesting? And, people here don't seem to be very keen on business If you stay longer, those locals who are talking and talking, and who are pretending to be mysterious, will show their feet. "

"Since the seminar is responsible for the development work here, it doesn't matter whether the previous situation is a custom or a performance." Dr. Ruan Li said: "If the murderer of the previous murder incident stays here, it may be easier to deal with it. . "

When it comes to the last point of rest, fitness coaches and others can't help but fall into the haze again ~ ~ You mean, in fact, the previous registration is a kind of investigation? Asked the fortune-teller.

"I think so, but what is the specific arrangement of the seminar, except for the three responsible persons, no one knows." Dr. Ruan Li said: "According to common sense, since such a thing has been done Things, the murderer should find a way to leave, the closer to the seminar, the easier he is exposed. "

However, this is also the case when it is common sense. Dr. Ruan Li does n’t see the “mystery” side, so it ’s okay to think so, but for me, the last thing to rest is not a simple mad scientist or serial murderer, but A clash of mysterious forces that are extremely chaotic. And we are just suffering from pond fish ... No, when we become parties, it means that this is the revelation of destiny. After that incident is over, it is definitely not the end. At a certain time and place, there must be some connection events that are closely related to ours.

The situation at the wharf made everyone talk for a while, but in the end it was just a lively show. No one would think that some kind of "mystery" was happening. Everyone ’s mind is easy to guess-less than two hours are left before boarding the ship. What strange things can happen in such a popular place in such a short time. To be continued. .

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