Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1144: Carmen Raiders II

Carmen had thought about why he must follow this mission that has existed since the birth of self. Isn't his existence meaningless except to complete this mission? But in the pursuit of these problems, he began to understand that he In theory, there are more possibilities, even if you exist, you must complete some things, but this does not mean that you must complete those things. From the biological point of view, constitute &; Gao Chuan & ; The biological organization and composition of &; Carmen &; The biological organization of the part is all necessary to constitute a human individual, and there is no saying that either party is &; redundant &; even if, in the past for a long time The part of the cells and genes represented by, &; Carmen & amp ;, in the long process of biological adaptation and evolution, gradually &; silence &; down, it does not mean that the loss of these cells and genes has no effect on human individuals.

In modern biological sciences, the parts of human tissue that are regarded as &; useless parts &; are no longer a minority, but also a considerable part.After being removed by surgery, it does not have a fundamental impact on the survival and activity of the human body, such as & ; Appendix & ;. However, this does not mean that all parts that seem to be &; useless &; after removal are the same & Appendix &; such as mitochondria. If the human body is regarded as a &; precision cooperation operation Factory ;; then, in the existing science, there are many genetic parts in the human body, but it does not seem to be simply a component of the human body factory; they themselves have a certain degree of complete life information, it seems that + Long + wind + literature + cwx + aside from the current maintenance of the individual activity information, it can also be reconstructed to construct a new &; factory & ;, and this guess, and &; the human body is one and all parts This conclusion must be precisely coordinated with the factory.

Does the seemingly independent part really work independently? Or, it is in a field that cannot be observed by human science. This step has autonomous genetic information and the human body in the sense of conventional science. Organizational information is constantly being exchanged to maintain the operation of the complex structure of the human body?

&; Carmen &; The existence of this independent personality represents those who have semi-autonomous genetic information, including structures such as mitochondria. Apart from the organizational structure that has been thought to dominate human behavior in the past, it declares itself in a completely independent way Existence proves that he will subvert the past ;; silence &; and &; excess ;; and become the new leader of human individual activities. Only from this level, it appears and represents the personality of the past orthodox organizational structure information collection Consciousness & Gaochuan has irreconcilable contradictions.

However, Carmen thought that if the & Gaochuan was completely eliminated, the human tissue structure that had been dominant in the past would be completely silenced. Then, for the complex and precise structure of the human body, it will happen again. What is it? Can the part of the information represented by him really set aside the part of the information represented by &; Gaochuan &; and become a completely independent existence? At first, he felt this way, as long as the &; Gaochuan &; was eliminated, Then, the body on the material level will be dominated by &; Carmen &. And in more patients with doomsday syndrome, similar things are happening. In this &; genetic information war &; even if an individual dies, it is also An essential part of the natural elimination process. The collision of &; Carmen &; and & ;; Gao Chuan &; is completely inevitable in this brutal battle.

Nowadays, Carmen does not deny that there is a contradiction between himself and &; Gaochuan &; However, he began to doubt whether this contradiction has really risen to the point of &; you die and live & ;; he knows, born in &; Gaochuan &; There are many differences between yourself in the body and other patients with doomsday syndrome. This particularity is brought about by the particularity of &; Gaochuan &; and is more in-depth in nature.It can be said that it is caused by &; Brought by Jiang &;

Like Juvenile Gao Chuan, Carmen also believes that at this stage, it is correct to treat & Jiang and Virus separately; this may not be true. This is not true for both Jiang and Virus. The essence of cognition is correct, but only when it is along with it, the means are correct.

When the & # 039; useless & # 39; organization in other patients with Doomsday Syndrome wakes up, is active, and then instinctively is hostile to the part that leads the individual & # 39; s activity, & # 39; & # 39; The root cause, and the consequences of acting in accordance with hostility.

After going through many things, Carmen realized that this instinctive hostility was not good for the survival of human individuals, at least, in the near future. And the evidence is still those of other patients with doomsday syndrome. The independent personality consciousness formed by &; useless organization in the body is also similar to personality consciousness like &; Carmen &; they also have a struggle with the original personality consciousness of the individual, the part of the genetic information they represent, It is also fighting the part of the genetic information represented by the original personality consciousness.

The results of it?

As a result, the Doomsday Syndrome is a weird terminal illness. The patients are all mental illnesses with no future at all, either spontaneously spontaneously ignited, or collapsed into this is the result of this "Genetic Information War".

Perhaps, to extend the time of this war, after all, one party will gradually take the advantage, and then completely wipe out the other, and the human body, this sophisticated and complex factory, will also successfully adjust to the structure of the winning party through time, let The winning side gains true independence and dominance.However, if you think of it this way, you will make a mistake in the key part of it: time.

For the human race, the unit of time can be very long, but the lifespan of the human individual is very short, and the time of the human race cannot be accumulated simply by the lifespan of the human individual. Because the human race is Only through the inheritance of individual human information is the concept established, and "Genetic Information Warfare" makes these continuation of race information without growth and transmission. [,! ] The room is also the reason why patients with Doomsday Syndrome have no future. The information that constitutes them, including the organizational structure refined into genes and the constantly split personality consciousness, is constantly in civil war, there is no moment to stop, this civil war It can also be regarded as the origin of those weird alienations of patients with doomsday syndrome. They have not yet waited for each other to decide their victory or defeat, and even before the obvious situation is formed, the life span of individuals has been greatly shortened because of this civil war.

It is very simple to report back to the specific phenomenon. All the patients with doomsday syndrome have completely completed the alienation. They have reached an unsustainable state, which is defined as & death in general biology, spontaneous combustion is also good , Or collapse into success, and even other eccentric changes are just different ways of & death. Even & Gao Gao is no exception. The status of the color center and super Dorothy still belong to This category of death.

On the other hand, &; Gao Chuan & ;; although it has been &; death &; in biology, but from a perspective beyond this range, it can be considered that &; Gao Chuan &; is still alive, tie color and Dorothy It is still alive, so that the night of the night, the eight scenes, Marceau and other patients who become doomsday syndrome are also alive.

So, the question is coming, if it is said, & Gaochuan is different from other patients with doomsday syndrome, then, where is it reflected?

Carmen has thought very clearly about this problem. It is very simple. In the human body of & gaogawa, those who represent &; useless and redundant parts; and the awakened personality consciousness &; Carmen are thinking about themselves Philosophy of Existence. Rather than just obey instincts, treat & Gaochuan as a hatred that must be eliminated. This is the most special place for patients with Doomsday Syndrome.

Carmen originally thought that he would think about these problems as a matter of course. He believed that the personality consciousness of all patients with Doomsday Syndrome will gradually think about the nature of "Genetic Information Warfare", but he found himself wrong. He found that in the end In the illusion, it can be clearly recognized that the personality consciousness derived from the origin of the self is almost impossible to say, all the people, non-humans and things presented by these personality consciousness are irreconcilable &; human &; and &; monster & ; The confrontation is the theme. No one thinks, or at all, there is no time or opportunity to think, in this confrontation, the meaning and essence of &; mystery & ;. Even if there seems to be research, it is limited to Doomsday illusion is a limitation of the container, and it is impossible to recognize its real existence.

Only the elimination of monsters can guarantee the survival of human beings. Once the monsters are making waves, it is a sign of the end of the world. No matter how the illusion of the end of the world changes, this concept is deeply ingrained in people's hearts. From the perspective of Carmen, this is quite ridiculous, because if To say that there is a real end of the world in Doomsday Illusion, that should be the situation where the personality consciousness that constitutes the entire Doomsday Illusion is dying out. The world of Doomsday Illusion is not going to die because all humans are killed by monsters, because those monsters are essentially It is also a manifestation of the personality consciousness of the patients of the Doomsday Syndrome. If we say that human beings confuse their extinction with the end of the world, the so-called end of the world actually refers to the extinction of human beings. This argument is also nonsense. All human beings have died, or all have been alienated into monsters in their eyes.From the perspective of patients with doomsday syndrome, it is just a change of personality consciousness replaced by another kind of personality consciousness.

Only when the patients of the doomsday syndrome that constitute the doomsday illusion are completely eliminated from the two aspects of personality consciousness.In short, the situation is that all are consumed, is the real doomsday in the doomsday illusion.

What can cause this situation is not the patient of the doomsday syndrome at all, nor is it originally reflected by the personality consciousness of the patient of the doomsday syndrome. The &; monster &; and &; human &; in the doomsday illusion is the virus; ; And &; Jiang & ;.

After all, the so-called Doomsday Syndrome is a lesion caused by &; virus &; essentially, the awakening of &; useless organization &; and &; genetic information warfare; are caused by &; virus &; . And even, Carmen often thinks that today ’s “genetic information war” cannot be stopped and there is no thinking about this war. Is the essential reason for it is the “virus” that interferes all the time? ; Virus &; and the awakened personality consciousness is limited from the bottom of the thinking direction?

&; Carmen &; can think about these things because &; Jiang &; played a great role in it? Carmen has no doubt, &; Jiang &; has such ability. However, if he exists, It is the result of & Jiang ’s intervention, then, you ca n’t kill & Gao Gao anyway. Even when you think about the necessity of killing Gao Gao, you have already decided , I cannot kill &; Gaochuan & ;.

On the other hand, just as patients with Doomsday Syndrome, if they want to get rid of their desperate situation, they must defeat &; virus &; because of the interference of & Jiang &; & Carmen &; only defeat & Jiang &; In order to truly gain independence and freedom. And all the ideas that try to kill &; Gao Chuan &; first, and then knock down &; Jiang &; may be traps. Not only the logical traps of thinking, but also the biology Trap. Even if a special situation really occurs, Carmen is killed, Carmen doesn't feel it. He will be worry-free, or this situation is the real desperation.

Because, in a short period of time, the function of maintaining the survival activities of human individuals cannot be completely taken over by mitochondria and the like, which have remained quiet for a long time in the past because they seem to have genetic information independence. It is possible to replace it functionally, but it is impossible to improve to the point where it can independently take over human activities in a short time.

The human body is a complex and precise factory. Any seemingly minor adjustments are the result of the close coordination of many components and the need to take a long time. Not to mention the legacy. [,! ] Transmitting information changes such a huge change.

The reason why Carmen resisted & killing Gao Chuan was this instinct, precisely because, in constant learning and thinking, he realized that if & Gao Gao and the part of the human tissue structure he represents are really It has been eliminated and rejected. Then, this human individual is likely to completely collapse, let ’s not mention whether Carmen can replace & Gaochuan, on the basis of the collapse of the body, &; Carmen's personality consciousness will die with the death of this individual. Now, the body of & # 039; Gaochuan &&; has collapsed into a proof of this possibility. Fortunately, the collapse into & ;; although in line with modernity Biology defines &; death & ;; but it is not death on the level of personality consciousness.

Looking back at his previous actions, Carmen found that he had always been in a subtle situation. If Gao Chuan killed himself before the collapse of Gao Chuan. Even if he dominated the body, it would become the kind of mad spontaneous death. Patients with doomsday syndrome.

If there is any positive significance to the collapse of Gao Chuan, it may only be that, after becoming, killing Gao Chuan yourself, it will not immediately lead to a collapse, because the structure is very stable and single. Even so, Carmen still feels that, Assuming that you really killed Gao Chuan, then, you can live alive. After the body has reversed from normal to normal, the situation of leading the new body is not even one percent. If you cannot reverse, then It does n’t make any sense to kill Gao Chuan. If you add the two core factors of & Jiang and Virus, the attitude towards Gao Chuan will become the key.

From the timeline, the difference between & Jiang and Virus, or the existence of & Jiang in the sense of an independent self, is also the time when one is born and self-conscious At that moment, the term &; agent of the end &; and the accompanying mission, task, or rather, an endowed duty, always existed, and this duty was not always the same, although, at the time I really thought that it would be constant, forever, and only one line would come to an end.

In such a state, I saw & Gaogao for the first time, and afterward observation made me realize that the Gaogao I encountered was very special. Just like my birth The same, it seems to be a coincidence, but in fact, it is a special situation under the influence of & Jiang.

From the point of view of these associations and particularities, & Gao Kao &; or & Carmen &; or & Jiang &; deliberately buried chess pieces. With the existence of & Jiang &; It can only be used as its opponent, and naturally only has & virus.

&; 高 川 &; and &; Carmen & ;, different names, different code names, gender and appearance are also very different, in many places, can not be regarded as &; the same person & ;, but only in terms of biological relations, The two have a deep relationship similar to the same person. Because of this, there can only be one Gao Kagawa and Carmen, but for this reason, they tried to kill Gao Kao. ;, Is undoubtedly stupid.

Not only because, in a short period of time, killing &; Gaochuan &; has no benefit. But because &; jiang &; is also impossible to let &; Gaochuan &; die, and at the same time, it will not let &; Carmen &; Death. However, this does not mean that the importance of & Carmen & is the same as &; 高 川 & ;. If you waste too much time on this behavior, in the final stage, the chance of personality consciousness survives Will drop significantly.

Carmen can't estimate the confrontation between &; virus &; and &; Jiang &; will eventually lead to what kind of variability of patients with doomsday syndrome, but from the current state of the patient, the acceleration of the collapse of the body, even the level of personality consciousness The death on earth is conceivable. In a battle that exceeds the intensity of normal personality consciousness, any personality consciousness, including &; Gaochuan & ;, has no possibility of survival. The end of the world in the illusion of the end of the world is real There is, and, in the near future, it is not as simple as the reconstruction of the Doomsday Illusion, but the conscious death of patients with large-scale Doomsday Syndrome, so that the Doomsday Illusion no longer exists.From this result, look back Looking at the war between humans and Nazis today, and the war of doomsday truth, even if it is counted as the entanglement between normal human society and the ruling bureau, they are just boring details. How these details change will not bring the real world. Doomsday, even if it is doomsday truth, the Nazis and the ruling engulf the whole world. For the patients with doomsday syndrome, it is just a change of personality consciousness. Perhaps these personality consciousnesses are full of anti-human nature. Full of negative emotions and cult ideas, but to say that it is completely incompatible with the development of social structure, but it is not conclusive. Regardless of the doomsday truth, the Nazis or the body life in the ruling bureau, exclude their external image at this time , Its essence is still the connection and interaction between individuals and collectives.

More extreme, suppose that all humans are transformed into body life in doomsday illusion, and patients with doomsday syndrome will return from state to state in this case, and then become body life state, but it is just that human beings are long. During the development time, a state of alienation or change produced in scientific fantasy, through the reconstruction and change of its own existence form to lead the evolution of life, is not a new idea. There are too many people trying to abandon the weak body and Will, I hope that I can change myself through deorganization, such as obtaining a metal and high-performance limb, installing an artificial artificial eye better than the human eye, and even digitizing the personality to obtain the ability to seem to live forever.

The image of the body life is fully in line with this expectation. The evolution of the ruling bureau is also a social upheaval that conforms to human imagination in the process of deorganization, whether it is to consume people as materials, or because it violates universality. The destruction of moral behavior, as well as the battle of the ruling bureau and the life of the body, are the same.

Compared to the ruling and the body life. [,! ] The significance of the symbol, the image of the doomsday truth religion, is more than enough to express people's expectations and fears of & unknown; the weird spells, fanatical and evil ideas, and even the costumes of the wizards, and those strange The eccentric masks and sacrifices have not violated the psychological range of human beings since ancient times and treated the "unknown". Although many images, behaviors and mysterious powers of the doomsday truth religion are beyond the universal values ​​and morals of normal humans View, but can not deny that no matter what era, human beings have such a beast hidden in their hearts, even if it will make people have nightmares, but people can not really forget, in this nightmare, what is reflected in the powerful self The desire for self, and the fear of self after losing the shackles of common sense. This image is condemned by universal moral values ​​and values, so it will produce a sense of shame and exclusion, but it cannot be said that he really did not have such an idea. The existence of Doomsday Truth is more suitable than human life. After human beings are socially educated, the negative thoughts buried in the heart, assuming that all people in the Doomsday Illusion have become believers in Doomsday Truth, feedback Doomsday Syndrome patients who, they are just a few more cult molecules only.

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