Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1132: Speed ​​up the world

The Nazi captain desperately jumped forward.When his head was taken off, he already understood the huge gap in strength, and the mystery of his own was fully suppressed.This keen sense of the pros and cons of mystery is related to life. In the past, on the battlefield in the past, it was not that he had not encountered such an enemy.Because he had encountered it before, he could live to the present and become a captain. Whether it is luck or other factors, it is enough to make him embrace. Lucky psychology. However, this psychological fluctuation only feedbacks the instinctive action, and does not become a clear idea-he simply has no time to think about these things.

The battlefield is very wide.Relatively speaking, there are few soldiers fighting here.The ordinary soldiers who had the advantage of the number of people were harvested like straw, so that no other figure appeared in the place where the prostitute Gaochuan and the Nazi captain battled. In the observation range of the chain judgment, unlike the regular army composed of ordinary soldiers, the Nazi soldiers are mostly lightly armed. Except for the airship in the sky, they do not have any vehicles, and because they are not restricted by the vehicles. They rely on hands and feet, Passing through most of the precipitous places, mountains, rivers, woods, swamps, cliffs, sand, etc. faster than locomotives ... Once the regular army is caught in an unopen environment, heavy weapons will become obstructive, but even in the open The area cannot be effectively attacked by Nazi soldiers by covering with heavy firepower. Because these Nazis' physical qualities are too good, just bullets and fragments, which cannot cause fatal injuries to them, and even their perception and mobility, Enough to allow them to see the gap between the answering net and quickly shuttle through it.

It takes an average of 20 to 50 ordinary soldiers to kill a Nazi soldier, but this average number does not represent the comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of the parties on the battlefield. The actual situation is worse than this number. In many battlefields, Even if the soldiers on the position all sacrificed, they could not kill the ten Nazis. The average number was pushed to this proportion. Still the special agents cooperated with the regular army to carry out targeted clearing. Only the mystery can fight the mystery. This conclusion The actual results are most vivid. However, relative to the number of Nazi soldiers, the members who remain in Britain are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. Even if the high-end mystery does not fall, but before the emergence of high-end Nazi combat power However, there are factors that need to be considered, and it is impossible to send the battlefield in the first place-after all, the members are from all over the world, they stayed in Britain, and they will participate in this war because of their destiny, but it does not mean that they can be like the British Like soldiers, they can be recruited at will.

What's more, the members who stepped on the front line in response to the battle situation are not lacking.The mysterious expert of the three-level Mageweave messenger level, in the judgment level of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, there are also several people who reach the level of &; , These mysterious experts who are both powerful in terms of mystery and combat effectiveness, not all of them can survive. Their deaths prove that there are factors that limit this level of mystery in the Nazis attacking Britain-perhaps It is certain strong men, but it is also possible that these powerful mysterious experts have been killed by the number of people and targeted tactics.

If the situation is not so bad that it is necessary to fight back against the Nazis. To curb their advancement, whether it is Her Majesty or the Queen of Britain, they will probably still choose to wait and see the changes. This is a world war, two times more than in the past The more brutal World War III, the past world war experience, let everyone understand. No matter what decision is made, the number of sacrifices will inevitably be no less than the previous two World Wars. At this time Britain is on the battlefield The losses suffered on the ground have not yet reached the limit of tolerance, or, it should be said that the so-called "tolerance limit" will be unlimited, and during the Second World War, Britain was once captured by the Nazis. And had to go into exile overseas, if this time must also bear the same, or worse situation, it can be said that it is expected.

Before the war started, everyone who understood the significance of this war was already mentally prepared. Except for &; no matter how much the loss was, they had to fight until everyone died.This option has no other choice. Choice. Because the enemy will never like the Second World War, after occupying the British homeland, the British people will still need to make blood for their aggression, this time, they will definitely slaughter all British people.

Although it is common sense to kill all the people of a large European country, it is a sensational thing that almost no one feels that it can be done. Because even the massacre takes considerable time and resources, moreover, a The psychological capacity of normal people has limits, and the fact of slaughtering their own kind will cause a huge burden on their psychology-whether conscious or unconscious, however, for the Nazis at this time, they do not need to bear any burden The mystery of their soldiers gives them a very strong combat endurance, and this endurance can also be used for slaughter. They do n’t even need to spend resources, only their hands, feet and teeth. Enough to eat everyone into the stomach.

Rather than consider whether Nazi soldiers will generate psychological and psychological pressure in this kind of behavior and become an opportunity, and governments of all countries need to consider that in the face of that terrible massacre, ordinary people will probably Let's break down psychologically and mentally. Under this premise, the available people are pushed onto the battlefield without fear of sacrifice, letting them die in battle, but more cost-effective.

Yes, how many people will sacrifice this is no longer a decision-making factor, and the most important thing is to adjust the rhythm of war by sending the same sacrifice to death. And this is also the construction of an underground shelter, which then constitutes a One of the reasons for the network defense system. Decision makers believe that such a defense front can be consumed most effectively. [,! ] War. The people are divided into small groups, they will inevitably think in the way of small groups, and this small group of thinking methods are basically &; short-sighted; and this &; short-sighted; Helps to reduce their psychological pressure in the face of war and urge them to step into the battlefield.

This is considered to be extremely inhumane and absolutely unfair since the civilization was civilized. However, war has never been inhumane and unfair. If there is anything humane and fair, it will only pass &; death & ; This form manifests itself.

Every day, a large number of people voluntarily join the army or are forcibly recruited. When they step on the ground. Death is already counting down. The first thing they need to face is a crisis that is enough to determine their life and death, not the Nazis, but in the moon ’s core. After the failure of the crackdown plan, the ground environment has gradually become worse. It can be said that even if they take all kinds of protective equipment prepared for themselves, they will not be able to resist the infringement of the harsh environment on themselves even if they take the protection equipment that they have prepared for themselves. When they breathe the air on the ground, their lifespan has begun to shorten. As long as they continue to move on the ground, even if they have not been killed by the Nazis, even a strong 20-year-old young man will definitely not survive for 20 years. Shorter.

The world has become very cruel, and this cruelty will continue for at least ten years in the judgment of the United Nations. This is a terrible length of time, although many preparations have been made to ensure that humanity can reproduce. However, the future is still It's hard to imagine.

As long as the Third World War occurs, it will be a battle of doomsday. This idea has been put forward by people long ago, and it has received a lot of recognition from the public. Now, this view has become a fact. But it still makes people feel like they are in a dream. This is really a nightmare.

The resistance of the British army is only sporadic, at least in the area where the body of the prostitute is Gaochuan. Only a few fighters that were once covered in the sky are still lingering, and they have not been ordered to withdraw, so. If there is no chance of winning, we must continue to fight until the sacrifice is exhausted. However, the prostitute Gao Chuan feels that they do not retreat. Most of the reasons are no longer the retreat orders. Their spirit has been severely destroyed, inevitable For them, the death was like a sweet poison. At this time, their spiritual level has been very consistent with the doomsday truth teachings, which is enough to be the best sacrifice for a ritual. After breaking away from the Doomsday Truth, no longer inherit the terrible sacrifice rituals of the Doomsday Truth, hope that these Nazi beliefs have made a huge difference from the original Doomsday Truth. Otherwise, the already harsh situation is probably still It will make things worse.

The changes on the battlefield brought the thoughts in the mind, which did not hinder the action of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan. When the brain turned rapidly and uninterruptedly, the brain hardware took over the control of the prosthetic body. When the Nazi captain escaped the chain Before judging the observation range, he took out a huge revolver from his arms and fired five shots in succession. The bullets roared, and the Nazi captain reacted in time. In his experience, it was a breeze to avoid the bullets. Things, however, this time he heard several intensive collisions, the bullet's orbit changes in a short distance, so that he finally failed to flash all, and the only bullet that hit his body penetrated the heart extremely accurately. , Pulled out a head-sized hole in the front chest and back.

Even so, he still used this power to move forward at a faster speed.Even if his head and heart were destroyed, he did not let him die immediately. Even if there was no more serious injury, he could be within a few days. Recovered. It ’s just that the so-called Captain Nazi felt that the smell of death had already caught up. The unexpectedly agitated airflow around him was wrapped in a strong and complete human-shaped silhouette, and if he could n’t breathe, he was already with him. And OK.

All of the other's attacks are so random, like playing tricks, or a test, but the Nazi captain will not be angry because of this, and there is no such thing as anger in his emotions. It's just to confirm how strong the enemy he is facing-and no other strong enemy he has encountered before is not in the same level.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan easily grabbed the broken Nazi captain. This time, without any hesitation, his arms popped the blade and cut the other side into countless pieces in the blink of an eye. As the intelligence said, this time, in the retina On the screen, these pieces of meat no longer have signs of recovery. From the beginning to the end of the battle, he completed it under the guidance of a new system of brain hardware. For a battle, there are many redundant moves, but, These actions are to further blend in with his control of the prosthetic body, and to complete the data collection of the first actual combat operation, and through the uninterrupted network connection, it is delivered to the near river side that is being monitored in real time.

On the retina screen, lines of data appeared and disappeared quickly. The prosthetic body Gaochuan did not understand the meaning of these data at all, and it did not help him at this time. However, since it was something made by Omi and Dorothy. , Which proves necessary. This Nazi captain is the highest rank of the Nazis he has killed since he entered the battlefield. However, the ability of the other party is not enough for him to think of it as a warm-up. Combat, the selected opponents are progressive, according to the previous rule, the next enemy should be the level of the school officer.

However, as early as he entered the battlefield, he had already selected the most suitable warm-up object. In his retina screen. The Nazi airship has been in a state of locked analysis. Not long ago, the sky was still in full swing, but now The British Army ’s fighters are already rolling hysterically. Every flying action is just a dying struggle. As long as the ammunition is exhausted, they will drive the fighter plane and hit the airship-even if the orangutan is in the air. The defense system is still in operation, and they actually have no chance at all.

. [,! ]

After the beginning of the war, the number of times the Nazi airship was shot down was numbered, and each time it was achieved with the assistance of a mysterious expert. Moreover, even a battlefield with a powerful mysterious expert does not necessarily break this orangutan. The defensive system of the boat requires the mysterious experts to have the targeted mysterious power. The mystery of the Nazi airship is higher than the mystery of the Nazi soldiers, but if it can really defeat the airship flying in the sky of the battlefield, it is enough. I think the results of this battle are gratifying.

Within the visible range of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, there were three Nazi airships flying in the sky of this battlefield.After the prosthetic body Gaochuan killed the Nazi captain, the other party seemed to immediately receive certain information. On the combat fuselage, it was transferred to the prosthetic body Gaochuan. On the retina screen, the shooting port on the airship was being switched, and a lot of data about the operation status of the orangutan was adjusted in real time on the three-dimensional silhouette. Those fighters seem to have finally accepted What order, try to leave the battlefield. However, the Nazis did not intend to let them go, although the attention has been attracted by the prostitute Gaochuan, but did not relax the rounding of the fighters.

The fighter was rolling up and down and shuttled between the continuously intersecting lines of fire. A signal box suddenly popped up on the retina screen. After confirmation, the prosthetic body Gaochuan began to sweep quickly. His rapid sweep will not constitute an invisible high-speed channel. It is difficult to confirm how mysterious it is.Even so, when the speed sweep began, he continued to accelerate.

The firepower of the Nazi airship was fully dumped at this moment, and even their attack strength made people feel that they had given up the pursuit of the surviving fighter. The dense artillery fire hit the route of Gaochuan, covered The range of the retina screen data of the prosthetic Gaochuan is also constantly adjusted for its own moving speed. If it is a young Gaochuan, it will not be caught by this degree of prejudgment? I thought, however, that my quick sweep is not as free as the young Gaochuan. Because of this, the prostitute Gaochuan also has its own way of fighting.

On the way to gallop, the prosthetic body Gaochuan did not change direction at all, and the gunfire of the airship landed on him as expected, and the huge impact spread from his location, but, in the next moment, his figure had already broken through Soot.

The prosthesis Takagawa became faster.

The attack of the Nazi airship, even if it was directly faced, failed to cause a slight injury to him. The strength of this prosthesis has far exceeded the original, a large amount of data is being carried out on the airship firepower on the retina screen of the prosthesis Gaochuan. The most meticulous analysis, the brain hardware constantly adjusts the details of the movement of the prosthesis. Every lethal force falls on him, it will become a boost, which is what the prosthetic body Gaochuan has. Mystery, and this mystery has been greatly improved than in the past.

Nowadays, as long as the force trajectory with the body of the Takakawa presents an angle of force, it will be absorbed by the rapid sweep as a force to accelerate itself.If it is a mysterious force that does not exist, it will be absorbed by the rapid sweep in a percentage way. , Also transformed into its own acceleration force. Only the most positive resistance can truly become resistance, however, when the prosthetic body Gaochuan begins to swoop, as long as it is not a special environment of & mysterious transformation, && positive resistance &; It is never possible to exceed the acceleration thrust. In most cases, the acceleration of the prosthesis Gaochuan is usually raised to the power.

If it was only 100 meters per second when it was started, then, after a breath, it was subjected to the intensive firepower of the airship, and the speed of the prosthetic body Gaochuan has broken the sound barrier, and after one breath, it reached three times Mach. All can be observed When I looked at this battlefield, I saw a very amazing scene: all three Nazi airships had aimed the muzzle at this man.The firepower line shot was dense and thick, just like the same way tearing the space, which is beyond In the imagination of the offensive limit of the individual's ability to withstand, but this figure has abruptly stood up, not only can't see the slowing of the speed, but it is still accelerating, and the acceleration has come to a point where the heart stops.

In the third breath, the prosthetic body Gaochuan broke away from the fire net. If he did not take a panoramic view, he would not be able to capture his trail at all. He just jumped up, however, the rate of ascent has already reached six times Mach. The acceleration ability has exceeded the capture range of the airship's firepower, and the pre-judgment data cannot be adjusted again within the first time. At this high speed, any dullness will bring a fatal danger.

Before the prosthesis Gaochuan crashed into the airship, the airship's defense was turned on, and the translucent shield appeared under a huge impact, however, at the next moment, it began to crack from the point of impact. Before the shield completely disintegrated, the The figure has penetrated the lower deck of the airship. The strong gunfire on the battlefield suddenly calmed down, and it seemed that all the focus was on the Nazi airship invaded by the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

The dignity of the atmosphere lasted less than three seconds, and the airship suddenly shuddered, and a large number of fireworks were sprayed from the inside, just like blood sputtered from the body of the hole. The turtle with the protective cover The airship itself collapsed in a violent internal explosion.It was like a dead whale sinking into the deep sea, falling from the sky in a heavy and slow posture.

There are constantly parts coming from the veins of that huge body, hitting the ground, and the explosive explosion is like a chain, spreading from one place to another, and if you look closely, you will see many Nazi remnants. The top of the airship airbag pops up, its speed has exceeded the need to get rid of the gravity of the earth, and with this high-speed moving prosthesis Takagawa, the trajectory of the arc is struck with the protective cover of the second airship, this time, yes The breakthrough of the airship shield is more direct and thorough, as if the bullet hole penetrated the board. The first airship that was crashed at this time also collided with the ground, and its body seemed to be attacked. [,! ] A huge force squeezed, and the entire contour began to deform and twist, and then disintegrated into several large pieces.The huge impact caused the ground to crack, just like an earthquake of magnitude 8 occurred. The smoke and debris mixed into one The regiment spewed up like a spray, obviously the hard ground, at the moment, it looked like the surface of the water that was beaten violently.

When the first airship was completely disintegrated, the second airship also stepped into its footsteps. On this battlefield, there was no force that could block the prosthetic body Takakawa, and his rapid swept speed continued to accelerate during attacks and attacks. The artillery fire directly hit the body, the impact caused by the intensive explosion inside the airship, and the resistance formed by &; mystery &; can not interrupt this seemingly unlimited acceleration. Maintaining dynamic vision comparable to the speed of movement, and his prosthetic body has never been overloaded-even if a leap is enough to break away from the terrible speed of entering satellite orbit, it still has not reached the upper limit that he can withstand.

I can speed up to a faster level-this is the idea in the mind of the prostitute Gao Chuan.

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