Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1105: Through two

Being able to use bouncing bullets at will is a manifestation of mystery. I was aware of this mystery before my first death. After all, not all bullets and all attacks are in compliance with the bouncing standard. Even weapons like the KY3000 can have a rebound effect. I don't think that this M600 will do.

I firmly believe that I can do it. This is the best way of thinking in this spiritual first world.

I dodge under the speed sweep state. When all mysterious experts in the observation range are in the phenomenon of "slow motion", the mystery without process appears on my course of action accurately and avoids All mysterious experts. This opponent's situation may be of the type of "conscious launch". In short, it only needs to generate the attack awareness, and the attack effect will be realized synchronously. Moreover, in the attack awareness, certain restrictions may be attached, such as not harming a certain Someone-in this way, there is no need for calculation, and no extra time is generated for "calculation".

It is indeed a very troublesome type, but as long as the mysterious expert is within the scope of observation, it does not matter even if the specific target cannot be determined.

As long as everyone in the observation range is resolved.

Bullet confirmation, target locking, and chain judgment within the observation range, each human figure is in my mind, the outline is outlined. I don't need to kill them, so the place of attack is not the point. However, even a mysterious expert, it is very common to be seriously injured by such a large caliber bullet. If their bodies were not specially strengthened, they would never be stronger than steel.

The first shot.

I pulled the trigger.

It feels extremely fine at this moment. The hammer jumped up. I can feel the sparks blooming in the gun barrel at that moment. The bullet spun along the rifling line, violently tearing the air in front of it, and there was a sharp inclusion in the huge fluctuation of the sound.

At the same time as the bullet shot out of the muzzle. The huge recoil is transferred to the wrist along the handle of the gun, pushing up the joints of the wrist, and his muscles are struggling with this force. I slowly lifted my arm and slid back quickly, and the original position was bitten off again. However, he was a step slower. It is indeed very fast to just aim with your mind and execute attacks simultaneously, but in many cases, such attacks can only be targeted at a single body. And I still have 99 bullets. I don't believe that he can "bite" all 99 bullets in such a short time, just by attacking the monomer.

Even if he has a multiple attack mode, the interval and targeted number of each attack are also open to question. I'm fast in Mercedes, and I shoot fast. My bullet is flying fast, and there are no dead ends. Can he catch the interval between my shots? Even if you catch it, can you see all the laws of bounce? I don't think so.

His "mystery" is indeed tricky and can offset the advantage of "high speed", but it does not mean that he can always take advantage of "frequency".

I swam away, shot, continued to swim, continued to shoot, the mystery of "biting" chased me. But he couldn't capture the seemingly chance. I will not give him any chance, as long as the instinct intuition can feel the danger at the same time when the attacking consciousness of the other party is generated, it is enough to expand the life-and-death gap of the "thousands of attacks" through the speed difference to the extent enough to cope with it.

In just one second. The mysterious expert's attack has been generated six times, and more mysterious experts complete their reaction within this second. But not every mysterious expert has the same choice when facing a crisis. Part of the mystery experts directly complete the defense, while another part of the mystery experts are still trying to lock my position, premeditated to fight back. I no longer go near these mysterious experts, even if they seem to have their doors wide open, and their bodies are covered with flaws, but they are probably traps. Since this period of time is enough for them to complete the reaction, even if they can't see the effect, their mystery must have been in effect.

In the face of high-speed enemies, it is almost a consensus to adopt a defensive counterattack strategy-no matter how fast the enemy moves, but as long as you can arrange your defense, once the high-speed enemy approaches itself to a certain distance, the mysterious expert is enough There are many ways to complete the counter-kill within this distance.

This distance is almost inestimable before the counterattack is completed. In more cases, it can be judged as an airtight sphere centered on the mysterious expert himself. This form of defensive counterattack, commonly known as the "defense circle", cannot rely on the overwhelming power and speed to break apart, otherwise the attacker cannot retreat.

Although this kind of defensive counterattack is not a response that every mysterious expert will take when encountering a high-speed raid, it is a response that most mysterious experts will adopt. Among the eighteen mysterious experts within the scope of the chain judgment observation, according to the ratio, at least twelve people will do so.

For me, even though the speed-sweep superpower has the "relatively fast" characteristic and can achieve "overwhelming speed" under normal conditions, it is still not a good choice to be close to these mysterious experts who have completed the reaction.

High-speed Mercedes-Benz, close to the enemy, complete the attack at close range-this attack mode seems monotonous, but it has high demand in details, such as Mercedes-Benz speed selection, frequency selection, route selection, which direction and direction Approaching the enemy, the actions completed while approaching, how to match the attack, how to prevent the enemy ’s counterattack, including the combat experience, the change of virtual and actual moves. When facing multiple enemies, each attack must also consider how to chain the next attack.

This is the art of completing local transfers and revising global tactics in the shortest time through the body and the whole, through frequency and rhythm.

Only by making the best of these details can we fully demonstrate the power of this attack mode.

However, I am limited by my own ability. Only when the enemy is "unresponsive" can the advantage of speed sweeping be maximized-this is the roughest, most monotonous, and most rigid high-speed raid. For many mysterious experts, as long as there is a companion, you can delay that time and let yourself react. All can complete the anti-killing at a certain cost.

Now, these mysterious experts do have companions to do this kind of thing. My monotonous and rigid high-speed raid has lost its advantage.

Fortunately, my means of attack. But it's not just such a monotonous trick.

I completed two rounds of rapid fire with a total of ten bullets within one second of their response. The bullet was flying slowly and unstoppably in my field of vision, and at the expected position, the collision was completed according to the expected state. They popped up like marbles in a marble game and collided with each other. Change your trajectory several times during a collision.

Two bullets were "gnawed" while traveling, and three bullets were "gnawed" during the collision. However, as I expected, the opponent failed to complete the interception of all the bullets. Five bullets penetrated into their bodies like a drill, from an angle that the target could not see.

Two bullets were blocked by the mystery of the target itself, but. There are also three bullets that directly penetrate the target's body and dig out a large chunk of flesh and blood-not every mysterious expert can make a correct judgment in such a short time, even if a correct judgment is made , And does not necessarily have the ability to target.

Powerful thermal weapon. It is still a threat to many mysterious experts. As long as it can hit the body, it can produce an effect. Yes, the premise is that it can be hit-but, for me, this is not really a difficult premise. In other words, the cyber ball is equipped with the weapon of S organization, this threat is even greater.

When the hands, feet and abdomen of the three mysterious experts burst. The eyes of many mysterious experts began to wander. They were attracted by the situation of their companions. Only the mystery of "gnawing" chased me without any difficulty, just. The other party's attack mode seems to have no more changes. For me moving at a high speed, the relative time obtained by them seems to be short, but for me, it is enough to adapt to such an attack. And make their own adjustments. It has been quite easy to deal with unaltered attacks.

I wandered through the walls and walked through the gaps in the building. Mercedes-Benz was on the top floor of the building, constantly adjusting my movement frequency and activity route. During this period, another five rounds of a total of 25 bullets were fired.

Three seconds.

Both me and the mysterious experts who are opponents have done a lot of things, but it takes only three seconds from the instinctive reaction to the execution of the strategy. Every second, a mysterious expert was penetrated by a bullet, and after three seconds, the "nibbling" chasing me stopped. Three bullets were still flying in the air, synchronized with the timing of the three bullets reaching the target, and the three remaining mysterious experts passed by in turn. They do have special defense skills, but between the bullet and my critical weapon, they need to make a choice. Because they all have the same weakness-they can't defend against two simultaneous high-strength attacks.

This is not their only weakness, but they are the only weakness that they have leaked and can be caught by me.

In a blink of an eye, I was running between them in the invisible high-speed lane. A huge force suddenly covered me, and I couldn't help but stop-I didn't stop, but even when I was Mercedes-Benz, all the reference object distances in the field of vision did not change. I understood this anomaly for the first time: I was in motion, but the connection between this motion and the environment was cut by the "mystery" acting on myself.

My relative position in the environment is fixed, and of course, the effect of "high speed" cannot be reflected.

Is this the only mystery among the three mysterious experts who completed the defensive counterattack when I was close? Such a mysterious manifestation, if completed one step earlier, probably I will be even more embarrassed. But now, he has no companions who can seize this opportunity.

I didn't look back. In the chain judgment, the last three mysterious experts either burst their limbs, or were thrown up with great force, and smashed into the side buildings. In the moment passing by them, I have determined that I have completed the attack.

However, just as I once again displayed the speed sweep superpower, another force suddenly burst into my abdomen-another mysterious expert completed the defensive counterattack, and his "mystery" was full of aggression. A big hole was opened in my stomach. But at the next moment, Zhen Jiang reached out his hand, and the flesh and blood that had been splashed melted into a **** liquid in the air and was sucked back by the wound.

Sixty-five rounds left. The number of Las Vegas special combat troops fell below 100. Considering my speed, when I arrived at the workshop, it was estimated that half of the mysterious experts would participate in the battle. This is also the case where the long-range attacks were not continued before, and the three mysterious experts were prepared. The reason for the melee attack is still, even if there is a danger of being counterattacked, it has to take a risk to reduce the amount of ammunition. A total of three mysterious experts may have caused me a counterattack. In theory, within the safety line, a big hole was opened in the abdomen. It can be said that in my estimation, it was only encountered with a very bad fate.

However, the uncertainty of the odds, and the mysterious mystery, ultimately failed to make the situation better. in fact. I have also considered the power of Zhenjiang, but that kind of power involves "Jiang", and there are too many uncertainties. Therefore, in any case, it cannot be considered as a constant. Even so. The power of Zhenjiang still appears.

"A Jiang, can you fight?" I asked as I swept through.

"Um ..." Zhen Jiang just whispered such a sentence, and then thought of something else, he grinned. I guess she probably doesn't pay attention to the current situation at all.

No matter where Zhen Jiang's eyes stay, what is in his mind, for me, the most practical thing is here, at this moment. I can't understand Zhenjiang. Such a situation has existed for a long time, and there is no need to distract from understanding at this time. In the observation range of the chain judgment, there have been many traces of mysterious experts, perhaps because of the workshop, the closer it is to the workshop. The effect of the fog on the chain judgment is getting weaker and weaker. It is close to the workshop to a certain distance. These fogs give me the feeling that there is no difference between the fog and the fog that I usually contact.

The previous battle with the mysterious expert has already attracted greater attention. While I was galloping, more and more mysterious experts have compressed them in an outspoken formation, and various heavy weapons including hexapods have also turned their muzzles. These operations are in my mind. In a slow and clear way. I am constantly revising my route and rhythm to maintain the distance to those mysterious experts. Among these mysterious experts, there must be people with unique skills in "long-range strike", but if there is no previous mysterious expert This kind of "no process" mystery, or, the coverage area and strike density have reached an extraordinary level, otherwise they will not pose too much threat to me.

My advance speed is very fast, which is a very advantageous advantage in the raid. In any "movement", there will be no one faster than me, even the laser beam-the array of fortresses arranged around the workshop has risen from the building, and surrounds the entrance of the workshop in a half-moon shape. There is no unique decoration on the entrance of the workshop, and it is no different from the surrounding buildings. It can only be judged by the mobility of the staff and the degree of armament. Things in between.

The arrangement of true and false is not difficult for those who rivet. However, no matter whether it is true or false, or what kind of traps are arranged, I have only one way to face them-without giving them time to adjust, relying on the speed to get through all the way, traps or fake bait will stay Under the trail of authenticity. As long as it is fast enough, there is enough time to find, think, and break through. In the intelligence, there should be a description of my ability. However, even if they can identify me as a "high-speed" ability, it is absolutely impossible to know what my "high-speed" essence is. There are too many mysteries that can achieve "high speed", but only for "high speed", it is impossible for the mystery of making "high speed". I have met too many enemies that are similar in nature to "high speed" or targeted at "high speed", but in the end, I won the victory precisely because they made "high speed" or aimed at "high speed" The mystery of is too obvious, but I do n’t understand what my "high speed" mystery is.

In the final analysis, the concept of "relatively fast" is not easily parsed by looking at appearances.

It took me less than ten seconds to escape from the prison cage and walk all the way to the entrance. 90% of the mysterious experts I met along the way were left behind. Only the mysterious experts closer to the entrance completed the integration, even so, The fortifications were not fully mobilized. Those huge machines have powerful firepower, but they are relatively "cumbersome" in attack preparation time. It is still the ability of the mysterious expert to attack me.

Like a streamer, I arrived in front of them and was pushed by huge resistance. I kept my speed and walked sideways. Even vertical walls and upside-down zeniths can be my bunkers and footholds. The ensuing gravity is trying to pull me away. They delayed me for a second, and the brains of the adjusted artillery fire were dumped. Among them, there were eight interleaved laser beams forming a dense firepower network. However, this is their mistake.

Consciousness flashed in my mind, just like turning the switch to the next frame. In the observation range of the chain judgment, the moment the laser beam is ejected, it is already locked as the reference object. In front of my eyes, the world began to freeze, with increased gravity and increased resistance, and it no longer has influence. Now I am faster than "laser".

This speed is almost the fastest speed I have swept to date. I haven't been clear what level I can speed up, but now it seems that even the speed of light is not my limit. As long as there is a suitable reference object, I can be faster. It is also uncertain how this extraordinary power will affect me. I have always avoided accelerating too fast. After all, I do n’t feel it, and it does n’t mean that there are really no side effects.

Faster than light-even if it does, it will make you feel a little scared. This fearful fear may be due to the confinement of common sense, but here is a world of spiritual first, and common sense can also produce terrible power. Just like the default value of gravity, whether I care or not, it is still this value. It may be possible to change this value when the mystery appears, but it will eventually become the constant in people's common sense. This is the embodiment of temporary data hedging-it is only temporary.

From this point of view, is the fear of fear caused by the restraint of common sense not from another angle, suggesting the dangers of being beyond common sense? In my common sense, the speed of light is a very unique value. This kind of cognition must not be "shattered". In psychology, common sense is shattered, which can cause quite serious illness.

However, at this time, I couldn't stop. The opponent is an elite, I can't kill them. Only a dozen people ~ ~ In the unannounced raid, you can just hit them hard, but for the mysterious experts who have prepared for several seconds, and the number is more, I do n’t think at all, myself The speed-sweep superpower can also achieve an overwhelming advantage under normal circumstances. Two of the mysterious experts counterattacked by the previous three mysterious experts succeeded, and one of them caused me a heavy blow. This is also enough to prove the elite level of these mysterious experts.

If the level of the three mysterious experts is used as a standard to measure the average strength of the entire team, in my estimation, there are at least more than thirty mysterious experts who can complete the counterattack under my normal speed. Normal speed sweeping, although still terrible, does not have an overwhelming advantage. Therefore, you must enter a super normal speed sweeping.

Even if such a quick sweep is faster than light. However, in common sense, the speed of light in the atmosphere cannot reach the theoretical value, especially in this foggy environment, even if it exceeds the speed of light in this environment, it still has a certain distance from the "theoretical speed of light". You know, it must be helpful-in the state of only wearing ordinary clothes, it is already terrifying to reach this level of speed.

My speed is even scared of myself. In this mood, I penetrated the screen like a freeze, and threw it straight into the entrance of the workshop. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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