Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1075: Interposer

Elementary life, the most powerful alien species known in the ruins of the ruling bureau, sparse in number and unknown in the gathering place, in a state of confrontation with the ruling bureau, and also strongly repulsive to outsiders, because there is often no They are stronger individuals, so most of the actions taken are violent and more dominant, but they cannot be denied that they have wisdom, and they often develop various action strategies. It is not that they will only be brutal when they encounter enemies. Types of. The body is a high-level structure, with the mystery that is sufficient to resist a large number of known superpowers of Mageweave. The Mageweave messengers below level 2 encounter them, and the chance of survival will not exceed 10%. Depending on the degree of play of their abilities and the environment at that time, the third-level Mageweave messenger has a life-and-death ratio of about 50% to 50%. However, in the absence of critical weapons, the success rate of anti-kill is only 30%. It is already a consensus within the mystery circle that multiple Mageweave messengers can fight against a body life. According to this consensus, my current situation is extremely bad.

Because, on this long arch bridge, the only one who could become a booster has been bombarded by the body life in front of him. Because the situation was unknown at that time, I never thought of letting the Night Crow Quark to rescue. Who knew that the unlucky egg actually caused the life of the body?

Moreover, it is because of the appearance of the elemental life, so I doubted whether it was the ruling bureau, but it can now be confirmed. The elementary life is still an alien species that is only active in the ruins of the ruling bureau. They have a deep relationship with the devil, and they are enemies with all the remnants of the ruling bureau. The Mageweave messenger, as the "higher security handler" of the ruling bureau, is naturally impossible to be let go in the encounter.

Although, I have no magic patterns now, and I am also operating an individual named "Electronic Demon", which seems to be related to "Demon". However, I always feel that when my abilities are converged on the night crow quark, it will also make the night crow quark stained with the enchantment of the magic pattern. So far, the standard I use to judge "mystery" is still the magic pattern. In this way, whether it's identity or psychological level, it will be almost inevitable to have a battle with the body life that is already unfriendly to outsiders.

When I watched the female life with a female appearance, I was already mentally prepared as above.

I have no hostility towards the body life itself, just because. The position between us is doomed that the other party will definitely shoot me, and if I do n’t want to die, I have to work harder.

Faced with the life of the body, a lot of knowledge seems to come out of my mind, but I understand. Part of this knowledge and experience comes from the data of the online ball, but the deeper, instinctive feeling and experience should be obtained from Gao Chuan, who was supposed to be the only one. During my death. Gaochuan, who was born after me, also seems to be dead. As an active "Gaochuan", what is Gaochuan? I feel a little bit about this kind of thing, but I can't describe it in detail. However, after dealing with him, I am quite sure. That is also a very strong "Gao Chuan"-his anomaly is not just about extremely precise and sensible fighting style, nor is it about possessing the ability similar to "swimming" and "chain judgment", but also his body.

That body ... When I first realized it, I was already very impressed, but, until now. When I confirmed with my own eyes what kind of existence of the body life is, I felt that the abnormality of the "Gaochuan" was very strong.

It's just like a body life that maintains human position and consciousness, maybe not completely. However, the mystery that constitutes that terrible body strength must be a "structural body", and it is a structural body of the same level as the body life. In the end, what happened to the body will become this look. Compared to the unique body composition when I regenerate, I feel that the other me who stayed in Dunlun started to cheat from the basic quality.

Cheating is as strong as it is. It can fight any "mystery" that is not directly connected to "virus" and "jiang", and will not fall into the disadvantage. Looking back now, when I first recovered from the hidden organization of the online ball, the attraction and discomfort felt far away probably came from another me. With him, there is still something, get together, like a trap with bait, and a sense of being targeted from all aspects-this kind of targeting may even be "Jiang" included.

Therefore, from time to time, I have such a thought: it is probably to tie color and Dorothy with Gaochuan. After all, if you really have the pertinence and possibility to do something about Jiang, then, from the hospital From a practical point of view, the color system that has been transformed into the center of the Doom's Illusion Machine is 100% necessary. I do n’t know much about Dorothy ’s situation, but from the initial doomsday illusion, her background, identity, ability and consciousness are not weak against Zhen Jiang, and can even be regarded as “Jiang ’s imitation Quality ". The special "Gaochuan" has the same basic qualities as cheating. Without external assistance, I really think it is unlikely to happen because "Jiang" is not on his side, so I only rely on his own words. "Miracle" will not happen.

And as a result, "Gaochuan" is very strong, but from the source, it is not very strong. As one of "Gaochuan", I can't be more clear about this.

Only because of the "Jiang" and "color" and even more people's attention, "Gaochuan" has extraordinary power. However, once this focus shifts, it is purely based on "Gao Chuan" 's own ability, that is, the level of excellence, just like, when there is no "mystery", as a top student, it is just a "ordinary top student" .

So, another one I can be so special, there must be something to help him. Not "Jiang", that is, the existence of close ranks, the suspiciousness of the color and Dorothy are very high. Also, in this doomsday illusion, the two who were originally friends and relatives are likely to become the most direct enemies, so even if I understand the reasons for this situation, I am not completely without the ill mind in my heart. .

The self-interrogation, which was born through mental erosion when I was on campus, also contains these complex factors. I tried not to think about it, and I only struggled with it, but I couldn't really think about it at all.

When confirming the anomaly of the body life, another Gaochuan anomaly was also confirmed, which made me seem to see through many hostile connections in the background, which made me very unhappy. Even if it has been accepted as a fact. He made up his mind, but the feeling of being dragged with water is still inevitable.

Because, I am so emotional.

It is because of the sensibility that I look forward to those extremely rational things. There are also some things that are hostile to this, just like the plain life in front of you.

It seemed that I was infected by the emotions in my heart, and the flame of the night crow quark burned more intensely. Its body and appearance are also very similar to the body life, which also means that even if there is no critical weapon. I also have the most basic conditions for confrontation.

The life of the elementary body walked ten meters in front, and did not attack at the first time, but was observing me. Its face is like a hard mask, with no expression, and its eyes seem to be still, but it can still be felt. It is watching me, watching me. Its slender hands and feet, and the abnormal ratio of its body, became clearer at such a short distance. It is almost three times as big as me, and the length of the foot alone is taller than me.

It hung its head down and bent slightly. Overlook like a giant. At such a distance, anything with a threatening taste on its body can be seen at a glance. There are parts of the body that look like armor, but the "skin" of the non-armor is fused together, and there is a kind of integrated formation. The shape of the armor shape is followed by various thin or thick catheters, which are connected from one end of the body to the other, just like connecting weapons and power supplies. of course. The so-called "weapon" and "power supply" are also completely integrated into that body.

The appearance does not seem to have melee weapons, and the tall and slender body structure does not seem to be good at melee combat. The most prominent weapon is probably the barrel that is integrated with the right hand.

It suddenly sounded as if it was speaking their unique language, and the object was obviously not me, but the night crow quark behind me-the similarity in appearance of the material, making it mistaken for it to be the same kind? However, even if I put my senses on the night crow quark, I do n’t know what to say. However, when I and the night crow quark were silent, I raised my left arm and the right hand was supposed to be the arm-mounted terminal. A few quick taps on the structure.

At the next moment, a visible mask surrounded it, and I could hardly help but take the lead, but the curiosity to see what it was going to do still stopped the urge. Although it is not wise to prepare the enemy for war before it is ready, even if the raid succeeds, it is impossible to determine the victory or defeat of this battle in one hit. If there is no critical weapon, it is better to pre-look at it as a "stuck battle", and this elementary life movement does not give people the feeling of "preparing for battle", but seems to be confirming something.

Perhaps it is confirming that the Night Crow Quark is its kind?

This elementary life saw through my weakness, in front of a motionless night crow quark, with such a big fanfare, doing such a thing unattended. The mask that surrounds it should have defensive capabilities, because, and the body defense spells of Doomsday shamans are extremely different, but they are more "technological". After it is continuously operated, images and texts are presented one after another. Unfamiliar text that has never been seen, but part of the image is intuitively understandable.

For example: the three-dimensional image of the night crow quark and me was constructed, and the data was summarized on both sides, and the details were enlarged back and forth. This is obviously a process of input and analysis. In this process, there are various lines connecting the two images, and a large amount of text is marked out, pointing to me and the night crow quark. In the end, there is a red, obviously warning box popping up Come out, and, all focused on my image.

——It's really a bad feeling, seems to be seen through?

The life of the elementary body looked up at me, and suddenly raised his right hand. At the same time, I have mounted my senses on the night crow quark, grabbed the original body and exhibited the speed swept superpower.

When the waves are generated and the ripples of the gray fog are scattered, the invisible high-speed passage of the fast sweeping super energy has also spread. There is no significant high-speed reference for comparison, and the rapid swept super energy can only start at a relatively fixed starting speed. And this speed is not enough to make the opponent appear relatively still compared to the attack of the body life. The barrel of the right hand of the body life does not require energy storage, and it shoots a wave of shots at a very high speed. In the observation angle of the fast swept state, it is like shooting at a speed of half a meter per second.

The shotgun is too dense, and the frontal breakthrough is too threatening to the original body, and the night crow quark has adopted a circumvention strategy. Before the body's life is ready for the next strike, it has reached its side and popped the arm blade and cut it off.

however. When penetrating a mask that does not seem to have any blocking power, the mystery of the rapid swept super power suddenly disappeared, and the sense of speed in the sense suddenly returned to normal. The shotgun hit the place where I was originally and the co-location The arch bridge of the body was made into a honeycomb. And the life of the body also raised his left hand in time, blocking the blade that was about to cut his body.

Accompanied by the raspy cutting sound, the night crow quark's blade and the left hand of the body's life interspersed a spark. The strong reaction force was transmitted to my senses. The hard touch once again made me deeply realize that the "hardness" of the life of the body and the "hardness" of the dead soldier are not the same, and the degree is too much. And, moreover, the mystery of fast-swept superpower. For the first time, there was a phenomenon of being cancelled, not resisted. All of these are proving the strength of the body life.

The instinctive feelings, and the cognition derived from the data, are so pale and poor when faced with the actual feelings. Then let me further confirm that the strength of another Gao Chuan is unusual.

The body life took a step back. Her body structure suffered a bit in the face of a strong collision. Compared with her body shape, the night crow quark is significantly lighter. While turning its muzzle, it has been evading the muzzle at the same time, and it is difficult to rise to the maximum speed Drill into the back of its side. In terms of human body structure, it is difficult to exert force.

When he attacked again, he did not deliberately increase his force, still maintaining the previous speed range. The body life as expected, once again resisted with his left hand. So, under my control. The night crow quark's attack was fine-tuned midway, hitting the arm-hanging terminal on the left hand accurately.

The mask with no resistance but weakened mystery and mystery should be produced by this device! ? Although it was the first time I saw it, but. It is said that weapons with elemental life possess a level approaching or reaching critical weapons. So, I was a little surprised for the first time, and then I can calm down.

Thinking so. When the sense of striking came again, I asked the Night Crow Quark to increase its strength again, pushing the left arm back with the momentum of the whole body, although it still could not be cut off, the destruction of the arm hanging terminal It is unclear how strong the force is, but the unreacted body life was swept out by the Night Crow Quark without hesitation, and the twist of the left shoulder joint seemed to prove that this blow was not useless.

In the process of fighting, the battle judgment is extremely complicated, but when it comes to action, it is an instant.

In an instant, the life of the body was blown out, fell on the arch bridge, and rolled up involuntarily. If it was not in a critical moment, the bridge deck was crushed with fingers, and only inertia was enough to make it fall from the bridge. The depth under the bridge can hardly be seen to the end. Even if the life of the body is hard enough, it can't be said to be seriously injured, but it must be time-consuming to climb up again. After all, it does not have a flying device.

Yes, even if there is no critical weapon, this arch bridge battlefield is good for me. It ’s not narrow, but it ’s not spacious, and it ’s a “jedi” type. While it has high speed, it can make good use of the terrain.

Therefore, after a successful one-shot, it did not stop immediately. I manipulated the night crow quark to enter the fast sweeping state again, knocking away the life of the body that had not adjusted its posture in one breath. This time, even if the life of the body seizes the bridge deck no matter how tight it is, it can't avoid half of the body hanging out of the bridge. Its right hand needs to maintain the body, and the left hand joint is temporarily out of order, so there is no way to fight back for a while.

Night Crow Quark is preparing for the third blow. When he knocked it down under the bridge, the chain judged that there was a sense of danger. It was a long-range attack from other directions!

The night crow quark temporarily changed the speed-swept route, and withdrew 20 meters to the other end of the bridge. I saw several lance-shaped objects lasing from it, and it was filled with the life of the body. The next moment, extremely The bursting arc fluttered in that area, like a whip, smashing the bridge deck, and at the same time, even at my distance, I could clearly feel a sense of resonance conveyed from the bridge deck.

However, such an attack looks more like attacking us at the same time than targeting me or the life of the body.

There are other people coming, and such a move should not be the second elementary life. Judging from the point of attacking me mercilessly, it makes me think that it is possible to turn the enemy into a friend. Because the image of the night crow quark is very similar to the life of the primitive body, and my original body has to be held by the night crow quark. In the eyes of others, it is probably "the life of the primitive body plunders humanity" .

The other party's attack should be very similar to mine. Although the attack of these spearheads is fierce and the range is large, it should not be able to form effective damage to the hard body of the elemental life. However, if the life of the elemental body cannot be harmed, the bridge deck can be destroyed. At the next moment, the bridge surface of the body life collapsed in shock, and the body life stretched out his hand, as if he still wanted to catch something. However, the pale mask-like face had no emotional changes at all. With this kind of "helplessness" that needs to rely on "brain repair" to outline, it fell straight down, and after a few seconds, it was completely engulfed by the abyss of construction that was filled with fog.

The most direct enemy has disappeared, and those who may be able to deal with it have also arrived. However, the current state does not seem to be a good time to talk. In case of a wrong judgment or misunderstanding, then the person who relaxes first will be the first Get rid of it? With such vigilance, I did not put down the night crow quark that "looks like a primitive life", but just put down the original body and transfer the senses back, so as not to be mistaken for "transformed into a primitive life" puppet".

Soon, the sound of the mechanical operation approached from a distance at high speed, and it came from outside the bridge. The visitor seems to have flying vehicles and does not need to pass through the bridge deck. Sure enough, a "container" about ten meters high ripped through the fog obliquely below. Fully armed, it looks like a bloated human figure in a space suit is attached to the "container". This costume, as well as the individual's height, make me feel that humans are undoubted.

Fifty meters away from the arch bridge, the five people who climbed on the "container" jumped up and made three jumps in the air with some kind of propulsion device mounted on their legs. They successfully landed on the night crow and me. All around ~ ~ surrounded us. Judging from the fluency and naturalness of their movements, it is not the first time that such a dangerous act has been carried out. Coupled with tools and plans to expel the life of the body, it should be the guys who have lived here for a while. Compared to the invaders, they are more likely to be the aborigines of this abandoned capital.

The comers are very hostile, but most of them are concentrated on the night crow quarks. They obviously have a deep hatred with the body life, even if they are separated by a thick "space suit". However, it is precisely because they have confronted and have a certain degree of understanding of the life of the body, so it can also be seen that the night crow quark is different from the real body life, and the resulting ideas are theirs Without launching the attack in the first place, why would you like to approach it?

In any case, the weaker party, actively approaching the stronger party, must be driven by a strong will.

"Don't be nervous, this guy is not a body life." Although I don't know if they can understand what I said, I still tried to express myself with my limbs while speaking. Including actively patting the body of the night crow quark, making them nervous for a while, one of them was about to attack, but fortunately, the companion quickly stopped it with his eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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