372 Punishment

“Unfortunately, the food in the Ao Xing Tavern used to be delicious, but now even the house has been demolished.”

After eating and drinking, Raz patted his chubby belly and followed behind Luo Ning and Miria.

In the past, Lord God would always carry her away, but Lord God doesn’t favor her anymore.

After all, Lord God has been forcibly occupied by Milia, and now he can’t take care of her at all.

Fortunately, Raz was also sensible and didn’t make a fuss.

It’s just that her legs are too short, so she can only trot to keep up with the pace of the two people in front of her.

“Oxing Tavern?”

Miria looked back curiously.

“What happened to that pub, it was smashed?” Milia asked.

But… Judging from the prosperity of this Demon King City and the high quality of the people, it doesn’t seem like there will be such things as stealing, smashing, and looting.

The rule of the demon king is completely different from that of the city lord. The demons are cruel and ruthless by nature. Milia can imagine how horrible punishment will be for the demons who violate the rules of the seven-pillar demon king.

“No…” Raz shook his head.

“That means it went out of business? Since it’s so delicious, how could it go out of business? The spending power of the demons is not enough~”

“It’s not a bankruptcy… Raz heard before that something happened to the devil who runs the tavern!”

To Raz, Miria was no outsider, and she didn’t mind telling the other party what she knew.

“Oh? What happened? Kidnapped?”

“more or less……”

“Who can kidnap the Demon King? Which Demon Lord?”

“It’s the blue mermaid lady…”

“The blue mermaid… seems to be a bit of an impression. I remember it looking pretty.”

“Yes, he looks gentle and sweet, but he was kidnapped by the God of Light.”

“God of Light…”

Milia suddenly seemed to have reacted to something.

“Then I know why Luo Ning plans to go to the God of Light to settle accounts!”

“Let me guess… How many wives are Luo Ning’s the Mermaid Demon King?”

Luo Ning, who was walking in front, lay his gun innocently, and he turned his head to look at Milia.

“Don’t look at me with innocent eyes, I still don’t understand!”

Miria snorted softly.

“No, Raz can attest to this,” Raz patted his chest and said, “The relationship between the Mermaid Demon King and Lord God is not that deep. In fact, Lord God is going to find the God of Light for another very important reason… …”

Raz was suddenly mysterious.

As soon as Milia heard it was a ‘very important reason’, she immediately concentrated.

“Tell me.”

“It’s about Rafael-sama…Miss Milia crouches down, Raz whispers to you!”

Miria was also very interested, and after hearing what Raz said, she squatted down quickly.

Raz leaned over and whispered something in her ear.

Milia was slightly startled and smiled helplessly.

“Isn’t it still to save my wife!”

She turned her head and said loudly to the people behind her, “Luoning!”

“……here I am.”

Luo Ning stood behind her.

Although he didn’t hear the whispers between them, Luo Ning probably guessed what Raz said.

Luo Ning glanced at Raz a little.

He gave Raz a look, and Raz was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Milia.

“Miss Milia is going to comfort Raz with grilled fish, woo woo woo…”

Milia raised her hand and rubbed Raz’s golden retriever.

She stood up and said to Luo Ning.

“It’s fun to play, little apprentice, from the water to the sky? From the scales, the horns, to the feathers?”

“You have a lot of XP!”

“Is this a great god, selfless fraternity!”

Milia complained, but her tone was calm and she had no intention of getting angry.

She squeezed Luo Ning’s waist with her hands.

“I’m not afraid of flashing my waist! My cute little apprentice!”

Luo Ning said nothing.

Because he knew that the explanation at this time was useless.

Milia pinched and pinched on his waist, and finally couldn’t help sighing.

“It seems that my agreement with Demon King Lilulu still has a long way to go.”

“Let’s go, the next one, the next one, I’m going to try the neighborhood food of our Great Demon Clan!”

Milia took Luoning’s arm again.

When she woke up, holding Luo Ning didn’t look like a shy girl holding her boyfriend’s hand at all, but like a big sister who took her younger brother to the end of the world.

The key point is that she is not weak, Luo Ning is almost being dragged away by her.

“Milia, oh no, Lord Bishop, why do you say it’s ‘our big demon’…?”

Raz trotted to keep up.

Miria smiled and said, “Hehe, that’s because I’m already a demon!”

“But, Miria isn’t a human hero…”

“I betrayed!” Milia said boldly.

“Huh, huh?” Raz’s eyes were dull.

“Humanity’s situation is so dangerous, it’s going to be the end of it…”

The little angel whispered after him.

Luo Ning looked back at Raz, who was struggling to walk.

This guy seems to have completely forgotten that he can fly.

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Obviously, she can easily keep up when flying, but she has to use her two short legs to run “da da da”.

It looked miserable.

Miria walked to the front holding Luo Ning’s arm.

Although Luo Ning was the one to lead the way, there was surprisingly no difference between the demon town and the human town. Miria simply followed Luo Ning to accompany her to wander around according to her own preferences.

In front of you are a dazzling array of shops and strange goods.

Milia ate the fried devil eggs, wore the same horn hat of the devil tribe, and tried the special underwear of the devil cow tribe.

The underwear had four baskets, and the cups were bigger than her head. Milia pressed it on top of her head, but Luo Ning pulled it away.

This day was undoubtedly one of the few happy times in Milia’s life.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that since she knew Luo Ning, almost every day is a rare happy time that needs to be cherished.

“Huhu~ I’m so tired!”

“You’re too troublesome.”

Luo Ning also followed Milia on her knees and panted.

The two were exhausted and panting for a while.

Milia didn’t give up yet, but continued to drag Luoning to the next house.

“Let’s go, let’s eat that pig’s milk bibimbap!”

“…don’t go.”

Luo Ning did not move like a mountain.

Milia hadn’t pulled him a few times before.

“Why, can’t you eat rice?”

“…I can’t eat pig’s milk.” Luo Ning insisted.

“Oh~? Then who do you want to eat?”

Milia smiled sullenly, revealing her small tiger teeth.

She puffed out her chest.

Although her size can’t be said to have a broad mind, there are also unique ups and downs that belong to girls.

Luo Ning knew she was going to do something wrong.

So he turned his eyes to the side, and inadvertently saw the little angel at his feet.

The little angel’s wings fluttered.

Miria said quickly.

“Hey, you’re a real punishment, fool, what are you thinking? Master, I’m going to teach you a lesson!”

Milia picked up her sleeves and was about to start preaching to Luoning.

“I never thought about it.” Luo Ning tried to prove his innocence.

Milia was stubborn and didn’t listen to what Luo Ning was saying.

“You don’t let it go at such a young age? Do you understand that small waters flow, do you understand how to cultivate?”

“Hmm, eh?”

Raz was taken aback for a moment.

The four soft wings were sandwiched together, shivering at the question they were discussing.

The three slowly walked on the ground covered with bluestone bricks.

There are a lot of demons on the street, bustling, a prosperous and lively scene.

Warm-colored magic lamps light up this place day and night, and Demon King City is also a city that never sleeps.

Luo Ning and Milia stood at the corner of the street.

Still arguing about what the pig’s milk in the Demon Tavern is.

Although it seems that they are arguing fiercely, the tone of both sides is very gentle, standing on the street like a flirtatious couple.

“It’s the milk of the pig head demon. That kind of monster has super breeding ability. It can give birth to 20 piglets at a time, and the milk for feeding the cubs. There are 16 heads!!”

Milia compared one and six with her hands, and swayed in front of Luo Ning.

Luo Ning grabbed her little hand and held it in his palm.

“It’s the milk of ordinary wild boars. Don’t be fooled by their exaggerated signs.”

“How can there be ordinary wild boars in the Demon Race’s territory?”

“Yes, they also raise poultry.”

“Raising poultry, they can do this?!”

Milia felt like a little village girl who came from the old forest in the deep mountains and saw the town for the first time.

After holding back for a long time, she gave a thumbs up and concluded.


It seemed that in the ocean of her knowledge, only this foreign word from Luo Ning’s world could express her feelings.


Suddenly, a drop of rain dripped from Miria’s raised finger.

The rain is cool.

Miria looked up at the sky.

I don’t know when, the sky gathers a cloud as dark as smoke.

Dark clouds shrouded the night sky, completely obscuring the scarlet moon that should have hung in the sky.

Darkness shrouded.

Fear instantly swept the earth.

At this time, Luo Ning also suddenly felt the unusual rain that fell on him.

Not only him, the entire Demon City of Demon King City knows what this means.

There are two types of rain that falls from the sky in Demon King Castle.

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One is harmless, clear rain…

The second is the deadly ‘black rain’ that can cause severe pain and scorch the body.


The rain dripped again, and this time the water drops fell directly on the back of Luo Ning’s hand.

It also allowed Luo Ning to see the color of the rain clearly.

“It’s black rain!!”

“It’s raining, go indoors!”

“Wow, mom, my hand hurts!”

Suddenly, painful screams spread through the panicked crowd.

The demons who came and went on the street seemed to be mad, desperately protecting their fragile heads with their arms, like fleeing mice, frantically looking for any place to shelter from the rain.

The adult demons are almost used to this kind of scene, and although their hands and feet are flustered, they can barely protect themselves.

It was just some weak young devils, who were like a small boat on the turbulent waves in the chaotic scene, and were knocked upside down by the crowd.


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