369 Swear

Luo Ning and everyone’s eyes were the same, locked on the two people on the windowsill.

He paid special attention to Lilulu’s expression.

After seeing Lilulu’s relaxed expression, Luo Ning knew that Milia had solved the matter perfectly.

Lilulu walked over and sat back in her seat.

Her legs are not long enough, and when her butt is sitting on the innermost side, her legs will hang in the air.

The slender necks protruded from the soft black skirt and hung on the edge of the throne.

Seeming to sense something, Lilulu looked down at her chair, then looked up at Luo Ning.

Luo Ning sat here before, leaving his breath behind. Not only that, but there’s that faint, unpleasant succubus here.

Lilulu frowned.

There was an imperceptible anger on his face.

Luo Ning saw that his wife was going to be angry again, and quickly interrupted her thoughts.

“What are you talking about?”

Luo Ning pretended to be curious and asked.

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Of course, Luo Ning knew what Miria was going to talk about with Lilulu.

It is nothing more than a topic between the hero and the demon king.

Milia will tell Lilulu everything about chasing and killing Luo Ning. Now she will not chase and kill, but will follow Luo Ning.

Therefore, the hero Miria and the Demon King Lilulu are a team at this stage, not enemies. Milia is simply explaining this matter to Lilulu.

However, Luo Ning was a little surprised.

When he asked this casually, Lilulu turned her face away.

Then he snorted coldly.

There was a faint blush on that white face.


Lilulu’s shy and angry appearance was seen by Luoning.

Luo Ning’s first reaction was…

What exactly did Miria tell Lilulu…?

Does the normal topic of the Demon King and Hero make people blush?

So Lorning turned to look at Miria again.

Milia’s crystal-clear lips were pressed together, and her eyes and the corners of her mouth were filled with an inexplicable smile.

This made Luo Ning even more strange.

“From now on, the demons will join forces with the brave Milia to exchange information and share resources.”

Lilulu sat on the chair with her legs dangling, and seemed to think that it was too informal, so she sat forward a little further, and stepped on the ground with her feet firmly on the ground.

At the same time, his voice became serious, as if a first demon king should have.

“The brave will form an alliance with me to fight against the enemies of the invading demons.”

Lilulu’s tone was full of majesty, and her red pupils had a cold light.


After the five demon kings heard Lilulu’s words, Xiangsou was stunned.

His expression was a little hesitant.

Lilulu is certainly the No. 1 Demon Lord who speaks the most valuable.

There is no doubt about her decision.

However, the situation of the hero Miria is well known to all demon kings.

Miria is undoubtedly the biggest enemy of the Demons.

The hero and the demon king are natural enemies, and it is impossible to reconcile their positions.

In any case, heroes are human beings.

She is the hero who was elected to fight against the demons among the human beings, and her position is always towards the human beings…

Does this mean an alliance is an alliance?

Help when you say help?

The demon kings obviously wouldn’t believe it easily.

The hero who was still the enemy a few days ago was about to form an alliance with himself in the blink of an eye, and it was impossible to gain trust in such a thing.

“Lilulu, with all due respect, human beings are inherently cunning, and we cannot easily trust anyone’s verbal promises…”

“What’s more, this person is still a brave man.”

“This king also thinks so. If you think about it with your horns, you know that everything must follow the relationship of interests. The brave has neither reason nor reason to help the demons.”

“It’s good to have foreign aid, but attracting foreign aid on the premise that you can’t trust it will only cause internal conflicts in the end.”

“We don’t want our demons to become troubled at home and abroad… Mina’s incident is enough to make us sad.”

“That’s right, since she can betray her own race, it’s not difficult to betray her ‘ally’ again, right? It’s still a matter of raising tigers like this, you need to weigh more…”

The dragon king Lal and the werewolf Perseus are talking about me one by one.

Even Fanny, the little fox who had not spoken, stood up and said a few words.

Lilulu just listened quietly.

She didn’t choose to interrupt the discussion of the demon kings, nor did she want to explain anything.

“Hey hey hey…”

Instead, Miria laughed first.

She took Luoning’s wrist and asked him to come over.

“…What’s wrong?” Luo Ning wondered.

Luo Ning is still sorting out his thoughts in his mind.

He wanted to say a few words for Lilulu.

He wanted Miria to gain the trust of the Demon Lords.

Although the demon kings didn’t know Milia, Luo Ning knew her well enough.

So Luo Ning was thinking about something to appease the suspicious demon king.

It was really impossible, Luo Ning was even willing to make a guarantee.

However, at this time, Luo Ning had no extra attention to think.

Miria took him a few steps forward.

Luo Ning deliberately looked back at Lilulu.

Lilulu put one hand on her head with a light expression.

It doesn’t look like it’s about to fry?

It was obvious that Luo Ning’s hand was holding Milia’s.


Milia still smiled mysteriously, with shallow dimples appearing at the corners of her mouth.

“What did you talk about with Lilulu?” Luo Ning couldn’t be more curious.

But Miria wasn’t going to tell him at all.

Those warm palms pressed against Luo Ning’s chest.

Milia pushed Luo Ning half a meter away, and she took two steps back.

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On the seven chairs surrounding them, the Demon Kings were still discussing each other, adding to their views.

They all agreed that Miria shouldn’t be trusted so soon.

Demons should have reservations, at least not sharing information and resources.

It is obviously unwise to exchange the information of the entire race for the information in the hands of a single person.

While Lilulu remained silent, they were all discussing a result.

And right now.

With a ‘click’ sound.

The discussion came to an abrupt end.

Everyone heard a crisp knocking sound.

Like a sharp weapon piercing the marble floor.

Immediately afterwards, the space began to heat up.

The high-temperature magic flame gradually spread in the Demon King’s Palace.

The heat wave blew his hair into turbulence, and his pupils reflected the diffuse firelight.

This fire light did not cause harm to anyone, it was only because the pure elemental power was too strong that it formed the entity of the flame.

The beating flame envelops the person in the middle. The color of the flame is not dark, showing a faint translucent shape.

So the Demon Kings can see all the poses of the girl inside.


Everyone was abruptly stunned, and all the words that came to their mouths were paused.

No one saw how the brave Miria knelt down.

Probably when she inserted the artifact into the ground, her knees also fell to the ground.

She kneeled reverently, clasped her hands on her chest, and lowered her head slightly.

It looks like a devout believer when he is praying to the gods.

And standing in front of her.

It is indeed a god.

Luo Ning was as shocked as the demon kings behind him, but he didn’t show it on his face.

Looking at Miria who suddenly knelt in front of him, Luo Ning instantly understood something.

And the first Demon King Lilulu, who was sitting in the most central position, just watched this scene quietly, and she didn’t seem surprised at all.

The heat wave slapped Luo Ning’s face, and although he couldn’t feel the heat, his shattered black hair would also be tossed by the wind and waves.

The flames that touched the surface of his body just went out in an instant.

He quietly looked at the pious girl kneeling in front of him, his eyes reflecting her long cherry-colored hair blowing in the heat.

She spoke slowly.

“I am willing to follow my creator, my creator god, and I will always remain faithful, loving, and faithful. I will burn my flame for him, become his light, and bring him a shadow that is no longer lonely; Form the road under his feet, move forward with him, share weal and woe, and live and die together.

Until the moment when the flame of life is completely extinguished, until I fall into the abyss of eternal redemption, the oath at this moment is still eternal. “

As Milia’s oath ended, the flames around her suddenly went out.

A beam of golden light fell from the top of her head.

The golden light does not belong to any attribute, it has no elemental attribute, it is simply the light that illuminates here.

All light is dimmed here.

The golden light now illuminates the protagonist here, the girl in prayer.

The girl closed her eyes reverently. She didn’t know what was happening around her, but she felt a few strands of unusual warmth for a moment.

The light is very gentle and makes people feel calm…

Around her, the demons who are usually most afraid of this ‘Holy Light’ have not been able to react to this series of shocks.

When the light shone down, it did not disperse the thick dark elements here, but instead blended in with the environment in a friendly way.

It is the light that embraces universal love, does not dispel the darkness, but simply exists there.

If the brave Miria’s sudden oath is already surprising.

The light of this moment…

“It’s a ‘miracle’.”

Latier gave them an affirmative answer.

As the angel who was once the closest to the God of Light, Latier’s words undoubtedly had some weight.

“It’s really a ‘miracle’… I swore to Lord Luo Ning before, and there was light on me at that time.”

Lilith also spoke slowly in a daze.

In fact, there is no need for their explanation, and the other three demon kings have already believed the facts in front of them.

“A miracle is the divine power triggered when sentient beings make an oath to a god. Once a promise is made, the oath cannot be broken.”

Latier added.

Now that the hero Miria’s position has been determined, it will be a great help to the demons, so Ratier naturally wants to speed up the pace and do it in one go.

“The brave Miria has sworn in front of us the God of Creation, and the God of Creation is Lilulu’s husband…”

“The first demon king, Lilulu, is the interest of the demons. She has been the ruler of the demons for thousands of years, and the interests she gets are the interests of the demons… So, Miria’s affairs, you guys don’t need it anymore. Are you worried?”

Latier tried to make the connection between the three simple and clear, and enlightened the few unresponsive demon kings.

And the wolf, the dragon, the fox, and the three demon kings nodded their heads in shock.


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