350 Prayers

The royal city of Elan, shrouded in water magic, doesn’t look much different from ordinary times.

The sun still shines on the ground.

It just passed through the layers of water waves, and when it fell on the ground, it formed a broken and mottled light.

Compared to a human city-state, this place is more like a secret immersed in the sea.

Milia looked at the blue sky and couldn’t help but sigh.

“If only there were a few more swimming fish at this time, this is the mysterious underwater world!”

As soon as she finished speaking, it was as if she was responding to her expectations.

A swimming dolphin swam down from the heights, waving its excited tail fin cheerfully, rubbed against Miria’s face, and circled around her soft waist.

The dolphin was formed of water, and it tickled Miria’s body.

She couldn’t help laughing, her pale red eyes shining brightly.

“Ah, the water element is romance, I want it too! I want it too!”

Miria hugged Luo Ning’s arm and acted like a spoiled child.

“Father, I want this too, teach me this!”

Luo Ning was dragged helplessly by her.

“Actually, I want to learn too.”

“I don’t care, then you have to give me this!”

“You already have a strong fire element.”

“But the fire element is not romantic enough. The Lord God gave me the water element, and I am willing to do anything! I will pay the corresponding price!”

“…what nonsense.”

Thinking of the price of Miria’s power every time, Luo Ning couldn’t help sighing.

He really wanted to pinch Milia’s soft face, but his two hands were controlled by different girls, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

“I mean, meat. Compensation.”

Milia’s character is too straightforward, she doesn’t have the scheming of twists and turns, and the carefree words blurted out of her mouth.

Luo Ning didn’t have any special reaction, after all, he knew Milia very well.

But Wendy beside Luo Ning was different.

Although Wendy also knew Milia, Miria didn’t say such things to men before, she wouldn’t even look at any man. So Wendy felt new to Miria at the moment.

At the same time, I also feel… blush.

Wendy buried her head and walked silently.

Although the person who spoke was Miria, the person who blushed and couldn’t listen was Wendy.

“Bring Wendy with you~”


“Pray to the great gods, I won’t be able to get out of bed tomorrow~Amen~”


Luo Ning finally pulled out his hand and pinched Milia’s small face fiercely.

Milia was still praying devoutly with one hand in front of her chest, and suddenly there was a pain in her face.

She immediately covered her face and looked at Luo Ning faintly.

“Sir God spoils me so much, and I will definitely fulfill my wish.” She said not to be outdone.

Luo Ning squeezed the palms of her folded hands and held her to continue walking.

The topic did not continue, after all, if we continued, Wendy’s head beside Luo Ning was about to smoke.

“Where?” Luo Ning asked.

The streets were bustling with people.

The blue water stream overhead did not affect the daily life of this royal city at all. In just a few days, the citizens of the city had become accustomed to such a scene.

Rather, it is not only unaffected, but more comfortable than before.

The civilians who were forcibly recruited by the empire have returned safely, and there are quite a few. The Yilan King City is full of laughter and laughter after the reunion of relatives, returning to that time.

The only thing missing is the arrogant and domineering Imperial Army on the streets. Without them, Yilan King City is more free than before.

“Have enough to eat~” Miria suggested happily.

“There is a new store near the North City Gate, which will serve fresh food every day… You can try it.”

Wendy said in a low voice.

Wendy didn’t know as much about the situation in the royal city of Yilan as Miria, and she only came to this city for a few months. But after she surrounded and protected all the people in the city, the people and things here began to be gradually known to her.

“Good morning, Lord Wendy.”

“Lord Wendy, Gui’an.”

It was not far from entering the royal city of Yilan. Occasionally, a few passers-by greeted Wendy.

Wendy nodded lightly, with a faint smile on her cold face, other than that, she didn’t have too many expressions.

It’s just… Wendy couldn’t help but feel a little hotter when she thought that her hand was still being held by Luo Ning.

“Fresh meat… um, can Ilan King City still have contact with the outside world?”

Miria tilted her head and thought for a while, then turned to ask Wendy behind her.

Wendy nodded and replied, “Although it seems to have cut off relations with the outside world, I have set up teleportation magic inside. The merchants can still move through the magic circle, but the soldiers with the imperial badge will be filtered out.”

Wendy raised her hand and pointed to the right side of the road: “Go this way.”

“Hmm, so that’s how it is… However, this is only a temporary defense, and the empire should not let it go.”

“It doesn’t matter, Ilan King City is not that important to the empire, they won’t fight with me to win a city… In fact, compared to Ilan King City, what they need is just a place that can be used as a tool to attack the demons’ territory. base.”

“Ilan King City is the largest human town around the border of the demons. In addition to Ilan King City, they actually have a slightly farther place to choose from.”

Wendy said softly, Miria listened silently, stuck her tongue out, and said embarrassedly.

“Hey, I’m all about to defect… They don’t dare to do it easily.”

“But… if they really want to do it, we just need to guard the only channel that I opened into the demonic territory. Judging from their poor magic skills, they want to break through the demonic barrier. Two holes, it is estimated that it will take a while to go.”

“Speaking of which, Milia,”

Luo Ning has been quietly listening to the chats of the girls on the left and right, but he suddenly thought of another thing.

“Huh?” Milia quickly turned her attention to Luoning, her bright eyes reflecting Luoning’s face.

“What’s the relationship with your empire?” Luo Ning asked.

“Imperial and I…” Miria tried to describe in what way, “The illegitimate partnership between the liar hero and the cunning royal family?”


Luo Ning looked at her with an ‘I don’t understand’ look.

Miria smiled:

“It’s just to use each other. I opened the door for them, and they gave me an army. I said that I was going to the Demon Race territory to find someone to settle accounts, but I didn’t promise them to exterminate the Demon Race.”

“It’s too much trouble to exterminate the demons. I’m a lazy person, and I’m too lazy to do it… If it was the righteous and awe-inspiring me in the past, I might have fought bloody battles, but now, the brave man has retired!”

“And the demons are weak at this stage. It’s hard to say which side of the empire and the demons are the bad guys…” Milia muttered.

Luo Ning nodded after hearing this, and asked again: “Did you directly seek cooperation with the emperor of the empire?”

“Klotar’s emperor?…I don’t want to pinch it. I don’t even bother to talk nonsense with that stinky old man.”

“The second princess of the royal family I was looking for is rather stupid and easy to talk. In fact, this plan to invade the Demon Race was all planned by her.”

Milia said and hugged Luo Ning’s arm, and began to explain things slowly.

“After the innocent murder of the great magician who came to Elan King City to study the magic barrier, the empire asked to investigate this matter.

Then, this matter was taken over by the second princess. After that, I appeared. I gave hope to this useless princess. As a royal family of the empire, not only was she not favored by the emperor, but she also never had a chance to stand out. The old emperor is about to retire. She is so anxious… But she is stupid. She believes whatever I say, and she also has a brain. “

“I said I would help her open a hole for the demons, and she thought I was going to help her kill the demon king. I said I was going to bring the army in, and she thought I was going to pacify the demons…”

Miria let out a helpless sigh and shook her head again and again.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this, the empire does not need to care about it for the time being. I have lost contact with everyone, and they can’t make a big wave in a short time…”

Tired of talking, she hugged Luo Ning’s arm, raised her hand, and stretched.

“I’m so hungry, my lord… I pray that my lord can give me some food!”

Milia lowered her head and prayed devoutly.

“How can there be such a wish… What do you want to eat?”

Luo Ning helplessly looked at the naughty girl beside him.

The girl’s long cherry-colored hair rubbed against Luo Ning’s arm, and she did not mind pressing Luo Ning’s arm into the middle of her soft chest.

“Lord God is by my side, I’m really a favored believer!”

The three stood in front of the signboard of the target tavern, and the large wooden board at the entrance introduced today’s dishes with pictures and texts.

Milia swept around, and didn’t seem to find anything that suited her appetite, so she put her eyes on Luo Ning and glanced back and forth.

Luo Ning looked a little uncomfortable with her wolf-like gaze, afraid that she would say something outrageous.

“I want to eat……”

“That’s called…what is it called candy?”

Miria was trying to recall a word she had seen through the artifact.

Although she has a good memory, she has seen too much content, and not every detail can be remembered.

Luo Ning’s eyes visibly paused.

For a moment, he wondered if the novel he had written was a ‘serious novel’.

Why does the righteous protagonist drive so hard?

Maybe it’s because… Milia hadn’t been in love in Luo Ning’s book, and now that she’s moved, those hidden attributes have been activated?


What made Luo Ning even more surprised was that Wendy beside Luo Ning actually answered for Milia.

He looked at Wendy in astonishment.

Wendy’s cheeks were already ripe, and her ears were extremely red.

She lowered her head and said to Luo Ning quite shyly.

“When Milia used an artifact to peek at you…I saw a little too.”

So Luo Ning turned back to look at Miria on the other side.

Milia didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, but instead smiled:

“It’s a good thing, of course I have to share it with my good sisters…”

Luo Ning wanted to say something, but hesitated.

In the end, the girl who could only hold the left and right hands silently entered the tavern, and then called for a large table of food to fill their stomachs.


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