281 Negotiation

“Reviving the Demon Race.”


Luo Ning’s answer made the saintess stunned.

She even thought she was hallucinating.

“What did you say……?”

“I said, in exchange, our Demon Race will be revived.”

“…Fufufu, hahahaha!”

The saint suddenly burst into laughter.

If she hadn’t known that this person was from the Demon Race, she would have thought that some old religious man was helping her relieve her boredom.

“Hey, sorry, cough…that’s fun.”

The Holy Maiden wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with her fingers.

Luo Ning looked at her and didn’t mind her gaffe, and continued.

“The revival of the demons will cause the human empire to fall into panic.”

“Dark times have come again. Human beings need light and the Holy See of light. They will once again pick up their beliefs and pray to you.”

“Don’t you think that the Demon Race and the Holy See of Light, in a sense, complement each other and complement each other?”

Luo Ning looked into the eyes of the saint, his tone was calm, but the saint was quiet in a burst of laughter.

She listened very carefully.

The expression of the burst of laughter just now completely subsided, the saintess lowered her expression, and her golden eyes were silently pondering something.

Perhaps for the saint, Lorning’s proposal was absurd, and for a saint who had been deeply baptized in doctrine, his words were outrageous.

This is a path that the saintess never thought of, but after thinking about it carefully, the other party’s words are not unreasonable.

Luo Ning continued to strike while the iron was hot.

“You guys are very poor, aren’t you. Has everything been sold, leaving only these buildings?”

The Holy Maiden didn’t deny it, she just kept her face calm and listened to him continue.

“These buildings can’t be sold, so you have a big house that looks brilliant on the surface, but it’s been hollowed out long ago…”

“It’s a pity that these splendid buildings are all broken stones, and the things carved on them are forbidden items in the eyes of the empire, and they can’t be sold at all.”

“So not only are you poor, but you have to hide in this mountain… and you have to survive while avoiding the tracking of the empire.”

“Tsk tsk, what a shame.”

Luo Ning smacked his tongue and shook his head.

He suddenly changed his tone and looked at the saint with his head.

“Have you ever thought about reversing this situation and filling the human continent with the believers of the God of Light again? … The best way is to revive the demons and let our race ravage. Humans will kneel and ask for your help.”

When the saint heard this, she raised her golden eyes and laughed lightly.

“They don’t need us for a long time. They have more powerful magic technology.”

Luo Ning shook his head in denial: “That’s not necessarily. If there is such a powerful technology, in this period when the demons were weak, they didn’t conquer our race?”

“Since they can’t beat them in the weak period, then in the prosperous times… what will they do? They will definitely need you at that time.”

“Mountains of gold coins and tributes, honorary status, money and wealth… The most important thing is that your believers will grow in multiples, and you will be able to sprinkle light on this land again.”

“Rescue them, spread the teachings… Isn’t this what your Holy See of Light should do?”

“Even if no one needs your redemption now, then you can create conditions so that they need you.”

Luo Ning smiled, his black eyes bottomless.

He was obviously smiling, but there was no fluctuation in those pitch-black pupils. He stared at the saint with a meaningful smile.

For some reason, the Holy Maiden felt a little uncomfortable under his naked, naked, naked eyes.

Those eyes seemed to see through her.


“You’re trying to confuse me… Are you a demon?”

There was a golden light in the eyes of the saint.

For a split second, her thoughts caught up with the man’s assumption.

She actually tried to think about the kind of extremely evil things that violated the teachings.

The saint was in a trance for a moment, shook her head, and suddenly stood up from the chair.

A thin layer of golden light appeared on the beautiful golden pupils.

There are small incantations on the golden light, and there is a circle like a magic circle outside the outline of the pupil.

She seemed to cast some kind of magic on her eyes.

Luo Ning looked at her warily.

If it is the pupil magic that can clearly see the essence of life, Luo Ning is really not sure whether he will be recognized.

However, the saint was somewhat puzzled.

She frowned, surprised by what she saw in her eyes.

no no no…

what is this?

The light in his body is full of chaos, a color more distorted than black. They are indescribable, ethereal, and without substance.

The Holy Maiden frowned and looked at it seriously.

But in the next second, her eyes were pitch black.

The brain was blank for a moment, and the feeling of headache involved every nerve.

“Your Highness!”

The saint took a staggering step forward, and in front of her were high steps.

Naturally, the church members who were guarding the gate saw her almost falling and strode forward to help her.

Before they could run over, the Holy Maiden fell back again, and the fainting sensation made her sit directly back on the chair.

She raised her slender, pale hands and rubbed her temples.

“This devil is using magic, stop him!!”

The believers who hadn’t run a few steps quickly turned the other way, their eyes staring at Luo Ning from under the mask.

Lorning shrugged.

He did nothing.

“Use the rope, be careful, don’t look this demon in the eyes!”

“It’s so noisy, shut up!”

The high-pitched female voice made the panicked believers stop in place.

Everyone was well aware of the temper of their saintess, they looked at each other, their bodies were frozen in place, motionless.

“I don’t use magic.”

“He didn’t use magic.”

Luo Ning and the Holy Maiden almost spoke in unison.

Luo Ning glanced over at the believers in front of him, and looked up at the saint who was slumped on the chair.

The saint’s legs were tucked together, knees collided with each other, her face was pale, and her chest was heaving violently.

Luo Ning looked away awkwardly.

If possible, he would actually prefer to talk to the well-dressed saintess.

Looking at this naked woman always confuses his mind.

Seriously naked. Talking, it is difficult for ordinary men to do it.

The Holy Maiden took a few breaths while leaning on the chair, and the disturbed heartbeat finally calmed down.

At that moment, she seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying.

It was definitely not anything she had ever seen. The kind of power that can cause fluctuations in the soul just by peeping at it, it is like the power of God.

But she has seen divine power. The power of divine power is powerful, but it is divine and beautiful, and it will not be so chaotic and violent.

The saint looked at the man in front of her, thought for a moment, and questioned him.

“Counterattack magic?”

“Well, counter magic.”

Luo Ning shrugged his shoulders, his tone quite relaxed.

The Saintess failed to see a single flaw in his expression.

“You, a little demon messenger, how can you have this kind of magic.”

“The magic that Lord Lilulu gave me. Anyway, I have to travel through mountains and rivers to find this place. Is it normal to have a few life-saving magic on my body?”

Luo Ning decisively chose to move his wife out to explain.

The Holy Maiden’s eyes were a little hesitant, she obviously didn’t want to believe it, but at the moment, she could only understand it by understanding it.

“Okay, it turned out to be the magic of the first demon king, that magic is normal.”

“However, you don’t have to try to tempt me again, we are believers of the God of Light, and we cannot disobey the order of the God of Light.”

“Even if you starve to death?”


The Holy Maiden’s answer was quite straightforward, without any hesitation.

Luo Ning sighed.

He didn’t expect that a few words of his own would make the stubborn Holy See of Light come to his senses.

It’s just that people have emotions and desires, and no matter how pious their hearts are, their bodies are still human bodies. Even if they don’t make money, their mouths have to eat.

The seeds of shaking have been planted.

Luo Ning only needs to let this saintly girl know that in addition to stubbornly fighting here, the Holy See still has a bright road to walk.

Luo Ning didn’t feel pity, so he changed the subject and asked.

“So, capturing Perseus is the order of the God of Light?”

“You want to lie to me?”


Luo Ning shrugged indifferently.

The saint’s gaze stayed on his face, and the pain in her head had subsided. She suddenly felt that it was not impossible to chat with this demon boy a few more words, and it was all just to pass the time.

Anyway… he can’t get away anymore.

“How can the great God of Light have time to take care of these little things? God is very busy.”

“How busy are you?”

“Busy doing some great things… Do you think you are like you demons, curled up in the territory and waited to die?”

“Each each other, but we are huddled in a thousand hectares of territory, and you…”

Luo Ning raised his eyes and looked at the sky at the top of the palace.

The saint changed her face in an instant, and her white face looked like she was going to be angry.

Luo Ning forgot one thing. Making women angry is a big no-no.

“So, who is instructing you to do these things… How can the Holy See of Light, who is huddled here, get the information of the demons?”

“Accidentally seriously injured Lall Dragon, and then happened to capture Perseus? … You seem to know the movements of the Demon King very well.” Luo Ning added repeatedly.

The saint sneered.

His tone was cold, and his face was full of anger.

She is in a hurry.

But she didn’t say anything, the cold eyes seemed to be waiting for Luo Ning to guess.

This holy maiden is a tight-lipped woman, and Luo Ning went around so many times with her that she didn’t get any useful information.

Luo Ning sighed, “Then I guess…”

“There are people from you in Demon King City… um, and that person is very smart, has a very high status, and knows all the information like the back of his hand?”

“That person…is one of the seven demon kings, right?”

Luo Ning pursed his lips and smiled slightly.

His smile was very kind, but there was no wavering in his dark eyes.

The Holy Maiden suddenly laughed, she clapped her legs and stood up.

“Fufufufufu, you’re so smart…but, do you know why I’ve been talking to you for so long?”

“Because it’s fun~ Fufufu~”

“Ah, enough trouble, thank you for spending time with me.”

The saintly stretched her waist, her skinny body stood upright in front of Luo Ning, stretching lazily.

Luo Ning didn’t look away this time, he waited for her to continue.

The saint spread her long, straight legs and slowly descended from the steps.

She walked in front of Luo Ning, a pair of golden eyes stared at Luo Ning with a smile.

“To tell you the truth, we caught the werewolf and locked it up…”

“I just want to lure fish, Fufufu…”

“Look, no, the fish bit the hook~”

She raised her delicate fingers and gently lifted Luo Ning’s chin.

The next second, Luo Ning’s vision darkened, and his head was completely covered in darkness.


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