218 Found out

After sending Luo Ning back to the hotel, a day has passed.

Milia put one hand on the door frame of the hotel, and before closing the door, she warned again.

“Don’t worry about the entrustment. The task cycle is half a month. I calculated the time to go back and forth. We can complete the task in ten days at most, so there are still a few days to prepare.”

“what do I need to do?”

Luo Ning stood behind the door, a beam of light shining on his face from the gap.

He didn’t know much about the first group adventure. Before that, all of Luo Ning’s adventures basically relied on his powerful magic immunity and artifacts.

“What do I need to do?” Milia tilted her head and thought for a while, “Well…you don’t need anything, you just need to follow your master behind me!”

Miria said with oath.

It sounds reliable and reassuring.

“As for making up the class, we’ll leave it on the way to drive away the White Demon Dragon and make up for it slowly. Tomorrow, there is a class at San Zemaria College, so I might not be able to come, so you can preview today’s content by yourself~”

Miria put one hand on her hip, sighed, and then said:

“Anyway, let me see the magic you threw out. It’s been two days, and I haven’t even used a decent basic magic…”

“Okay, I won’t tell you, just do your best!”

After finishing speaking, before closing the door, Milia put her arm in through the crack of the door, and while Luo Ning was not paying attention, she succeeded in sneak attack again.

Luo Ning’s cheek was smashed by Milia, it was hot.

Milia stuck out her little tongue, slid away, and ran away.

“Review well, don’t run around, it’s the rainy season recently, you’ll catch a cold if you run around!~”

Even at the distance, Milia’s energetic voice could still come through the hallway.


Luo Ning tried to respond, but it was not clear whether Miria could hear it or not.

He closed the door and turned on the magic lamp in the house.

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On the big white bed, Raz knelt on his legs with his back straight, sitting quite dignifiedly.

Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t sit like this. She would just lie down on the bed, rubbing her stomach and rolling over without grace. After a few laps, she would tell Luo Ning that she was going to sleep.

The narrow eyebrows were so worried, and I didn’t know what the little angel was thinking about.

She seems to have a lot of thoughts all day today.

Do angels also have special days every month?

Luo Ning didn’t write so detailed when he wrote the setting of Angel Race…

He didn’t want so much anymore, took out the parchment from the space bag, and started recording today’s situation.

Although it is impossible to determine where the plots in the book have progressed now, Luo Ning can reverse the past from the plots that can currently be matched.

First of all, what Milia said personally, she almost starved to death in a heavy snow in winter when she was a child. Luo Ning is very clear about this. This is the childhood introduction of the protagonist at the beginning of his book, so Luo Ning fresh in memory.

It’s just that later, Luo Ning still doesn’t know what kind of difficulties Milia has gone through until now.

If there is a chance to know her experience, or her current age, Luo Ning can try to speculate on what Milia will encounter in the future.

Maybe she can give Milia a plan, at least when she encounters the three major artifacts, the price to pay will not be so painful.

Luo Ning wrote down what happened to Milia when she was a child, and after putting down the quill, he turned his attention to the name ‘Wendy’.

Wendy is currently in an unawakened state. As one of the important members of the protagonist group, she has more encounters to experience in the future.

If the next plot will develop according to what Luo Ning once wrote, Luo Ning can give these two girls some advice and guide them correctly.

“Lord God…”

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On the other side, a soft voice interrupted Luo Ning’s thoughts.

He turned the parchment over and looked back.

Raz stood up from the bed, jumped off, and walked over to Lonin’s side with short legs.

“Lord God, hug…”

Raz stretched out his short arm and lifted it up, ready to be picked up by Luo Ning.

Raz is very clingy today, behaves strangely, and even loses interest in the food she usually likes. When I let her sit obediently and watch Luo Ning practice magic, she really sat obediently and didn’t move.

In normal times, Raz would definitely be sound asleep.

“Why are you so nice today?”

Luo Ning picked her up and wrapped her in his arms, reaching out and pinching her face.

Raz neither resisted nor uttered a word, just sat obediently.

Putting his eyes on the parchment on the table, after a few glances, he lost interest. He turned around, faced Luo Ning, and stretched out his small arms to hug Luo Ning’s neck.

There is a little grievance on the little face, and a complicated expression that is secretly happy.

She seemed to especially enjoy the feeling of being held by Luo Ning in her arms.

Even though Luo Ning had been holding him all day, ‘Raz’ still didn’t feel enough.

“…you didn’t bite me.”

Luo Ning said while pinching her face recklessly.

“…Huh?” Raz looked up at Luo Ning blankly.

It took her several seconds to realize what Luo Ning meant.

It turns out that when ‘Raz’ was pinched in the face by the god-sama, was he going to bite the god-sama…?

After that, she turned her head slowly, and hugged Luo Ning’s hand that was still pinching her cheek.

Raz’s palms are very small, and his hands are just big enough to hug Luoning’s palms.

She lowered her head slowly, opened her cherry mouth, and bit Luo Ning’s index finger lightly.

With just a slight touch with her small teeth, she immediately raised her head and looked at Luo Ning distressedly.

“Lord God, does it hurt…”

Luo Ning suddenly felt that Raz was so cute, and her pitiful appearance was too easy to make people feel pity.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

He smiled and rubbed Raz’s head.

Raz’s golden curly hair has always been soft. When Luo Ning rubbed her head, she timidly shrank her neck and closed her eyes carefully, but the expression on her face was very enjoyable.

“Lord God, I, I, not… Raz, can Raz kiss you?”

Her sudden words made Lorning pause for a moment, and then the smile on her face became more and more obvious.

“Okay, where do you want to kiss?”

‘Raz”s eyes were locked on Luo Ning’s thin lips, as if he was facing something that made him feel shy, ‘Raz’ blushed, quickly looked away, and saw Luo Ning’s face again. .

“Just… face…?” she said cautiously.

Luo Ning didn’t say a word when he heard the words, and put his face close to her.

‘Raz’ nestled in Luo Ning’s arms, trying to stretch her arms to touch Luo Ning’s cheeks, and then she got her wish and left a wet hickey on Luo Ning’s face.


Luo Ning couldn’t hold back in the end and kept laughing.

‘Raz”s face was redder than an apple, and she quickly cooled her cheeks with the back of her hands.

In Luoning’s laughter, she became even more shy, and in the end she could only dig her head into Luoning’s chest, trying to cover up her panic with the ostrich hiding its head.

“‘Raz’, you don’t usually do this to me…”

Luo Ning held back a smile while soothing her back.

“She’s naughty, but she’s not as gentle as you…”



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