187 Magic Competition

With the token of the royal family of Yilan, Luoning is much more convenient no matter where he goes in or out.

With the badge given by the old king, he successfully entered Santa Zemaria College.

He wandered around the King City of Yilan for a week and found that there was only one magic academy in the entire King City.

So no matter how strange the name of this academy was in Luo Ning’s ears, he could only choose to enter.

“Why does Lord God think the name of this academy is strange…?”

Raphael walked beside Luoning and asked in a low voice.

The question she asked was similar to Raz’s question yesterday. At least from the angels’ point of view, the name of this academy was more in line with their aesthetics.

Luo Ning could see that Raphael was trying to find a topic. She seemed to want to interact more with Luo Ning, but just watching Luo Ning quietly was no longer enough to satisfy her respect for Lord God.

“Because, there were similar names in the world before me.”

“What was the world like before the gods?”

Raphael’s voice was so soft that it was easily blown away by the wind. The gentle angelic voice and the breeze blew into Luo Ning’s senses.

“It’s very advanced,” Luo Ning couldn’t think of words to describe, “but it’s also very boring. There is no magic there, only science.”

Rafael tried to imagine a few times, and found that he couldn’t imagine what kind of world it would be, so he could only give up.

“By the way, do you know that there is such a thing as a ‘forbidden pavilion’ in your place?”

“Forbidden Pavilion…?”

The words in Luo Ning’s mouth were a little unfamiliar to Raphael, but he seemed to have heard it somewhere.

“If it is a forbidden attic, there are indeed several places in heaven…”

“Have you been there?” Luo Ning asked.

Luo Ning knew that this kind of question was like asking a girl, ‘Have you ever seen that kind of website?’, and what he asked was a blazing angel who couldn’t be purer.

Cronin is just curious, pure curiosity.

“No…” Raphael answered him seriously:

“Does Lord God want me to go in and have a look? Or does Lord God want to see it?”

“No, no, I just ask casually…” Luo Ning shook his head quickly.

If Raphael had been there, then Luo Ning would be able to explain why the name ‘Santa Zemaria College’ sounded strange to his ears.

But obviously he thought too much, how could the holy Seraph, the noble and pure Raphael go to such a place.

Raphael tilted his head, although he didn’t understand what Lord God was trying to convey, he didn’t ask any further questions.

This is the first time in Raphael’s history that he has become curious about the forbidden pavilion in heaven.

If Luo Ning knew that his unintentional words had ruined the most chaste Seraphim in the world, then he would definitely not have such curiosity.

Entering from the academy, this place has a completely different view from the street outside.

There are no strangely shaped street lights, but some neatly trimmed flowers and trees.

The ground is a square brick, laid flat on the ground.

There are equal intervals between the buildings, and they are arranged one by one in sight.

Round bushes, square bricks.

Here, the square is square, and the round is round, as if everything is bound by this frame, which makes Luo Ning deeply doubt whether the principal here has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He took the badge of the old king and went directly to the tallest building in the academy.

Then he came to the office of the principal of the college smoothly.

The headmaster seemed very happy to sell the old king a favor.

“Private tutor…Well, this will cost a lot of money, but if the city owner comes forward, it will not be a problem.”

The headmaster of the academy was a young woman with eyes bordered by a single piece of gold, and her shrewd eyes looked up and down Luo Ning.

“Before that, you should show me your magic, so that I can estimate how much magic teacher you need.” The woman smiled at Luo Ning.

Her meaningful smile didn’t know whether she was happy because she felt that she had found a good Miaomiao, or because she sold the city owner’s favor.

Luo Ning was silent for a moment.

In fact, he had already organized the language, intending to say ‘It is precisely because he does not know magic that he wants to find a mentor’.

But he immediately thought that he had already shown flame magic in front of the city lord of Xicheng. It is not feasible to say that he can’t use magic at this time.

And he chose the magic book with the most difficult operation as the weapon when he came up, which is obviously not a simple novice.

The excuse of ‘no magic’ must be difficult in front of this shrewd woman.

“Okay, let’s go to the open space, it’s not very convenient here.”

Luo Ning looked around at the surrounding wooden furniture and said to the woman on the table.

The principal recognized Luo Ning’s prudence very much, and the smile on the corner of his mouth stretched a bit.

“Then let’s go to the open space downstairs. Do we need an opponent? If necessary, I will arrange one for you.”

Luo Ning just turned around, and after hearing the second half of the woman’s words, his footsteps stopped.

“Need.” He turned around and smiled softly at the principal.

“I’m not very proficient in magic, can you arrange for me a wind element restrained by the fire attribute as an opponent?”

“Of course.” The principal smiled.

Luo Ning took Rafael back downstairs.

Raphael knew that Luoning couldn’t do magic, and also knew that Luoning had no elements in his body.

“Lord God, will it be exposed… or else, I’ll come?”

Raphael whispered in Luoning’s ear.

Luo Ning shook his head: “I’ll just come.”

No matter how Raphael uses light magic to release flames, she still uses light elemental magic. This approach can easily be exposed in front of the tutors of the Magic Academy.

Moreover, this Seraph who can only fight… Bao Bu Qi will accidentally throw a big magic and blow up this place.

Downstairs, students coming and going are gradually gathering here.

The principal who was standing in the stands didn’t think it was a big deal at all, and directly informed him that there would be a magic competition here with a loudspeaker.

It just happened to be the start of the new semester, and there were an unusually large number of students, and it was overcrowded in a short time.

In fact, Luo Ning should spend more time preparing, but time is very precious to him. He must arrange things more compactly so that he can rush back to the Demon Race faster.

So whether it was rushing to the Magic Academy to find a mentor, or simply agreeing to the principal’s magic competition, Luo Ning hardly hesitated.

Luo Ning stood on the open field.

There were no shrubs and low trees here, and he stood at the very center of an empty rectangular field.

The ground is covered with soft sand, which seems to be a combat area specially planned by the academy.

After a while, a short, chubby man appeared on the other side of the field.

The man looked younger and wore the uniform of a high school student at Santa Zemaria College.

The other party rubbed his nose and held a magic wand in his hand, looking full of confidence.


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