113 Headwind

“Book? It’s actually a magic book?”

“Is it the kind of book that records all the magic and can release all the magic?”


“And its own magic value is ridiculously high?!”

“So far, that’s right.”

“Then isn’t this even more powerful than Lord Rafael’s ‘Eternal Sword’!”

Raz waved his short arms, excited and excited, his eyes sparkling.

“Nah, that! Lord God can let it use the magic of the light element to shine on Raz and ‘charge’ Raz!”

Raz learned a lot of strange things from Lorning, and he also used those interdimensional terms in his mind.

“No.” Luo Ning’s answer was quite straightforward.

“Hey, why?” Raz shook his wings in disappointment.

The golden feathers are blown away by the wind after falling, and when the magic power disappears, the feathers will fade to the original pure white.

I always feel that after Raz came to the Demon Race’s territory, the hair loss problem became more and more serious…

Luo Ning looked up at her.

“Because I don’t know how to use it yet, let’s take it back to Demon King City to study it.”

“But Lord God didn’t say that this book had a fight with that sickle over there,”

Raz pointed at Levatin behind Luo Ning, and Levatin also seemed to understand Raz’s words, and glared at the angel dissatisfied.

“Since it can actively use magic, Lord God just needs to order it to throw magic…” Raz ignored the artifact that glared at her, and continued to ask Luo Ning.

“‘Leviathan Song’ stopped moving after I closed it. It should have fallen into a short slumber. It is now like a newborn baby, and it may take me a while to run in. What exactly? I can’t study the situation under the heavy snow, so I’ll take a look after I go back.” Luo Ning answered her patiently.

“But, Lord God, didn’t you say that this artifact was born a long time ago, the underground cave and the mutated magic insect were not formed in a day or two, how could it be a newly born baby…”

“Because this is the first time it touches a living creature, it can be regarded as a real awakening. In other words, the previous ‘Leviathan Song’ was an egg, and now the egg hatches when I touch it. .”

“Oh… it turns out that the artifact is born from eggs.” Raz nodded as if realizing it, and asked again:

“Is the black sickle on the Lord God also born from eggs?”

She asked like a curious baby. Luo Ning was originally a patient person, but he knew that if he kept answering Raz’s questions, Raz would keep asking and asking endlessly. .

Also, she’s an idiot.

Talking to a fool will make him stupid. Luo Ning didn’t want to talk to this fool, so he chose silence in the end.

“We have arrived.”

After ten minutes of walking, Lilulu, who was standing in front of the team leader, suddenly stopped.

In front of her, the towering stones were very familiar.

The stone was covered with thick snow, but this shape could not be wrong, it was the location where Luo Ning and the others kept the magic wolf.

“Where’s the wolf?”

“What about the cave? That cave?”

Both Raz and Luo Ning felt strange, but Luo Ning quickly reacted to Ni Tuan.

“Something’s wrong,” he frowned and said:

“This wind…why is it blowing backwards?”

Speaking of which, when they went to the underground cave, they were heading against the wind. At that time, Lilulu even spread her wings to shield Luo Ning from the wind and snow.

It stands to reason that it should be downwind when they return, and they should return to the boulder in the direction of the wind.

But when they came back, they were still facing the wind, and Lilulu was still blocking the strong wind in front of them.

The wind blowing in the opposite direction caused the snow to pile up in the opposite direction. The cave that was originally unable to blow the snow was submerged by the blizzard in just a few hours. The snow covered the entrance to the cave, so Luo Ning didn’t notice it for the first time.

Luo Ning felt strange.

With such a large plain and such a strong wind, if you say it blows backwards, it blows backwards?

“I’ve never heard of such a thing,” Lilulu also felt strange, she covered her scarlet eyes with magic power, which made her feel the magic wolf hidden in the cave very clearly, “Fortunately, , the wolves are not lost, they are in the snowdrifts.”

Luo Ning looked in the direction of Lilulu’s fingers, but of course he couldn’t see anything.

When the pile of snow was fanned away by Lilulu’s huge bat wings, Luo Ning saw the demon wolf covered by the snow below.

The three demon wolves were shivering with cold, their eyes were closed, their silver fur was covered with slushy pieces of ice, and the food around them was frozen into large ice cubes.

“It’s too honest. If you don’t move, you won’t move. They don’t know that when the snow blows in, they will stay in another place. If we come back later, the demon wolf will freeze into a big block of ice. La! What an idiot.”

Raz flapped his wings and flew over to stay with the devil wolf.

She thought that the holy light emanating from her body could make the devil feel warmer, but she didn’t expect it to make the devil tremble even more.

The point is that he didn’t even notice that something was wrong. Raz had completely forgotten that he was an angel. No matter what level of magical beast, the angel radiating holy light would feel uncomfortable with the magical beast.

“The obedience of the devil wolves is absolute, even if they freeze to death here, they won’t move half an inch.”

Lilulu came over, grabbed Raz by the back collar, and gently threw the pet back on top of Luo Ning’s head.

“Yes, the angels also have an absolute sense of obedience, but Raz didn’t expect that ordinary monsters would also have them. The survival instinct of normal life is enough for them to betray the order, so Raz was surprised…”

Raz, who was thrown out, circled twice in the air, and while she was spinning, she was still chattering non-stop.

Lilulu crouched down, took out a few round biscuits from the space bag, and threw them in front of the three huddled wolves.

The magic wolf climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and chewed the biscuit ‘kaka’ in his mouth.

“Hey, Lord Demon King gave Raz this kind of biscuits just now. What is the function of these biscuits~?” Raz blinked his eyes and asked curiously.

“For the dogs.” Lilulu replied calmly.

“Huh?” In an instant, Raz’s eyes that were originally watery became dim.

“The dog food that Mina prepared for me, if it is said that the demon wolves are exhausted on the way, just give them this. This biscuit may have some kind of recovery effect. It is something that was researched by the humans in Demon King City, and it is still being tested. stage.”

“Oh, that’s how it is…”

There was no light in Raz’s eyes, and even his tone became dull.

Luo Ning felt that she was pitiful and raised his hand to touch her.

“Lord God doesn’t need to comfort Raz, Raz likes to eat cookies… Raz likes cookies…”

Her eyes were blank, and she repeated the last sentence over and over in her mouth.

Luo Ning’s raised hand stopped in mid-air.

Well, I always feel that if this goes on like this, this little angel will really be ruined.


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