Restart Spain

Chapter 165: Negotiation matters

In the next few days, the Spanish army took advantage of the power of victory and successively captured the inland and southern cities of Morocco.

On March 15, the whole of Morocco was declared to have fallen...

The Moroccan Sultan Hassan II, who had fled, also officially fled to Germany by boat.

After learning that the entire Morocco had been occupied by Spain, European countries' impression of Spain began to change again.

Although Morocco is not a military power, its military strength is not so vulnerable because of its geographical proximity to Europe.

Even on the original trajectory, the Moroccans were only colonized by the French in the early 20th century.

And their African compatriots had been carved up by European powers as early as 1883.

And Spain defeated the Moroccans so quickly and quickly, which made European countries marvel at the strength of the Spanish army.

The Moroccans are not the opponents of the Spaniards, as expected by all European countries.

But no one thought that Morocco would be defeated in the first battle. A whole army of 100,000 people was in the capital, and it was completely wiped out.

What was even more unexpected was the Germans who were ready to make some small moves.

Not to mention an army of 100,000, even if it were 100,000 pigs, it would be impossible to kill them all in a few days.

The speed at which the Moroccans were defeated made the Germans even more jaw-dropping.

Unlike the Franco-Prussian War, the Germans had a high degree of mobility, and the rugged mountain roads in Morocco restricted the Spanish marching.

This also shows how incredible the Spaniards ended the war in just over a month.

"Your Excellency Bismarck, Morocco has now fallen into the hands of the Spaniards."

"I think it's time for us to have a conference to stop the Spanish from annexing Morocco in its entirety!"

In Sanssouci Palace, Germany, William I looked at Bismarck with a dignified expression.

The interests of the Germans in Morocco cannot be moved away, which also means that once Morocco, an important export destination for raw materials, is lost,

The Germans will suffer a huge loss in vain.

"Your Majesty, Morocco is already the meat that Spain has eaten in its mouth. We want to force them to spit it out, and we can only rely on the strength of the British and French!"

But it is clear that the Spaniards have significantly stronger relations with Britain and France, and Britain and France have no significant interests in Morocco.

It is almost impossible for us to win them over to support us.

"The French have made it clear that they are on the side of the Spaniards, and the British are our primary target!"

"But obviously in the current situation, having the British support us is also a fantasy."

Bismarck's sense of smell on the international situation can be said to be extremely sensitive. Regarding the attitudes of Britain and France, the Germans had already caught a glimpse of the leopard and knew a thing or two before the war.

If the British were against the Spanish occupation of Morocco, they would have stood up against it long before the war.

It is morbid to know how much the British attach to the Eastern route.

The Spanish occupation of Morocco, with the exception of Gibraltar, is equivalent to occupying the outlet of the entire Mediterranean strait.

And the British can allow the Spaniards to make such a move, it has already reached an agreement or a tacit understanding between the two sides.

In either case, it was bad for the Germans.

"Bismarck, is there any way for Germany to win the interest that belongs to us now?"

William I supported his forehead and said with some trouble.

At this point, even the old-fashioned man had a hint of anger at Germany's weak navy.

If the German navy could be as powerful as his army, the Spaniards would not dare to make trouble in front of them at this time.

Of course, this is just a thought. If the German navy is really as strong as he thinks,

Then their primary enemy was the British, not the Spaniards.

"Your Majesty, we will only do our best to support the Moroccans in the negotiations with the Spaniards in exchange for their lingering territory..."

Sultan Hassan II of Morocco has taken refuge in Germany,

Obviously, the German Empire no longer pays attention to the views of the sultan without any power.

Sacrificing most of Morocco's interests in order to protect their own interests is the most real way for the powers.

"Then prepare to negotiate, and then we will get our interests no matter what."

William I waved his hand and said that he would leave this matter to Bismarck,

In the face of top diplomats in Europe, Bismarck never let him down.


At this time, Alfonso XII of Madrid in Spain also knew that the upcoming negotiations were the last battle.

"First Evolution"

obtained on the battlefield. There are too many lost examples on the negotiating table, which makes Alfonso vigilant.

The consequences of not raising vigilance, the Russians have demonstrated for him several times.

However, the two forehead wars greatly damaged the vitality of Russia, but they got nothing.

Sure enough The day after the war ended, Spain received a request for negotiations from the Germans.

In addition to the two protagonists of Spain and Morocco, this negotiation also involved Britain, France and Germany.

Sultan Hassan II of Morocco saw this as the only way to save his country.

There was no way to defeat the mighty Spanish army on the battlefield,

That now can only rely on the pressure of the great powers to threaten the Spaniards to spit out some fruits of victory.

When the British and French attitudes were unclear, the Germans were their only recourse...

The venue of the meeting is Madrid, Spain.

Finally, at the end of March, representatives of various countries came to Spain, and this meeting about Morocco's life and death is about to start.

Spanish Prime Minister Canovas and King Alfonso attended the meeting in person as representatives of Spain.

Russell, the British Secretary of State for India, came to negotiate as the British representative.

The German Prime Minister Bismarck and French President McMahon, respectively, as representatives of the two sides.

From the identities of the representatives of each country, it is enough to see the importance that each country attaches to this negotiation.

Whether it was Spain, France or Germany, the highest officials of the country were present, while the British only dispatched a small Indian Minister.

Although the Minister of Indian Affairs is not a small official position in the UK, it is still a few levels behind the Prime Minister and President.

The meeting place is the Royal Palace of Madrid, one of the three major palaces in Europe.

Since the construction of this splendid palace, both the Habsburg family and the Bourbon family have experienced large and small meetings and negotiations here.

And now this ancient palace has once again started its mission.

No matter how declining Spain is, it is undeniable that he is still one of the great powers in Europe.

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