Restart Meimao

Chapter 107

Manhattan, Hell’s Kitchen.

This criminal paradise, which once made New Yorkers talk about it, has now been renewed, the huge haze hanging over the head has been swept away, the sun is shining on everyone again, and the cries for help and the roar of locomotives can no longer be heard on the streets and alleys at night.

With the collapse of the underground emperor of New York, Hell’s Kitchen went through a series of long shuffles, fights, and fights, and finally eliminated the stubborn forces of Russian gangsters, Irish people, and Japanese hand associations, and a new order was established in this “hotbed of New York criminals”, and the residents living here no longer need street heroes such as Daredevil and Punisher to seek justice for them and fight crime, because no gangster force dares to challenge the emerging underground group that rose from the darkness and grew rapidly.

In recent newspapers, there have been fewer and fewer reports about the Red Devil in Hell’s Kitchen, but a blind lawyer has risen to fame because he often helps civilians resolve disputes, and is known by many as the savior after Daredevil.

At night, an abandoned factory in Hudson Harbor, countless people gathered here from all directions, wearing uniform black combat uniforms and bright armbands of crimson flame on their right arms, which is special equipment provided by the leader, developed and produced by the Ark Laboratory, with a variety of combat functions such as thinness, bulletproof, optical camouflage, etc., which have not been officially promoted and applied in the military.

At a glance, the crowd was crowded, like an overwhelming black wave, the noisy sound echoed above the wide factory, and the crowd participating in the rally looked up at the young people standing on the high platform, their eyes shining with a feverish fire, especially the mutants mixed in with the crowd.

Since Magneto took the Brotherhood to the Middle East, the X-Men disappeared, the Academy was willing to hibernate, and the mutants who lost their leader, faced with the malice of the government and the discrimination of society, could only survive with difficulty.

The former leaders have retreated and left, and the remaining mutants do not see the future direction, and their hearts are full of confusion, and it is at this time that the young man on the high platform stands up, determined to open up a new home for his compatriots, and after annexing the underworld group of Jinhe, he began to gather his compatriots externally, and provide them with jobs, accommodation, and a new life.

Initially, it was only a small number of mutants on the East Coast, and most of them were skeptical, after all, this young man was unknown before and his appeal was not strong enough, but as time passed, the name of “Burning Man” gradually resounded throughout the New York underground world, Golden Union, Hand Guild, Daredevil, Punisher… Many well-known superheroes and underground organizations have fallen at the feet of young people, and as the power grows, more and more mutants come from all over the world, and the mutant team has developed rapidly.

Neither conservative nor radical as his professors, John the Burning Man established a good image as a big entrepreneur, replacing Wilerson Fisker as the biggest real estate tycoon in Hell’s Kitchen, and had a close relationship with the Okin Group.

With money opening the way, John quickly opened the situation, while organizing manpower to clear obstacles and opponents, while vigorously promoting the construction plan of the commercial circle, constantly acquiring abandoned factories, bankrupt enterprises, residential buildings, and committed to creating a modern prosperous metropolitan circle and freeing Hell’s Kitchen from its previous notoriety.

“John, you look happy today.” A little loli wearing a purple uniform, a wig on her head and an eye patch blinked, and the butterfly knife flew up and down between her fingers, cutting a cloud of silver light.

“Mindy, today is the day my dream came true, a long time ago, I began to look forward to this day coming, looking forward to becoming a big man like the boss, I have done it now!” John the Burning Man’s words contained complex emotions, and his eyes shimmered.

He had never been valued before, no one cared what he thought and felt, the teachers of the academy preferred the rockman who was calm and stood with good brothers, John was just a supporting character to set off Bobby’s green leaves, but a young man told him that ambition was buried in the human heart, and that desire and desire would drive those people to burst out to their maximum potential and do things that seemed impossible before.

“You will also become a big man like me in the future.” Joson patted him on the shoulder and said, in a firm tone.

Peeling away the youth and naivety of the past, the impetuous young face has become mature and resolute, and even the behavior has a faint shadow of someone.

“The boss gave me everything I longed to have, and now it’s time for me to reciprocate.” John looked at the purple-haired little loli who seemed to understand, smiled faintly, and stood on the high platform to look down at the black crowd.

“100 years ago, a great American signed the Emancipation Proclamation to spread the spirit of freedom, but 100 years later, racial discrimination still exists. Today, society’s discrimination and misunderstanding of mutants is more serious than that of blacks, fellow citizens, we are not freaks and deformities, a respected teacher told me that mutants are pioneers in evolution, God’s favorite…”

“…… At the feet of the Statue of Liberty, there are broken handcuffs, leg shackles and chains, and mutants want to escape the tragic fate of the past, only to hold the weapons in their hands, show goodwill and show muscles are indispensable means…”

“We have unlimited potential and future, fellow citizens, to accept that blessing from God, superpowers are not a curse in life, but a mission – we represent the evolutionary path of mankind!”

“…… Mutated and proud! Long live Hellfire! ”

John the Burning Man’s speech was so passionate and infectious that the cheers of the black crowd were like a raging wave, and the sound wave almost tore off the roof above the factory.

“Long live hellfire—” People raised their right hands, crimson armbands joined together, like a raging flame, about to cut through the night and light up the future of mutants.

No one found that a faint imperceptible spiritual power swept through the black wave, like a breeze blowing the surface of a calm lake, rippling in a circle, in no man’s corner, the girl in red slowly opened her eyes, everyone’s heart was unreservedly exposed in front of her, remembering the mutants who met the requirements in her mind, looking at the young man standing on the high platform, she smiled slightly, it turns out that someone is right, ambition is the greatest source of human power.

Jean believes that soon an army of mutants will emerge in New York to fight against the coming alien army, and she will stand next to young men waiting for the arrival of the overlord of the universe.

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