Restart Meimao

Chapter 088

The rising sun spreads its warm glow across the earth, awakens the sleeping city, and a new day begins.

The noisy sound outside the street is blocked by the well-sounded glass windows, and in the quiet room, the snow-white skin is naked, the soft red hair is scattered on the beautiful body, and the soft and soothing music flows in the quiet space, everything is full of harmonious and beautiful atmosphere.

“Hmm…” The redhead, exhausted from last night’s toss, turned around, this time not touching the young man’s sturdy chest as usual, and the empty hand made her wake up from an incomparably seductive sleep.

Joson sat by the wall with the curtains closed, gazing with gentle eyes at the beautiful woman who exuded a languid atmosphere, and on the table on the right hand side was a glass full of red wine, and the scarlet body shimmered enchanting through the glass.

“Why are you up so early?” The girl is coquettish, if it is in front of outsiders, she will definitely maintain a dignified and elegant image, even in front of Emma, who is very familiar with each other, she will not show a delicate and lovely little woman posture.

Only when she and Joson are alone will this redhead, known as the Phoenix Girl, truly show her deep attachment to young men.

“Yesterday Magneto led the members of the Brotherhood out of this continent to a chaotic and distant place, where he was once the supreme leader of mutants and a notorious anti-humanity, and now he can only bow his head and exit sadly in the face of the coming new era.”

Joson sighed in a tone that Magneto’s departure marks the passing of the old era of mutants, and he wants to build a better and more brilliant new future in today’s world, and those labels that belong to the old years should be erased. Just like when you want to forge a new weapon, you must throw the original broken iron sword into the furnace, calcined and tempered countless times, and then become an indestructible weapon again.

Without breaking or standing, the establishment of a new era must be on the ruins of the old world.

“The new energy project is also officially promoted today, and Stark Industries is preparing to hold a technology fair to promote the conceptual features of the new energy source, and so far they have only received orders for wind farms and plastic plants.” Jean sat on Josson’s lap and wrapped her arms around the man’s neck, and she occasionally learned from Emma.

“It seems that the transformation of Stark Industries is not smooth, compared to the cost-high cost of the Ark reactor, artificial sun is much cheaper, we start from the middle class group, they have a certain consumption power, while increasing publicity, Tony wants to divide the high-end market occupied by the energy giants, the entire country’s power supply, of course, will be fiercely resisted by those capitalists, and want to swallow all the cake in one go, this is not the strategy of the development of the Aujin Group, we can take our time, Cheap and high-quality products are always liked by most people. ”

Joson holds the soft body in his arms, for the cross-border transformation of the energy industry, he will never worry, Dr. Otto’s invention is indeed epoch-making, cheap energy can make poor families can also afford heating, can afford electricity, middle-class families spend hundreds of dollars a year, can enjoy comfortable heating, power supply, can say goodbye to the high price of the past.

As for Tony who wants to break the entire old system and establish the Stark energy era, it may not be so easy, no one will sit idly by and watch the opponent take a lot of banknotes from his hands, there will only be one industry leader, and under the position of the field giant, it is all accumulated bones and blood. As you can imagine, Stark Industries’ tech expo is not destined to be calm.

“The professor rarely spoke yesterday, and I can see that he is very confused now.” Jean said worriedly, in her heart, the professor has always been like a father and a teacher, even if she once imprisoned her other personality, but this still does not hinder her respect for the bald old man.

“No, the professor has already made a decision in his heart, he and Magneto are both pioneers in the struggle for mutants, but they have chosen different paths, and the professor who can swim in the sea of minds gathered around the world can see the future better than anyone, so he will stay in the ecological park and wait for the opportunity to come.”

Joson’s eyes were shining, he had a deep, long conversation with the professor, Charles, full of idealism, could not continue to degenerate, sooner or later the dusty heart would shine again, in order to level the world’s most powerful mind master, he chose another way.

Everyone will have weaknesses and weaknesses, the professor’s flaws are vacillating positions, his identification with his mutants is not thorough enough, and there is always a human self-perception in his heart, which leads him to suffer in the middle of the two camps, on the one hand, he restricts his students and does not allow them to have too much contact with the outside world; On the other hand, it is close to humans, trying to let the two races coexist in a gentle way.

A persistent and almost obsessive idealist like the professor cannot be brought to his knees by violence and brutality, and Joson did not use simple and crude carnal-physical erasure, which would undoubtedly lose the support of some mutants, after all, the professor’s influence and prestige are even stronger than another mutant leader.

He opened his heart and allowed the professor to see the future – countless possible futures!

“Sometimes you will be wiped out by weapons made by humans, sometimes you will exterminate humans in turn, more often you are fighting each other, there is an unimaginable terrible enemy among the mutants, he is the first known mutant, you have fought, won and lost… In an even more terrifying future world, your fellow citizens have erased all mutants—a special race given by God that never seems to have seen true peace. Joson hugged Jean tightly, sniffing the faint fragrance of his hair, and his voice was low, narrating the future of mutants.

The long river of time and space is never eternal, it is both constant and changeable, like a rolling river, the main flow direction is difficult to change, running along the established end, but the splashing waves in it are full of variables.

“You and the professor want to change the future?” Jean asked softly.

The professor has always had a beautiful world in his heart where humans and mutants live in harmony, and Magneto pursues a new home for mutants, and although the two people have different paths, they have the same path.

“The future can be written by people, and your presence in my arms now is one of the changes, the professor is willing to sacrifice for noble ideals, and I will help him achieve his wishes.”

Joson shook the glass of red wine, the bright body rippled with cruel colors, the golden brilliance in his eyes, the professor made a choice, he also achieved his goal, the mutant will completely and completely fall into the palm of his hand with the death of the two leaders.

“Isn’t there a better way?” Jean seemed to feel a little cold, and hugged the man tightly, as if she wanted to draw warmth and sunshine from Jossen.

“It took hundreds of millions of years of evolution for humans to become the master of all spirits on this planet, and mutants must pay the same price if they want to gain the freedom and status they deserve.” The bodies of men and women are tightly bonded, and the closeness of the soul calls to each other. “In this land, there have been countless Christians who sacrificed their lives to redeem the original sin of mankind, and who were called ‘martyrs.'”

“There are always people in this world who are willing to sacrifice their lives without fear for the ethereal goodness, justice, and freedom.”

Accompanied by the soothing music flowing quietly, the deep voice quietly echoed in this space-

“I don’t identify with such people, but I respect them.”

ps: First of all, thank you to the big people who have been silently casting flowers, evaluations, monthly tickets, and tips for this book, to be honest, without you, the author with a crippled hand would have run away without restraint~

PS2: I’ve been hesitant to write the plot of the timeline, because I really want to write about the young professor and Magneto, and of course, the worst mentor in history, the apocalypse (you are the worst Four Horsemen I have ever taken!). )~。 ~

ps3: Good night, I have to go to work tomorrow, annoying, ahhhh~

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