Restart Meimao

Chapter 002

After the hearing, Joson and Emma walk out of the Capitol, and as he knows the timeline, Magneto appears, he and the professor still have a difference in position, the professor cannot agree with the radical and extreme ideas of his old friend, and Magneto feels that the professor is on the side of humanity, which keeps them in the opposite camp.

“That’s what I want to see.” Joson said silently in his heart, mutant camps are different, and the power is different, so that he will have the opportunity.

If Magneto and the professor shake hands and make peace, mutants unite, that’s the last thing he wants.

“Please wait! Mr. Okin, please wait a minute! ”

Just as he was about to get into the car, Johnson was stopped by a voice, and he turned to see that it was Congressman Kelly, who had just been in awe-inspiring at the hearing.

“Is there something going on? Mr. Congressman. Joson was a little surprised, he had little to do with the Congressman who was staunchly opposed to mutants.

“Hello, Mr. Okin. I wonder what you think about mutants? Councilman Kelly asked straight to the point.

“Mr. Congressman, why did you come to ask me? I don’t know much about mutants. Jossen smiled slightly and threw the question back, “But you seem to think mutants are dangerous. ”

“Of course!” Councilman Kelly’s tone was firm, and he repeated the point made at the hearing, “That group of people threatens the survival of humanity!” Mr. Okin, imagine if there is a person who can penetrate the wall, who can easily infiltrate your home, the bank, or even the White House, then your safety and wealth will not be guaranteed as they should, and they can easily take away everything you have worked hard for many years! ”

“And I also heard that there is a mutant in that group who can read your mind and control your mind, and this ability is a potential danger to humans!”

Johnson did not speak, just smiled and nodded, in the future world, there will be more and more superpowers, in his opinion, mutants will neither be the mainstream nor a threat.

“Mr. Okin, I know something about mutants, if you are interested, you can always find out from me.” Councilor Kelly, who thought he was recognized, was even more excited, he glanced around, and then said in a low voice: “I believe that those people behind you will be interested in mutants.” ”

Johnson raised his eyebrows, it seemed that the Mr. Congressman, who had been active in politics as an anti-mutant, got some news, “I’ll check with Mr. Congressman when I have time.” ”

After a moment of greeting with the Mr. Congressman who suddenly came to the door, Johnson got into the car, and Emma, who had been silent just now, sneered: “Is this Mr. Congressman seeking political cooperation or financial assistance?” ”

In a country dominated by capital forces like the United States, any politician who wants to seek a higher position will have a cooperative relationship with capital groups.

This seemingly democratic and free country is still in fact controlled by a small group of people at the top of the pyramid.

“Neither. He may have got some news and wants to be my partner. Joson shook his head, the mutant had already set a place in his plan, and would not be swayed by a few words from a politician.

“Partner?” Emma was a little puzzled.

“He wants the support of the Hellfire Club.” Johnson replied. “Perhaps from some places, he learned that the Okin family is a member of the Hellfire Club.”

The Hellfire Club, early founded in eighteenth-century England, was a gathering of social elites, including successful businessmen, aristocrats, and some high-ranking people of far higher social status, behind which there was a mysterious faction known as the Core Group, whose members were named after chess pieces, and in the original timeline, Sebastian Shaw controlled the organization, of which Emma was a member, but the organization was also hidden as Sebastian Shaw was killed by Magneto.

“But it’s a pity that Mr. Congressman doesn’t know that the core members of this organization with strong strength are mutants.”

“Queen.” Joson smiled and pronounced Emma’s name at the Hellfire Club.

“After Sebastian Shaw’s death, there were several major reshuffles in the Hellfire Club, especially after Charles and Magneto parted ways, mutant power became weak in the core group, and now there are almost no mutants except me.” Emma said coldly.

Joson played with Emma’s blond hair, and as his current partner, he certainly knew what a difficult time the White Queen beside him had, and after Stryker’s hunt for mutants, many mutants were locked up in a secret base in Lake Alkali for bloody and ruthless living research.

Emma was also imprisoned during a capture operation, and if Joson hadn’t been willing to make a deal with Stryker with the power of the Okin family, perhaps the cold girl would have been lying on the operating table and dismembered to pieces by some mad scientists.

“The darkest ones have passed, and those who hurt you will be repaid.” Joson looked down and whispered in the girl’s ear that Emma was the first card he held, and there would be more good cards in his hand in the future.

“Will you help me kill Stryker?” Emma looked at that young and handsome face, and there seemed to be something expecting in her beautiful blue eyes.

“As long as you stay by my side, Emma, when the timing is right, I will hand over Stryker to you!” Joson smiled warmly, but there was an undoubted firmness in his tone.

The girl nodded and threw herself into Josson’s arms, she was not a fragile little girl, she could be done with a few rhetoric and false promises, for mind masters, most of the world were puppets and could be left to their disposal, Sebastian Shaw promised to build a new world dominated by mutants, and the result was that she became a prisoner of the US government, Magneto said that mutants are the future, and as a result, she became Stryker’s experiment, failing again and again, Let the White Queen understand that mutants are not as powerful as expected.

So she chose Joson, this slightly mysterious, always full of confidence young man, in addition to his own huge assets, but also the strength he has shown, the once proud psychic ability is completely ineffective in front of this man, even if it is as powerful as Charles, it seems that he cannot see through his thoughts.

Even Magneto had to rely on a helmet that isolated the power of the mind to resist, and in front of Josen, it was completely useless.

Over the years, those difficult days of hiding and hiding flashed before her eyes, and the tragic end of those compatriots tormented her countless times, and as a master of the mind, she was far less powerful than the professor, because the mind was not pure enough, and in the secret base of Lake Alkali, the days of research and imprisonment were like lingering shadows, which would appear every night.

“I’m a little tired.” The girl whispered.

“Then sleep for a while, no one will disturb you.” The man stroked his silky blonde hair and spoke softly.

Outside the car window, the bustling street scene recedes all the way, looking at the vivid and real world outside, Joson closed his eyes, the golden sun shone in his mind, as he regarded the whole world as a hunting ground, he has been accumulating strength and waiting for a good time to start hunting.

Mr. Kelly’s request for cooperation seems to indicate that a perfect time is coming.

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