Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1147: Retreat

The further he went deeper into Yaowanggu, An Zheng felt that the surrounding environment changed more. The weird thing is that the temperature has dropped to a terrible level, but the plants are more prosperous. In the forest, some bizarre little monsters are not afraid of people, watching Anzheng curiously as they walked past.

At the end of the path, there was an open field in front of us, already overgrown with weeds. There are some statues on the grass surrounded by vines, which are patchy and scattered. Some have fallen and some are incomplete. The strange thing about these statues is that people do n’t look like people, and blame does n’t look like blame.

The shape of the sculpture is a very abstract feeling, the person is just a silhouette, and the facial features are blurred. However, the clothes are also very beautifully carved and the lines are smooth. The impression is that the master of the sculpture is tired after engraving the body, and he casually put his head in a perfunctory way.

"Why doesn't it look like the Central Plains."

Du Shoushou turned around a sculpture curiously, and then saw the tail behind these statues, like the tail of a monkey.

"Not at all."

Zhu Xiaojian lost the next sentence and then strode inside, and found a doorway in the messy grass. The door is closed, very small, just like the door of the ordinary family, three people walking side by side may be crowded there.


Zhu Xiaojian looked at the door, and his face suddenly changed: "Someone has advanced."

He reached out and pushed, and the door creaked open.

An Zheng and Du Shoushou came to see them in a hurry, and they could hardly see anything in the darkness inside the door. I haven't seen any traces like footprints before, and this place belongs to the restricted area of ​​Yaowang Valley. No one thought that someone would come first.

"Let's go in."

Zhu Xiaojian took out a few beads from the space implement and threw them in. The beads exuded an extremely brilliant brilliance, illuminating the entire aisle extremely brightly. And the light emitted by the beads seems to have a special effect, and there are many shallow footprints on the ground.

"All masters."

Zhu Xiaoji squatted down to look at the footprints, and looked back at Anzheng: "Fat, go back and call someone, there are more people, at least 30. Judging from the changes caused by the footprints on the dust , The strength is relatively strong, your state is a little lower, don't go in for the time being. Go and notify the people who are above the captain of the police department to come over, and the border troops don't bring the people above half. "

Du Shoushou glanced at An Zheng, and An Zheng nodded to him, and then Du Shuangshen ran out.

"It seems that we are not only interested in Xiao Xiaosheng and his stuff."

Zhu Xiaoji went in first, and An Zheng deliberately paid attention to the place where Zhu Xiaoji passed. If there was no light from the beads, the footprints would not be visible at all, and even the arrangement of the dust did not change much. Under the light, An Zheng found that Zhu's footprints were lighter than most of the previous ones, and could hardly be seen.

This person's strength is really unfathomable.

"Adult, how many secrets do you still have?"

An Zheng asked in the back.

Zhu Xiaojian paused for a while, and seemed to smile: "The so-called secrets will make many people curious and inferiority complex. Curiosity is instinct, and inferiority complex is because you don't know what the secret is, and feel that your status is not high enough ... Actually, it ’s right. Therefore, people will be so interested in many so-called high-level secrets. When they hear a little news, they ca n’t help but spread it out. When bragging, they are unusually satisfied and feel that they are taller than others. Wait, there are more secrets to know. "

He glanced back at An Zheng: "You are not tall enough."

An Zheng also laughed: "The direction of Gao is different."

Zhu Xiaojian stayed silent for a while, and looked at An Zheng's eyes slightly.

The traces on the ground are also separated at the fork. The three forks in front of them seem to be a headache for the people who came in before. Their team is divided into three batches, each of which has about ten people. Zhu Xiaojian glanced at An Zheng. Two people and three intersections seemed to have some difficult choices.

"The waist cards I have given you can be located with each other, or you can contact them."

Zhu Xiaojian taught Anzheng some of the functions of the waist tag, and then left a secret sign at the intersection that only the personnel of the arresting department could find.

"Deputy prosecutors above the deputy prosecutor's waist card have a special function, crossing within three kilometers."

Zhu Xiaojian paired his waist cards with An Zheng's waist cards. The light on the two waist cards flowed up, and the light dissipated after a week of circulation. Zhu Xiaojian returned Anzheng ’s waist card to him: “If there is any danger, press the raised place in the middle and you will be transported to me. But do n’t exceed the three-kilometer range. It works. You choose a fork and go in. If you feel you ca n’t cope with it, quit. "

An Zheng uttered: "No, no, no."

Zhu Xiaojian glanced at him, and then chose the fork on the left to enter. An Zheng sighed, thinking that Zhu Xiaojian said that there would be a lot of immortals in it, and chose the fork on the right to walk in.

The further the road is, the wider it is. The stone walls around it are neat and there are murals. It's just because the light is dim, so I can't see clearly what the painting is. An Zheng put the Tianmu out in front, keeping a distance of about two hundred meters. What Tianmu saw was directly in An Zheng's mind. So even if Anzheng walked forward with his eyes closed, there would be no problem.

Of course, it takes a long time to adapt, otherwise Tianmu turns 200 meters ahead, and people with closed eyes will inevitably hit the wall following the turn.

Zhu Xiaoyan's beads were distributed to Anzheng, and Anzheng let the beads float behind him. The footprints on the ground became messy, as if something was wrong in the vicinity. An Zheng noticed that in the beginning the footprints were walking in the middle of the aisle, a long list. Suddenly changed after arriving here, the footprints were separated, apparently those people separated and walked forward along the root of the wall on both sides.

Seeing that An Zheng stopped subconsciously, he took a step back after being silent for a while, took a piece of clothing from the space implement and threw it forward. His eyes fluttered for a moment, and the clothes disappeared out of thin air. If An Zheng didn't notice that the footsteps were divided into two from one, it might have disappeared. It didn't take long for the sound of rustling in An Zhan's ears, as if someone was wearing clothes, and it seemed that his teeth were rubbing clothes ...

An Zheng walked to the wall in accordance with his footprints, and continued to walk forward against the wall. He noticed that the footprints in front of him had become heavy. Obviously, people in the past had become heavy because of the preoccupied attention. There was no blood stains, no **** smell, An Zheng looked carefully and determined that there was one less person in the past team.

This atmosphere is the most terrible, you can't feel the danger, and you don't know when the danger will come. Maybe the next second will be lost, but fortunately someone came in. Zhu Xiaoyan ’s bead function is remarkable, and the instruments prepared by the Department of Prosecution seem to be highly targeted and practical.

He walked forward for more than a hundred meters, and An Zheng stopped again. Because he found that the footprints disappeared, not one or two less, but all footprints disappeared. The dust on the ground kept its original appearance. An Zheng squatted down to take a closer look. There was no trace of friction between the dust and the dust, and no one walked over.

Everyone, almost ten, disappeared here.

An Zheng frowned, not daring to move forward easily. Soon after the clothes disappeared, he heard the sound of his teeth rubbing against the clothes, and it still echoed in his ears. The more the thought was, the more creepy it was.

An Zheng felt distressed about his clothes, rummaging through the space implement for a while, and made a difficult choice between a few large waists and his own shoes, or left the large waists to Du Slender and threw the shoes away Go out. This time the shoes landed safely and did not disappear in mid-air. Anzheng hadn't had time to relax before the shoes disappeared after landing on the ground. Similarly, it didn't take long for the grind-like voice to reappear.

There seems to be a scary guy in a place where I can't see it, waiting for everything to be eaten in. The teeth grind the bones of people, and the imaginary sound makes people feel creepy.

The shoes that fell on the ground were gone. An Zheng thought that someone had chewed his soles and shivered subconsciously.

He raised his head, the beads floated, and there were shallow traces on the top. Those people went out backwards, and there was one less person in the footprints. An Zheng floated up, head down, his feet sucked the headstand and walked forward. But after walking a few steps, I suddenly felt that the aura around him changed below, followed by a tearing pain, and my eyes seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss.

An Zheng took a deep breath, floating in mid-air. It seems that there are countless sharp energies constantly cutting around, and this time An Zheng smelled a **** smell, and it was not far from himself.

Beads fell with An Zheng, An Zheng grabbed and injected power to float beside him. The light turned up, and An Zheng's face changed. About ten meters away from him, there were a few people floating there, also looking at An Zheng with a look of consternation.

These people look weird, and the clothes they wear are different from what An Zheng has seen. Like the clothes of some primitive people in the Daxi era, there was a strange aura around their bodies that kept them floating.

They looked at Anzheng, Anzheng looked at them, but no one spoke.

At this moment, the sound of eating again appeared, click and click ... This time it was not the teeth rubbing clothes and shoes, but the sound of really chewing bones. As soon as the sound entered the ear, it made the scalp explode. Anzheng moved the beads downwards. After flying for more than a dozen meters, everyone's expression changed ... An old man with gray hair and curly grass sitting on the floor knee-crossed, many small chains passed through his body The range of activity does not exceed ten meters. A lot of bones were neatly placed in front of him, which had been nibbled and clean.

The most frightening thing is that the bones he gnawed are placed neatly beside him, restoring a person's skeleton structure. There wasn't even a trace of flesh on the bones, the white ones seemed to have been licked countless times.

With an arm in his hand, he soon gnawed flesh and blood, and then licked his tongue over the bone, and his tongue was covered with barbed things.

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