147. To Uncover the Truth

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Cao Mo said to Qiushuang, “Don’t worry about the baby, whether it will be recorded on the pedigree. I will register it under my name no matter it’s a boy or a girl.”

Qiushuang kowtowed to Cao Mo, “Shizi Madam, I owe you my life! I will repay you with the rest of my life and my next life!”

“This life, next life, just take care of yourself. And I will be satisfied if you don’t try to frame me.” Cao Mo teased her.

Qiushuang blushed in embarrassment, “Shizi Madam, I will never do such a thing again.”

Dowager Xiao heard about Qiushuang that night, she wasn’t happy about the fact Lady Lu had sold Qiushuang who was pregnant with Xiao Jin’s baby. She had arranged Qiushuang in Cunxi Hall under the pretext that it was improper for Qiushuang to live in the same house with Xiao Jin’s sister-in-law.

And of course Dowager Xiao wouldn’t give Cao Mo a penny for arranging Qiushuang in her house.

Cao Mo wasn’t happy that he had suffer this great loss, he walked back to his room in anger.

Cao Mo heard a the noise of a teacup shattering into pieces when he was about to enter his room. He walked in only to see Xiao Yi trembled in anger, and blood kept dripping on the floor from his hand.

“Are you injured? Is everything okay?” with that Cao Mo was about to ask a servant to clean the mess up, but Xiao Yi stopped him.

“It’s that good brother of yours! That Cao Le filed some suit against me for conniving with my male wife in buying my brother’s pregnant maid to the education commissioner!” Xiao Yi fumed.

“Is he out of his mind? You are about to attend the imperial examinations and this is no difference than blocking your political career?” Cao Mo said ‘R.I.P Cao Le’ in his heart, Cao Le had dug himself a deep hole this time!

“What should we do now?” Cao Mo asked promptly.

“Luckily Cao Le has no idea the education commissioner is in Prince Xing’s camp, otherwise the title of Shizi will be stripped too.” killing intent filled Xiao Yi’s eyes.

… …

Xiao Yi told Xiao Yugui what Cao Le had done after Xiao Yugui came back from the court.

“What a bastard!” Xiao Yugui roared, “Tie Cao Le and Xiao Jin up! Bring me in my study!”

Cao Le kept shouting he was wronged when he was brought to Xiao Yugui’s study. Xiao Yugui glared at Cao Le. Cao Le trembled with fear because he could feel the intimidating air from Marquis Valour who had seen his fair share of killing on the battlefield.

“You surely have an exaggerated opinion of your abilities! You are in no position to concern yourself with Qiushuang or anything in my manor, whether she is sold out or not, it’s none of your business! Slandering Yi when he is about to attend the imperial examinations. You are indeed a bold one!”

“I’m so wronged! Father-in-law! It’s not me who has written that report, it’s one of my classmates! I have nothing to do with this!” Cao Le denied his guilt.

Xiao Yi sneered, “Stop deceiving yourself! I’m well aware of your monkey business! You fuddled your classmate and put your own report in his report, pretending it was written by him! How cruelhearted you are! Your classmate has already given up evil and returned to good, but you keep spreading the fact that he used to frequent brothels and stealing from others! You just want him to die, don’t you?”

Cao Le exclaimed in his heart that how come Xiao Yi knew everything he had done!

Cao Le threw himself at Xiao Jin desperately, “Jin, my husband! You need to trust me!”

Xiao Jin kicked Cao Le away, “Stop it! Do you think my brother will confront you if he doesn’t have enough evidence? Do you think you have covered all your tracks?”

Xiao Yi had sent a shadow guard to tail Cao Le since he tried to find fault with Cao Mo using Qiushuang. Cao Le mixed the report he had written to slander Xiao Yi and Cao Mo with his classmate’s reports when he was drinking with his classmate, hoping the education commissioner would see the report and punish Xiao Yi.

Luckily the shadow guard saw that and withdrew Cao Le’s false report.

Xiao Yi looked at Cao Le with disgust, “Your classmate is expelled from school thanks to your slandering, he is back in his hometown now. He has spread the fact that how you bullied and framed your brother multiple times, you become notorious now and your father is implicated by you, Imperial Censors have impeached your father!”

“Father, please let me repudiate this viper!” said Xiao Jin with disgust.

“Enough!” Dowager Xiao walked in, “I only find out Qiushuang is pregnant with your child thanks to Le! No one can repudiate him under my watch!”

Xiao Yugui understood what this was about, this was Dowager Xiao’s payback, she held a grudge against Xiao Yugui for living separately from Xiao Yuqi and Auntie Lu. The more trouble Cao Le brought, the happier Dowager Xiao was.

Xiao Yugui dared not question Dowager Xiao so he said, “I will spare you this time now that the madam is interceding for you. But you are grounded for three month for trying to frame your family, your allowance will be halved too.”

Cao Le heaved a sigh of relief and wailed under Dowager Xiao’s feet, “I’m really wronged, I’m wronged!”

Dowager Xiao knew Cao Le’s characteristics very well, he would deny it even though you put the evidence right in front of him. So she said impatiently, “Cut it out, just ponder upon your faults at home! Remember to respect your brothers!”

“I will keep that in mind.” Cao Le thumped his head on the ground.

… …

Xiao Yi told Cao Mo what had happened in Xiao Yugui’s study in full detail.

Cao Mo sneered, “Dowager Xiao is so partial towards Cao Le, he almost coast your future and Dowager Xiao is willing to let him go like that!”

“Probably Dowager Xiao did that for my Second Uncle. I heard he is suffering in Dingzhou.” Xiao Yi sighed, “The drought is severe, and the neighboring country Xirong has massed thousands of troops in the borderline, I’m afraid a war may break out at any moment.”

“Can we have some peace please! You just focus on the upcoming imperial examination, no need to over think about anything else.” with that Cao Mo checked the hamper he had prepared for Xiao Yi to take to the examination compound.

Cao Mo checked every piece of the object and made sure there was no writing on anything, “Let’s go to some place nice after your exam, I’m so bored, being trapped in the manor.”

“Great, let’s go to the hot spring in Lotus Mount, we can enjoy the peach blossoms on the mountain.”

Cao Mo cuddled Xiao Yi and kissed him on the lips, “Let’s get real physical… … in the hot spring… …”

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