Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3050: Tied me up

Chapter 3050 is tied to me

Aka is two meters tall and strong.

The 1.9-meter Goode stood beside him, giving people the feeling of being a little bird.

The two exchanged greetings after seeing the ceremony.

It can be seen that the two are in a good relationship, talking and laughing.

The Special Forces team finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Are the cannibals also very friendly?

Look at other people's bosses, don't they also behave like brothers?

Where can you eat people?

So the rumors are not credible, you have to see it with your own eyes.

Goode pointed to Wei Zhenhui and introduced, "This is Wei Zhenhui, the chief of the peacekeepers. My tribe has been taken care of by him and his subordinates many times."

Goode said while paying attention to Aka's face.

Aka is the strongest and most powerful one among the nearby chiefs, so the status is naturally the highest.

Coupled with the fact that he has the largest number of tribes, all tribal chiefs dare not offend.

Although Goode had some friendship with him, he didn't dare to entrust him.

Seeing that he didn't speak, he continued, "They had 30 peacekeepers attacked two days ago, did they come to you?"

He used to run, he didn't dare to say that Aka detained people or ate them!

"You came for this?" Akka stared.

"Ahahaha, of course not, the most important thing is to greet Aka, how about it, was the herbal medicine given to you last time effective..."

"Tie Goode to me!"

Aka suddenly turned his face and shouted at his men!

The two had a good conversation a moment ago, but in a blink of an eye, people **** Goode.

The people in the special forces were all surprised, and some of the guns were tight.

No, what's the situation?

Is tribal friendship so fragile?

Just a second ago, he was a good brother who talked about everything. He was about to tie people up and eat meat in a blink of an eye?

Goode was also dumbfounded.

Two tribesmen came up, tied his arms behind his back, pushed and left.

Goode yelled while struggling, "Aka, let your people let me go, I really have no intentions!"

Aka made a gesture and Goode was put down.

"You still have the face to come to me? The herbal medicine you gave me last time said it can cure the plague, but... it turned out to be poisoned to my sister!"

"Ah, Aka, how could this be? No? Although my herbs cannot cure the plague, they are absolutely non-toxic, and my people have eaten them too! They are all fine... No, they are just as crazy as before!"

Goode was actually kind. Those herbs were sent by the peacekeepers. Although they can't cure the plague, they have a calming effect.

The mental state will improve after eating, but it will not last long.

It was hard to eat, and later he didn't use it anymore, but it really wouldn't poison people to death.

How could he poison Aka's sister to death?

"My sister is dead, she can't come back again! Goode, you have to pay for my sister's death. Come, tie him up and roast it!"

Aka gave an order and Goode was taken away. No matter how hard he struggled or begged for mercy, Aka ignored him.

Obviously got hurt!

The rest of the special team looked at each other.

I thought that Goode and Aka knew each other, and just a few words could get Team Luo out!

In the end, Goode himself was tied up!

What should we do now?

"I have a way to cure your people!" Wei Zhenhui performed etiquette towards Aka.

Aka was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this Chinese man would have such etiquette. He returned one, his expression unchanged, "I don't believe you! You peacekeepers have also been here before, and the medicine they gave is just fine!"

He didn't want to experiment with his people.

(End of this chapter)

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