Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3033: Placental abruption

Chapter 3033 Placental abruption

Jiang Zhengye can't take care of so much, at this time he doesn't want to care about the face of irrelevant people!

"Director He’s old father had a car accident yesterday, and she rushed back overnight!" Jiang Yi said panting, "This is Director Wang."

Jiang Zhengye glanced at her, "It's kind of face-to-face. You didn't belong to the General Hospital of the Military Region before, right?"

Director Wang is in his 40s, with short hair and triangular eyes, and his face is a bit mean.

Director Wang smiled, "Commander Jiang, I just transferred back last month. Before leaving last night, Director He called me specifically to explain the situation of the mothers in his hand, including Su Mian’s. So I understand Su Mian's situation better."

"Director He returned to his hometown?"

Jiang Zhengye couldn't help but muttered, this is a coincidence!

"Yes, I heard that his father was hit by a large truck and he was unconscious. There is such a son as the director of the house. He rushed back overnight!"


This is really no way.

No matter how many sons, if something like this happens to his father, anyone will rush back.

When she said this, Jiang Yi and Jiang Zhengye had no idea for a while.

Since Director He arranged it, it is naturally trustworthy.

"Then Director Wang will go and see Su Mian, she has become popular!"

Director Wang smiled again, showing two deep legal lines on his cheeks, "It's normal to see red, no fuss. I will ask the nurse to help her see."

After speaking, walk towards Su Mian's ward.

The Jiang family waited anxiously in the ward, and they were all taken aback when they saw Director Wang.

Director Wang’s expression changed calmly, "I’m the newly transferred Director Wang. Director He has an emergency at home. He told me about Su Mian’s situation before leaving last night. Please rest assured, although I am not as well-known as Director, But my skills are also top-notch here."

The Jiang family looked at each other.

After all, the General Hospital of the Military Region was reliable, and it was commissioned by Director He, so he didn't say anything.

"Director Wang, please show Su Mian, is she about to give birth?"

Director Wang did not answer directly. Instead, he glanced at Bai Xue, and then looked at the Jiang family in the room behind her, "Family members wait outside, and you can come in after checking. Your babbled guidance will affect the patient. Your mood will also affect my judgment. Since Su Mian is now my patient, you must trust me."


This person is definitely a doctor. What kind of attitude is this?

Bai Xue almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

She just asked, and she turned into a blind point?

If it wasn't for Su Mian's midwife, she would have to stun her.

Bai Xue stalked her neck and wanted to say something, but was coaxed out by Jiang Yi with her arms around.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be familiar with her, Su Mian has to count on her, now is not the time to offend her!"

Bai Xue gasped for half of the weather, turned his head to look at Liu Wenqing and Jiang Zhengye, "Dad, Mom, can we change doctors, I always think this person is mean-looking and has a strange look of Yin and Yang!"

"Okay, baby, don't be angry. Director He is not here, every doctor is the same, not to mention she also knows Su Mian's situation. Don't worry, Director He will not hand Su Mian to an average person!"

Liu Wenqing nodded, "Yes, I have known Doctor He for many years. He has a good character, and he can't make a mistake in what he introduced. Since Director Wang doesn't like everyone in the house, we will go in later."

"Director Wang, do you think my current situation is placental abruption?"

Su Mian asked his thoughts boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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