Release that Man

Chapter 333: Please review the previous chapter and see this update

"Cerepher?" Han Chu was surprised at Ye Shuang's conclusion. "Why?"

"So I haven't sorted out my ideas for the time being." Ye Shuangtan smiled with his hand: "Sometimes human beings have an intuitive judgment and decide the most appropriate option instantly among thousands of choices ... This is not a mysterious phenomenon. Is just an instant combination of known conditions and memories in the subconscious. "

All conditional fragments inadvertently promote and influence the achievement of choices, but lack a vital connection to connect them into a complete logic.

Ye Shuang is now, she "judges" that Serif will be an existence that Howard cares about, but she does not yet know where this confidence comes from.

"Give me a moment to think about it." Ye Shuang could only say this to Han Chu in the end: "In short, let Serif out first, I think Howard will come to us soon."

Serif and Su Zheng are somewhat confused, especially the famous Serif. He cares more about Ye Shuang's conversation than Su Zheng.

"What are we talking about now?" Serif asked in a puzzled way, and his poor Chinese level made him understand the current conversation a little bit. "It sounds like the fat man is gone?"

"Illiterate!" Su Zheng despised Gao Leng with a sense of superiority, then turned around and fluttered into the middle of the two bosses: "Han, Han, Ye, Ye, where do I live tonight?"

"Go to Howard first." Han Chu threw a bunch of keys and sent Su Zheng, although Howard was still evaporating, but the original lease period of the rented house was not yet over. It is naturally impossible to return for a while.

It happened that the original inhabitants weren't here, and it was a good idea to set up Su Zheng by the way.

Su Zheng dragged the key to pack her luggage, leaving a Serif to make Han Chu think about it for a while: "You are more difficult to do ... go to the hotel tonight, the other tomorrow."

"Huh?" Serif was a little surprised, but then thought of the rumor that his own mother was pursuing Frost Brother from the beginning of Han ... Of course, including the news that Frost Brother was locked and tracked by the team is also in it ... Realizing After that, Serif was very depressed: "I also think this is good, so which hotel should I go to?"

Han Chu was too lazy to screen, and directly discarded the information of the five-star hotel that had framed the black suit before: "Need me to help you book a room?"

"No need!" Serif turned black at a glance at the price list: "But I want to borrow money, after all, you know. At this time I probably can't find a bank in this strange city to withdraw money. Not to mention I'm in Shanlin City just missed it. "

"Yeah." After the meaning was unknown but obviously people could feel the contempt, Han Chu discarded another card and said: "To calculate the interest, I believe that in your reputation should not be used to escape the money. thing?"

"Of course!" Serif turned darker.

"Of course not or of course?" Relaxed the atmosphere, Ye Shuang teased the famous thief casually.

"……of course not!!"

The character of these two people is too bad. It's unbearable!


The world-renowned thief Serif is indeed a luminous body.

Although in the world of ordinary people he is not inconspicuous. There are no flashes of beauty without luxury cars. It has never appeared in media magazines, but in some special channels, the name "Gentleman" is very noticeable.

It was only one night. The news that Serif appeared in a five-star hotel has spread in some small circles in the dark.

As a constant watch ... No, Mrs. Gracie, who pays attention to Ye Shuang, naturally received the news earlier than everyone else.

"Although his name is not small, he is just an outstanding young man without pursuit and background." Mrs. Gracey just glanced at Serif's information and was thrown aside. There is no memory of this young man at all. Signs of biological son.

Glancing at his subordinates indifferently, Mrs. Gracey waved impatiently: "There are three kinds of people in this world, one is the player, the second is the tool, and the third is the toy ... The players who are qualified to sit at the table Are our allies or enemies, and the potential worthy of attention are the tools we can control, as for toys? "

He snorted disdainfully, and Mrs. Gracie was very proud and said lightly: "Those are just clowns who let us entertain and relax in our free time, and betting on them is a waste of my life."

Admittedly, this Serif does have a good ability, but he has neither the ambition of becoming a player nor the intention to rely on a certain force to become a useful tool. So in such a state of inertia, even with outstanding talents, the height he can reach is extremely limited.

Mostly it is a toy that is more entertaining than other toys.

The man who thought that handing in intelligence would receive more attention or even more attention, he was really ashamed. In fact, he wanted to ask the last sentence, "So the oriental beauty is a tool or a toy? Isn't your energy to bet on the man who can't see the effect more wasteful "... Unfortunately, he didn't dare. Like Mrs. Gracie said, he is not a player yet, so he is not qualified to talk to her.

I swallowed my slobber, carefully collected the documents on my desk, and bowed respectfully in my hand: "Sorry for wasting your time, ma'am. Then I leave."

"Get out." Mrs. Gracie waved his hand impatiently, and she stepped back to the door before turning to open the door.

"Tessie, don't you think these idiots are getting duller?"

After there were no more people in the room, Mrs. Gracie looked at the documents again, and then rubbed her forehead to ask the black people around her.

The black man was tall and strong, and had been silent since the day he followed Mrs. Gracie. But he was very good and had a keen sense of danger. He had rescued Mrs. Gracie several times from the crisis.

Because of this specialty and his loyalty, the Negro became the last person to qualify to stay with Mrs. Gracie.

The black man's silent head, Mrs. Gracie raised his eyes and looked at him: "You seem to be getting more and more boring."

Black: "..."

Did not get the expected answer. Mrs. Gracie is not surprised, just leaning casually on the back of the chair and knocking on the armrests a few times: "I don't think there has been any threat recently, what do you say?"

Blacks remain silent, which means default.

Mrs. Gracie's head: "Exactly, that Serif has helped us find an unexpected little gift ... can you get that little mouse back?"

Needless to say, the mouse was naturally a black suit little newcomer who was exposed (.2.) After Serif stayed in the hotel.

The black man stood silent for a while, and walked outside the door.

After the black man opened the door and left, then closed the door, Griffith's talents who had been watching in that direction pursed his lips: "It's boring."


Regardless of whether Mrs. Gracie is bored, Ye Shuang and Han Chu will soon not feel bored.

Howard, who disappeared mysteriously shortly after arriving in Fengyuan City, quickly appeared in front of the two, without explaining (.2.) His recent whereabouts. There are no long greetings. After hearing about Han Chu's intention to bring himself and Serif together, he expressed his discomfort.

"Ha ?!" The insignificant, fat, fat man was paralyzed on the sofa, smirking at Serif: "I have my own business to do, but I didn't bring a child."

Serif smiled politely, and the broken Sanguan and the glass heart had been salivated for a long time during the rest of the night: "It just so happens. I also don't want to go in and out with a middle-aged man who has no taste."

Howard raised his eyebrows. This kind of personal attack is completely out of sight. Indifferent to Han Chu and Ye Shuang spreading their hands: "Look, he and I don't think this is a good idea."

Brother Frost frowned for a while, and rarely did not immediately persuade.

After Han Chu turned around strangely and looked at him silently. Ye Shuang only lifted his eyebrows and thought for a while, and integrated the memory clues captured in his head just now: "Han, I remember you said that a lot of things happen every day in this world, if it is not related people or shocked In terms of the size of the world, few people can immediately react to what happened sometime and somewhere? "

Han Chutou: "I said that."

"Three years ago in Kansas ... Serif found the first clue of his loved ones there. The relevant clue came from the group who chased Anthony." Ye Shuang smiled, and turned to Howard: "My ... partner Xiao Shuang once asked Tony that Tony was not completely impressed with the events at the time, but he refused to help Serif because he was troubled by the identity of those people, so he didn't want to be involved. "

"Ha, what does this have to do with me? I wasn't there back then." Howard responded to Ye Shuang's gaze.

Han Chu seemed to think of something, and frowned, looking at Howard thoughtfully, and then naturally continued the conversation: "After the previous misjudgment has been eliminated, I can ignore the uncertain factors for now. Now known as the first condition, Serry Ferre's true relatives are probably Mrs. Gracie. Condition two, the clues representing his relatives appeared in Kansas three years ago. Third, both Mrs. Gracie and you belong to that organization. Fourth, the intelligence face of Anthonys also It was clear that that incident was a big trouble ... "

Unconsciously tapping on the desktop, Han Chu looked serious: "I think if my speculations are not too far away, I will integrate the logical possibilities that meet these conditions ... Things three years ago should be your organization People do? It is even possible that Mr. Howard already knew who Serif's mother was? "

Howard still hesitated from his nose, without any acknowledgement or denial.

Ye Shuang smiled: "I also know that one thing may be substantiated ... Remember that Mr. Howard seemed to admit it personally, do you have a bad opinion of the members of that organization? You let their wives fall apart or their homes are destroyed, anyway except for money "You want them to lose everything ... So even if you know about Serif and stand by or even promote one, I don't seem too suspicious?"

"Huh?" Howard dismissed Serif's gaze when he suddenly realized that, "So what?"

There is no need to wait for Ye Shuang or Han Chu to say anything this time, Serif is already impatient to say, "Tell me the truth!"

"Ah, I refuse." Howard lazily.


Ye Shuang sighed: "Serive calm down, anyway, you already know the truth, I don't think there is any need to tangled in other details."

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath!

That ’s right, anyway, he did n’t have much expectation for that woman. Even if Howard actually got involved, it was a fact that the woman had never paid attention to her for more than two decades, and his nominal mother was his assistant. It is also true that the latter can't get their own news, but still turn a blind eye ...

After doing a good psychological construction in this way, Serif, who was overwhelmed by a moment, calmed down his emotions and calmly asked, "Howard, don't you want me to recognize Mrs. Gracie?"

"How could it be?" Howard finally answered a question, but the bad attitude made this question more annoying than not answering it: "I think it's a real tragedy when you meet each other, after all, that But a woman wo n’t respond to your expectations at all. Is n’t it bad to see your hopes dying? ... But unfortunately, you are the only one who is sad. The woman is not painful or itchy, so I am not interested. Now. "

An immature thief, even if he is more skilled, ranking higher on the fb's attention list, but this can not hide the fact that Serif is not mature enough.

What's more, Howard appreciates the suffering of his enemies and his relatives and friends ~ ~ but he really can't take any interest in a so-called biological son who doesn't even care about the enemies themselves.

For him, Serif is more of an entertainment ad inserted in the middle of a drama.

I looked at Serif, who was stunned again by a few words, and looked at dead pigs who were not afraid of boiling water, and I was ashamed of how proud I was. After Han Chu calmly thought for a while, he lowered his head and turned on the computer to browse the Fengyuan city map again. "My original thoughts don't seem to be mature enough yet, you should act separately."

"That's it." Howard got up from the sofa without standing, with his hands in his arms as he was about to leave: "I have other things to do. After all, I haven't done this since I'm idle, but not as leisurely as you are. "

When he walked to the door and put his hand on the doorknob, he suddenly thought of something again, and looked back at Ye Shuang, revealing the first serious smile since entering the room: "I said, if you have any plans, Come to me. "

Mrs. Gracie's prey? What a great bait.

p: In order to ensure the coherence of the plot and clues to reasoning, please read the previous chapter again.

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