Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1051: Surprise, seed!

Latest URL: "Old sir, how about you?"

At this time, Li Changsheng looked at the last one.

This is an old man with white beard and hair, leaning on a cane.

His name is Shi Da, a Tier 4 demon master.

"Under the enlightenment, there is a precious seed in the little hand. I don't know if it meets your requirements?"

Shi Da took out a jade box, which was covered with a large number of twisted runes, which was obviously restricted.

The seeds placed in this jade box so solemnly are most likely not ordinary products.

Shi Da opened the jade box, and a gray-brown seed the size of an adult's palm was slightly suspended.

Li Changsheng's mental power had already been released. After receiving the feedback from his mental power, he was slightly startled, and his heart was immediately filled with waves.

This gray-brown seed exudes fiery red energy fluctuations. The key point is that its energy fluctuations are not as strong as usual. They are several times stronger than the seeds of the tree of life at that time, and the tree of life is a top-grade spiritual plant of the middle grade.

In other words, if this seed is cultivated, the guarantee will be a medium-grade top spiritual plant, and it may even be higher.

However, this seed seems to have been left for too long, and its vitality is already insignificant, and it is difficult to cultivate it.

However, in Li Changsheng's view, this seed can be saved. After all, he has a group of nine-day breathing soil, coupled with the ability of Dangkang necklace, and Xiaoguai's careful care, the possibility of surviving is extremely high.

There is no doubt that this seed Li Changsheng is bound to be won, even if he pays a huge price.

Li Changsheng nodded his head and said, "Yes, do you have the information about this seed? What kind of spiritual plant will be cultivated in the end?"

"This seed was passed over from the sect that was about to be shattered back then, but I don't know anything about it."

"Well, what about your request?"

Li Changsheng was a bit regretful, but he didn't show it.

Shi Da obviously had a belly draft and said, "Mianxia, ​​I hope you can protect me and my family."


"I don't know why, the hostile sect back then was still searching for me and my family, and now it has touched Daiguo."

"What about the other party's sect?"

When Li Changsheng was speaking, he paid close attention to the changes in Shi Da's facial expressions, movements, and expressions, so as not to deceive him.

"Sunset Sect, this is the first sect of the Yuancha Kingdom. There are still two kings sitting in town. It is rumored that the founder of the Sunset Sect once killed a three-legged golden crow. This is the name of the sunset."

When introducing the Sunset Sect, Shi Da showed a look of fear and hatred. The sect he was in back then was a third-rate sect in the Yuancha Kingdom, but for some reason he was remembered by the Sunset Sect. The bane of extinction.

As for how Shi Da and his family escaped, he did not say, nor did Li Changsheng ask.

After speaking, Shi Da's face was full of tension, for fear that Li Changsheng would disagree.

No way, after all, it was the Sunset Sect with two kings.

Li Changsheng frowned slightly. Judging from Shi Da’s description, there is no intersection between the Sunset Sect and his sect. Shi Da still does not understand why the Sunset Sect destroyed his sect, and it has been two or three years. , Is still chasing him and other people who escaped from the sect.

"The Sunset Sect cannot eliminate a third-rate sect for no reason. Is it related to this seed?"

What Li Changsheng can be sure of is that there must be a reason for the sunset sect, otherwise it would not be possible to go to war, and judging from the energy fluctuations of this seed, it is not a small possibility that it is for this seed.

"I agree to your request!"

Li Changsheng chose to agree. Although he could forcibly take the seed away with his ability, if the Sunset Sect was really for this seed, the people of the Sun Sect would still find him in the end.

As for the destruction of the corpses, don't be funny, I don't know how many people know that Li Changsheng met Shi Da.

Most importantly, Li Changsheng is very confident of his own strength.

At present, he has the level of a top king, and he is also a member of the Royal Palace. In addition, Ning Bizhen, Xu Wenhua and Zhao Yuanqing are assisted.

The Sunset Sect with only two kings could hardly pose a substantial threat to him.

After Li Changsheng agreed, Shi Da was taken aback for a while, and then he was overjoyed, and his burden was suddenly relieved.

"Thank you, Master!"

Fearing that Li Changsheng would regret it, Shi Da immediately rushed to the shelves to confirm the relationship between the two parties.

Li Changsheng took the lead to arrange a position for Shi Da, and asked Shi Da to take his family to the Hurricane Fortress and act as the housekeeper of the palace.

Shi Da was full of surprises, but he didn't expect Li Changsheng to give him such an important position.

As the saying goes, the prime minister is in front of the seven-rank official, and the status of the king is far above the prime minister. In the future, even if the pseudo-king sees Shi Da, he must be polite.

As for why the post of steward was arranged, the main reason was this seed.

Judging from the inheritance of the first generation principals, there may be a causal relationship in this world. Li Changsheng is not sure about the specific meaning of causation, but out of a precautionary mentality, he is prepared to make up for Shi Da as much as possible.

First of all, to ensure the lives of Shi Da and his family, the safest place in the dynasty is probably his palace. Even if he has something to go out, the layout of the palace is enough to sustain the king's offensive for a period of time.

Secondly, in addition to guaranteeing the lives of Shi Da and his family, Li Changsheng is also going to improve Shi Da's strength, first to make up for the ‘price difference’ as much as possible, and second, as his steward, only Tier 4 can do.

For the current Li Changsheng, he is fully capable of raising Shi Da to the realm of pseudo-king in one or two years, and he will not feel distressed about the resources he consumes.

After Shi Da went down Li Changsheng's figure suddenly disappeared in the Xuande Hall, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of an attic.

This loft is not far from the Xuande Hall, and it was also specially constructed for Li Changsheng by the Dai Kingdom's royal family. Books and inherited jade pieces seized from the Langya Kingdom's palace were placed here, usually under the care of Zhang Kaishuo.

As for Ning Wei, Qian Yuanfei and Xu Fanghua, they all went to Hu Country, and Xu Wenhua was with them, and together they suppressed the second gate of the abyss. This was what Li Changsheng had promised.

Originally, Li Changsheng planned to make Zuo Qiulin the king and help him suppress the gate of the abyss of the pot country. Unfortunately, Zuo Qiulin cannot be made the king for the time being, otherwise he might be'buyed' by the Night King.

Therefore, Li Changsheng could only let Xu Wenhua sit in town for a while.

For the sake of safety, he also spent a lot of resources to create a two-way portal that communicated with the Hurricane Fortress of Daiguo and the Fortress of Jibei Island in Huguo.

That is to say, the distance between the two countries is not very far, and it will not hurt Li Changsheng.

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