Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1048: Half-step legend

Latest website: Soon, I got up from the ground during the day, crackling sounds all over my body.

During the day, my nose shook, and when I found that my body was so stinky, I couldn't help but shake all the dirt on my body surface, revealing the white and snowy fur.


After confirming that there was no foul smell on his body, during the day, he called to Li Changsheng delicately and immediately jumped into Li Changsheng's arms.


It was also at this time that the night on the side felt unspeakable pain from all over his body, and it was rolling on the ground in pain.

There was still a bit of gloat before the night, but it forgot that it belonged to the twin symbiosis of light and dark with the day, and it had to go through the pain it felt during the transformation during the day.

Li Changsheng hurriedly shattered a large number of dark demon cores to provide enough energy for the dark night.

After confirming that the energy was sufficient, Li Changsheng couldn't wait to check the data during the day.

[Fairy name]: Dawn light cat (growth period, absorb the bright jade of the great week, improve the physical fitness of the monster pet by 20%, and greatly increase the damage to the dark monster pet. Comprehend the profound meaning, greatly enhance the power of the skills; : Part of the exemption from damage depends mainly on the opponent's realm.) "Light and Dark Twin Symbiosis..."

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King 8

[Fairy Race]: medium monarch

[Goblin Quality]: Half-step legend "It must be able to break through the demon saint level, and slightly increase the probability of breaking through the demon emperor level"

[Fairy Bloodline]: Gray Cat (rich)

[Fairy Attribute]: Bright

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

Above the epic quality is the legend, and even the top sacred beasts, often only the outstanding will possess the legendary quality.

Since there is half-step epic quality, there will naturally be half-step legend quality, which is completely predictable, and half-step legend quality is equivalent to the transitional period between epic quality and legendary quality.


"Sure enough, it is half-step legendary quality!"

Li Changsheng shook his head. The facts did not exceed his expectations. When the quality of the dark night improved, he expected it would be half-step legendary quality.

Seeing the advantage of half-step legendary quality, Li Changsheng felt that the many precious resources spent this time were not in vain.

After becoming a half-step legendary quality, not only the potential during the day and night, but also the combat power will be greatly improved. It is very likely that it will become a demon-sage-level demon pet in the near future. There is no need to spend the crystal of the source of truth. Resources.

Not only that, the half-step legend quality can also slightly increase the probability of breaking through the Demon Emperor rank.

Although Li Changsheng did not know the specific increase in the quality of Half-Step Legend's combat power, if not unexpected, at this moment, the day and night single-person combat power might not lose to Ash and Kailan at all.

The most important thing is that the day and night cooperate seamlessly and are connected with each other. Once they join forces to face the enemy, their combat power will definitely reach the point where 1+1 is greater than 2.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, the two cats working together can definitely contend against the demon's leadership, and it is even possible to defeat them.

The demon leader is comparable to the existence of the top demon saint-level demon pet, and it is extremely difficult to deal with, day and night can reach this point together, it can be said that it has become the trump card in Li Changsheng's hand.

If he were to use the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuangguo on them, Li Changsheng could hardly imagine their combined combat power, perhaps it could compete with the ordinary Demon Emperor level demon pets.

Soon, the bitter night has also completed its transformation, throwing away all the dirt, bitterly jumping into Li Changsheng's arms, his head twitched, proudly not wanting to pay attention to the day.

Not only did Dark Night not enjoy the sweetness of the Moon Soul Star Removal Pill, but he also had to endure this deep bone marrow pain, and his mood was imaginable.

However, after Li Changsheng took out a snow sturgeon, the mood of the night suddenly changed.

Snow sturgeon is a kind of sturgeon. It is famous for its deliciousness. It is very popular among the nobles. However, its extremely low production makes it extremely expensive. It is more expensive than gold. It is not necessarily the wealth of an ordinary family. You can buy a snow sturgeon.

After all the Moon Soul Seizing Star Pills were used up, Li Changsheng left the secret realm and continued to get busy.

Li Changsheng's time is mainly concentrated in four aspects. First, to purify the abyss consciousness in the hurricane fortress, to obtain the power of the mysterious yellow merit and the power of the world; second, to delve into the craftsmanship skills in order to become the master of the crafts; third, to study and activate the time dragon The forbidden formations of dragon scales increase the speed of cultivation; fourth, make a good knowledge reserve for the creation of new species.

Among them, the difficulty of creating new species is not generally high. Li Changsheng could not have this idea, but because of the appearance of the gate of light and darkness, he had this idea.

Although the difficulty factor is very high, Li Changsheng has already overcome the two most important aspects. His essence and blood purification rate is extremely high, and the gate of light and darkness can purify the demon energy and tyrannical factors in the demon essence and blood, which is creating new The species provides the basis.

In addition, Li Changsheng also has the inheritance of the King Treasure King, the First Principal, the Spirit King and the Yan King.

Among them, the Treasure King, the Spirit King and the Yan King all have a lot of research on the soul. The first principal is a well-known book idiot. The theory knows that it is not ordinary rich, and coupled with the original light that can nurture the soul, it is fully equipped with the creation species The basic conditions.

Even if you are the three emperors and six emperors, I am afraid that they do not have such good conditions as Li Changsheng.

As for why species were created, the better thing is to dedicate one's strength to this world, and the worst thing is to seek a lot of merits and virtues.

Creating new species can get a lot of merits and virtues, and this is the information Li Changsheng obtained in the inheritance of the first principal.

The first principal once received an ancient book with a long heritage, which mainly revolves around several great men who have successfully created species.

In ancient times, there was a king named Sea King who inadvertently created a clan of sharks in the South China Sea. He made great merits from the sky and made his many monsters complete breakthroughs in realm. He is even more one day Become the double word king in between.

This is not an isolated case. People who have created species have won awards from heaven. It is nothing more than a question of more or less.

From that ancient book, it is known that in order to obtain great merit, the created species must have the ability to reproduce, and the greater the potential of the species, the more merits they obtain.

In addition, there is illusory luck.

According to the records in ancient books, whoever creates a species will automatically share the luck of the race group of the created thing.

The more powerful the species, the more luck it will get.

As for the purpose of Qiyun, there is no record in ancient books, just know that it is very useful.

Therefore, Li Changsheng, who has met the basic conditions for creating species, is naturally not a general enthusiasm for creating new species.

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