Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1026: Luo Yuanjun's Private Treasure

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When Luo Yuanjun gave the crystallization of the rules of fire to Fire Jiao to absorb and refine, Li Changsheng and Luo Chuling also summoned monster pets with the same attributes.

Because the fire dragon is a fire attribute, they also summoned the fire demon pet.

When the demon pet understands the rules, the demon pet of the same attribute will also get a certain amount of help in the process of observing it.

Li Changsheng met the requirements only Guan Lihuoluan and Xier Asuna, but he also opened the secret realm portal, a big sun fire crow and a demon king-level red dragon flew out, they were naturally Ning Bizhen's demon pets.

Luo Yuanjun glanced strangely, he keenly felt that they were not Li Changsheng's demon pets, but he didn't say anything, and continued to pay attention to his fire dragon.

Luo Chuling on the side showed a look of surprise, because whether it was the crowned Lihuluan, the three-legged fire crow or the secondary ancestor red dragon, they were all semi-divine beasts.

Compared with Li Changsheng, Luo Chuling also summoned a red flame dragon python with a length of more than fifty meters. Judging from the look of this red flame dragon python looking at the fire dragon, Li Changsheng has reason to suspect that this fire dragon python has May be the descendants of Fire Jiao.

Luo Yuanjun did not summon the fire demon pet. It is very likely that he only has a fire demon pet like Fire Jiao, or the other fire demon pets have already been promoted to the Demon Emperor level.

After a few breaths, the fire scorpion was wrapped in raging flames, even if it was restricted, the courtyard was still filled with amazing heat.

However, there are kings and even double-word kings, and they won't be affected by this heat, let alone the fire demon king class demon pet.

Soon, a few minutes passed.

Seeing that Huo Jiao still didn't move, Luo Yuanjun's expression gradually became severe. The longer it was, the more disadvantaged it would be to Huo Jiao.

At this moment, the regular crystallization of fire, which was the size of an adult's fist, shrank to the size of a baby's fist.

If you have not comprehended the rules of fire before the crystals of the rules of fire have completely disappeared, you can also declare the failure of the fire flood breakthrough in advance.

Li Changsheng was also full of anxiety, and he naturally hoped that Huo Jiao would break through the Demon Emperor level.

In this way, Luo Yuanjun will also value him more and more. At the same time, Luo Yuanjun's becoming the top double-character king will also be of great help to him.

In addition, if Huo Jiao fails to break through, even if Luo Yuanjun will abide by his promise, he will definitely be in a bad mood, and then may lose his impression of Li Changsheng.

In the anxious wait, time passed slowly.

Just when the rule of fire crystallized only the size of bean grains, a mysterious and mysterious feeling emerged from the fire flood, and the temperature of the already hot courtyard rose straight, as if being on the edge of a magma pool.

At the same time, Huo Jiao's aura was also rapidly skyrocketing, his body size jumped over 100 meters, and his speed grew crazily.

Seeing such a scene, the anxiety on Luo Yuanjun's face disappeared, and instead he was filled with ecstasy.

Luo Yuanjun is very familiar with such a scene, which means that Huo Jiao has successfully comprehended the rules of fire and has become a monster emperor-level demon pet. It also means that he has become a top double-character king. Crazy.

When the fire dragon broke through, several fire demon king-level demon pets closed their eyes, using their own fire profundity to feel the mystery of the rules of fire.

As the comprehension deepened, the aura of several Demon King-level demon pets gradually increased.

Li Changsheng could feel that the small realm of demon pets such as Guan Mian Li Huo Luan was rising rapidly, and more importantly, it would be helpful to their future.

When they break through the Demon Saint and Demon Emperor levels in the future, the breakthrough probability of these fire demon pets will also increase to a certain extent.

It didn't take long for the changes of the Fire Jiao to finally stop. Its body length was close to two hundred meters, and the courtyard of Nuo Da was almost unable to accommodate its size.

Guan Mian Li Huoluan and other demon pets also wake up from their perception, and they have gained more or less.

Among them, Guan Mian Li Huo Luan gained the most, breaking through two small realms. Now he has reached the 7th level of the Demon King and has caught up with Ashe's footsteps.

The other demon pets' small realms have also improved by one level. This is only a gain on the surface. When they try to break through the Demon Saint and Demon Emperor in the future, the bottleneck will more or less loosen.

At this time, Li Changsheng and Luo Chuling expressed their congratulations to Luo Yuanjun in due course.

Luo Yuanjun was in a good mood, and patted Li Changsheng's shoulder affectionately and said, "If it weren't for the crown of the king this time, I don't know how long it will take to reach this step."

Luo Yuanjun's words are not exaggerated. Even though he is valuable as the deputy commander of the imperial palace, he has obtained two precious resources like the crystallization of the rules of fire for hundreds of years.

"Aoki King Mianxia is absurdly praised!"

Li Changsheng was humbled, and being able to pull in the relationship with Luo Yuanjun would benefit him without harm.

"Well, I won't say anything polite, now I will take you to my private treasure house!"

There are no outsiders here, and Luo Yuanjun does not claim to be his seat anymore, in order to express his attitude towards Li Changsheng.

Soon, Luo Yuanjun took Li Changsheng to a palace.

Under the leadership of Luo Yuanjun, the three of them soon came to a primitive building.

This is Luo Yuanjun's private treasure house, and all the treasures he has stored for hundreds of years are stored here.

Of course, these are treasures that are of no use to him, and they are mainly used for viewing or exchange.

There are also many powerful prohibitions and forbidden formations here. Soon, Luo Yuanjun took the two people into the depths of the building in a light car.

A metal gate blocked the front, with several layers of light film in front, as well as the bloodline **** forbidden.

Luo Yuanjun took out a token, a beam of light shot out, and the restriction in front of him disappeared instantly.

Click 嚓嚓~

The metal door slowly opened, revealing the scene in the private treasure house.

Luo Yuanjun's private treasure house is extremely bright, and no matter the ground, roof or stone pillars are inlaid with a large number of night pearls the size of a baby's fist.

Such big night pearls, and can no longer be described as mundane, their value is no worse than some ordinary treasures.

Li Changsheng observed that there were dozens of platforms in the private treasure house, and a box was placed on each platform.

These boxes are not locked, and there are no restrictions, so you can watch them at will.

In addition to these platforms, there is also a bookshelf with traditional jade pieces placed on it, but the number is small, not even one shelf is full.

The treasures that can be collected by Luo Yuanjun are naturally not ordinary ones. Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, they are at least the top essence of heaven and earth. Many of them are rare treasures of heaven and earth. The presence.

"Under the crown of the king, these are my collections over the years. You can choose three at will!"

After Luo Yuanjun finished speaking, he stood aside and closed his eyes and rested.

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