Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: Large space spar

The distance between the two is only tens of meters, and when the ball reacts, the demon leader has already rushed in front of it.

Yuan Kuan Kun was ready for defense, covered with a layer of ice crystal shield and wind barrier.

Not only that, the body surface is also filled with colorful radiance, this is the seven treasures must be miraculous light, which can exempt certain damage.

If coupled with the eternal immortal characteristics, thick fat characteristics and the guardian of the profound meaning, it is really not the ordinary thick skin. Li Changsheng felt that even without his own help, the burning body of the Balo flame demon would not be able to dry it.

It is a pity that Yuan Gungun did useless work, because the Zixiao Leopard Lin beast seized the opportunity and waved his hand is a mysterious thunder that extinguishes the devil.

A purple and gold thunder pillar rushed, because the demon leader's attention was focused on Yuan Kuan Kun, when it reacted, it was too late.

In an instant, the **** Thunder of Xuancha Demon Slayer completely submerged the demon leader, and the scream of the demon leader screamed from it.

The voice quickly turned from prosperity to decline and disappeared.

When the thunder pillar disappeared, the demon leader fell from the air and hit the ground heavily. Its eyes were wide open, and there was still pain and despair on its face, and he never moved.

Among Li Changsheng’s many demon pets, the Zixiao Leopard Lin beast can be said to be the nemesis of the devil. Lei Zhendi can cause multiple damage to dark creatures. As long as you seize the opportunity, it can definitely bring amazing damage to the devil.

Even if the Zixiao Leopard Beast is only a newcomer to the Demon King level, as long as it is hit by the Xuansha Demon God Thunder, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable. Even the demon leader in its heyday will drink a pot, let alone be severely weakened by the heavens. And the devastated demon took the lead, and he was completely expected to be killed.

After the death of the demon leader, Yuan Gumkuang breathed a sigh of relief. Although it will not be in danger of life, it is inevitable to suffer a while. It is not a masochist, and naturally has no tendency to be masochistic.

At this time, the heavenly meritorious and mysterious yellow energy was taken away by Li Changsheng, and the share was no different from the demon leader killed before. Obviously, the heavens were divided according to rank, not according to the strength of the demon leader.

"Good job!"

Li Changsheng silently retracted the Hunyuan Golden Lantern, and after complimenting the demon pets' performance, he couldn't wait to rush to the body led by the demon.

As a result of being hit by the Xuancha Demon God Thunder, the skin of the corpse led by the demon was as if carbonized, and Li Changsheng squatted open, revealing black and red muscle lines.

Soon, Li Changsheng found a dimensional bag in the stomach of the demon commander, and a stone large enough to make a grinding disc.

This stone is crystal clear and exudes strong spatial fluctuations.

After just one glance, Li Changsheng was sure that it was a spatial spar.

Space spar is rare, let alone such a large space spar.

To be honest, this is the first time that Li Changsheng has seen such a large spatial spar, and he has never seen it in the memory of the Treasure King, the first principal and others. It is definitely a rare existence in the world.

The larger the space spar, the more precious it is. The space spar of ordinary size can only be teleported in the plane, and there is a distance limit according to the size of the space spar.

Such a large space spar, the transmission between the upper plane and the plane of absolute supply.

In addition, the space spar will gradually recover after energy consumption, and the larger the space spar, the faster it will recover.

After obtaining this spatial spar, Li Changsheng didn't leave to think of a broken teleportation formation in Langya Kingdom.

A year ago, Li Changsheng bought a female mussel essence from the market and obtained the tree of life seeds from the mussel essence. After his investigation, he finally found a broken teleportation formation in the mussel essence's parents.

One year later, Li Changsheng was already confident of repairing the teleportation array, but because there was no suitable space spar, he never repaired it.

Now that he has obtained this space spar, Li Changsheng can repair the teleportation formation and go to that plane.

Since the seed of the tree of life was brought by the night elves from that plane, there are definitely elves there, and there may be moon elves.

The importance of the Moon Elf to Kailan can be imagined, especially after breaking the channel of Hetian Jingling, Li Changsheng lost the channel to obtain the descendants of the Elf King.

However, when Li Changsheng thought of the Night King, it was like being splashed by cold water, so he had to give up the idea of ​​repairing the teleportation formation.

There is no way, even if you sneak into Langya Kingdom, you may be discovered by the night king. The night king sits on the home game, and maybe he will bring the Yan king and a group of pseudo-kings.

In short, before solving the problem of the Night King, Li Changsheng had no idea of ​​going to Langya Kingdom for the time being. Whether he wanted to repair the teleportation formation or go to the secret realm of Yum King or Huoyan, there was a great risk.

"Anyway, you have to pass the night king first!"

Li Changsheng has no idea of ​​taking What he has to do is to improve his strength as much as possible before the arrival of March to deal with the Night King.

In the end, it still depends on strength to speak, as long as the Night King is defeated, everything will be solved.

After one or two hours passed, Zhou Qing and others and the dragons returned one after another, bringing brilliant results.

Except for a few demons who successfully escaped, most of the demons were killed by them.

As for the middle and low-level demons, they are not to mention, they were all killed by the demon masters and soldiers, and their own losses can even be described as negligible.

After discovering that Li Changsheng had killed the demon leader, Zhou Qing and others were shocked. At the same time, they were also grateful for their choice, and their eyes were full of awe.

Judging from Li Changsheng's age and feat, there is definitely a chance to compete for the throne.

"Great victory!"

"Great victory!"


I don't know who called it first, but the demon master and the soldiers screamed like rainbows, and it was audible within a hundred miles.

This hearty battle gave their morale an unprecedented increase.

Li Changsheng did not stop, letting the soldiers vent their joy of victory, and began to count the battle damage.

Due to the proper ambush, with the exception of a few demons who escaped, the rest, including the demon leader, were put to death.

One's own battle damage can be described as negligible, with only one Tier 5 strong man falling, and hundreds of demon masters and soldiers.

By the way, there is also an adult white dragon.

It was a pity that Li Changsheng didn't decide, after all, compared to harvest, what a white dragon was worth.

Of course, if it is the Golden Dragon or the Red Dragon, Li Changsheng will inevitably suffer a pain.


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