Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: The demon leader panicked

588 layers of the abyss, burning all planes.

It can be seen from the name that the burning plane is extremely hot, and it can be said that it is a plane where no grass grows.

At this moment, at the end of the southeast corner of the Burning Plane, demons over the mountains are gathering, headed by a tall Balo flame demon.

Judging from the mark of the abyss on the forehead of the Balo flame demon, this is a demon-dominant-level Balo flame demon.

Behind the demon command, there are more than a dozen big demons and nearly a hundred high-level demons, of which the demons with fire attributes are the majority.

In front of the demon leader, there is an abyss gate with a height of 100 meters.

Looking at the gate of the abyss that was about to fully open, including the demon-dominant Ballow Flame Demon, all the demons present showed excited eyes.

In their eyes, the world named by them as the Fairy Plane can be said to be a treasure. They are extremely greedy for the soul of the demon master there, and the quality is not lower than that of the magician, which can effectively improve their strength.

The most important thing is that there is also the plane of the abyss's key invasion. After so many years of invasion, the situation there has been fully understood.

However, although there are as many as hundreds of abyss gates on the fairy plane, the number of layers in the abyss world is uncountable, and most of the planes still have access to the fairy plane.

Now that it is finally the turn of the Burning End Plane, how can this not make these demons excited.

Under the enthusiastic and expectant gazes of the demons, the gate of the abyss finally opened completely, revealing a radiant glow.

The demon leader did not enter the gate of the abyss for the first time, but ordered several big demons to lead their men in the first batch to inquire about the situation on the opposite side.

Although the devil is an evil chaotic creature, it is naturally impossible to be an idiot to be the leader of the devil.

If there are multiple kings or double-character kings on the opposite side, it is naturally impossible for the demon leader to die in the past, but if there is only one or two kings, it can be a match, and perhaps the soul of the king can be harvested.

After a few breaths, the first batch of demons all entered the gate of the abyss, and they were all teleported to the plane of the fairies.

As soon as they entered the plane of fairies, these demons seemed to be crushed by a mountain, and were suppressed by the will of Heaven, and their strength was weakened a lot.

The strange thing is that the nearby devilish energy and abyss consciousness are too thin, not the same as imagined.

However, they are also entering the fairy plane for the first time, subconsciously thinking that this is a normal phenomenon, but didn't think much about it.

In order to avoid horrifying the snake, Li Changsheng didn't absorb the devilish energy and the abyss consciousness, so he kept some of it, and also didn't open the lock-up forbidden formation, preparing to wait for the big fish to get the bait.

After the first batch of demons appeared, Li Changsheng immediately issued the order to attack.

In the next moment, a large number of monster pets and siege equipment released a long-range offensive, like raindrops, pouring madly towards the demon near the gate of the abyss.

The demons reacted differently, some evaded in a hurry, some used their manly arms as a car, and some used their companions as a physical shield, without any cooperation at all, bringing selfishness to the extreme.


Countless roars resounded throughout the world, endless dust filled the world, flesh and limbs flew around, and the screams of demons resounded.

Just one combined attack caused heavy losses for the first batch of demons.

However, there was no attrition of the few big demons.

Since Big Fish has not yet taken the bait, Li Changsheng and his demon pet haven't taken any action yet.

While avoiding and fighting back, several big demons were quickly observing the surrounding situation, and even cast exploration-like spells to detect whether the strong were hiding.

After it was determined that there was only one king nearby, one of the great demon immediately smashed a black crystal.

In an instant, a black glow rushed into the gate of the abyss and disappeared.

Burning all the planes, the demon leader received the message from the great demon. After finding that there was only one king, it couldn't help licking the corner of its mouth, showing a hideous bloodthirsty expression on its face.

From the point of view of the demon leader, it was already invincible. After all, it was a Balor flame demon. Even if it couldn't beat the opponent, the opponent would often escape because of too much fear.

Without hesitation, the demon leader could not wait to lead the demon army into the gate of the abyss.

When Li Changsheng found out that the demon was commanding him, he immediately activated the Heaven and Lock Earth Forbidden Array. With the gate of the abyss as the center, the nearby space seemed to be frozen. Some demons who were trying to use advanced teleportation techniques to avoid attacks failed to teleport. And it was hit.

For a time, the devil's screams were endless.

Not only that, Li Changsheng once again activated the gate of light and darkness, like a whale swallowing. In the blink of an eye, the gate of **** swallowed away the devilish energy and abyss consciousness that he had specially left behind.

Without the abyss consciousness to oppose the heavenly consciousness, without the devilish occlusion, at this moment, all the demons present, including the demon leader, felt their bodies become felt the deep malice of the heavenly world in this world , The strength was weakened again.

The one that felt the deepest was the demon leader, whose strength was abruptly weakened by half, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen, unable to break open at will like before.

what happened?

As soon as this thought emerged in the head of the demon leader, he saw a burst of dazzling starlight emerging, and a large amount of dazzling blue star sand flooded the sky over here.

The blue star sand covered a full range of 100 meters. In addition, it was too sudden. The demon leader had no time to put on a dark shield for himself, and was immediately submerged by the blue star sand.

The screams of countless demons sounded. Although each grain of blue star sand was small, it had strong penetrating power, causing most of the demons' bodies to become riddled with holes, as if countless pockmarks grew.

The demon leader was not injured, even if it was greatly weakened by the will of Heaven, the dark shield released still easily blocked the invasion of Xuan Lan Xingsha.

However, at this moment, a light wheel of gold and silver swiftly spun towards it.

Not only that, the Xumiluo net also covers down, restricting the area of ​​activity led by the demon.

Ashe, Kailan and other Demon King-level demon pets rushed up all at once, preparing to encircle the demon leader.

No matter how you look at it, the situation is extremely unfavorable to the demon leader, which makes it look very ugly.

It wants to return to the abyss, but due to the triple blockade of the forbidden formation, the Xumiluo net and the Chilong, it takes a certain amount of preparation time.

Under Li Changsheng's strong attack, the demon leader couldn't spare any time, and the situation was already precarious.

In this case, the demon leader hurriedly called for powerful men, hoping that they could stop the powerful enemy and buy precious time for it.


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