Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: Power of the world

The last heaven and earth rare treasure was a hexagonal gemstone, and Li Changsheng couldn't find any information about it. This gem was probably not an item in the fairy world or the abyss plane, and most likely came from other planes.

As for the effect of the gem, Li Changsheng tried it a bit, but didn't try its effect. He only knew that it contained a very special energy, and he wouldn't let the demon pet try to absorb it.

In this case, Li Changsheng could only collect the hexagonal gemstones, and planned to wait until later.

After Li Changsheng sorted out all the harvests of the dimension bag, nearly two hours had passed.

At this moment, the purification of the abyss consciousness has finally entered the end stage, and there is no phenomenon that the more the abyss consciousness is purified, the more condensed it is, otherwise it will take longer.

In addition, in the process of refining, strands of inexplicable gas are produced, such as translucent smoke floating in the gate of heaven, condensing into a small mass, and I don't know what purpose it is.

Li Changsheng waited quietly, and didn't wait long. As the last trace of the abyss consciousness was completely refined, the sound of Qingling reverberated all around, and then a small group of profound and yellow power fell through the air, and was immediately taken away by Li Changsheng.

This small group of Xuanhuang meritocracy is probably equivalent to killing a demon leader by half.

Although it does not seem to be much, the victory is endless. With Li Changsheng's mental power recovery speed, it can be refined four times a day. As long as it lasts for five days, it is equivalent to killing a demon leader.

Not only that, he can also let Ning Bizhen control the Gate of Light and Darkness while he is regaining his mental power. Even if Ning Bizhen can only play part of his power, it is always feasible twice a day.

Not surprisingly, this will become the big head of their future merits, which will naturally make Li Changsheng overjoyed.

As long as you keep accumulating for a few months, the accumulated Xuanhuang Gongde Qi will be enough to upgrade a low-grade world wonder to the middle-grade.

As for special abilities such as killing and not being affected by cause and effect, you must have a huge amount of meritorious and yellow energy to achieve the sacred instrument of merit and the treasure of merit. The whole world of fairies is definitely not more than two hands, maybe even more than the treasure of Langhuan. It's rare, Li Changsheng doesn't know the specific quantity needed, only a very large amount. Unless it is to make a big contribution to the entire world process, he is afraid that it will take a long time to accumulate at his current accumulation speed.

"What is this group?"

After rejoicing, Li Changsheng began to look at the inexplicable object, which was the remaining thing after the purification of the abyss consciousness, and it was naturally extraordinary.

Li Changsheng searched the various inheritances in his mind, and at the same time browsed through various books he carried with him, carefully searching for information about it.

Until nightfall, Li Changsheng stared at the contents of an ancient book.

The power of the world: can enhance the origin of the world!

Although there is only such a simple sentence, the information contained is extremely surprising.

To put it simply, if there is enough world power, the world of the fairies can transition from a small thousand world to a medium thousand world, but the amount required is very exaggerated, such a small group is not even a dime.

Even so, this is after all the amount needed for the promotion of the small thousand world to the middle thousand world, if it is only the secret realm to promote the blessed land, the amount needed will naturally be too much.

As for how much is needed, I have to try before I know it.

In terms of the world, from low to high, they are secret realm, blessed land, cave sky, small thousand world, middle thousand world and big thousand world.

Among them, Secret Realm, Blessed Land and Cave Sky cannot exist independently, and can only be attached to the latter three.

The benefits of world promotion can be said to be obvious. Not only is the area larger and the energy more concentrated, the probability of the birth of high-quality goblins will also be greatly increased, and during the promotion process, the power of enlightened things can be effectively improved.

Those Langhuan treasures, most of them were promoted step by step by the chance of world promotion, and only a few were born or refined from heaven and earth.

After confirming that this was indeed the power of the world, Li Changsheng cut through the void and came to the core of his secret realm.

In this small space, a small ball of dim light is suspended. This light ball is the center of the secret realm, which can control the whole secret realm. As long as it grows continuously, it can become the consciousness of heaven.

Of course, if the secret realm center is destroyed, the entire secret realm will collapse.

To be safe, Li Changsheng drew a ray of power from the world and threw it into the ball of light.

In an instant, the light sphere slightly expanded and contracted, and then returned to normal.

The light ball didn't seem to have changed at all, but Li Changsheng could faintly perceive that the light ball was a little brighter than before, and he could barely tell it with the naked eye, and he could feel joy and greed from the light ball.

Obviously, after swallowing this strand of world power, the Secret Realm Center has gained certain benefits.

Li Changsheng observed for a while After confirming that there were no sequelae, he began to increase the output of the power of the world for the Secret Realm Center to absorb and refine.

The ball of light is like a grieving woman who is desperate and dissatisfied, rapidly refining the power of the world. In this process, its brightness and size are gradually increasing at an undetectable speed.

It may be that the amount of world power is too small. After this group of world power is swallowed up, the secret realm center has not changed much, but Xiang has increased a little bit and brightened a little bit.

With the growth of the secret realm center, soil began to be born on the edge of the whole secret realm, making the area of ​​the secret realm slightly increased, and the speed of absorbing the energy escaped in the void has also been improved to a certain extent.

Although the change is not big, it is enough to make Li Changsheng extremely happy, because just such a little change, it usually takes Li Changsheng several months of work.

If the current progress is maintained, I am afraid that within a few years, the secret realm can be promoted to a blessed land, and the specific time depends on the situation.

"It is indeed the enlightened thing of my Li Changsheng!"

Looking at the gate of light and darkness above his head, Li Changsheng felt that his lucky value had broken through the sky. The gate of light and darkness could purify the abyss consciousness, which was undoubtedly a heaven-defying ability.

"What if the power of the world is added to refining tools and alchemy?"

Li Changsheng's mind became more active again. Although ancient books describe the role of the power of the world, this is probably because the power of the world is too precious and rare, and people who have obtained it dare not waste it, so many experiments have not been conducted.

Of course, it is also possible that the author of the ancient book did not know.

Li Changsheng is different. Having the gate of light and darkness means that he can continuously refine the consciousness of the abyss and condense the power of the world. He is completely capable of conducting experiments related to this aspect.


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