Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1014: Refining Abyss Consciousness

If it is the gate of the abyss that has been accumulated for many years, even if Li Changsheng uses the gate of light and darkness to purify the demon energy, it will take many years to do it. After all, the gate of the abyss is also breathing demon energy all the time, maintaining the concentration of demon energy in a certain area. .

This gate of the abyss appeared last year, and only today did it show signs of opening. These devilish energy also leaked from the cracks in the door today, and the door of light and darkness can easily purify these devilish energy.

Before long, Li Changsheng led everyone into the devilish range.

After entering the scope of devilish energy, Li Changsheng and others felt weakened, but it was not serious.

Obviously, not only the magic energy leaked from the crack of the door, but also the extremely thin consciousness of the abyss.

"I wonder if the gate of light and darkness can purify the abyss consciousness?"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that he could feel the existence of the abyss consciousness, but he had never allowed the gate of light and darkness to try to purify the abyss consciousness.

Because both the Stormwind Fortress and the Jibei Island Fortress suppressed are the gates of the abyss that have been suppressed for a long time. Years of accumulation have made the concentration of the abyss consciousness to the extreme, far unlike the extreme thinness here.

If the abyss consciousness is swallowed in those two places, it may cause a strong backlash, possibly destroying the gate of light and darkness.

But here is different, such a thin abyss consciousness, even if it is completely swallowed by the gate of light and darkness, it is not enough to damage the gate of light and darkness.

As for whether it can be purified successfully, it is hard to say, after all, this is the abyss consciousness of the most evil and the most evil, far beyond the comparison of ordinary devil energy.

Soon, Li Changsheng stood in front of the gate of the abyss.

This is a portal that is 100 meters high, and it feels like a hill with thousands of demons painted on it.

Among them, there are famous demonic monarchs, princes, and lords such as Dimo ​​Gogan and Dagon.

At this moment, most of the door is still closed, only about 1/5 of the size of the door gap is exposed. As time goes by, it is still a little bit open.

When the door gap is completely open, the demon army can be teleported out of the abyss.

To put it simply, the gate of the abyss is equivalent to a super giant portal, and I don't know how it was born. It may be born by the abyss itself, or it may be refined.


With a wave of Li Changsheng's hand, a light wheel of gold and silver emerged, spraying a pillar of gold and silver of several meters thick, and instantly hit the gate of the abyss.

In the blink of an eye, the flames of gold and silver spread rapidly, covering the gate of the abyss completely.

After a long while, Li Changsheng took back the sun and moon like a shuttle.

As recorded in the classics, the gate of the abyss is unbreakable, and no matter how Li Changsheng urges the sun and the moon to reshape the wheel of light, there is nothing to do.

Li Changsheng did not try to attack the gates of the abyss again. If the gates of the abyss could be destroyed, there would not be more and more gates of the abyss in this world.

Not surprisingly, even the three emperors and six emperors would have nothing to do with the gate of the abyss, at best, with little effect, and it would take a long time to destroy it.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng released the gate of light and darkness.

From the image point of view, the black gate of **** looks similar to the gate of the abyss.

Under the surprised gaze of Zhou Qing and others, the gate of **** madly swallowed the magic energy nearby.

In just a few breaths, all the devilish energy near the gate of the abyss was completely irradiated by the sunlight.

Because it had been infested by demonic energy, the ground nearby was dark and there was no grass growing. It was obviously a small piece of dead land.

In addition to the devilish energy, Li Changsheng also let the gate of light and darkness swallow the extremely thin abyss consciousness, and then he carefully observed it. Once something went wrong, he would immediately let the gate of **** release the abyss consciousness.

After waiting for a minute, Li Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. Although the abyss consciousness rushed right and left in the gate of hell, except for the slight tremor of the gate of hell, there was no sign of damage at all.

Obviously, this abyss consciousness is within the tolerance of the gate of hell, and from the point of view of induction, even if it is more than ten times a hundred times, it can still be endured.

"The next step is to try to refine the abyss consciousness!"

The gate of heaven and the gate of **** are of the same material. Since the gate of **** can bear it, the gate of heaven is naturally not a problem.

Under the control of Li Changsheng, the gate of **** moved the demon energy and the abyss demon energy into the gate of heaven.

The gate of heaven shined brightly in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, all the magic energy was purified.

The intensity of the abyss consciousness is obviously far higher than the ordinary demon energy, even if the gate of heaven is fully operated, it still has little effect.

In the gate of heaven, there is a black ball of light the size of a baby's fist. This ball of light is extremely dark. As long as you look at it, negative emotions such as destruction, killing, etc. will emerge. Those with low will and even temperament will change drastically.

However, these are clearly still within Li Changsheng's tolerance.

As Li Changsheng fully urged the gate of heaven, this group of abyss consciousness gradually showed signs of dissolution.

If you follow this speed, it will take only two or three hours to purify it completely, and it will not exceed half a day at the latest.

"As long as it works, I don't know if there is any benefit in purifying the abyss consciousness?"

After discovering the effect Li Changsheng couldn't help showing great joy.

Whether it is the memory of the Treasure King, the Flame King, the Spirit King or the first principal, or in the classics, there is one thing and only one thing that can purify the abyss consciousness, that is, the Sanguang Shenshui.

However, the use of Sanguang Divine Water to purify it is really not worth the loss. Moreover, the Sanguang Divine Water is extremely rare, and who would use it to purify the abyss consciousness.

Li Changsheng did not expect that his gate of light and darkness would be so powerful and could purify the consciousness of the abyss. This was definitely an unexpected joy.

The question now is, is there any extra gain in purifying the consciousness of the abyss? For example, the remains after the purification of the abyss consciousness, or the reward of heaven.

Both are possible, and it is equally possible to get nothing.

However, the entire continent has thousands of doors to the abyss. The speed of purifying the consciousness of the abyss with the door of light and darkness can only be described by a drop in the bucket. Unless the door of light and darkness advances to Langhuan, even if you do your best, Changes to the situation on the entire continent are also minimal.

"You go back to the fortress first, and organize soldiers and demon masters here to form military facilities as soon as possible!"

After Li Changsheng's order, Zhou Qing and others naturally followed the order and hurriedly returned to the fortress organization.

Li Changsheng continued to stay here, and took out a pocket-sized building, and threw it away. The pocket-sized building expanded rapidly and was located on the ground.

This is the treasure building of Jumbo King, but the sign on it has been taken down by Li Changsheng.

He will stay here for a few days, always paying attention to the changes in the gate of the abyss, and by the way refining the demonic energy and abyss consciousness leaking from the crack of the door.

In the Treasure House, Li Changsheng took out a dimension bag, which he had gained from the demon leader outside the capital of Hu Guo.


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