Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Encircle the demon leader

"If you are well paid, I can help you hire a few pseudo-kings."

Li Changsheng thought of Qian Yuanfei and the others. Instead of letting them hide in the dynasty, it is better to let them clear the evil disaster in the pot country, that is, they can kill the demons and get paid.

Compared with Dai Nation, Hu Nation is farther away from Langya Nation. When Li Changsheng leaves Hu Nation, Dark Night King will not make a special trip to Hu Nation to find the trouble of Qian Yuanfei and others. That would be too cheap.

Therefore, when the Emperor of the Hu State heard that Li Changsheng could still invite a few pseudo-kings, he was busy expressing his willingness to hire them at a high price.

The Hu Nation is rich in resources, and naturally there is no shortage of resources. Now the evil disaster is still raging. If the evil disaster is eliminated one day, the loss of the Hu Nation will be smaller, and it will be able to recover sooner.

Li Changsheng was not afraid that Qian Yuanfei and the others would encounter danger. After all, the demon leader had fallen, and it was almost impossible for several pseudo-kings to join forces.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Li Changsheng drove Ai Xi, turned into a golden rainbow, and flew towards Jibei Island in the north of Hu State.

Jibei Island is a small island, which is not ranked in the Huguo Islands. Unfortunately, the first gate of the abyss falls here.

As a result, this Jibei Island has become a military fortress, suppressing the gate of the abyss.

Before nightfall, Jibei Island was already in sight.

At first glance, Li Changsheng saw the tall fortress, and the entire Jibei Island was surrounded by city walls to prevent the devil from leaving.

If you pay some price, the demons can also forcefully break through Jibei Island, but they cannot do so. If the defenders and kings of Jibei Island cannot be solved, the demons who break out may be very dangerous.

Before Ashe entered Jibei Island, several streamers flew out of the fortress on Jibei Island and took the initiative to meet Li Changsheng.

The head is a middle-aged beautiful woman wearing a palace costume. On the surface, she is only about forty, but in fact she is nearly two hundred years old. She is naturally the Butterfly King.

In addition to the Butterfly King, there are two pseudo-kings hanging behind, who are also the high-levels of the fortress in Jibei Island.

"Under the crown!"

"Under the crown of the butterfly king!"

After examining each other, the two voices sounded almost at the same time.

Soon, the Butterfly King invited Li Changsheng into the fortress of Jibei Island.

The size of this fortress is similar to that of the Hurricane Fortress, mainly militarized buildings, but there are also several palaces.

Li Changsheng followed the Butterfly King to the largest palace, and the two began to talk. When they got acquainted, the Butterfly King drank back and forth, and began to discuss with Li Changsheng a strategy to deal with the demon leader.

The demon leader of Jibei Island is a powerful abyssal dragon. This can be said to be one of the most difficult to deal with. The typical demon leader is thick and hard to kill.

Like the demon pet, the demon leader is also divided into superior and inferior. The best deal is naturally the succubus and the mad war demons, and the worst is the Balo flame demon and the abyss dragon.

If it is a top king, the probability of slaying the Demon Commander-level Abyssal Dragon near the Abyss Gate is extremely low.

However, Li Changsheng is not in this rank. After all, he has the Xuankun fortune monument and the gate of light and darkness. The former can greatly weaken the suppression of the abyss consciousness, and the latter can swallow and purify nearby demon energy, retaining as much combat power as possible.

In addition, there is such a senior King as the auxiliary of Butterfly King.

As long as there is a careful plan, Li Changsheng is also likely to slay the Demon Commander-level Abyssal Dragon.

But if the abyssal dragon escapes into the abyss, Li Changsheng can only be in a hurry, he can't enter the abyss to hunt down.

Even if he becomes a king, the abyss is still extremely dangerous to him, and a demon lord is enough for him to drink a pot.

By the end of the month, the two finally discussed a plan.

The whole plan is actually very simple. It is nothing more than to lead the demon out. It is best to keep it away from the gate of the abyss and besiege it.

In addition, the two also had a certain understanding of each other's methods and were able to prepare for the fierce battle.

After the discussion, the Butterfly King placed Li Changsheng in a nearby palace.

Li Changsheng received the best hospitality here, but he did not enjoy it, and began to calm down and try to adjust his state.

The next morning, under the dispatch of the Butterfly King, a team of all demon masters left the fortress and began to frantically kill the demons along the way.

This naturally attracted the attention of the demon leader, but it did not irritate the casualties of his men. After all, the most indispensable thing in the abyss is the devil, but the soul of these demon masters. After all, the soul of demon masters has a reputation and is of excellent quality. It is a good choice whether for personal use or for trading.

Out of self-confidence in his own strength, the demon leader couldn't bear the temptation and quickly rushed to the nearest demon master team.

After discovering that it was the leader of the demon, the expressions of the members of this demon division team changed drastically. They were not aware of the Butterfly King’s plan. After discovering that the leader of the demon was accidentally attracted to secretly groaned. At the same time, he was busy driving the flying monster pet, scattered and fleeing.

Although the speed of the Abyssal Demon Dragon was not very fast, due to the large gap between the two sides, they still easily caught up to the target. In the end, they killed the team of demon masters and took their souls in less than a minute.

The demon leader was not easily satisfied. After killing this team of demon masters, he relied on induction to kill another demon master team.

With the rapid reduction of the demon master team, more and more demon master teams started to find something wrong and had to choose to withdraw strategically.

During this process, the demon leader became farther and farther away from the gate of the abyss, and the demon energy nearby gradually became thinner.

Although he was excited to kill and wanted to plunder more souls, the demon leader had to stop after seeing the wall of the fortress, and did not continue to hunt the evacuated demon master, preparing to return.

However, at this moment, the hard ground suddenly exploded, revealing Li Changsheng and Butterfly King.

After discovering Li Changsheng and Queen Butterfly, the look of the Demon Commander-level Abyssal Dragon changed drastically. I didn’t know that I had followed the other party’s way. I blamed myself for being too greedy.

The devil commander naturally recognizes the Butterfly King. After all, the two sides have fought for decades, and it is also known as the foundation.

The main reason why it changed its expression was mainly because of Li Changsheng. The king's aura was very unique, just like the fireflies in the night, the demon leader could be judged instantly.

Even if you are in the range of the abyss consciousness, but not far from the fortress, it is difficult for the abyss consciousness to effectively weaken the opponent's strength. The demon leader believes that he can't deal with two kings at the same time. There is another unknown king.


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