Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: 10 Fang Nether Pill

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To be on the safe side, Kailan divided the materials of the Shifang Netherworld Pill into seven parts and prepared one by one.

This is also impossible. If Kailan is an alchemy master, it would not be so troublesome. However, Kailan is only a senior alchemist, and the success rate of refining top-level pills is not high.

Li Changsheng stood by without making a sound, and quietly watched Kailan put a piece of material into the alchemy furnace and began refining.

Kailan has carefully studied the Pill King's notes. Among them, there are many more advanced alchemy methods. The key ten recipes of the Netherworld Pill are also obtained from the Pill King. Many alchemy methods are very suitable for refining the ten recipes of the Netherworld Pill, more or less Can improve some success rates.

After a quarter of an hour, black smoke came out from the alchemy furnace. Kailan's expression changed, and he wanted to rescue him. In the end, he was still a bit slower. The result was a black paint. Dan.

The failure of refining Shifang Netherworld Pill for the first time was mainly due to lack of experience.

Kailan did not immediately refine the second portion, but took a deep breath, carefully recalled the previous alchemy operations, and looked for the shortcomings.

Before long, Kailan opened her eyes and poured the second material into the alchemy furnace.

Unfortunately, the second one ended in failure again.

Kailan was not discouraged, because this was normal. The success rate of high-level alchemists in refining top-level pill was very low. In addition to personal ability, it was often tied to luck.

Soon, Kailan continued to put in a piece of material.

However, after three successive refining, all of them ended in failure. Kailan's mood began to fluctuate, and she was a little anxious. After all, these materials were hardly found by Li Changsheng. If all refining fails, how can she face Li Changsheng? This can't help but make Kailan a little bit worried about gains and losses.

Li Changsheng has been paying attention to Kailan, naturally seeing the change in Kailan's expression, and hurriedly said: "Kalan, whether alchemy or refining, the most taboo thing is mental instability. Even the great alchemy master will always have When you make a mistake, the material is gone and you can find it again. What you have to do now is to calm down and summarize the reasons for the failure, so that you can go further."

"I understand!"

Under Li Changsheng's admonition, Kailan took a deep breath again, suppressed the impetuousness in his heart, and finally returned to normal, becoming more focused than ever.

After a quarter of an hour, the refreshing pill fragrance floated out of the pill furnace.

When Kailan opened the pill furnace, he saw a longan-sized gray pill lying quietly inside.

Although the gray and black are relatively similar, Kailan can see at a glance that this is not a waste pill, which also means that she has successfully refined the ten-fang You Ming pill.

With the first Ten Fang Nether Pill as the base, Kailan regained his confidence and began to refine the last three materials.

However, Kailan's alchemist and other ranks were placed there, and the last three materials only produced a ten-point Nether Pill.

Two out of seven, it seems that the success rate is not high, but this is still beyond Li Changsheng’s expectations. After all, Kailan’s alchemist ranks there, and if you can get one, you can pass, and if you can get two, you can even play at a super level. Up.

"Kalan, good job!"

Hearing Li Changsheng's compliment, Kailan wiped the sweat from his forehead, showing a bright smile, overjoyed.

"I have to consolidate it now, maybe I can break through soon!"

Kailan pretended to be serious, and was immediately admitted to the secret realm by Li Changsheng.

This time, refining the Ten Fang Netherworld Pill gave Kailan an extremely rare experience and a lot of gains.

At this time, Li Changsheng put the two ten-point Netherworld Pills into the jade bottle, then went to the backyard and summoned the big head and Chilong out.

With the promotion of the Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast to the Demon King level, among all Li Changsheng's demon pets, only the big head, the chilong and the two-headed dragon are still not advanced to the Demon King level.

Among them, the first two breakthroughs failed, but thanks to the half-step epic quality, it did not affect the breakthrough success rate.

Chilong reached the critical point of breakthrough the day before yesterday, and the two-headed dragon is still a short distance away.

Now that he has obtained two Ten Fang Nether Pills, the big head and the Chilong become the Demon King level, which can be said to be stable.

In the backyard, Datou and Chilong adjusted to their best conditions before closing their eyes and starting to break through.

In order to avoid waste, Li Changsheng did not hand over the Ten Fang Nether Pill to them for the first time, but was ready to use it at a critical moment.

With the potential of the big head and Chilong, maintaining a full breakthrough state can last for about seven or eight minutes. If there is no sign of breakthrough within five minutes, Li Changsheng will feed them a ten-point Nether Pill.

Normal demon pets naturally cannot operate like Li Changsheng, but whether they are big heads or Chilong, their potential is too high, such atypical operations will not be affected much.

If it weren't for the powerful enemy of the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong, Li Changsheng wouldn't want to waste ten directions of Nether Pill, after all, no matter the big head or the Chilong, there would always be the day when he reached the Demon King level.

Li Changsheng held his hands and waited quietly on the side, but he didn't do nothing. Instead, he extracted a certain amount of power from the secret realm, which can more or less increase the success rate of Yiliudiu's breakthrough.

In addition to the mighty power of heaven and earth bestowed by Heaven at the beginning, the secret realm will slowly condense later, but the speed should not be too slow.

Of course, the speed of condensing the mighty power of heaven and earth is proportional to the area and stability of the secret realm. Li Changsheng's secret realm has a great advantage in this respect, which is probably ten times as much as the secret realm of ordinary kings.

Time slowly passed, and after three minutes, neither of the two monster pets showed any signs of breakthrough, which also made Li Changsheng's expression serious.

But at this moment, strands of cyan mysterious energy appeared on the huge bird body.

This is the profound energy of the wind element, which shows that the big head has broken through the threshold of the profound meaning, and at the worst, it can become a demon king-level demon pet, saving a priceless ten Fang Nether Pill.

Therefore, Li Changsheng set his sights on Chi Long.

Compared with the big head Li Changsheng values ​​Chilong more, and it is mainly related to Chilong's spatial attributes. The secret realm of the dark night king Dou Cang has evolved into a blessed land, and the space is far more stable than secrets, even if Li Changsheng becomes the emperor Jiang, it is also difficult to break the space forcibly and break into the blessed land.

If Chilong is assisted, the possibility of forcibly breaking into the blessed land will naturally increase.

Of course, all the premise is to defeat the Night King.

The profound energy on the surface of the big head is becoming more and more intense, obviously the big head is progressing well, allowing more of the hidden energy to overflow.

If you continue with this progress, if nothing happens, the big head can firmly become a demon king-level demon pet instead of a false demon king-level.

Soon, the time was approaching five minutes. Seeing that Chilong had no signs of breaking through, Li Changsheng had to open the jade bottle and prepare to feed it a ten-fang ghost pill.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 932 Ten Fang You Ming Pill (Second More, Seek All)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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