Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 898: Reproduce "Golden

Tianma didn't want to sit still, the key point had never killed a demon pet of Li Changsheng, it felt that this violated the dignity of being a beast.

  Before being hit, Tianma once again spewed a ball of milky white heavenly fire, rushing towards Ashe through the air.

   Among Li Changsheng's many demon pets, the one that Tianma hates the most is undoubtedly Ashe. Naturally, he wants Ashe to experience the feeling of death.

   Although death here will be resurrected by Heaven, the feeling of death is uncomfortable.

   Tianma has been here for decades. Although one person often chooses here every four to five years, the number of challenges has exceeded ten times.

   In these more than ten challenges, even if the challenger finally defeated Tianma, they often suffered heavy losses. How could it be like this, and so far has not killed one of Li Changsheng's demon pets.

As for why the fire of the heavens was not used to attack Li Changsheng, Tianma is really uncertain. After all, Li Changsheng is not only incarnate as a giant with a hundred arms, but also guarded by several wonders of the world. Whether the fire of the heavens can break the defenses of these wonders of the world It's an unknown number, not to mention that the Hundred-armed Giant has numerous outer arms for defense.

   No matter how you look at it, attacking Li Changsheng is a stupid decision.

   After releasing the Celestial Fire, Tianma was completely overwhelmed by numerous range offensives.

   Not far away, Ashe saw the fire from the heavens hitting herself, she was obviously taken aback, turned around and ran.

   At the same time, Li Changsheng’s 1.8-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform instantly teleported the 8-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform between the Celestial Fire and Ashe, trying to block the Celestial Fire.

Of course, Li Changsheng would not stupidly use the body of the eighth-rank star palace lotus platform to block, but use the starlight barrier of the eighth-rank star palace lotus platform to resist. Otherwise, if he is hit by the fire of the heavens, he might let this A wonder of the world is damaged.

   Compared with the Lunar Order, the defense of the Lotus Stage of the Eighth Stage Star Palace is stronger, but it still only blocked the fire of the heavens for a moment.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ashe slightly changed her direction and moved nearly a hundred meters away from the fire of the heavens.

   However, the Celestial Fire still has a locking function, breaking a parabola and rushing towards Ashe.

   In this case, Ashe had to rush towards the nearest Yuankuan.

Yuankuunkuan looked dumbfounded, but felt bad in his heart, but when there was no time at this time, he saw Ashe brake, and at the moment when he was about to be hit by the fire of the heavens, he turned around Yuankuunkuan, a pair of dead daoists, not dead poor Road posture.

   Yuankunkun wanted to dodge, but how to avoid it at its speed, he was about to be hit by the fire of the heavens.

   At a critical moment, a gray light beam accurately hits the fire of the heavens. When the two were in a stalemate, Yuangun quickly turned into a huge ball of meat, moving away at the fastest speed in his life.

   This beam is the result of day and night. Using the opposite nature of light and darkness, it merges into the power of annihilation. The power is naturally far from comparable to ordinary skills.

  Unfortunately, the fire of the heavens still prevailed, and eventually broke the power of annihilation.

   But after breaking the power of annihilation, the power of the fire of the heavens was also consumed by most, and it was extinguished by a few demon king-level demon pets when it was far away.

   After the fire of the heavens disappeared, Ashe breathed a sigh of relief, but was hooked around its neck by Kuan Kuan unexpectedly.

   Before Ashe could react, it was overwhelmed by a huge shadow.


  Rounding round Taishan pressed the top of the mountain, directly pressing Ashe under her body, but she was almost caught on fire by Ashe just now, although with the characteristics of eternal immortality, the roundness will not be killed by the fire of the heavens, but the pain is still inevitable.

   So in line with the idea that revenge will not be overnight, Yuan Gungun began to punish Ashe in his own way to avoid Ashe’s ‘repeat the same mistake’.

  How heavy is the chubby weight? At the moment when it was suppressed, Ashe's tiger eyes burst out, and it struggled subconsciously, then stopped struggling again, letting chubby vent his emotions.

  Rounded and rolled, seeing Ashe didn't struggle, she stood up again bored, and pulled Ashe who was lying on the ground up.

   Seeing that the two demon pets resolved their conflicts in their own way, Li Changsheng shook his head, he shook the gourd in his hand, and was satisfied after hearing the clanging sound.

   When he first fought, Li Changsheng naturally did not forget to collect the blood of Tianma.

   This is the blood of a sacred animal, and there is no such kind of shop after passing this village. Naturally, Li Changsheng would not let this opportunity pass.

  Purify the blood of the beast directly, which can reduce a large number of processes, and the purification efficiency is far higher than that of the ordinary fairy.

   Li Changsheng predicted that these Pegasus blood guarantees can purify two cans of Pegasus essence blood. If some stock is added, Ning Bizhen may evolve again.

   As a price, Tianma is afraid that it will be weak for a while.

   At the moment of defeating Tianma, the treasure column that stored the treasure suddenly shined, and the powerful prohibition outside disappeared.

   Different from the previous experience, the treasure in the treasure column did not escape by itself, and stayed quietly in the treasure column.

   Li Changsheng has completed all the tests of the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm, and Heavenly Dao does not need to do anything more.

   The first time, Li Changsheng couldn't wait to come to Bao Zhu, he couldn't help rubbing his hands, and took out two jade boxes from Bao Zhu.

   Li Changsheng took the lead in opening a jade It was not a treasure, but a jade book made of evangelism jade.

This is also the second time that Li Changsheng has obtained a jade book made of evangelical jade. The first jade book records the "Nine Heavens Golden Que Refining Treasures", making Li Changsheng a master craftsman and several unique craftsmen in a short time. Technique.

   "Isn't this also a golden record?"

   Thinking of this possibility, Li Changsheng instantly became excited.

   The legend "Golden Zhang Yulu" is a product bred from the heavens of this world, and is closely related to the origin of the demon master.

"Golden Zhang Yulu" is divided into 36 chapters of Tiangang, recording the exercises and secrets, appearing in the form of golden seal script; 72 chapters of the earth evil, all of which are auxiliary skills, also known as the 72 arts of Yuyao, including alchemy, medicine, and refining Ware, prohibition, etc., appear in the form of silver seal script.

   No matter which "Golden Zhang Yulu" it is, it can only be described as a priceless treasure.

   Li Changsheng couldn't wait to open the jade book, and in an instant, dazzling colorful brilliance emerged, one by one, twisted and complicated words floated out of the book, and went straight into Li Changsheng's Yintang acupoint.

   Li Changsheng didn't guess wrong, this is indeed a golden chapter and jade record, but it is different from the silver text last time, this time it is golden text, which is obviously a technique or secret technique.

   When all the golden words poured into Yintang, Li Changsheng quickly understood the meaning of these words.

   Just after reading all the content, Li Changsheng couldn't help showing a tangled expression.

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